Economics Letters

(The TQCC of Economics Letters is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The impact of the Ukraine–Russia war on world stock market returns291
Interest rate swaps and the transmission mechanism of monetary policy: A quantile connectedness approach201
Tail dependence between bitcoin and green financial assets180
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the demand for density: Evidence from the U.S. housing market125
Causal effects of an absent crowd on performances and refereeing decisions during Covid-19108
Corporate social responsibility and green innovation: Evidence from mandatory CSR disclosure laws86
Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: It is not who you teach, but how you teach74
Hedging climate risks with green assets74
Do green policies catalyze green investment? Evidence from ESG investing developments in China72
The importance of Social Norms against Strategic Effects: The case of Covid-19 vaccine uptake63
Efficacy or delivery? An online Discrete Choice Experiment to explore preferences for COVID-19 vaccines in the UK62
Digital and financial literacy as determinants of digital payments and personal finance58
Inflation and cryptocurrencies revisited: A time-scale analysis57
Home-bias in referee decisions: Evidence from “Ghost Matches” during the Covid19-Pandemic57
Democracy and COVID-19 outcomes56
Do investor sentiments drive cryptocurrency prices?54
P2P lending Fintechs and SMEs’ access to finance53
Board internationalization and green innovation52
When face-to-face interactions become an occupational hazard: Jobs in the time of COVID-1946
Are cryptocurrencies becoming more interconnected?45
IT adoption and bank performance during the Covid-19 pandemic44
Dynamic spillover transmission in agricultural commodity markets: What has changed after the COVID-19 threat?43
Safe flight to which haven when Russia invades Ukraine? A 48-hour story41
The effect of the Colonial Pipeline shutdown on gasoline prices41
Using precious metals to hedge cryptocurrency policy and price uncertainty41
Kindness is rewarded! The impact of corporate social responsibility on Chinese market reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic40
Inflation and Bitcoin: A descriptive time-series analysis39
Economic complexity and growth: Can value-added exports better explain the link?39
Information disclosure source, investors’ searching and stock price crash risk38
Covid-19 fiscal support and its effectiveness37
The Russia–Ukraine war and global trade reallocations37
The ‘Great Lockdown’ and its determinants35
Can news help measure economic sentiment? An application in COVID-19 times31
The role of ESG in the decision to stay or leave the market of an invading country: The case of Russia30
Benford’s Law and COVID-19 reporting29
COVID-19 pandemic increases the divide between cash and cashless payment users in Europe29
Pricing carbon risk: Investor preferences or risk mitigation?28
The effects of climate risks on economic activity in a panel of US states: The role of uncertainty28
Firms’ environmental performance and the COVID-19 crisis28
The contribution of robots to productivity growth in 30 OECD countries over 1975–201927
Have girls been left behind during the COVID-19 pandemic? Gender differences in pandemic effects on children’s mental wellbeing26
Robots and skill-biased development in employment structure: Evidence from China26
COVID-19 and women’s health: Examining changes in mental health and fertility26
Valuation of European firms during the Russia–Ukraine war25
COVID-19, Lockdowns and herding towards a cryptocurrency market-specific implied volatility index24
The effects of COVID-19 lockdown on fairness and cooperation: Evidence from a lablike experiment24
A tale of two trade-offs: Effects of opening pathways from vocational to higher education24
Who chokes on a penalty kick? Social environment and individual performance during Covid-19 times24
Productivity of firms using relief policies during the COVID-19 crisis23
Productivity growth and business model innovation23
On the effects of macroprudential policies on Growth-at-Risk23
Uncertainty shocks and inflation dynamics in the U.S.23
Loss aversion fails to replicate in the coronavirus pandemic: Evidence from an online experiment22
Ownership concentration and bank profitability in China22
Labor market trends and unemployment insurance generosity during the pandemic22
Port congestion, container shortages, and U.S. foreign trade22
A longitudinal study of multidimensional poverty in rural China from 2010 to 201821
The pollution haven effect and investment leakage: The case of the EU-ETS21
Partial passive ownership holdings and licensing21
Corporate activism during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine20
Do green supply chain management practices improve organizational resilience during the COVID-19 crisis? A survival analysis of global firms20
The role of Reddit in the GameStop short squeeze19
Is online shopping packaging waste a threat to the environment?19
SPAC IPO waves19
Bitcoin mining activity and volatility dynamics in the power market19
Global uncertainty and Global Economic Policy Uncertainty: Different implications for firm investment19
A global decline in research productivity? Evidence from China and Germany19
Does climate change affect bank lending behavior?19
Tabulated nonsense? Testing the validity of the Ethnographic Atlas18
Can green bonds reduce the carbon emissions of cities in China?18
The COVID-19 pandemic reduces trust behavior18
CEO exposure to abnormally hot temperature and corporate carbon emissions18
Assessing the connectedness between Proof of Work and Proof of Stake/Other digital coins18
Crypto-assets, corruption, and capital controls: Cross-country correlations18
Currency substitution in the shadow economy: International panel evidence using local Bitcoin trade volume18
Economic policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of central bank independence17
Persistence of state-level uncertainty of the United States: The role of climate risks17
Did colonisation matter for comparative economic complexity?17
Does targeted poverty alleviation disclosure improve stock performance?17
Do robots complement or substitute for older workers?17
An unconventional weekly economic activity index for Germany17
Climate uncertainty and carbon emissions prices: The relative roles of transition and physical climate risks17
The effect of firm-level perception of uncertainty on innovation: Evidence from China’s listed firms17
Economic support during the COVID crisis. Quantitative easing and lending support schemes in the UK17
The 2020 trade collapse: Exporters amid the pandemic17
Are vaccine lotteries worth the money?16
On the instrument functional form with a binary endogenous explanatory variable16
Financial literacy overconfidence and investment fraud victimization16
Restaurant closures during the COVID-19 pandemic: A descriptive analysis16
Female Labor Force Participation and economic growth: Accounting for the gender bonus16
Climate risk and deployment of corporate resources to working capital16
Are institutional investors marching into the crypto market?16
Structural gravity and trade agreements: Does the measurement of domestic trade matter?16
Gravity model estimates of the spatial determinants of trade, migration, and trade-and-migration policies16
A singular value decomposition approach for testing the efficiency of Bitcoin and Ethereum markets16
On the “mementum” of meme stocks15
Do women on boards affect employee benefits? Evidence from the global microfinance industry15
It takes a curfew: The effect of Covid-19 on female homicides15
The spread of social distancing15
Guilt through association: Reputational contagion and the Boeing 737-MAX disasters15
The effect of the US–China trade war on Chinese new firm entry15
Climate change-related risks and bank stock returns15
The effect of political risk on investment decisions15
Racial discrimination in non-fungible token (NFT) prices? CryptoPunk sales and skin tone14
Recovering the finance-growth nexus14
Local institutional quality and economic growth: A panel-VAR analysis of Italian NUTS-3 regions14
Rare disasters, exchange rates, and macroeconomic policy: Evidence from COVID-1914
How does social credit system constructions affect corporate carbon emissions? Empirical evidence from Chinese listed companies14
Bitcoin: Bubble that bursts or Gold that glitters?14
Do green bonds affect stock returns and corporate environmental performance? Evidence from China14
Uncertainty shocks and the great recession: Nonlinearities matter14
Monetary policy uncertainty and bank leverage: Evidence from China14
Personal norms in the online public good game14
Jevons’ paradox revisited: Implications for climate change13
Choice consistency and strength of preference13
Measuring the impact of digital exchange cyberattacks on Bitcoin Returns13
Dishonesty and mandatory mask wearing in the COVID-19 pandemic13
Intergenerational wealth transfers and wealth inequality in rich countries: What do we learn from Gini decomposition?13
Natural disasters, investor sentiments and stock market reactions: Evidence from Turkey–Syria earthquakes13
Covid-19 vaccine approvals and stock market returns: The case of Chinese stocks13
Superstition and farmers’ life insurance spending13
On the stability of risk preferences: Measurement matters13
Climate policy uncertainty and digital transformation of enterprise—Evidence from China13
The impact of COVID-19 on tail risk: Evidence from Nifty index options12
Does the fuel-conservation effect of higher fuel prices appear at both the aircraft-model and aggregate airline levels?12
Do unions and works councils really dampen the gender pay gap? Discordant evidence from Germany12
Second-order moment risk connectedness across climate and geopolitical risk and global commodity markets12
Technological capacity and firms’ recovery from Covid-1912
The relationship between headline, core, and energy inflation: A wavelet investigation12
The Russia–Ukraine outbreak and the value of renewable energy12
State-level economic policy uncertainty (EPU) and firm financial stability: Is there any political insurance?12
The long-run effects of pandemics on inflation: Will this time be different?11
Mitigating firm-level political risk in China: The role of multiple large shareholders11
The impact of economic policy uncertainty and monetary policy on R&D investment: An option pricing approach11
Healthy mind in healthy body: Identifying the causal effect of mental health on physical health11
Does air pollution impair investment efficiency?11
A hybrid time-varying parameter Bayesian VAR analysis of Okun’s law in the United States11
The role of housing market in the effectiveness of monetary policy over the Covid-19 era11
Agricultural commodity markets in the wake of the black sea grain initiative11
Recession-specific recoveries: L’s, U’s and everything in between11
Spillovers and productivity: Revisiting the puzzle with EU firm level data10
The international trade effects of bilateral investment treaties10
Financial decision-making power and risk taking10
Separable rules to share the revenues from broadcasting sports leagues10
The causal relationship between social media sentiment and stock return: Experimental evidence from an online message forum10
Global learning loss in student achievement: First estimates using comparable reading scores10
Predicting SME’s default: Are their websites informative?10
Green investments and their impact on ESG ratings: An evidence from China10
Forecasting Bitcoin realized volatility by measuring the spillover effect among cryptocurrencies10
The determinants of output losses during the Covid-19 pandemic10
Panic bank runs, global market contagion and the financial consequences of social media10
Instrument approval by the Sargan test and its consequences for coefficient estimation10
Geopolitical risk and M&A: The role of national governance institutions10
State history and corruption10
How does climate policy uncertainty affect financial markets? Evidence from Europe10
Capital-skill complementarity and inequality: Twenty years after10
Does the ease of reading of financial disclosures influence investment decision?10
China’s anti-corruption campaign and bank loan loss provisions: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment10
Narrative fragmentation and the business cycle10
A decade for the books: Bibliometric analysis of Economics Letters9
Mediators of discrimination in primary care appointment access9
Vertical mergers with input substitution: Double marginalization, foreclosure and welfare9
The effect of cultural distance between an analyst and a CEO on analysts’ earnings forecast performance9
The effects of negative interest rates on cash usage: Evidence for EU countries9
What is that noise? Analysing sentiment-based variation in central bank communication9
How did European retirees respond to the COVID-19 pandemic?9
Your next bank is not necessarily a bank: FinTech expansion and bank branch closures9
How does bank competition affect credit risk? Evidence from loan-level data9
Quantile eco-efficiency estimation and convergence: A nonparametric frontier approach9
The optimal allocation of Covid-19 vaccines9
Synthetic difference-in-differences estimation with staggered treatment timing9
How do institutional settings condition the effect of macroprudential policies on bank systemic risk?8
How resilient was trade to COVID-19?8
The macro and asset pricing implications of rising Italian uncertainty: Evidence from a novel news-based macroeconomic policy uncertainty index8
Risk differentials between green and brown assets?8
Re-evaluating Okun’s Law: Why all recessions and recoveries are “different”8
Labor market differentials estimated with researcher-inferred and self-identified sexual orientation8
Exchange-rate and news: Evidence from the COVID pandemic8
The impact of the Covid-19 job retention support on employment8
The impact of cyclones on local economic growth: Evidence from local projections8
The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on information disclosure: Evidence from China8
Did diversified and less risky banks perform better amid the pandemic?8
How sensitive is city size distribution to the definition of city? The case of Spain8
Covid-19 and international trade: Evidence from New Zealand8
Political elections uncertainty and earnings management: Does firm size really matter?8
Employee satisfaction and asymmetric cost behavior: Evidence from Glassdoor8
Benchmark effects from the inclusion of Chinese A-shares in the MSCI EM index8
ESG rating disagreement, external attention and stock return: Evidence from China8
Macroeconomic shocks and Okun’s Law7
Prospect Theory and Mutual Fund Flows7
Corporate carbon emissions and market valuation of organic and inorganic investments7
Quantile estimation of stochastic frontier models with the normal–half normal specification: A cumulative distribution function approach7
The impact of weather-induced moods on M&A performance7
Terrorist attacks and total factor productivity7
Chinese agricultural output and TFP: 1661–20197
Predicting stock prices based on informed traders’ activities using deep neural networks7
Estimating resource misallocation: Distinguishing factor market distortions from variable markups7
Multinationals, global value chains, and the welfare impacts of economic sanctions7
BP-CVaR: A novel model of estimating CVaR with back propagation algorithm7
Confidence intervals for the trade cost parameters of cross-section gravity models7
House prices, the distribution of household debt and the refinancing channel of monetary policy7
Promoting green or restricting gray? An analysis of green portfolio standards7
The cost-channel of monetary transmission under positive trend inflation7
Jackknife model averaging for expectile regressions in increasing dimension7
Climate policy uncertainty and green innovation7
Does governance quality enhance the efficacy of macroprudential policy?7
Performance measurement of crypto funds7
Policy uncertainty, interest rate environment and the dynamic correlation between sovereign and bank default risk7
The cost of gendered attitudes on a female candidate: Evidence from Google Trends7
Patents, trade secrets and international technology transfer7
Variation in reported hospital cash prices across the United States and how they compare to reported payer-specific negotiated rates7
Information effects of euro area monetary policy7
Monthly suicide rates during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Japan7
Semiparametric estimation of varying trade elasticities in gravity7
Uncertainty shocks and unemployment dynamics6
Tax incidence in oligopolistic markets6
Cross ownership and divestment incentives6
Vaccination lottery6
Inequality, crime and private protection6
At a cost: The real effects of thin capitalization rules6
Personalized pricing with a price sensitive demand6
Institutional ownership and violations of mandatory CSR regulation6
Effect of financial literacy on usage of unconventional banking and non-banking financial services across countries6
Product positioning with overlapping ownership6
India’s CBDC for digital public infrastructure6
Inflation target credibility in times of high inflation6
Why do managers disclose risks accurately? Textual analysis, disclosures, and risk exposures6
The collateral channel: Dynamic effects of housing market on entrepreneurship6
What is the expected return on Bitcoin? Extracting the term structure of returns from options prices6
Non-significant in life but significant in death: Spillover effects to euro area banks from the SVB fallout6
The impact on market outcomes of the portfolio selection of large equity investors6
Local financial access and income inequality in Chile6
Dominant strategy implementation in a large population public goods game6
On the effectiveness of foreign exchange reserves during the 2021-22 U.S. monetary tightening cycle6
Input price discrimination can encourage downstream investment and increase welfare6
Mergers and innovation sharing6
Repeated data breaches and firm value6
Market value of 10-K readability and corporate cash holdings6
Climate policy uncertainty through production networks: Evidence from the stock market6
The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on corporate trade credit financing6
Model averaging based on generalized method of moments6
The implications of self-reported body weight and height for measurement error in BMI6
Spousal beliefs and intimate partner violence: Are we conditioned to internalize patriarchal norms?6
Limit of the optimal weight in least squares model averaging with non-nested models6
Are robots in rich countries a threat for employment in emerging economies?6
What drives bank performance?6
Central bank balance sheet, money and inflation6
Household expectations and the release of macroeconomic statistics6
Passive backward acquisitions and downstream collusion6
Price discovery in US money market benchmarks: LIBOR vs. SOFR6