Climate Services

(The TQCC of Climate Services is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Pan-European meteorological and snow indicators of climate change impact on ski tourism35
Opportunities and barriers for using climate information for building resilient agricultural systems in Sudan savannah agro-ecological zone of north-eastern Ghana30
The next generation of climate services30
Refocusing the climate services lens: Introducing a framework for co-designing “transdisciplinary knowledge integration processes” to build climate resilience29
Factors influencing farmers adoption of climate smart agriculture to respond climate variability in Siyadebrina Wayu District, Central highland of Ethiopia27
A global meta-analysis of climate services and decision-making in agriculture23
Determinants of climate variability adaptation strategies: A case of Itang Special District, Gambella Region, Ethiopia22
Building a climate service for North America based on the NA-CORDEX data archive21
Extreme climate events in sub-Saharan Africa: A call for improving agricultural technology transfer to enhance adaptive capacity21
CH2018 – National climate scenarios for Switzerland: How to construct consistent multi-model projections from ensembles of opportunity20
Changes in population exposure to extreme precipitation in the Yangtze River Delta, China19
The intensification of short-duration rainfall extremes due to climate change – Need for a frequent update of intensity–duration–frequency curves18
Reaching out to smallholder farmers in developing countries with climate services: A literature review of current information delivery channels18
Understanding climate services for enhancing resilient agricultural systems in Anglophone West Africa: The case of Ghana17
Climate change and variability adaptation strategies and their implications for household food Security: The case of Basona Worena District, North Shewa zone, Ethiopia17
Transforming climate science into usable services: The effectiveness of co-production in promoting uptake of climate information by smallholder farmers in Senegal17
Impact of climate variability on household food security in Godere District, Gambella Region, Ethiopia17
Coping with drought: Lessons learned from robusta coffee growers in Vietnam17
Comparative Analysis of Meteorological Records of Climate Variability and Farmers' Perceptions in Sekota Woreda, Ethiopia16
How climate change is going to affect urban livability in China16
On the next generation (NextGen) seasonal prediction system to enhance climate services over Ethiopia16
Climate Scenarios for Switzerland CH2018 – Approach and Implications16
Spatio-temporal hydro-climate variability in Omo-Gibe river Basin, Ethiopia16
Using co-production to improve the appropriate use of sub-seasonal forecasts in Africa15
Climate services for managing societal risks and opportunities15
Improving the seasonal prediction of Northern Australian rainfall onset to help with grazing management decisions14
Co-production of climate services: A story map for future coastal flooding for the city of Flensburg13
Farmers’ barriers to the access and use of climate information in the mountainous regions of Thừa Thiên Huế province, Vietnam13
Climate change adaptation strategies of cocoa farmers in the Wassa East District: Implications for climate services in Ghana13
Application of real time S2S forecasts over Eastern Africa in the co-production of climate services13
Contextualising seasonal climate forecasts by integrating local knowledge on drought in Malawi12
Climate services for tourism: Insights from Caribbean Small Island Developing States12
Stimulating small-scale farmer innovation and adaptation with Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA): Lessons from successful implementation in Africa, Latin America, the Ca12
Limited access and use of climate information by small-scale sugarcane farmers in South Africa: A case study12
Farmers’ perceptions about changes in climate variables: Perceived risks and household responses in different agro-ecological communities, Southern Ethiopia12
Climate change vulnerability mapping across ecological zones in Delta State, Niger Delta Region of Nigeria11
Upper Colorado River Basin 20th century droughts under 21st century warming: Plausible scenarios for the future11
Understanding the farmers’ choices and adoption of adaptation strategies, and plans to climate change impact in Africa: A systematic review11
Reflections on a key component of co-producing climate services: Defining climate metrics from user needs11
Climate services for tourism: An applied methodology for user engagement and co-creation in European destinations11
Challenges and best-practices of co-creation: A qualitative interview study in the field of climate services11
Analysis of El Niño Southern Oscillation and its impact on rainfall distribution and productivity of selected cereal crops in Kembata Alaba Tembaro zone10
Destination Earth – A digital twin in support of climate services10
Exposure of Portuguese viticulture to weather extremes under climate change10
Widening the common space to reduce the gap between climate science and decision-making in industry10
Numerical weather prediction and climate modelling: Challenges and opportunities for improving climate services delivery in Southern Africa9
Co-designing a citizen science climate service9
Cost and benefit analysis of adopting climate adaptation practices among smallholders: The case of five selected practices in Ghana8
A simplified seasonal forecasting strategy, applied to wind and solar power in Europe8
A framework for assessing the value of seasonal climate forecasting in key agricultural decisions8
Mapping weather risk – A multi-indicator analysis of satellite-based weather data for agricultural index insurance development in semi-arid and arid zones of Central Asia8
Scaling weather and climate services for agriculture in Senegal: Evaluating systemic but overlooked effects8
Supporting local adaptation through the co-production of climate information: An evaluation of collaborative research processes and outcomes8
The demand side of climate services for real-time snow management in Alpine ski resorts: Some empirical insights and implications for climate services development8
Reframing climate services to support municipal and regional planning8
Successful climate services for adaptation: What we know, don’t know and need to know8
Climate services in Brazil: Past, present, and future perspectives8
Urban water crises: Making sense of climate change adaptation barriers and success parameters8
Hydrological modeling of spatial and temporal variations in streamflow due to multiple climate change scenarios in northwestern Morocco7
A CMIP6-based multi-model downscaling ensemble to underpin climate change services in Australia7
The usability of ClimApp: A personalized thermal stress warning tool7
Urban multi-model climate projections of intense heat in Switzerland7
A new mission: Mainstreaming climate adaptation in the US Department of Defense7
Water Savings with Irrigation Water Management at Multi-week Lead Time Using Extended Range Predictions6
Putting social networks to practical use: Improving last-mile dissemination systems for climate and market information services in developing countries6
Advancing climate services in South Asia6
Perceptions of co-design, co-development and co-delivery (Co-3D) as part of the co-production process – Insights for climate services6
How decadal predictions entered the climate services arena: an example from the agriculture sector6
Climate change projections and impacts on the eucalyptus plantation around the Doce River basin, in Minas Gerais, Brazil6
Livelihood vulnerability to the changing climate: the experiences of smallholder farming households in the Free State Province, South Africa6
A national hydrological projections service for Australia6
A typology of climate information users for adaptation to agricultural droughts in Uruguay6
Are farmers willing to pay for participatory climate information services? Insights from a case study in peri-urban Khulna, Bangladesh6
Co-design of sectoral climate services based on seasonal prediction information in the Mediterranean6
A method of assessing user capacities for effective climate services6
Clisagri: An R package for agro-climate services6