Journal of Marketing for Higher Education

(The TQCC of Journal of Marketing for Higher Education is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The influence of university brand image, satisfaction, and university identification on alumni WOM intentions30
A multi-stakeholder perspective of relationship marketing in higher education institutions27
Engaging students through social media. Findings for the top five universities in the world20
The influence of course experience, satisfaction, and loyalty on students’ word-of-mouth and re-enrolment intentions20
Student satisfaction: the role of expectations in mitigating the pain of paying fees15
Does forced-shift to online learning affect university brand image in South Korea? Role of perceived harm and international students’ learning engagement13
Measuring COVID-19’s impact on international HE students and intervention satisfaction: implications for marketing theory and practice13
The impact of COVID-19 on marketing for higher education institutions in developing countries: the case of Lebanon13
Social brand engagement and brand positioning for higher educational institutions: an empirical study in Sri Lanka12
China’s higher education branding: Study in China as an emerging national brand11
Factors influencing the choice of studying at UAE universities: an empirical research on the adoption of educational marketing strategies11
Customer service quality, emotional brand attachment and customer citizenship behaviors: findings from an emerging higher education market11
Motivation factors in student decisions to study Transnational Higher Education in China: a comparative study of two Anglo-Sino programmes11
You are what you communicate: on the relationships among university brand personality, identification, student participation, and citizenship behaviour10
Marketing and communicating sustainability through college athletics: the effects of pro-environmental initiatives on the belief-attitude-intention hierarchy10
Factors affecting the success of marketing in higher education: a relationship marketing perspective10
Loyalty to higher education institutions and the relationship with reputation: an integrated model with multi-stakeholder approach10
The role of university switching costs, perceived service quality, perceived university image and student satisfaction in shaping student loyalty10
The influence of self-congruence and relationship quality on student educational involvement10
Exploring the determinants of choosing an academic destination under a short-term mobility: a cross-cultural comparison of Poland and Portugal9
Role of social media technologies and customer relationship management capabilities 2.0 in creating customer loyalty and university reputation9
Antecedents and consequences of brand citizenship behavior in private higher education institutions9
Corporate social responsibility and brand loyalty in private higher education: mediation assessment of brand reputation and trust8
Servicescape in transnational higher education: the effects of campus design, physical environment and facilities on student experience and satisfaction8
Like father like son: the role of similar-education parents in their children’s university choice8
Reversing student attrition intentions using university COVID-19 response: a serial mediation and multi-group analysis8
Evaluating the influence of university ranking on the credibility and perceived differentiation of university brands8
Positioning strategies and rankings in the HE: congruence and contradictions8
Responding to a disruptive health crisis for higher education institutions: service quality and perceived safety effects on student satisfaction7
Managing students’ attitude, learning engagement, and stickiness towards e-learning post-COVID-19 in Australian universities: a perceived qualities perspective7
Strategies, benefits and barriers– a systematic literature review of student co-creation in higher education7
Cultural exploration as an antecedent of students’ intention to attend university events: an extension of the theory of reasoned action7
An application of the net promoter score in higher education7
An interactive decision-making model of international postgraduate student course choice7
Unique challenges of segmentation and differentiation for higher education6
Developing and testing a customer value co-creation model of higher education institutions6
The roles of the country’s cognitive, affective, and personality aspects in international students’ decision-making6
Are university ranking and popularity related? An analysis of 500 universities in Google Trends and the QS ranking in 2012-20206