Communication Theory

(The TQCC of Communication Theory is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Digital Wellbeing as a Dynamic Construct129
Fake News is Not a Virus: On Platforms and Their Effects36
Theorizing From the Global South: Dismantling, Resisting, and Transforming Communication Theory32
Social Media Information Environments and Their Implications for the Uses and Effects of News: The PINGS Framework31
Deception as a Bridging Concept in the Study of Disinformation, Misinformation, and Misperceptions: Toward a Holistic Framework28
Incivility as a Violation of Communication Norms—A Typology Based on Normative Expectations toward Political Communication28
BLINDED BY THE LIES? Toward an integrated definition of conspiracy theories25
Re-Conceptualizing Solitude in the Digital Era: From “Being Alone” to “Noncommunication”22
From Counterpublics to Contentious Publicness: Tracing the Temporal, Spatial, and Material Articulations of Popular Protest Through Social Media21
Audiences’ Communicative Agency in a Datafied Age: Interpretative, Relational and Increasingly Prospective17
Disinformation as a context-bound phenomenon: toward a conceptual clarification integrating actors, intentions and techniques of creation and dissemination15
A Negotiative Theory of Journalistic Roles15
Beyond Neutrality: Conceptualizing Platform Values15
Anthropomorphism in human–robot interactions: a multidimensional conceptualization14
Toward Intersectional Ecofeminist Communication Studies14
Toward a Theoretical Framework of Relational Maintenance in Computer-Mediated Communication13
The Other Side of Mediatization: Expanding the Concept to Defensive Strategies13
Rethinking the Public Sphere in an Age of Radical-Right Populism: A Case for Building an Empathetic Public Sphere11
Socio-Mediated Scandals: Theorizing Political Scandals in a Digital Media Environment10
On the Construction of Indigenous Chinese Communication Theories: An Analysis of the Cultural Roots9
An Empirical Procedure to Evaluate Misinformation Rejection and Deception in Mediated Communication Contexts9
From “the” public sphere to a network of publics: towards an empirically founded model of contemporary public communication spaces8
Recentering power: conceptualizing counterpublics and defensive publics8
Rethinking the Rhetorical Epistemics of Gaslighting7
The public sphere and contemporary lifeworld: reconstruction in the context of systemic crises7
A Theory of Professional Identity in Journalism: Connecting Discursive Institutionalism, Socialization, and Psychological Resilience Theory7