Human Resource Management Journal

(The TQCC of Human Resource Management Journal is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
‘In or Out’ or ‘In‐And‐Out’: The Social Identity Transition of Female Academics During the Perinatal Period228
The necessity of civility in academic life120
Issue Information70
Issue Information69
Developing the concept of leaveism: From presenteeism/absence to an emergent and expanding domain of employment?54
Cultural intelligence and establishment of organisational diversity management practices: An upper echelons perspective43
A needs–supplies fit perspective on employee perceptions of HR practices and their relationship with employee outcomes38
Maternal (perinatal) mental health and employment: An agenda for research and practice34
Issue Information30
Computer use and pay for performance27
Issue Information27
‘Americanization’ and the drivers of the establishment and use of works councils in three post‐socialist countries24
Fragmenting work: Theoretical contributions and insights for a future of work research and policy agenda24
Embedded in context: How time and distance affect the convergence of personnel selection practices23
The negative impact of individual perceived isolation in distributed teams and its possible remedies23
Building organisational resilience capability in small and medium‐sized enterprises: The role of high‐performance work systems22
Female expatriates on the move? Gender diversity management in global mobility20
Staffing effectiveness across countries: An institutional perspective20
The effect of high involvement work systems on organisational performance and employee well‐being in a Spanish industrial context20
Feeling stuck and feeling bad: Career plateaus, negative emotions, and counterproductive work behaviors19
The joy of gratifications: Promotion as a short‐term boost or long‐term success – The same for women and men?19
Sharing and hiding knowledge under pandemics: The role of stressor appraisals, perceived supervisor behaviors and attributions of supervisor motives19
Neuronormativity as ignorant design in human resource management: The case of an unsupportive national context18
Reflections on achieving anti‐racism in organisations: The role of human resource management scholars and practitioners18
Professionalisation and convergence‐divergence of HRM: China, Hong Kong, and the United Kingdom compared17
Why and when family‐supportive supervisor behaviours influence newcomer organizational socialisation17
Issue Information17
Human resource management in the age of generative artificial intelligence: Perspectives and research directions on ChatGPT17
To telework or not to telework: Does the macro context matter? A signalling theory analysis of employee interpretations of telework in times of turbulence16
Untangling human resource management and employee wellbeing relationships: Differentiating job resource HR practices from challenge demand HR practices15
The duality of HR analysts' storytelling: Showcasing and curbing14
Algorithmic inclusion: Shaping the predictive algorithms of artificial intelligence in hiring14
‘It's so fake’: Identity performances and cynicism within a people analytics team13
How symbolic human resource function actions affect the implementation of high‐performance work practices: The mediating effect of influence on strategic decision‐making13
The effects of firm financialization on human resource management: How financialization affects the design of managerial jobs13
Opportunism in headhunter‐client relations: An agency theory perspective12
Two sides of the same coin: Appraising job‐related attributes as resilience enhancing or undermining12
Refugee recruitment and workplace integration: An opportunity for human resource management scholarship and impact12
Methodological threat or myth? Evaluating the current state of evidence on common method variance in human resource management research12
Antecedents and outcomes of enabling HR practices: The paradox of consistency and flexibility12
Digital inclusion and inequalities at work in the age of social media12
Issue Information12
Ownership power and managing a professional workforce: General practitioners and the employment of physician associates12
The effects of latent withdrawal profiles on employee turnover, destinations and job performance12
Towards a more inclusive human resource community: Engaging ethnic minority microbusinesses in human resource development programmes targeted at more productive methods of operating11
Organisational voice and employee‐focused voice: Two distinct voice forms and their effects on burnout and innovative behavior11
Digitalization and inclusiveness of HRM practices: The example of neurodiversity initiatives11
Smarter people analytics with organizational text data: Demonstrations using classic and advanced NLP models11
‘Leading’ by example? Gendered language in Human Resource job adverts10
Forging New Voice Mechanisms From a Crisis—Employee Voice on Social Media During COVID‐1910
Politics and race in the workplace: Understanding how and when trump‐supporting managers hinder black employees from thriving at work10
Enhancing learning in small businesses9
Caught in the eye of the perfect storm: Lebanese women human resource managers coping with macro‐level turbulence9
Reducing day‐level emotional exhaustion: The complementary role of high involvement work systems and engaging leadership9
Strengthening links between HRM theories, HR practices and outcomes: A proposal to advance research on HRM and outcomes9
Employee‐perceived ‘motivation‐enhancing HRM practices’ and career ambition: Social subjective norms explain workplace deviant behavior9
Inclusive human resource management in freelancers' employment relationships: The role of organizational needs and freelancers' psychological contracts8
Conceptualising the nexus between macro‐level ‘turbulence’ and the worker experience8
Who benefits from (Human Resource Management) professionalization? The moderating role of gender on professionalization effects in organisations8
Articulating scholarship in human resource management: Guidance for researchers8
Between interdependence and autonomy: Toward a typology of work design modes in the new world of work8
Worker silence in a turbulent neoliberal context: The case of mass privatisation of sugar factories in Turkey8
Creativity development and Mode 2 theory development: Event system and experiential learning perspectives8