Journal of Innovation & Knowledge

(The TQCC of Journal of Innovation & Knowledge is 22. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Can digital transformation promote enterprise performance? —From the perspective of public policy and innovation280
Using Data Sciences in Digital Marketing: Framework, methods, and performance metrics235
Substantive green innovation or symbolic green innovation? The impact of ER on enterprise green innovation based on the dual moderating effects153
Does sharing economy promote sustainable economic development and energy efficiency? Evidence from OECD countries152
A systematic literature review of artificial intelligence in the healthcare sector: Benefits, challenges, methodologies, and functionalities149
How globalization is changing digital technology adoption: An international perspective148
Factors influencing blockchain adoption in supply chain management practices: A study based on the oil industry147
How do digital capabilities affect firm performance? The mediating role of technological capabilities in the “new normal”146
Effects of sociocultural and economic factors on social entrepreneurship and sustainable development146
Achieving green innovation and sustainable development goals through green knowledge management: Moderating role of organizational green culture141
Indicators used to measure service innovation and manufacturing innovation132
Organizational ambidexterity and competitive advantage: The role of strategic agility in the exploration-exploitation paradox131
Adoption of green innovation technology to accelerate sustainable development among manufacturing industry125
Exploring the effect of digital transformation on Firms’ innovation performance103
Radical innovations: Between established knowledge and future research opportunities99
Relationships among knowledge-oriented leadership, customer knowledge management, innovation quality and firm performance in SMEs97
Green innovation-green growth nexus in BRICS: Does financial globalization matter?96
Explaining SME performance with fsQCA: The role of entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneur motivation, and opportunity perception87
Impact of autonomy, innovativeness, risk-taking, proactiveness, and competitive aggressiveness on students’ intention to start a new venture86
Digital transformation, risk-taking, and innovation: Evidence from data on listed enterprises in China86
Digital transformation, labour share, and industrial heterogeneity86
The linkage between open innovation, absorptive capacity and managerial ties: A cross-country perspective83
Networking and knowledge creation: Social capital and collaborative innovation in responding to the COVID-19 crisis83
Green process innovation and financial performance: The role of green social capital and customers’ tacit green needs80
Networking to accelerate the pace of SME innovations77
Do organizations really evolve? The critical link between organizational culture and organizational innovation toward organizational effectiveness: Pivotal role of organizational resistance76
Digital-only banking experience: Insights from gen Y and gen Z71
Social capital and innovation performance of digital firms: Serial mediation effect of cross-border knowledge search and absorptive capacity71
Digital sustainability communication in tourism68
Inside the black box: How business model innovation contributes to digital start-up performance67
Tackling business model challenges in SME internationalization through digitalization66
The mediating role of energy efficiency on the relationship between sharing economy benefits and sustainable development goals (Case Of China)66
Does the bank’s FinTech innovation reduce its risk-taking? Evidence from China’s banking industry64
Relationship between enterprise digitalization and green innovation: A mediated moderation model64
Digital workplace and organization performance: Moderating role of digital leadership capability63
Green knowledge management: Scale development and validation60
Blockchain technology for enterprise credit information sharing in supply chain finance60
Knowledge absorption capacity's efficacy to enhance innovation performance through big data analytics and digital platform capability60
Chatbot usage intention analysis: Veterinary consultation59
Sharing economy, technological innovation and carbon emissions: Evidence from Chinese cities58
Sharing economy benefits and sustainable development goals: Empirical evidence from the transportation industry of Vietnam58
The innovation effect of administrative hierarchy on intercity connection: The machine learning of twin cities58
Entrepreneurial Behaviour and New Venture Creation: the Psychoanalytic Perspective56
Financial technology as a driver of poverty alleviation in China: Evidence from an innovative regression approach55
Connected knowledge spillovers, technological cluster innovation and efficient industrial structure55
Productivity and employment effects of digital complementarities53
Does China's low-carbon city pilot policy promote green development? Evidence from the digital industry53
Effects of digital public services on trades in green goods: Does institutional quality matter?52
The changing role of innovation for crisis management in times of COVID-19: An integrative literature review50
Government R&D subsidies and firm innovation performance: The moderating role of accounting information quality49
Sustainable organizational performance through blockchain technology adoption and knowledge management in China48
Use and behavioural intention of m-payment in GCC countries: Extending meta-UTAUT with trust and Islamic religiosity48
Impact of a sharing economy on sustainable development and energy efficiency: Evidence from the top ten Asian economies47
The effect of entrepreneurship education on the determinants of entrepreneurial behaviour among higher education students: A multi-group analysis47
Overcoming customer innovation resistance to the sustainable adoption of chatbot services: A community-enterprise perspective in Thailand45
Managing restaurants during the COVID-19 crisis: Innovating to survive and prosper45
Research on the effect of enterprise financial flexibility on sustainable innovation44
Majority voting ensemble with a decision trees for business failure prediction during economic downturns44
What kinds of countries have better innovation performance?–A country-level fsQCA and NCA study43
Entrepreneurial leadership and employees’ innovative behavior: A sequential mediation analysis of innovation climate and employees’ intellectual agility43
Government subsidies’ influence on corporate social responsibility of private firms in a competitive environment42
How can the combination of entrepreneurship policies activate regional innovation capability? A comparative study of Chinese provinces based on fsQCA42
Intelligent manufacturing, green technological innovation and environmental pollution41
Digital inclusive finance and enterprise innovation—Empirical evidence from Chinese listed companies41
A survey on big data-enabled innovative online education systems during the COVID-19 pandemic40
Future of digital work: Challenges for sustainable human resources management40
An innovative machine learning model for supply chain management37
Product and service innovation: Comparison between performance and efficiency36
Sustainable product innovation in agri-food industry: Do ownership structure and capital structure matter?36
Integrated sustainable transportation modelling approaches for electronic passenger vehicle in the context of industry 5.036
The determinants of debt financing: The case of fintech start-ups35
The impact of chief executive officers’ (CEOs’) overseas experience on the corporate innovation performance of enterprises in China35
Investigating the impact of pandemic job stress and transformational leadership on innovative work behavior: The mediating and moderating role of knowledge sharing35
Do government subsidies promote enterprise innovation?——Evidence from Chinese listed companies34
Green innovation practices and consumer resistance to green innovation products: Moderating role of environmental knowledge and pro-environmental behavior34
Innovative online learning strategies for the successful construction of student self-awareness during the COVID-19 pandemic: Merging TAM with TPB34
An innovative digitization evaluation scheme for Spatio-temporal coordination relationship between multiple knowledge driven rural economic development and agricultural ecological environment—Coupling33
Sustainable business model innovation: Scale development, validation and proof of performance33
The impact of responsible leadership on knowledge sharing behavior through the mediating role of person–organization fit and moderating role of higher educational institute culture32
Managerial ties, business model innovation & SME performance: Moderating role of environmental turbulence32
The future of work: How innovation and digitalization re-shape the workplace31
Role of innovation and architectural marketing capabilities in channelling entrepreneurship into performance31
How does artificial intelligence impact human resources performance. evidence from a healthcare institution in the United Arab Emirates31
Analysis of the role of innovation and efficiency in coastal destinations affected by tourism seasonality30
The interactive effect of innovation capability and potential absorptive capacity on innovation performance30
Bitcoin mempool growth and trading volumes: Integrated approach based on QROF Multi-SWARA and aggregation operators30
Coworking spaces and makerspaces: Mapping the state of research30
Managing the dark side of digitalization in the future of work: A fuzzy TISM approach29
Developing supply chain open innovation capability: The mediating role of the knowledge creation process, governance mechanism and technology as a driver29
Green total factor productivity in Chinese cities: Measurement and causal analysis within a new structural economics framework29
Evaluating high-tech industries' technological innovation capability and spatial pattern evolution characteristics: Evidence from China29
Does the development of digital inclusive finance improve the enthusiasm and quality of corporate green technology innovation?28
From Mars to Venus: Alteration of trust and reputation in online shopping28
Internal idea contests: Work environment perceptions and the moderating role of power distance27
The mediating effect of urbanisation on digital technology policy and economic development: Evidence from China27
Translating knowledge into innovation capability: An exploratory study investigating the perceptions on distance learning in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic - the case of Mexico27
Human capital and organizational performance: A moderation study through innovative leadership27
The importance of digitalization in powering environmental innovation performance of European countries27
Can students’ perception of the diverse learning environment affect their intentions toward entrepreneurship?27
Evaluating Organizational Level IT Innovation Adoption Factors among Global Firms27
Still our most important asset: A systematic review on human resource management in the midst of the fourth industrial revolution27
A systematic review of knowledge management and new product development projects: Trends, issues, and challenges27
Does income inequality influence the role of a sharing economy in promoting sustainable economic growth? Fresh evidence from emerging markets26
Blockchain adoption in sustainable supply chains for Industry 5.0: A multistakeholder perspective26
Innovativeness and entrepreneurial performance of female entrepreneurs25
Mapping the conceptual structure of intellectual capital research: A co-word analysis25
Structural holes and social entrepreneurs as altruistic brokers25
Uncovering complexity in the economic assessment of derogations from the European industrial emissions directive25
Does smart city pilot policy reduce CO2 emissions from industrial firms? Insights from China24
Digital transformation in asset-intensive organisations: The light and the dark side24
Bridging the skill gap between the acquired university curriculum and the requirements of the job market: A data-driven analysis of scientific literature24
Review on A big data-based innovative knowledge teaching evaluation system in universities24
What drives the innovation in corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosures? An integrated reporting perspective from China23
Importance of institutional quality and technological innovation to achieve sustainable energy goal: Fresh policy insights23
National innovation systems and the achievement of sustainable development goals: Effect of knowledge-based dynamic capability23
How to innovate continuously? Conceptualizing generative capability22
Shock and awe: Loudness and unpredictability in Twitter messages and crowdfunding campaign success22
Does fintech innovation and green transformational leadership improve green innovation and corporate environmental performance? A hybrid SEM–ANN approach22
Assessing the effectiveness of open innovation implementation strategies in the promotion of ambidextrous innovation in Thai small and medium-sized enterprises22
Avoid or approach: How CEO power affects corporate environmental innovation22
Evaluate the drivers for digital transformation in higher education institutions in the era of industry 4.0 based on decision-making method22