Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice

(The TQCC of Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Relocating operational and damaged bikes in free-floating systems: A data-driven modeling framework for level of service enhancement76
Probing into hinterland connectivity with a web of transport modes and logistics nodes: A case of Indian container ports73
Editorial Board67
Remote high-speed rail stations, urban land supply, and the emergence of new economic activities66
How does pedestrian accessibility vary for different people? Development of a Perceived user-specific Accessibility measure for Walking (PAW)62
The value of travel time savings and the value of leisure in Zurich: Estimation, decomposition and policy implications61
Identifying key factors associated with ridesplitting adoption rate and modeling their nonlinear relationships59
The proposed model for analyzing off-street parking Dynamics: A case study of Taipei City56
Measuring willingness to pay for shared parking54
Defining and implementing a sufficient level of accessibility: What’s stopping us?52
Exploiting floating car data to derive the shifting potential to electric micromobility51
Impacts of COVID-19 on the usage of public bicycle share in London49
Exploring determinants of freeway service area usage in the context of sustainable and collaborated development for transport and tourism49
Predicting passenger satisfaction in public transportation using machine learning models48
Long-term evidence on induced traffic: A case study on the relationship between road traffic and capacity of Budapest bridges47
An investigation into the potential use of information and communication technologies by trip-deprived older adults in New Jersey47
Mobility constraints and accessibility to work: Application to Stockholm47
A modeling framework for designing and evaluating curbside traffic management policies at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport46
Examining the influence of social norms on orderly parking behavior of dockless bike-sharing users44
Predictors of electric vehicle adoption intent in rideshare drivers relative to commuters43
Editorial Board42
Fostering synergy between transit and Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand systems: A dynamic modeling approach for the morning commute problem40
Pragmatic and idealistic reasons: What drives electric vehicle drivers' satisfaction and continuance intention?40
Is vehicle scrapping affected by low-emission zones? The case of Madrid39
Virtual leisure activity engagement: The role of childhood technology experience39
Intercity bus and rail services: Competition and welfare effects39
Editorial Board38
Influence of real and video-based experiences on stated acceptance of connected public transportation and autonomous vehicles in a transit mall: A hybrid choice modeling approach37
Cyclists perception and self-reported behaviour towards interacting with fully automated vehicles37
A model of household shared parking decisions incorporating equity-seeking household dynamics and leadership personality traits36
Path analysis of influencing government's excessive behavior in PPP project: Based on field dynamic theory36
Intercity ridesharing to the rescue: Capacity flexibility and price stability of BlaBlaCar during the 2018 French railway strike36
Equilibrium analysis of trip demand for autonomous taxi services in Nagoya, Japan36
Transport policies in polycentric cities35
Urban network geofencing with dynamic speed limit policy via deep reinforcement learning35
Modeling individuals’ preferences towards different levels of vehicle autonomy: A random parameter rank-ordered logit model35
‘On a road to nowhere….’ analyzing motivations for undirected travel35
Team-based incentives in transportation firms: An experiment34
The greening of the passenger car might not deliver such positive sustainability news – So what do we have to do?34
Special Issue: Design, management, sustainability and evaluation of transportation systems in the Arctic34
Contextual Bayesian optimization of congestion pricing with day-to-day dynamics34
Impacts of truck platooning on the multimodal freight transport market: An exploratory assessment on a case study in Italy34
Restructuring Chinese railways from a cost-efficient perspective—A hedonic cost function analysis33
A system dynamics analysis of the trans-Pacific trade lane during the pandemic33
Mode choice modeling for an electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) air taxi commuting service31
A joint machine learning and optimization approach for incremental expansion of electric vehicle charging infrastructure31
Train stations’ impact on housing prices: Direct and indirect effects31
Calibrating walkability indicators for commute walk trips: A structural equation modeling approach31
Forecasting the development of Clean energy vehicles in large Cities: A system dynamics perspective31
Investigation of the interaction between urban rail ridership and network topology characteristics using temporal lagged and reciprocal effects: A case study of Chengdu, China30
An analysis of travel behavior and willingness to pay on Express Lanes before and during the COVID-19 pandemic30
A validated agent-based model for stress testing charging infrastructure utilization29
Optimal service zones and frequencies for flexible-route freight deliveries29
Shippers’ willingness to use flexible transportation services29
Light electric vehicle sharing systems: Functional design of a comprehensive decision making solution29
Editorial Board28
Forecasting with a joint mode/time-of-day choice model based on combined RP and SC data28
A multiple discrete continuous model of time use that accommodates non-additively separable utility functions along with time and monetary budget constraints27
Determinants of bicycling for transportation in disadvantaged neighbourhoods: Evidence from Xi’an, China27
Editorial Board27
Modelling individual preferences of goods receivers for a Receiver-led delivery consolidation service26
Autonomous vehicle parking policies: A case study of the City of Toronto26
Editorial Board25
Travel preferences of public transport users under uneven headways25
Editorial Board25
When monetarisation and ranking are not appropriate. A novel stakeholder-based appraisal method24
Optimal infrastructure reinvestment in urban rail systems: A dynamic supply optimisation approach24
The role of environmental awareness and knowledge in the choice of a seated electric scooter24
Experimental study on the zebra crossing traffic flow characteristics of mixed bicycles and pedestrians24
Applying masked language model for transport mode choice behavior prediction23
Closing the loophole of vehicle ownership restriction: The impact of non-local vehicle restriction on new vehicle registrations and air pollution23
Ready for take-off? The dual role of affective and cognitive evaluations in the adoption of Urban Air Mobility services23
The effect of changing registration taxes on electric vehicle adoption in Denmark23
Optimal leasing and airlines' cost efficiency: A stochastic frontier analysis23
Consumer acceptance of the autonomous robot in last-mile delivery: A combined perspective of resource-matching, perceived risk and value theories23
Adaptive transit design: Optimizing fixed and demand responsive multi-modal transportation via continuous approximation22
Does a residential relocation enable satisfying travel?22
Safety and security co-analysis in transport systems: Current state and regulatory development22
Paving the way for autonomous Vehicles: Understanding autonomous vehicle adoption and vehicle fuel choice under user heterogeneity22
Willingness to pay for COVID-19 mitigation measures in public transport and paratransit in low-income countries22
How do street attributes affect willingness-to-walk? City-wide pedestrian route choice analysis using big data from Boston and San Francisco22
A combined dial-a-ride and fixed schedule ferry service for coastal cities21
Support for market-based and command-and-control congestion relief policies in Latin American cities: Effects of mobility, environmental health, and city-level factors21
The effect of trust on the choice for crowdshipping services21
Exploring non-users' intention to adopt ride-sharing services: Taking into account increased risks due to the COVID-19 pandemic among other factors21
An emission control policymaking model for sustainable river transportation21
Impact and analysis of rider comfort in shared modes during the COVID-19 pandemic21
Editorial Board21
The role of coordination costs in mode choice decisions: A case study of German cities21
How the design of Complete Streets affects mode choice: Understanding the behavioral responses to the level of traffic stress21
Covid-19, intentions to change modes, and how they materialized - Results from a random survey of Californians21
Lognormal distribution of daily travel time and a utility model for its emergence21
Low emission zones and traffic congestion: Evidence from Madrid Central21
Do high-speed railways have an impact on population change? evidence from Japan21
Spatial-temporal heterogeneity and built environment nonlinearity in inconsiderate parking of dockless bike-sharing21
Charging infrastructure roll-out strategies for large scale introduction of electric vehicles in urban areas: An agent-based simulation study20
Shifts in perspective: Operational aspects in (non-)autonomous ride-pooling simulations20
Assessing the potential acceptability of road pricing in Santiago20
Parking pricing strategies and behaviour: Evidence from the Netherlands20
Understanding the influencing factors of taxi ride-sharing: A case study of Chengdu, China20
Policy implications of standalone timing versus holistic timing of infrastructure interventions: Findings based on pavement surface roughness20
Comparisons of observed and unobserved parameter heterogeneity in modeling vehicle-miles driven20
Urban drone operations: A data-centric and comprehensive assessment of urban airspace with a Pareto-based approach19
Transportation resilience under Covid-19 Uncertainty: A traffic severity analysis19
What is the elasticity of sharing a ridesourcing trip?19
Meta-analysis of price elasticities of travel demand in great britain: Update and extension19
Breaking down public transit travel time for more accurate transport equity policies: A trip component approach19
Do policy incentives drive electric vehicle adoption? Evidence from China19
Taking the path less travelled: Valuation of denied boarding in crowded public transport systems19
A hybrid discrete choice model to understand the effect of public policy on fare evasion discouragement in Bogotá's Bus Rapid Transit19
The impact of high-speed railway on urban housing prices in China: A network accessibility perspective19
Congestion in cities: Can road capacity expansions provide a solution?19
Corrigendum to “Seismic resilience assessment of interdependent urban transportation-electric power system under uncertainty” [Transp. Res. A Policy Pract. 183 (2024) 104078]19
Integrated weather effects on e-cycling in daily commuting: A longitudinal evaluation of weather effects on e-cycling in the Netherlands19
Spatiotemporally complementary effect of high-speed rail network on robustness of aviation network18
“The impact of energy efficiency and decarbonisation policies on the European road transport sector”18
Evaluating congestion pricing schemes using agent-based passenger and freight microsimulation18
Escape theory: Explaining a negative motivation to travel18
Investigating the influence of weather on public transit passenger’s travel behaviour: Empirical findings from Brisbane, Australia18
An efficient pavement distress detection scheme through drone–ground vehicle coordination18
Are current roads ready for highly automated driving? A conceptual model for road readiness for AVs applied to the UK city of Leeds18
Who are the early adopters of alternative fuel technology? A study of Swedish road freight companies18
Pump or pedal? The impact of fuel prices on cycling in Germany18
Will COVID-19 be the end for the public transit? Investigating the impacts of public health crisis on transit mode choice18
Do corporate social responsibility ratings have any effect on traffic congestion?18
A practical approach for curbing congestion and air pollution: Driving restrictions with toll and vintage exemptions18
Influences on transit ridership and transit accessibility in US urban areas17
Fleet sizing and static rebalancing strategies for shared E-scooters: A case study in Indianapolis, USA17
A strategic variable fee for business-to-consumer carriers: A case study in Barcelona17
Purchase intention and actual purchase of cargo cycles: Influencing factors and policy insights17
Policy incentives and electric vehicle adoption in China: From a perspective of policy mixes17
Greening the commute: A case study of demand for employer-sponsored microtransit17
A mass evacuation modeling framework to account for vulnerabilities in staged evacuation17
Comparison of probabilistic cruising-for-parking time estimation models16
The effects of planned behaviour, spatiotemporal variables and lifestyle on public transport use: An exploratory study16
Media attention and electric vehicle adoption: Evidence from 275 cities in China16
Does built environment have impact on traffic congestion? —A bootstrap mediation analysis on a case study of Melbourne16
An influence path analytic study for the operational performance of large passenger railway stations: The China case16
Driving electric vehicles’ mass adoption: An architecture for the design of human-centric policies to meet climate and societal goals16
Residential self-selection and the relative importance of travel considerations in the residential choice of a car-reduced neighbourhood16
Influence of telecommuting on out-of-home time use and diversity of locations visited: Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic16
Working from home and commuter travel in germany – panel data analysis of long-term effects16
Examining the roles of transport captivity and travel dissonance in travel satisfaction16
Characterising public transport shifting to active and private modes in South American capitals during the COVID-19 pandemic16
Is tech-enhanced bikeshare a substitute or complement for public transit?16
Analysis of car sharing operation area performance: An idle time prediction approach16
Comprehensive impacts of high-speed rail and air transport on tourism development in China16
A dynamic discrete choice modelling approach for forward-looking travel mode choices16
Bicycle facilities and women's cycling frequency – An intersectional analysis of gendered travel behaviour16
Initial trust formation on shared autonomous vehicles: Exploring the effects of personality-, transfer- and performance-based stimuli16
How has COVID-19 changed individuals’ e-commerce and shopping mobility habits? Evidence from Madrid Region16
The dynamic role of subsidies in promoting global electric vehicle sales15
Investigating heterogeneous preferences for plug-in electric vehicles: Policy implications from different choice models15
Faster, greener, scooter? An assessment of shared e-scooter usage based on real-world driving data15
Evaluating the feasibility of combined use of the Northern Sea Route and the Suez Canal Route considering ice parameters15
Effects of COVID-19 on rail passengers’ crowding perceptions15
Optimal pricing and investment in a multi-modal city — Introducing a macroscopic network design problem based on the MFD15
Modelling the impact of cycle superhighways and electric bicycles15
The impact of UK financial incentives on the adoption of electric fleets: The moderation effect of GDP change15
Delayed reaction towards emerging COVID-19 variants of concern: Does history repeat itself?15
Impact of congestion charge and minimum wage on TNCs: A case study for San Francisco15
Institutional enablers of electric vehicle market: Evidence from 30 countries15
Prediction of population behavior in hurricane evacuations15
Mind the perception gap: The impact of bus rapid transit infrastructure on travelers’ perceptions of affective subjective well-being15
Do information-based measures affect active travel, and if so, for whom, when and under what circumstances? Evidence from a longitudinal case-control study15
High-speed rail and the spatial pattern of new firm births: Evidence from China15
Consumer preferences for operator collaboration in intra- and intercity transport ecosystems: Institutionalising platforms to facilitate MaaS 2.015
An overview of effects of COVID-19 on mobility and lifestyle: 18 months since the outbreak15
A public transport-based crowdshipping concept as a sustainable last-mile solution: Assessing user preferences with a stated choice experiment15
Commuting mode choice and work from home in the later stages of COVID-19: Consolidating a future focussed prediction tool to inform transport and land use planning14
Corrigendum to “Impact of childhood experiences on public transport travel behaviour” [Transp. Res. Part A 130 (2019) 783–798]14
“Satisfaction lies in the effort”. Is Gandhi’s quote also true for satisfaction with commuting?14
Navigating public transport during a pandemic: Key lessons on travel behavior and social equity from two surveys in Tehran14
Teleworking during COVID-19 in the Netherlands: Understanding behaviour, attitudes, and future intentions of train travellers14
Optimizing underground shelter location and mass pedestrian evacuation in urban community areas: A case study of Shanghai14
High-speed rail and industrial developments: Evidence from house prices and city-level GDP in China14
The influence of individual physical capabilities for cycling adoption: Understanding its influence and mode-shift potentials14
Correlates of perceived accessibility across transport modes and trip purposes: Insights from a Swedish survey14
Enforcement of the global sulphur cap: Can self-reporting provide a better solution?14
Will COVID-19 accelerate telecommuting? A cross-country evaluation for Israel and Czechia14
Who benefits from AVs? Equity implications of automated vehicles policies in full-scale prototype cities14
Working from home and its implications for strategic transport modelling based on the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic14
Analyzing factors contributing to real-time train arrival delays using seemingly unrelated regression models14
Passengers’ perception of airlines’ services: Addressing systematic and random variation in tastes14
Corrigendum to “The influence of individual physical capabilities for cycling adoption: Understanding its influence and mode shift potentials” [Transp. Res. Part A: Policy Pract. 185 (2024) 104105]14
Necessary and sufficient conditions for attractive public Transport: Combined use of PLS-SEM and NCA14
Fully automated vehicles: A cost-based analysis of the share of ownership and mobility services, and its socio-economic determinants14
Public transportation and fear of crime at BRT Systems: Approaching to the case of Barranquilla (Colombia) through integrated choice and latent variable models13
A joint bicycle route choice model for various cycling frequencies and trip distances based on a large crowdsourced GPS dataset13
Is it time for a new bus contract procurement model under a zero emissions bus setting?13
Performance evaluation model of transportation infrastructure: Perspective of COVID-1913
Understanding factors influencing user engagement in incentive-based travel demand management program13
Preference heterogeneity analysis on train choice behaviour of high-speed railway passengers: A case study in China13
Modeling the effect of real-time crowding information (RTCI) on passenger distribution in trains13
Ensuring equitable transportation for the disadvantaged: Paratransit usage by persons with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic13
Evaluating equitable Transit-Oriented development (TOD) via the Node-Place-People model13
Acceptance and demand of autonomous vehicles for long-distance recreational travel: An investigation based on a survey of visitors to US national parks13
Improving the performance of headway control tools by using individual driving speed data13
Classifying 15-minute Cities: A review of worldwide practices13
Editorial Board13
Commuting vs teleworking: How does it impact the relationship between commuting satisfaction and subjective well-being13
Acceptance of a Pay-How-You-Drive pricing scheme for city traffic: The case of Athens13
What drives the drivers away? An empirical study on the factors influencing the turnover intention of full-time online ride-hailing drivers in China13
Analysing preferences for integrated micromobility and public transport systems: A hierarchical latent class approach considering taste heterogeneity and attribute non-attendance13
Editorial Board12
Digital navigation negates the economic benefits of road widening: The case of the M1 motorway12
Social cost of airline delays: Assessment by the use of revenue management data12
Can parallel airline alliances be welfare improving? The case of airline–airport vertical agreement12
Relax on the way to work or work on the way to relax? Influences of vehicle interior on travel time perceptions in autonomous vehicles12
Changing or unchanging Chinese attitudes toward ride-hailing? A social media analytics perspective from 2018 to 202112
Editorial Board12
1,000 HP electric drayage trucks as a substitute for new freeway lanes construction12
An empirical analysis of the factors influencing Scottish residents’ compliance with COVID-19 travel restrictions12
Walk this way how do individuals with different preferences for active travel modes respond to walkability?12
The impact of COVID-19 on route-level changes in transit demand an analysis of five transit agencies in Florida, USA12
Enhancing Covid-19 virus spread modeling using an activity travel model12
Understanding travel and mode choice with emerging modes; a pooled SP and RP model in Greater Jakarta, Indonesia12
Choice-driven service network design for an integrated fixed line and demand responsive mobility system12
Railway liberalization, airport congestion toll, and infrastructure pricing: Modelling and numerical analysis for European and Chinese markets12
Understanding Delivery Drivers’ Parking Preferences in Urban Freight Operations12
Editorial Board12
Editorial Board12
Deciphering the factors associated with adoption of alternative fuel vehicles in California: An investigation of latent attitudes, socio-demographics, and neighborhood effects12
Causal, spatiotemporal impacts of transit investments: Exploring spatial heterogeneity from announcement through long-run operation12
Car-fuel poverty: Determinants and policy implications for France12
A comparative economic assessment of urban transport infrastructure options in low- and middle-income countries12
Travel behavior changes due to life events: Longitudinal evidence from Dutch couple households12
Do price reductions attract customers in urban public transport? A synthetic control approach11
Taxi driver’s learning curves: An empirical analysis11
Global food supply chain resilience assessment: A case in the United Kingdom11
Impact of omitted variable and simultaneous estimation endogeneity in choice-based revenue management systems11
A framework of routine transitions in daily travel11
Container shipping: A market equilibrium perspective on freight rates formation post-Covid-1911
CIAM: A data-driven approach for classifying long-term engagement of public transport riders at multiple temporal scales11
Car careers: A socio-psychological evaluation of aspirational automobile ownership11
Task-allocation among adult household members by activity purpose and accompanying person11
Using mobile phone big data and street view images to explore the mismatch between walkability and walking behavior11
Assessing effects of pandemic-related policies on individual public transit travel patterns: A Bayesian online changepoint detection based framework11
Real-time dispatch management of shared autonomous vehicles with on-demand and pre-booked requests11
Editorial Board11
Asymmetric closed-form route choice models: Formulations and comparative applications11
Estimating city-wide hourly bicycle flow using a hybrid LSTM MDN11
Capacity characteristics of long-term work zones on signalized intersection approaches11
A connectivity-based methodology for new air route identification11
Investigating night shift workers’ commuting patterns using passive mobility data11
The impact of financial incentives on the total cost of ownership of electric light commercial vehicles in EU countries11
The integration of passenger and freight transport: Trends, gaps and future research challenges11
Redefining walkability to capture safety: Investing in pedestrian, bike, and street level design features to make it safe to walk and bike11
Airline reactions to high-speed rail entry: Rail quality and market structure11
A game-theoretic approach to an oligopolistic transportation market: Coopetition between incumbent systems subject to the entrance threat of an HSR service11