Journal of Applied Ecology

(The TQCC of Journal of Applied Ecology is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Restoration temporarily supports the resilience of sagebrush‐steppe ecosystems subjected to repeated fires177
Towards ecological science for all by all120
Predicting harvest impact and establishment success when translocating highly mobile and endangered species66
Bat phylogenetic responses to regenerating Amazonian forests63
Validating a surveillance program of invasive mosquitoes based on citizen science in Hungary54
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Remove saplings early: Cost‐effective strategies to contain tree invasions and prevent their impacts49
Nature‐based Solutions to tackle climate change and restore biodiversity47
An unintended ecological benefit from human intervention: The enhancement of carbon storage in seagrass meadows47
Low‐intensity land‐use enhances soil microbial activity, biomass and fungal‐to‐bacterial ratio in current and future climates42
Large wild herbivores slow down the rapid decline of plant diversity in a tropical forest biodiversity hotspot40
Sample coverage affects diversity measures of bird communities along a natural recovery gradient of abandoned agriculture in tropical lowland forests38
Assessing the value of monitoring to biological inference and expected management performance for a European goose population38
Decreased precipitation in the late growing season weakens an ecosystem carbon sink in a semi‐arid grassland37
Pesticide effects on soil fauna communities—A meta‐analysis37
Reducing disease and producing food: Effects of 13 agrochemicals on snail biomass and human schistosomes36
Strip intercropping of wheat and oilseed rape enhances biodiversity and biological pest control in a conventionally managed farm scenario36
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Making plant–pollinator data collection cheaper for restoration and monitoring35
Inference of local invasion pathways in two invasive crayfish species displaying contrasting genetic patterns35
Geese migrating over the Pacific Ocean select altitudes coinciding with offshore wind turbine blades34
Fish responses to manipulated microhabitat complexity in urbanised shorelines34
Soil fertility as a mediator of interactions between an introduced specialist beetle and a native generalist nematode on an exotic invasive plant and its native congener34
Propensity score matching mitigates risk of faulty inferences in observational studies of effectiveness of restoration trials34
Grazing effects of wintering geese on grassland yield: A long‐term study from Northwest Germany33
Landscape conservation as a strategy for recovering biodiversity: Lessons from a long‐term program of pasture restoration in the southern Atlantic Forest32
The widespread trade in stingless beehives may introduce them into novel places and could threaten species32
Agriculture causes homogenization of plant‐feeding nematode communities at the regional scale31
Contrasting soil‐ and canopy‐nurse effects in metalliferous systems may be explained by dominant plant functional strategies31
Ecological memory and regional context influence performance of adaptation plantings in northeastern US temperate forests30
Animal‐pollinated crops and cultivars—A quantitative assessment of pollinator dependence values and evaluation of methodological approaches30
Dutch landscapes have lost insect‐pollinated plants over the past 87 years30
Impacts of umbrella species management on non‐target species29
Biometric conversion factors as a unifying platform for comparative assessment of invasive freshwater bivalves29
The role of propagule pressure in experimental bark beetle invasions28
Do wildlife crossing structures mitigate the barrier effect of roads on animal movement? A global assessment28
Cryptic population decrease due to invasive species predation in a long‐lived seabird supports need for eradication28
Salmon louse infestation levels on sea trout can be predicted from a hydrodynamic lice dispersal model28
A new resource for monitoring reef ecosystems: The background of recreational diver photographs contains valuable habitat data27
Prioritizing areas for ecological restoration: A participatory approach based on cost‐effectiveness26
The hydrochorous dispersal of plant propagules in a giant river reservoir: Implications for restoration of riparian vegetation25
Can rolling composite wildflower blocks increase biodiversity in agricultural landscapes better than wildflowers strips?25
Equivalent mating system parameters in post‐mining and undisturbed native plant populations confirms restitution of bird‐pollinator function24
Evidence for synergistic cumulative impacts of marking and hunting in a wildlife species24
The capacity of sentinel species to detect changes in environmental conditions and ecosystem structure24
Can faster growth compensate for increased mortality in subtropical dry forest fragments?24
Landscapes with higher crop diversity have lower aphid species richness but higher plant virus prevalence24
Temporal mismatches in flight activity patterns between Pipistrellus kuhlii and Prays oleae in olive farms: Implications for biocontrol services potential24
Selecting coral species for reef restoration23
Quantifying the risk of non‐native conifer establishment across heterogeneous landscapes23
Moisture availability and ecological restoration limit fine fuels and modelled wildfire intensity following non‐native ungulate removal in Hawaii23
Boosting efficiency of mussel spat collection for ecological sustainability: Identifying critical drivers and informing management23
Assessing the exposure of UK habitats to 20th‐ and 21st‐century climate change, and its representation in ecological monitoring schemes22
Crop phenology reshapes the food‐safety landscape for roe deer in an agroecosystem22
Random forest modelling of multi‐scale, multi‐species habitat associations within KAZA transfrontier conservation area using spoor data22
Invasive grass fuel loads suppress native species by increasing fire intensity and soil heating22
Woody plant encroachment and the ecology of vector‐borne diseases22
Modelling short‐term energetic costs of sonar disturbance to cetaceans using high‐resolution foraging data22
Cover Picture and Issue Information22
Designing an optimal large‐scale reintroduction plan for a critically endangered species22
Predicting dispersal and conflict risk for wolf recolonization in Colorado22
Dispersal potential rather than risk assessment scores predict the spread rate of non‐native pines across New Zealand22
Accounting for bias in prevalence estimation: The case of a globally emerging pathogen21
Pollination service delivery is complex: Urban garden crop yields are best explained by local canopy cover and garden scale plant species richness21
Barriers to restoration: Pollution alters nurse effects for an ecosystem engineer21
Abandoned pastures and restored savannas have distinct patterns of plant–soil feedback and nutrient cycling compared with native Brazilian savannas21
Individual variation in home‐range across an ocean basin and links to habitat quality and management21
Mapping the ecological resilience of Atlantic postglacial heathlands21
Agricultural intensification with seasonal fallow land promotes high bee diversity in Afrotropical drylands21
Multifunctional soil recovery during the restoration of Brazil's Atlantic Forest after bauxite mining20
A technological biodiversity monitoring toolkit for biocredits20
Soil protist functional composition shifts with atmospheric nitrogen deposition in subtropical forests20
From nature reserve to mosaic management: Improving matrix survival, not permeability, benefits regional populations under habitat loss and fragmentation20
Evidence for seasonal compensation of hunting mortalities in a long‐lived migratory bird20
Contribution of wheat and maize to soil organic carbon in a wheat‐maize cropping system: A field and laboratory study20
Native bacteria and cyanobacteria can influence seedling emergence and growth of native plants used in dryland restoration20
Implementing ecosystem service assessments within agribusiness: Challenges and proposed solutions20
Reduced count size can provide a robust and more efficient diatom assessment of environmental conditions19
Migration of humans fleeing conflict in the Lake Chad region may increase pressures on natural resources in Lake Fitri (Chad): A case study on waterbirds19
Using artificial neural networks and citizen science data to assess jellyfish presence along coastal areas19
Remote sensing for rangeland conservation monitoring: Impacts of livestock removal after 15 years19
Human conflict, food security and impacts on wildlife: Importance of sustainable harvest models to inform policy19
The Kunming–Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the Paris Agreement need a joint work programme for climate, nature and people18
Hunting of sika deer over six decades does not restore forest regeneration18
Variable coverage in an Autocidal Gravid Ovitrap intervention impacts efficacy of Aedes aegypti control18
Field‐based ecological studies to assess prospective biological control agents for invasive alien plants: An example from giant rat's tail grass18
Silvicultural regime shapes understory functional structure in European forests18
Across borders: External factors and prior behaviour influence North Pacific albatross associations with fishing vessels18
Factors affecting the recovery of Mexican wolves in the Southwest United States18
Personality, sex and capture biases: Challenges for predator monitoring and management18
Ambient nitrogen deposition drives plant‐diversity decline by nitrogen accumulation in a closed grassland ecosystem18
Large African herbivore diversity is essential in transformed landscapes for conserving dung beetle diversity18
Leaf functional traits predict shade tolerant tree performance in cloud forest restoration plantings17
Mixing tree species at different spatial scales: The effect of alpha, beta and gamma diversity on disturbance impacts under climate change17
Higher avian biodiversity, increased shrub cover and proximity to continuous forest may reduce pest insect crop loss in small‐scale oil palm farming17
Impact of the Asian gall waspDryocosmus kuriphiluson the radial growth of the European chestnutCastanea sativa17
Woodland expansion in the presence of deer: 30 years of evidence from the Cairngorms Connect landscape restoration partnership17
Long‐term heavy grazing increases community‐level foliar fungal diseases by shifting plant composition17
Drone‐induced flight initiation distances for shorebirds in mixed‐species flocks17
A Before‐After Control‐Impact experiment reveals that culling reduces the impacts of invasive deer on endangered peatlands16
Cover Picture and Issue Information16
Renewable energies and biodiversity: Impact of ground‐mounted solar photovoltaic sites on bat activity16
Interacting effects of sand, slugs and jute drive community composition in direct‐seeded urban wildflower meadows16
Landscape structure and farming management interacts to modulate pollination supply and crop production in blueberries16
Pyric herbivory in a temperate European wood‐pasture system16
Linking landscape structure, floral resource distribution, pollen use and movement distances of a generalist predator16
Marine protected areas' positive effect on fish biomass persists across the steep climatic gradient of the Mediterranean Sea16
Insecticide and low food quality treatments reduce health and pollination services of two key pollinator taxa15
Reversing habitat loss: An experimental test of the interactive effects of grazing exclusion and surface rock restoration on reptile conservation15
Cumulative propagule pressure exerted by escaped pet parrots15
Reversing declines in farmland birds: How much agri‐environment provision is needed at farm and landscape scales?15
Benign effects of logging on aerial insectivorous bats in Southeast Asia revealed by remote sensing technologies15
Insect seed‐predator networks respond positively to restoration on a tropical island15
Rock removal associated with agricultural intensification will exacerbate the loss of reptile diversity15
Indigenous brigades change the spatial patterns of wildfires, and the influence of climate on fire regimes15
Best practices for LGBTQ+ inclusion during ecological fieldwork: Considering safety, cis/heteronormativity and structural barriers15
Spillover of chalkbrood fungi to native solitary bee species from non‐native congeners15
Alluring restoration strategies to attract seed‐dispersing animals need more rigorous testing15
Flowers as dirty doorknobs: Deformed wing virus transmitted between Apis mellifera and Bombus impatiens through shared flowers15
Different types of semi‐natural habitat are required to sustain diverse wild bee communities across agricultural landscapes15
Seals exhibit localised avoidance of operational tidal turbines14
Manipulating plant microbiomes in the field: Native mycorrhizae advance plant succession and improve native plant restoration14
Rapid evolution of flower phenology and clonality in restored populations of multiple grassland species14
Active restoration fosters better recovery of tropical rainforest birds than natural regeneration in degraded forest fragments14
Simulating the spread and establishment of alien species along aquatic and terrestrial transport networks: A multi‐pathway and high‐resolution approach14
Turnover in floral composition explains species diversity and temporal stability in the nectar supply of urban residential gardens14
Ecological performance underlying ecosystem multifunctionality is promoted by organic farming and hedgerows at the local scale but not at the landscape scale14
Dancing with the devil: Could native predators inside ‘predator‐free’ havens be good for the conservation of threatened native prey species?14
Subordinate tree species diversity explains carbon stock better than dominant tree diversity after decades of forest rewilding14
Nesting of ground‐nesting bees in arable fields is not associated with tillage system per se, but with distance to field edge, crop cover, soil and landscape context14
Leveraging functional traits of cover crops to coordinate crop productivity and soil health14
A comparison of approaches for including connectivity in systematic conservation planning14
Foraging distances, habitat preferences and seasonal colony performance of honeybees in Central European forest landscapes14
Primary forest loss and degradation reduces biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: A global meta‐analysis using dung beetles as an indicator taxon14
Bees go up, flowers go down: Increased resource limitation from late spring to summer in agricultural landscapes14
Contrasting trends in biodiversity of birds and trees during succession following cacao agroforest abandonment14
From parachuting to partnership: Fostering collaborative research in protected areas14
Effective management for deadwood‐dependent lichen diversity requires landscape‐scale habitat protection14
Warming decreases desert ecosystem functioning by altering biocrusts in drylands14
Dominant species establishment may influence invasion resistance more than phylogenetic or functional diversity14
Managed honeybee hives negatively affect the reproduction of native plants in a dryland nature reserve14
Soil restoration increases soil health across global drylands: A meta‐analysis14
Riparian reserves protect butterfly communities in selectively logged tropical forest14
Balancing bioenergy expansion and restoration: Global shifts in biodiversity intactness14
Sundaic elephants prefer habitats on the periphery of protected areas14
How to design multifunctional landscapes?14
Functional traits driving pollinator and predator responses to newly established grassland strips in agricultural landscapes13
‘Social distancing’ between plants may amplify coastal restoration at early stage13
Patterns and drivers of the degradability of dissolved organic matter in dryland soils on the Tibetan Plateau13
Shade tree trait diversity and functions in agroforestry systems: A review of which traits matter13
Integrating variation in bacterial‐fungal co‐occurrence network with soil carbon dynamics13
Wildflower plantings and honeybee competition impact nutritional quality of wild bee diets13
Active restoration after three decades: Seed addition increases native dominance compared to landscape‐scale secondary succession13
Degree of intervention affects interannual and within‐plot heterogeneity of seed arrival in tropical forest restoration13
Selective effects of small barriers on river‐resident fish13
Bringing together approaches to reporting on within species genetic diversity13
Sixty years of ecology with impact13
Restoration thinning accelerates small tree growth but may slow large tree growth in a multi‐age flood‐dependent forest13
Mapping pathogenic fungi in decayed Norway spruce stands: Insights from harvester positional data13
Assessing impact risk to tropical marine ecosystems from human activities with a Southeast Asian example13
Selecting among land sparing, sharing and Triad in a temperate rainforest depends on biodiversity and timber production targets13
Nitrogen fixation and crop productivity enhancements co‐driven by intercrop root exudates and key rhizosphere bacteria13
No evidence for trade‐offs between bird diversity, yield and water table depth on oil palm smallholdings: Implications for tropical peatland landscape restoration13
Multi‐level thresholds of residential and agricultural land use for elk avoidance across the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem13
Increases in understory plant cover and richness persist following restoration treatments inPinus ponderosaforests13
Accurately predicting rare and poorly detectable species habitat for spatial protection13
Landscape metrics predict habitat redundancy of restored oyster reefs for recruitment enhancement of dominant estuarine fish13
Increased connections among soil microbes and microfauna enhances soil multifunctionality along a long‐term restoration chronosequence13
Forest thinning in the seaward fringe speeds up surface elevation increment and carbon accumulation in managed mangrove forests12
Effects of decade‐long grazing exclusion and wind erosion reduction on community temporal stability in a semi‐arid grassland12
Exploring drivers of within‐field crop yield variation using a national precision yield network12
Seagrass recovery trajectories and recovery potential in relation to nutrient reduction12
Long term monitoring reveals the importance of large, long unburnt areas and smaller fires in moderating mammal declines in fire‐prone Savanna of northern Australia12
Habitat quality and biological community responses to innovative hydropower plant installations at transverse in‐stream structures12
A marine natural capital asset and risk register—Towards securing the benefits from marine systems and linked ecosystem services12
Climate change threatens amphibians and species representation within protected areas in tropical wetlands12
Disentangling the interrelated abiotic and biotic pathways linking landscape composition and crop production12
Predicting bushmeat biomass from species composition captured by camera traps: Implications for locally based wildlife monitoring12
Negative association of sea lice from fish farms on recreational fishing catches of Atlantic salmon12
After the ‘Black Summer’ fires: Faunal responses to megafire depend on fire severity, proportional area burnt and vegetation type12
Land use history and landscape forest cover determine tropical forest recovery12
Cattle exclusion increases encounters of wild herbivores in Neotropical forests12
Direct and indirect effects of management and landscape on biological pest control and crop pest infestation in apple orchards12
Native vegetation embedded in landscapes dominated by corn and soybean improves honey bee health and productivity12
Protecting our streams by defining measurable targets for riparian management in a forestry context12
A conceptual framework for measuring and improving the resilience of biosecurity systems12
Soundscape enrichment enhances recruitment and habitat building on new oyster reef restorations12
Preserving large blocks of primary forest is critical to conserve forest‐dependent bird species in the Amazon11
Cover Picture and Issue Information11
Reducing nitrogen inputs mitigates Spartina invasion in the Yangtze estuary11
Multiple co‐occurring bioeconomic drivers of overexploitation can accelerate rare species extinction risk11
Low‐ and high‐intensity fire in the riparian savanna: Demographic impacts in an avian model species and implications for ecological fire management11
Karuk ecological fire management practices promote elk habitat in northern California11
An objective‐based prioritization approach to support trophic complexity through ecological restoration species mixes11
Repeated clearing as a mechanism for savanna recovery following bush encroachment11
Impacting habitat connectivity of the endangered Florida panther for the transition to utility‐scale solar energy11
Field boundary features can stabilise bee populations and the pollination of mass‐flowering crops in rotational systems11
Conserving habitat for migratory ungulates: How wide is a migration corridor?11
Communities in infrastructure habitats are species rich but only partly support species associated with semi‐natural grasslands11
Correspondence among multiple methods provides confidence when measuring marine protected area effects for species and assemblages11
Functional rarity and evolutionary uniqueness of threatened species across different scales and habitats in a Central European flora11
Among stand heterogeneity is key for biodiversity in managed beech forests but does not question the value of unmanaged forests: Response to Bruun and Heilmann‐Clausen (2021)11
Reanalysis ignores pertinent data, includes inappropriate observations, and disregards realities of applied ecology: Response to Huso and Dalthorp (2023)11
Recreational vessel networks reveal potential hot spots for marine pest introduction and spread11
Third and fourth trophic level composition shift in an aphid–parasitoid–hyperparasitoid food web limits aphid control in an intercropping system11
Soil resources mediate the strength of species but not trait convergence across grassland restorations11
Reanalysis indicates little evidence of reduction in eagle mortality rate by automated curtailment of wind turbines11
Plant water‐use strategies predict restoration success across degraded drylands11
Crop heterogeneity is positively associated with beneficial insect diversity in subtropical farmlands11
Species richness: A pivotal factor mediating the effects of land use intensification and climate on grassland multifunctionality11
Parasite spillover to native hosts from more tolerant, supershedding invasive hosts: Implications for management11
Herbivore grazing mitigates the negative effects of nitrogen deposition on soil organic carbon in low‐diversity grassland10
Agroecological farming, flowering phenology and the pollinator–herbivore–parasitoid nexus regulate non‐crop plant reproduction10
Blue consequences of the green bioeconomy: Clear‐cutting intensifies the harmful impacts of land drainage on stream invertebrate biodiversity10
Transition to organic farming negatively affects bat activity10
Anticipating fluctuations of bigeye tuna in the Pacific Ocean from three‐dimensional ocean biogeochemistry10
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Cover Picture and Issue Information10
Two decades of arthropod biodiversity after windthrow show different dynamics of functional groups10
High semi‐natural vegetation cover and heterogeneity of field sizes promote bird beta‐diversity at larger scales in Ethiopian Highlands10
Relative energy production determines effect of repowering on wildlife mortality at wind energy facilities10
Biome Awareness Disparity is BAD for tropical ecosystem conservation and restoration10
Using dietary metabarcoding analyses to characterise waterbirds–agriculture interactions10
Broad spectrum artificial light at night increases the conspicuousness of camouflaged prey10
Enigmatic freshwater mussel declines could be explained by the biodiversity‐disease relationship10
Quantifying the value of participatory science data for conservation decision‐making10
The world's 100 worst invasive alien insect species differ in their characteristics from related non‐invasive species10
Reservoir dynamics of rabies in south‐east Tanzania and the roles of cross‐species transmission and domestic dog vaccination10
Management‐dependent effects of pollinator functional diversity on apple pollination services: A response–effect trait approach10
Effects of microplastics and drought on soil ecosystem functions and multifunctionality10
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Cover Picture and Issue Information10
Balanced spatial distribution of green areas creates healthier urban landscapes10
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Taxon‐specific responses to landscape‐scale and long‐term implementation of environmentally friendly rice farming10
Plant diversity ameliorates the evolutionary development of fungicide resistance in an agricultural ecosystem10
Assessing foodborne pathogen survival in bird faeces to co‐manage farms for bird conservation, production, and food safety10
Habitat heterogeneity reduces abundance of invasive mealybugs in subtropical fruit crops10
Fertilizer quantity and type alter mycorrhizae‐conferred growth and resistance to herbivores10