Governance-An International Journal of Policy Administration and Insti

(The TQCC of Governance-An International Journal of Policy Administration and Insti is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
The polity of implementation: Organizational and institutional arrangements in policy implementation31
Bringing political science back into public administration research26
Taking the bite out of administrative burdens: How beneficiaries of a Mexican social program ease administrative burdens in street‐level interactions26
Government information disclosure and citizen coproduction during COVID‐19 in China24
Narratives of digital sovereignty in German political discourse24
Information capacity and social order: The local politics of information integration in China23
Within the shadow of hierarchy: The role of hierarchical interventions in environmental collaborative governance21
Can campaign‐style enforcement work: When and how? Evidence from straw burning control in China20
The extra‐legal governance of corruption: Tracing the organization of corruption in public procurement19
Countering fragmentation, taking back the state, or partisan agenda‐setting? Explaining policy integration and administrative coordination reforms19
Exploring political personalities: The micro‐foundation of local policy innovation in China17
Understanding self‐regulation for political control and policymaking: Effects of governance mechanisms on accountability16
Of democratic governance and revenue: Participatory institutions and tax generation in Brazil15
The technocratic tendencies of economists in government bureaucracy14
Political and administrative control of expert groups—A mixed‐methods study14
Unimplementable by design? Understanding (non‐)compliance with International Monetary Fund policy conditionality13
Trust‐based corruption networks: A comparative analysis of two municipal governments13
The imperative of state capacity in public health crisis: Asia's early COVID‐19 policy responses12
From quiet to noisy politics: Varieties of European reactions to 5G and Huawei12
Regional spillover into third‐order European elections11
Messaging about corruption: The power of social norms11
Sex, gender, and promotion in executive office: Cabinet careers in the world of Westminster11
Policy diffusion through leadership transfer networks: Direct or indirect connections?11
On democratic intelligence and failure: The vice and virtue of incrementalism under political fragmentation and policy accumulation11
Acting out or playing along: A typology of citizens' low trust responses to public organizations11
Collaborative public sector innovation: An analysis of Italy, Japan, and Turkey11
Professional ecologies in European sustainable finance11
The territorial architecture of government11
Agencies in the news? Public agencies' media evaluations in a low‐trust context10
Legitimacy crises and the temporal dynamics of bureaucratic representation10
Interacting institutional logics in policy implementation10
Authoritarian innovations in labor governance: The case of Cambodia10
Foreign aid projects and trust in political institutions9
Beyond street‐level procedural justice: Social construction, policy shift, and ethnic disparities in confidence in government institutions9
Willingness to pay taxes through mutual trust: The effect of fairness, governability,tax‐enforcementand outsourcing on local tax collection rates9
Resisting public monitoring in authoritarian regimes: Evidence from local environmental litigation in China9
Institutional vulnerability and trust in public agencies: Views from both sides of the street9
A shift in paradigm? Collaborative public administration in the context of national digitalization strategies9
Critical thoughts about critical mass in representative bureaucracy: A theoretical exploration and empirical illustration8
Beyond consultocracy and servants of power: Explaining the role of consultants in policy formulation8
Private management of public networks? Unpacking the relationship between network management strategies in infrastructure implementation8
International court curbing in Geneva: Lessons from the paralysis of the WTO Appellate Body8
The godfather provides: Enduring corruption and organizational hierarchy in the Kenyan police service8
When blame avoidance backfires: Responses to performance framing and outgroup scapegoating during the COVID‐19 pandemic8
National policy piloting as steering at a distance: The perspective of local implementers8
Information exchange in governance networks—Who brokers across political divides?8
Corruption experiences and attitudes to political, interpersonal, and domestic violence8
Public administration and political science: Can this marriage be saved?7
Institutional proximity and judicial corruption: A spatial approach7
Help your neighbor, help yourself: The drivers of European Union's climate cooperation in trans‐governmental networks with its neighbors7
Reversing delegation? Politicization, de‐delegation, and non‐majoritarian institutions7
Why efforts to fight corruption can undermine the social contract: Lessons from a survey experiment in Nigeria7
Compliance with government policies during emergencies: Trust, participation and protective actions7
Explaining interest group litigation in Europe: Evidence from the comparative interest group survey7
Condemned to complexity? Growing state activity and complex policy systems7
Understanding bureaucratic support for coerced institutional change7
Central bank independence in Latin America: Politicization and de‐delegation7
The politics of government reorganization inWestern Europe6
Government responsiveness and citizen satisfaction: Evidence from environmental governance6
Public participation in democracy, local accountability and happiness: Evidence from rural China6
Interests over institutions: Political‐economic constraints on public debt management in developing countries6
Place matters: Analyzing the roots of political distrust and Brexit narratives at a local level6
Cabinet size and governance in Sub‐Saharan Africa6
Collaborative governance platforms and outcomes: An analysis of Clean Cities coalitions6
Conflict and salience as drivers of corporate lobbying? An elite survey experiment6
Retooling governance for improving public service delivery: Case study of right to public services commission, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan6
Does voluntary cooperation in member state implementation require top‐down steering? The case of regional policy in Switzerland6
Serving quarreling masters: Frontline workers and policy implementation under pressure6
Policy growth, implementation capacities, and the effect on policy performance6
Neither multilevel governance nor battleground. Understanding the politics of immigrant integration in small and medium European localities6
The immigrant presence in collaborative structures of urban politics6
How politicians see their relationship with top bureaucrats: Revisiting classical images6
Women's political representation, good governance and human development6
National de‐delegation in multi‐level settings: Independent regulatory agencies in Europe6
Civil servants' preferences for nonprofit contractors: A conjoint analysis6
Women's leadership and the gendered consequences of austerity in the public sector: Evidence from IMF programs6
Can social welfare buy mass loyalty?5
Varieties of connections, varieties of corruption: Evidence from bureaucrats in five countries5
Navigating welfare regimes in divided societies: Diversity and the quality of service delivery in Lebanon5
Towards a multifaceted measure of perceived legitimacy of participatory governance5
Court performance and citizen attitudes toward fighting corruption5
How political connections exploit loopholes in procurement institutions for government contracts: Evidence from China5
Ethnic identity and local government responsiveness in Taiwan5
The Belgian mental health reform: When a combination of soft instruments hampers structural change5
Explaining Ukraine's resilience to Russia's invasion: The role of local governance5
Fatal remedies. How dealing with policy conflict can backfire in a context of trust‐erosion5
Democracy, public debt transparency, and sovereign creditworthiness5
Long‐term policymaking and politicians' beliefs about voters: Evidence from a 3‐year panel study of politicians5
Money down the drain: Corruption and water service quality in Africa5
Infrastructural state capacity in the digital age: What drives the performance of COVID‐19 tracing apps?5
Democracy and bureaucracy in newly industrialized countries: A systematic comparison between Latin America and East Asia4
Decision‐makers, advisers or educable subjects? Policymakers' perceptions of citizen participation in a Nordic democracy4
Breaking the mold? Ministerial rotations, legislative production and political strategies in Lebanon4
Colonial origins of modern bureaucracy? India and the professionalization of the British civil service4
Gendered bureaucracies: Women mayors and the size and composition of local governments4
Corruption perceptions: Confidence in elections and evaluations of clientelism4
Trustee strategies, politicization and de‐delegation: The case of the European Central Bank4
Hungry for power? Regional elites and the architecture of government4
Multilevel political connections and nonprofit revenues under authoritarianism: Evidence from Chinese foundations4
Separation of powers, opposition strength, and chief executives' strategy4
Government transparency and corruption in a turbulent setting: The case of foreign aid to Ukraine4
Parsing the impact of E‐government on bureaucratic corruption4
Parabureaucracy: The case of Mexico's “Servants of the Nation”4
Sorting citizens: Governing via China's social credit system4
The evolving perceptions of corruption in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic4
Gender representation in police organizations: Do upper‐level and street‐level female bureaucrats differ in their roles?4
Divided loyalties? The role of national IO staff in aid‐funded procurement4