Journal of Development Studies

(The TQCC of Journal of Development Studies is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The Politics of Social Protection in Eastern and Southern Africa41
Inter-Imperiality: Vying Empires, Gendered Labor, and the Literary Arts of Alliance37
Empowering Labor: Leftist Approaches to Wage Policy in Unequal Democracies Empowering Labor: Leftist Approaches to Wage Policy in Unequal Democracies By Juan A. Bogliacc31
Risk Compensation and HIV Therapy: A Field Experiment in South Africa29
The Party Family: Revolutionary Attachments and the Gendered Origins of State Power in China26
Imagining Afghanistan: The History and Politics of Imperial Knowledge26
Demanding Development: The Politics of Public Goods Provision in India's Urban Slums25
Internationally Linked Firms and Productivity in Pakistan: A Look at the Top End of the Distribution22
Intervening in Cash Crop Value Chains for Improved Nutrition: Evidence from Rural Sierra Leone17
Livestock as a Pathway to Women’s Empowerment in Low and Middle-Income Countries: A Scoping Review16
How Vulnerable are the Self-Employed? Evidence from Ugandan Small-Scale Entrepreneurs15
Worldmaking After Empire: The Rise and Fall of Self-Determination15
Chiefly Patronage and Schooling14
The Rise and Decline of Patriarchal Systems: An Intersectional Political Economy13
Ethnicity and Risk Sharing Network Formation: Evidence from Rural Vietnam13
Guanxi and Moral Articulation: Strategies of Corruption During China’s Anti-Corruption Drive12
The Future of the Factory: How Megatrends Are Changing Industrialization12
Disease Eradication, Infant Mortality, and Fertility Response: Evidence from Malaria Eradication in India12
Picking Losers: How Career Incentives Undermine Industrial Policy in Chinese Cities11
Fringe Benefits, Self-Selection, and the Public/Private Compensation Differential11
The Caste of Merit: Engineering Education in India11
Being Dead Otherwise Being Dead Otherwise By Anne Allison Durham, NC : Duke University Press , 2023,11
Does Community-Based Adaptation Enhance Social Capital? Evidence from Senegal and Mali11
Risk Aversion and Gender Gaps in Technology Adoption by Smallholder Farmers: Evidence from Ethiopia11
The Welfare Effects of Social Assistance Programs for Women in India11
The Impact of Foreign Aid on Local Development: A Grid Cell Analysis10
Inside Mining Capitalism: The Micropolitics of Work on the Congolese and Zambian Copperbelts10
Assessing Community Readiness for Payments for Ecosystem Service Schemes for Tropical Primary Forest Protection in the Democratic Republic of Congo10
Informality and Pension Reforms in Bolivia: The Case ofRenta Dignidad10
Exit and Voice: The Paradox of Cross-Border Politics in Mexico10
At Risk: Indian Sexual Politics and the Global AIDS Crisis9
Capital Claims: Power and Global Finance9
Vernacular Politics in Northeast India: Democracy, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity9
The Effects of the Development Zone Upgrading on the Diversification of Firm’s Product Exports: Evidence from Chinese Exporters9
China, Africa, and the future of the Internet9
Unskilled Migration and Vertical Disintegration: Theory and Evidence from China9
Gender and Productivity Differentials in Smallholder Groundnut Farming in Malawi: Accounting for Technology Differences9
In the Technological Age: The Internet and the Performance of Micro-Enterprises in Togo8
Mental and Physical Health Effect of Rural-Urban Migration in South Africa: A Quasi-Experimental Impact Evaluation Study8
Parties, Political Finance, and Governance in Africa: Extracting Money and Shaping States in Benin and Ghana8
Social Spillovers of Parental Absence: The Classroom Peer Effects of ‘Left-behind’ Children on Household Human Capital Investments in Rural China8
Insecure Guardians: Enforcement, Encounters and Everyday Policing in Postcolonial Karachi8
Hope and Its Distribution in Rural Tanzania8
Women’s Higher Education, Assortative Mating, and Empowerment: Long-Term Evidence from College Enrollment Expansion in South Korea8
Threatening Dystopias: The Global Politics of Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh Threatening Dystopias: The Global Politics of Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh 7
Ordering Violence: Explaining Armed Group-State Relations from Conflict to Cooperation7
Can Immigration Explain Why Ethnic Diversity is Negatively Associated with Common Property Management?7
Africanizing Oncology: Creativity, Crisis, and Cancer in Uganda7
Weather Shocks, Coping Strategies and Household Well-being: Evidence from Rural Mauritania7
Empire of Convicts: Indian Penal Labor in Colonial Southeast Asia Empire of Convicts: Indian Penal Labor in Colonial Southeast Asia By Anand A. Yang Oakla7
Political Violence in Kenya: Land, Elections, and Claim-Making7
Too Close to Home: Photoelicitation with African Diasporic Communities, Ethical (Un)preparedness and the Importance of Critical Reflexivity in International Development Research7
Urban Amazonians use Fishing as a Strategy for Coping with Food Insecurity7
Self-Help, Natality and ‘Civic Growth’7
Contextualizing Individual-Level Asset Data Collection: Evidence from Household Surveys6
Re-Thinking Recipient Agency in South-South Cooperation: Strategies of Contestation, Strategies of Transformation and the South’s Own View of Development6
Health Consequences of Patriarchal Kinship System for the Elderly: Evidence from India6
Brown Saviours and Their Others: Race, Caste, Labour and the Global Politics of Help in India6
The City Electric: Infrastructure and Ingenuity in Postsocialist Tanzania The City Electric: Infrastructure and Ingenuity in Postsocialist Tanzania . By Michael Degani, 6
Expanding Social Protection Coverage with Humanitarian Aid: Lessons on Targeting and Transfer Values from Ethiopia6
Precolonial Legacies in Postcolonial Politics: Representation and Redistribution in Decentralized West Africa6
Impact of Weather Shocks on Food Security: How Effective are Forests as Natural Insurance?6
Ben Ali’s Tunisia: Power and Contention in an Authoritarian Regime6
Education Empowers Residential Energy Transition: Causal Evidence from Compulsory Schooling Reform in China6
Rosewood: Endangered Species Conservation and the Rise of Global China Rosewood: Endangered Species Conservation and the Rise of Global China By Annah Lake Zhu Cambridge6
Prosperity in Rural Africa: Insights into Wealth, Assets and Poverty from Longitudinal Studies in Tanzania Prosperity in Rural Africa: Insights into Wealth, Assets and Poverty from Long6
The Impact of Academic Freedom on Democracy in Africa6
Africa’s Struggle for its Art: History of a Postcolonial Defeat6
Encouraging Community Action Against Teacher Absenteeism: A Mass Media Experiment in Rural Uganda6
Inequality and Political Cleavage in Africa: Regionalism by Design6
The Impact of Better Access to Improved Water Sources on Health, Schooling, and Water Collection of Girls and Boys in Rural Zambia5
Smallholders’ Personal Networks in Access to Agricultural Markets: A Case of African Leafy Vegetables Commercialisation in Kenya5
Rights Refused: Grassroots Activism and State Violence in Myanmar5
Crop Diversification, Household Welfare and Conflict: Afghanistan 2011–20175
A Decade Since Busan: Towards Legitimacy or a ‘New Tyranny’ of Global Development Partnership?5
Scale and Sustainability: The Impact of a Women’s Self-Help Group Program on Household Economic Well-Being in India5
The Long-Term Labor Market Effect of Drought Exposure: Evidence from Nigeria5
Do Cooperatives Improve Female Miners’ Outcomes? A Case Study of Rwanda5
Evangelicals and Electoral Politics in Latin America: A Kingdom of This World Evangelicals and Electoral Politics in Latin America: A Kingdom of This World . By Taylor C5
Polygynous Family Structure and Child Undernutrition in Nigeria5
High Reliability Knowledge Networks: Responding to Animal Diseases in a Pastoral Area of Northern Kenya5
The Party-Police Nexus in Bangladesh5
Four Decades of Intergenerational Educational Mobility in Sub-Saharan Africa4
Experiments in Skin: Race and Beauty in the Shadows of Vietnam4
Farm Size, Soil Investment, and Quality: Theory and Evidence from a Panel Data Set in Tanzania4
Continuity or Disruption? Rethinking Engagement in Multi-Stakeholder Forums Through the Lens of Boundary Objects4
Political Settlements and Development: Theory, Evidence, Implications4
Informality and Welfare: New Insights from the Job Satisfaction of Workers in Indonesia4
Drivers of SME Resilience in Southeast Asia during COVID-194
Stimulating Innovations for Sustainable Agricultural Practices among Smallholder Farmers: Persistence of Intervention Matters4
An Elusive Common: Land, Politics, and Agrarian Rurality in a Moroccan Oasis4
Resilience of Social Transfer Programs to Large Unexpected Shocks4
Oil Palm Production and Educational Outcomes: Gender-Differentiated Evidence from Cameroon4
Do Gender Norms Relax with Displacement?4
Location-Based Tax Incentives for Non-Farm Rural Enterprises in Armenia4
Ránquil: Rural Rebellion, Political Violence, and Historical Memory in Chile4
Addressing Declining Female Labor Force Participation in India: Does Political Empowerment Make a Difference?4
The Critical Role of Implementing Partners: Evidence From Training Micro and Small Enterprises Across 12 Financial Service Providers4
Undue Process: Persecution and Punishment in Autocratic Courts4
Nutrition Matters: Numeracy, Child Nutrition and Schooling Efficiency in Sub-Saharan Africa in the Long Run4
Gender Dimensions of Forced Displacement: A Brief Review and Introduction to the Special Issue4
Multiplying Siblings: Exploring the Trade-off Between Family Size and Child Education in Rural Bangladesh4
Do Social Investments by Mining Companies Harm Citizen-State Relations? Experimental Evidence from Burkina Faso4
Exports and New Products in China – A Generalised Propensity Score Approach with Firm-to-Firm Spillovers3
Land Tenure and Agricultural Investment: Do Ugandan Polygynous Households Comport with Theory?3
Fixes and Flux: Frontier Brokers, Political Settlements and Post-War Politics in Nepal and Sri Lanka3
Mines, Communities, and States: The Local Politics of Natural Resource Extraction in Africa3
Vulnerability to Climate Change and Communal Conflicts: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa and South/South-East Asia3
Fiscal Reaction Functions Augmented with Bespoke Debt Indicators: Evidence from Small Island States3
Agriculture Production and Transport Connectivity: Evidence from Mozambique3
Local Crime and Early Marriage: Evidence from India3
Gender Gap in Spousal Education and Wealth After Marriage in India3
Financializing Poverty: Labor and Risk in Indian Microfinance3
Covid Lockdown and Employment in the Philippines3
Civil Conflict and Firm Recovery: Evidence from Côte d’Ivoire3
The Effect of TV/Radio Media Family Planning Messages on Modern Contraceptive Use among Women: Empirical Evidence from the Philippines3
Western Privilege: Work, Intimacy, and Postcolonial Hierarchies in Dubai Western Privilege: Work, Intimacy, and Postcolonial Hierarchies in Dubai By Amélie Le Renard 3
Politics, Profits and Protection: Zimbabwe’s Tobacco Industry since 19473
Property Institutions and State Capacity: A Comparative Analysis of Chinese Agricultural Projects in Zambia3
The Tax Elasticity of Formal Work in Sub-Saharan African Countries3
Viral Frictions: Global Health and the Persistence of HIV Stigma in Kenya3
Trafficking Data: How China is Winning the Battle for Digital Sovereignty3
How Insurgency Begins: Rebel Group Formation in Uganda and Beyond3
Does the Minimum Wage Affect Wage Inequality? A Study for the Six Largest Latin American Economies3
Imports, Exports, and Employment: India’s Trading Relationship with China3
Disrupted Development in the Congo: The Fragile Foundations of the African Mining Consensus Disrupted Development in the Congo: The Fragile Foundations of the African Mining Consensus3
Aid for Trade and Trade in Services3
Decentralization and Criminal Gangs in El Salvador: Impacts on Municipal Finances and Local Economic Development3
Does Regional Favoritism Affect Public Investment Budget Allocation? Evidence from Cameroon in the Context of Decentralization3
The Welfare Effects of Land Reform: Lessons from Yunnan, China3
School, Shocks, and Safety Nets: Can Conditional Cash Transfers Protect Human Capital Investments during Rainfall Shocks?3
Everyday Practices of State Building in Ethiopia: Power, Scale, Performativity3
Targeting Social Safety Nets: Evidence from Nine Programs in the Sahel3
Agrarian Capitalism, War and Peace in Colombia: Beyond Dispossession3
Modi’s India: Hindu Nationalism and the Rise of Ethnic Democracy2
Son Preference and Human Capital Investment among China’s Rural-urban Migrant Households2
Latin American Brotherhood? Immigration and Preferences for Redistribution2
Poverty Trap or Means to Escape Poverty? Empirical Evidence on the Role of Environmental Income in Rural Nepal2
Adolescent Girls’ Safety In and Out of School: Evidence on Physical and Sexual Violence from Across Sub-Saharan Africa2
Dispossession Without Development: Land Grabs in Neoliberal India By Michael Levien2
Before the West: The Rise and Fall of Eastern World Orders2
Raising Two Fists: Struggles of Black Citizenship in Multicultural Colombia Raising Two Fists: Struggles of Black Citizenship in Multicultural Colombia By Roosbelina Cár2
Iran in Motion: Mobility, Space, and the Trans-Iranian Railway Iran in Motion: Mobility, Space, and the Trans-Iranian Railway By Mikiya Koyagi Stanford, C2
Is Cocoa Production a Main Driver of Children’s Work in Ghana?2
Why Communities Participate in Malaria Elimination Projects: Case Studies from Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia2
Who is Likely to Benefit from Public and Private Sector Investments in Farmer-led Irrigation Development? Evidence from Ethiopia2
Effects of Monetary Policy on Food Inequality in India2
Trust in Providers of Domestic Water: A Comparison of the Public Utility and Informal Vendors in Dar Es Salaam2
Refugee-Host Proximity and Market Creation in Uganda2
The Afterlives of International Development Interventions: A Site-Specific Ethnographic Approach2
Climate Urbanism: Towards a Critical Research Agenda2
The Toxification of Population Discourse. A Genealogical Study2
Sexuality and the Rise of China: The Post-1990s Gay Generation in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China2
Pathways to Development: From Politics to Power2
Higher Powers: Alcohol and After in Uganda’s Capital CityHigher Powers: Alcohol and After in Uganda’s Capital City By China Scherz, George Mpanga, and Sarah Namirembe Berkeley, CA 2
Visualising Community Capacity in Sustainable Development2
The Linkage between School Autonomy and Inequality in Achievement in 69 Countries: Does Development Level Matter?2
Rwanda’s Agricultural Transformation Revisited: Stagnating Food Production, Systematic Overestimation, and a Flawed Performance Contract System2
Markets, States or Transnational Networks? Explaining Technology Leverage by Latecomer Firms in Industrializing Countries2
Canada’s Small INGOs: Growth Aspirations, Strategies, and Constraints2
Reforming of Women’s Litigant Rights and Child Wellbeing: Evidence from Nigeria2
Democracy in Hard Places Democracy in Hard Places By Scott Mainwaring and Tarek Masoud Oxford : Oxford University Pr2
Charaiveti: An Academic’s Global Journey Charaiveti: An Academic’s Global Journey By Pranab Bardhan Delhi : Harper C2
Mobilising Private Funding of Development Finance2
Global Value Chains and Local Inter-Industry Linkages: South Africa’s Participation in the Automotive GVC2
On the Scale of the World: The Formation of Black Anticolonial Thought On the Scale of the World: The Formation of Black Anticolonial Thought By Musab Younis 2
The Future of India’s Social Safety Nets: Focus, Form and Scope The Future of India’s Social Safety Nets: Focus, Form and Scope By Andaleeb Rahman and Prabhu Pingali 2
For the War Yet to Come: Planning Beirut’s Frontiers2
Will Bride Price Affect Household Savings: Evidence from Rural China2
Structural Change and Welfare: A Micro Panel Data Evidence from Ghana2
A New Approach to Monitoring Farmer Prices: Method and an Application to Malawi2
Spying in South Asia: Britain, the United States, and India’s Secret Cold War2
The Gender-Differential Effect of Financial Inclusion on Household Financial Resilience2
Import Tariff Liberalization, Employment, and Gender in Ethiopia2
The Impact of Input Trade Liberalization on the Entry of Foreign Firms: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment in China2
The Role of Political Connections in COVID Policy Response: Effectiveness of Firm-Level Government Support in Egypt2
Echo Effects of Health Shocks: The Intergenerational Consequences of Prenatal and Early-Life Malnutrition during the Great Leap Forward Famine in China2