Society & Natural Resources

(The TQCC of Society & Natural Resources is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
A Conceptual Framework for Social, Behavioral, and Environmental Change through Stakeholder Engagement in Water Resource Management41
Keepers of the Flame: Supporting the Revitalization of Indigenous Cultural Burning29
Sustainable Groundwater Management in California: A Grand Experiment in Environmental Governance25
Community Forestry Governance: Lessons for Cameroon and Nepal19
Factors Influencing Communities’ Attitudes and Participation in Protected Area Conservation: A Case Study from Northern Myanmar18
An Examination of Best Practices for Survey Research with Agricultural Producers16
Locating Power in Ostrom’s Design Principles: Watershed Management in India and the United States16
Displacement after the Camp Fire: Where are the Most Vulnerable?16
Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Understand Family Forest Owners’ Intended Responses to Invasive Forest Insects16
Growing Connections: Local Food Systems and Community Resilience16
The Outdoor Renaissance: Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic upon Outdoor Recreation Visitation, Behaviors, and Decision-Making in New England’s National Forests14
Neither Fish Nor Fowl: Navigating Motivations for Fisheries Participation and Exit in Sweden14
Public Perceptions about Nepalese National Parks: A Global Twitter Discourse Analysis13
Values, Beliefs, Norms, and Conservation-Oriented Behaviors toward Native Fish Biodiversity in Rivers: Evidence from Four European Countries13
Trust and Emotions Predict Support for Large Carnivore Recovery in the Absence of Real Threats13
Queer Farmers in the 2017 US Census of Agriculture13
Managed Wildfire: A Strategy Facilitated by Civil Society Partnerships and Interagency Cooperation12
Local People’s Appraisal of the Fishery-Seal Situation in Traditional Fishing Villages on the Baltic Sea Coast in Southeast Sweden12
Hydropower Development, Collective Action, and Environmental Justice in the Brazilian Amazon12
Social Networks and Climate Change Policy Preferences: Structural Location and Policy Actor Support for Fossil Fuel Production11
The Drivers of Herbicide Use among Arable Farmers in Canterbury, New Zealand: Toward an Integrated Approach11
Determinants of Private Landowner Participation in Endangered Species Conservation: A Comprehensive Review and Analytical Framework11
The Green Transition in Context—Cobalt Responsible Sourcing for Battery Manufacturing10
Solving the Plastics Problem: Moving the U.S. from Recycling to Reduction10
Breaking the Treadmill? Climate Change Policy Networks and the Prospects for Low Carbon Futures in Australia and Finland9
Cover Crop Champions: Linking Strategic Communication Approaches with Farmer Networks to Support Cover Crop Adoption9
Recognizing Women’s Wellbeing and Contribution to Social Resilience in Fisheries9
Eyes on the Horizon: Temporal and Social Perspectives of Climate Risk and Agricultural Decision Making among Climate-Informed Farmers9
Groundwater and Drought Resilience in the SGMA Era9
The Impact of Affective Heuristics in Decision-Making Regarding the Implementation of Prescribed Fire on Private Rangelands in the Southern Great Plains, USA8
Predicting Intentions to Engage in a Suite of Yard Fertilizer Behaviors: Integrated Insights from the Diffusion of Innovations, Theory of Planned Behavior, and Contextual Factors8
Incorporating Biocultural Approaches in Forest Management: Insights from a Case Study of Indigenous Plant Stewardship in Maine, USA and New Brunswick, Canada8
Measuring Environmental Values and Identity8
Multi-Dimensional Motivations and Experiences of Small-Scale Farmers7
Factors That Influence On-Farm Decision-Making: Evidence from Weed Management7
Adapting Conservation Policy and Administration to Nonstationary Conditions7
Disaster Resettlement and Adaptive Capacity among Rural Households in China7
Environmental Attitudes and Knowledge: Do They Matter for Support and Investment in Local Stormwater Infrastructure?7
Community Attachment and Stewardship Identity Influence Responsibility to Manage Wildlife7
Insights for the Drop-off/Pick-up Method to Improve Data Collection7
Problematic Exclusions: Analysis of the Clean Air Act’s Exceptional Event Rule Revisions7
Rural Land Concentration & Protected Areas: Recent Trends from Montana and Greater Yellowstone7
Spatial Modeling of Landscape Values: Discovering the Boundaries of Conflicts and Identifying Mutual Benefits as a Basis for Land Management7
Wildfire Smoke Clean Air Centers: Identifying Barriers and Opportunities for Improvement from California Practitioner and Community Perspectives7
The Importance of Cultural Values in Ecological Restorations: A Systematic Review7
Governance of Water in Southern Chile: An Analysis of the Process of Indigenous Consultation as a Part of Environmental Impact Assessment7
Exploring Environmental Attitudes and Forest Program Uptake with Nonindustrial Private Forest Owners in Michigan6
Geography of Discourse about a European Natural Park: Insights from a Multilingual Analysis of Tweets6
“Cursed by Coal”: Climate Change and the Battle over Mining Limits in the Czech Republic6
The Challenges of Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Pastoral Rangelands6
Epistemic Injustice and Land Restitution in the Case of Protected Areas: From Policy to Practice in South Africa6
Science, Data, and the Struggle for Standing in Environmental Governance6
Balpara: A Practical Approach to Working With Ontological Difference in Indigenous Land & Sea Management6
Place-Based Identities of Landowners: Implications for Wildlife Conservation6
Economic and Ethical Motivations for Forest Restoration and Incentive Payments6
Fire Management and Carbon Programs: A Systematic Literature Review and Case Study Analysis6
A Culture of Burning: Social-Ecological Memory, Social Learning and Adaptation in Australian Volunteer Fire Brigades6
Assessing the Impacts of Large-Scale Water Transfer Projects on Communities: Lessons Learned from a Systematic Literature Review5
Measuring Tourism Impacts on Community Well-being at the Hani Rice Terraces GIAHS Site, Yunnan Province of China5
Role of Social Network Measurements in Improving Adaptive Capacity: The Case of Agricultural Water Users in Rural Areas of Western Iran5
Climate Change and Energy Futures - Theoretical Frameworks, Epistemological Issues, and Methodological Perspectives5
Social Values and Knowledge Predict Attitudes within an Urban Protected Area in El Salvador5
The Recent Resurgence of Multiple-Use in the Swedish Forestry Discourse5
The Role of Trust in the Participatory Establishment of Protected Areas—Lessons Learnt from a Failed National Park Project in Switzerland5
Tackling (Not Only) Air Pollution: Cross-sectional Tensions behind State-led Energy Retrofit Program in Poland5
Principles or Practice? The Impact of Natural Resource Management on Farmer Well-being and Social Connectedness5
“Going Green” Rhetoric or Reality: An Assessment of the Prospects and Challenges of Ghana’s Youth in Afforestation Programme5
The Influence of Evangelical and Political Identity on Climate Change Views5
Factors Motivating Forest Conservation Easement Adoption in Wisconsin's Northwoods5
Private Property and Social Capital: Dynamics of Exclusion and Sharing in the Subdivided Pastoral Rangelands of Kajiado, Kenya5
What When it is a Jungle: A Response to Qin et al. (2019)5
Adaptive Governance in Fire-Prone Landscapes4
Evaluating Social Equity in Protected Areas Co-management: Evidence from the Sundarbans Mangrove Forests, Bangladesh4
Social Head-Enders: Access and Authority in Irrigation Governance4
Unsheltered Homelessness in Public Natural Areas Across an Urban-to-Wildland System: Institutional Perspectives4
Sense of Inclusion and Race in a Public, Outdoor Recreation Setting: Do Place Meanings Matter?4
Community-Based Conservation of the Ngao River in Thailand: A Networked Story of Success4
Evaluating Cooperative Interactions and the Roles Organizations Play in Cross-Boundary Stewardship4
An Inventory and Assessment of Sample Sources for Survey Research with Agricultural Producers in the U.S.4
Agricultural Producers’ Views of Climate Change in the Canadian Prairies: Implications for Adaptation and Environmental Practices4
Navigating Nature-Based Coastal Adaptation through Barriers: A Synthesis of Practitioners’ Narrative from Nova Scotia, Canada4
Practice-Based Knowledge for REDD+ in Vanuatu4
Rethinking Participation in Commons Governance: Political Representation and Participation4
Resident Perceptions of Distribution, Recognition and Representation Justice Domains of Environmental Policy-Making: The Case of European Ecological Network Natura 2000 in Poland4
How Endogenous Cultural Institutions May (Not) Shape Farmers’ Climate Adaptation Practices: Learning from Rural Cameroon4
A Comparative Analysis of Community-Based Enterprise Governance in the Maya Biosphere Reserve4
Framing Matters for Ontological Politics of the Ocean: Contrasting European Union Policy Framings with Recreationists’ Alternative Experiences of a Living Sea World4
Relationship Between Value Orientations, Attitudes, and Behavioral Intentions Regarding Peatland Conservation in Finland: An Empirical Application of the Cognitive Hierarchy Model4
Knowledge of Formal and Informal Regulations Affecting Wild Plant Foraging Practices in Urban Spaces in South Africa4
More than Landscape: Toward Cosmophanic Diversity in Environmental Planning and Governance3
Applying Novel Visitation Models using Diverse Social Media to Understand Recreation Change after Wildfire and Site Closure3
If You Build It, Will They Come? Examining Motivations of Extension Master Gardener Volunteers3
Human Dimensions of Pollinator Conservation: The Development and Testing of Survey Measures for Best Management Practice Adoption3
Science Versus Ideology in Community-Based Conservation: A Reply to Koot et al.3
Discrimination Impacts Trust During Collaborative Natural Resource Governance Involving Indigenous Communities3
Just Transitions’ Meanings: A Systematic Review3
The Roles of Risk Perceptions and Social Trust in Willingness to Pay for Wildlife Reintroduction3
A Narrative Political Ecology Approach to Unsheltered Homelessness and Episodic Poor Air Quality along an Urban Riparian Corridor3
Fight or Flight? Understanding Different Stakeholder Responses to Conservation Conflicts3
Building Capacity for Individual and Systems-Level Collaborative Conservation Impacts: Intentional Design for Transformative Practice3
Comment on Koot et al. (2020) and Correction3
A Place Meaning Scale for Rural Communities Undergoing Landscape Change3
Rethinking Wildlife Tourism and Conservation during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Animal Ethics Perspective3
Conference of the Parties Meetings as Regularly Scheduled Critical Events for Global Climate Governance: Reflecting on COP 26 and the Glasgow Climate Pact3
Gendered Impacts of Conservation on Rural Communities in Northern Ghana: Implications for Collaborative Natural Resources Management3
Producing Regions: Connecting Place-Making with Farming Practices3
Measuring Policy Conflict and Concord3
Community Resilience and Consequence Management of Pollution Intrusion Into Water Distribution Network: A Case Study3
Forest Landowners and Advisor Relationships: Creating Collaborative Connections to Care Well for Forests3
Societal Factors Influencing Hunting Participation Decline in Japan: An Exploratory Study of Two Prefectures3
Individuals and Multilevel Management: A Study of the Perceived Adaptive Capacity of the Goose Management System among Farmers in Sweden3
Conservation Values and Actor Networks that Shape the Adams River Salmon Run in Tsútswecw Provincial Park, British Columbia3
Relationships to Bushfire among Residents Who Do Not Typically Participate in Community Engagement in Victoria, Australia3
Understanding Perceptions of Climate Change Scenario Planning in United States Public Land Management Agencies3
Mainstreaming Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices in Climate-Sensitive Policies for Resilient Agricultural Systems in Ghana3
Workers’ Acquiescence to Air Pollution: A Qualitative Study of Coal Miners in China3
Do Social Networks Affect Irrigation Behaviors? A Case Study of Water Theft in Rural Xinjiang, China3
Community-Based Conservation of Freshwater Resources: Learning from a Critical Review of the Literature and Case Studies3
Urban Forest Management Motivations and Practices in Relation to a Large-Scale Tree Planting Initiative3
Drivers of Climate Change Risk Perceptions among Diverse Forest Stakeholders in Maine, USA3
Unveiling Spatial Patterns of Exposure and Risk Perception to Air Pollution: A Case Study in Chilean Patagonia3
Climate Change Consciousness: An Exploratory Study on Farmers’ Climate Change Beliefs and Adaptation Measures3
Citizen Science and Natural Resource Management: A Social Network Analysis of Two Community-Based Water Monitoring Programs3
Understanding Multidirectional Climate Change Impacts on Local Livelihoods through the Lens of Local Ecological Knowledge: A Study in Western Amazonia3
Pro-Environmental Behaviour in Relation to Kauri Dieback: When Place Attachment Is Not Enough3
Poor Air Quality during Wildfires Related to Support for Public Safety Power Shutoffs3
Comment on Eaton et al.’s Reconceptualization of Economic Dependence in “Trouble with Sense of Place in Working Landscapes”3