International Migration Review

(The TQCC of International Migration Review is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
(Im)mobility in the Age of COVID-1976
The Refugee Paradox During Wartime in Europe: How Ukrainian and Afghan Refugees are (not) Alike43
Suppression, Spikes, and Stigma: How COVID-19 Will Shape International Migration and Hostilities toward It27
Discrimination of Black and Muslim Minority Groups in Western Societies: Evidence From a Meta-Analysis of Field Experiments25
Which Integration Policies Work? The Heterogeneous Impact of National Institutions on Immigrants’ Labor Market Attainment in Europe23
Climate Change, Drought, and Potential Environmental Migration Flows Under Different Policy Scenarios21
Precarious Times, Professional Tensions: The Ethics of Migration Research and the Drive for Scientific Accountability16
Does Facilitated and Early Access to the Healthcare System Improve Refugees’ Health Outcomes? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Germany16
A Global Meta-analysis of the Immigrant Mortality Advantage16
International Migration and the (Un)happiness Push: Evidence from Polish Longitudinal Data16
Death and Migration: Migrant Journeys and the Governance of Migration During Europe’s “Migration Crisis”15
Humanitarian Assistance and Permanent Settlement of Asylum Seekers in Greece: The Role of Sympathy, Perceived Threat, and Perceived Contribution14
Immigrant Women’s Economic Outcomes in Europe: The Importance of Religion and Traditional Gender Roles13
Decline, Revival, Change? Religious Adaptations among Muslim and Non-Muslim Immigrant Origin Youth in Norway12
Pull Factors and Migration Preferences: Evidence from the Middle East and North Africa11
Toward an Early Warning System for Monitoring Asylum-Related Migration Flows in Europe10
Foreign Accents in the Early Hiring Process: A Field Experiment on Accent-Related Ethnic Discrimination in Germany10
Time to Mainstream the Environment into Migration Theory?10
What Shapes Attitudes Toward Homosexuality among European Muslims? The Role of Religiosity and Destination Hostility10
Public Opinion on Refugee Policy in the United States, 1938-2019: Increasing Support for Refugees and the Sympathy Effect9
From “Sea Turtles” to “Grassroots Ambassadors”: The Chinese Politics of Outbound Student Migration9
Do Gender-role Values Matter? Explaining New Refugee Women’s Social Contact in Germany9
When Diaspora Politics Meet Global Ambitions: Diaspora Institutions Amid China's Geopolitical Transformations9
Understanding International Immobility through Internal Migration: “Left behind” Nurses in the Philippines9
The Integration Paradox: A Review and Meta-Analysis of the Complex Relationship Between Integration and Reports of Discrimination8
What Drives Migration to Europe? Survey Experimental Evidence from Lebanon8
Implications of the Rohingya Relocation from Cox’s Bazar to Bhasan Char, Bangladesh8
A Liberal Region in a World of Closed Borders? The Liberalization of Asylum Policies in Latin America, 1990–20208
Bridges or Barriers? The Relationship between Immigrants’ Early Labor Market Adversities and Long-term Earnings8
Navigating to the Top in an Egalitarian Welfare State: Institutional Opportunity Structures of Second-generation Social Mobility7
Young Gazan Refugees, Sport and Social Media: Understanding Migration as a Process of Becoming7
Where Would Ukrainian Refugees Go if They Could Go Anywhere?7
Bonding Social Capital, Afghan Refugees, and Early Access to Employment7
Exclusionary Contexts Frustrate Cultural Integration: Migrant Acculturation Into Support for Gender Equality in the Labor Market in Western Europe7
Ethnic Wage Penalty and Human Capital Transferability: A Comparative Study of Recent Migrants in 11 European Countries7
Cumulative Experiences of Immigration Enforcement Policy and the Physical and Mental Health Outcomes of Asian and Latinx Immigrants in the United States7
“New White Ethnics” or “New Latinos”? Hispanic/Latino Pan-ethnicity and Ancestry Reporting among South American Immigrants to the United States6
“Maybe One Day I Will also be Almito”: Ethiopian Israelis, Naming, and the Politics of Immigrant Identity6
Fathers’ Migration and Academic Achievement among Left-behind Children in India: Evidence of Continuity and Change in Gender Preferences6
Legal Histories as Determinants of Incorporation: Previous Undocumented Experience and Naturalization Propensities Among Immigrants in the United States6
Health-Care Utilization of Refugees: Evidence from Austria6
Does Personality Matter? Noncognitive Skills and the Male Migrant Wage Gap in Germany6
Times of Work and Social Life: Bangladeshi Migrants in Northeast Italy and London6
Actors, Ideas, and International Influence: Understanding Migration Policy Change in South America6
The Polarizing Effect of Anti-Immigrant Violence on Radical Right Sympathies in Germany6
Immigrant Legal Status among Essential Frontline Workers in the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic Era5
Gendered and Stratified Family Formation Trajectories in the Context of Latin American Migration, 1950 to 20005
Restricting Human Movement During the COVID-19 Pandemic: New Research Avenues in the Study of Mobility, Migration, and Citizenship5
Wages of Skilled Migrant and Native Employees in Germany: New Light on an Old Issue5
The Labor Force Trajectories of Immigrant Women in the United States: Intersecting Individual and Gendered Cohort Characteristics5
Determinants of Intended Return Migration among Refugees: A Comparison of Syrian Refugees in Germany and Turkey5
The Impact of Place of Origin on International and Domestic Graduates’ Mobility in China5
Spatial Assimilation at a Halt? Intergenerational Persistence in Neighborhood Contexts among Immigrant Minorities in Norway5
“No Place for Old Men”: Immigrant Duration, Wage Theft, and Economic Mobility among Day Laborers in Denver, Colorado4
The Effect of Immigrant Integration Policies on Public Immigration Attitudes: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in the United Kingdom4
Multidimensionality in the Integration of First- and Second-Generation Migrants in Europe: A Conceptual and Empirical Investigation4
Policy Change, Threat Perception, and Mobility Catalysts: The Trump Administration as Driver of Asylum Migration to Canada4
Free Movement and Welfare in the European Union: The Social Consequences of the Right to Exit4
Divergent Immigrant Health Trajectories: Disparities in Physical Health Using a Multidimensional Conceptualization of Legal Status4
Homestay Accommodation for Refugees (in Europe). A Literature Review4
In the Ear of the Listener: The Role of Foreign Accent in Interethnic Friendships and Partnerships4
Collectivized Discretion: Seeking Explanations for Decreased Asylum Recognition Rates in Finland After Europe's 2015 “Refugee Crisis”4
Remittances and Protests against Crime in Mexico4
Point of Reference: A Multisited Exploration of African Migration and Fertility in France4
Bargaining Power: A Framework for Understanding Varieties of Migration Experience4
“I Will Return Strong”: The Role of Life Aspirations in Refugees’ Return Aspirations3
Sick Days: Logical Versus Survey Identification of the Foreign-Born Population in the United States3
Do Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) Support Self-Reliance among Urban Refugees? Evidence from Kuala Lumpur and Penang, Malaysia3
Sexuality, Migration, and LGB Policy: A Portrait of Immigrants in Same-Sex Couples in the United States3
Costa Rica as a Destination for Migrants in Need of International Protection: IMR Country Report3
Refugee Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Review of Prior Research and Agenda for Future Research3
Mass Preferences for the Free Movement of People in Africa: A Public Opinion Analysis of 36 Countries3
Components of Context: Respecifying the Role of Context in Migration Research3
Trajectories of Spatial Assimilation or Place Stratification? A Typology of Residence and Workplace Histories of Newly Arrived Migrants in Sweden3
Warriors Wanted: The Performance of Immigrants in the US Army3
Immigrant Men’s Economic Adaptation in Changing Labor Markets: Why Gaps between Turkish and German Men Expanded, 1976–20153
Possible Citizens: Migration Enforcement as the Performance of Citizenship in the United Arab Emirates3
How Homeland Experiences Shape Refugee Belonging: Rethinking Exile, Home, and Integration in the Syrian Case3
Linguistic Barriers to Immigrants’ Labor Market Integration in Italy3
Labor Recruitment and Human Trafficking: Analysis of a Global Trafficking Survivor Database3
The Map and the Territory: The Use of Country Information in Asylum Assessments3
Extending Migrants’ Rights but Limiting Long-Term Settlement: Migrant Integration Policy Trends in EU and OECD Countries Between 2010 and 20193
Acculturation Among Finnish Somalis: An Imitation Game Inquiry Into Bicultural Fluency3
Are They Still Aiming High? The Development of Educational Aspirations of Lower Secondary School Students With Immigrant Backgrounds in Germany3
The Legacy of Conflict: Reconstruction and Migration in the Aftermath of Civil War in Tajikistan3
Immigration, Sanctuary Policies, and Public Safety3
Does Emancipation Matter? Fertility of Chinese International Migrants to the United States and Nonmigrants during China’s One-child Policy Period3
Migrant Remittances and Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Income Classifications3
National Cultural Frames and Muslims’ Economic Incorporation: A Comparison of France and Canada3
The Quest for Lifestyle: Reverse Family Migration among Hong Kong Returnee Parents3
Migration Aspirations and Adolescents’ Ideal age at Union Formation in Western Mexico3
Transnational City Networks on Migration and Integration and Local Collaborative Governance: Establishing the Nexus2
Party System Polarization, Citizenship, and Immigrant Party Allegiances in Western Europe2
Vulnerable and Resilient: Legal Status, Sources of Support, Maternal Knowledge, and the Family Routines of Mexican and Central American-origin Mothers in Los Angeles2
Quarantine Ships as Spaces of Bordering: The Securitization of Migration Policy in Italy During the COVID-19 Pandemic2
Transnational Parenthood and Migrant Subjective Well-Being in Italy2
Refugee Status, Settlement Assistance, and the Educational Integration of Migrants’ Children in the United States2
Permanent Membership: The Prohibition of Citizenship Renunciation2
The Making of a “Lost Generation”: Child Labor among Syrian Refugees in Turkey2
“All the World's a Stage?” A Role Theory Analysis of City Diplomacy in Global Migration Governance2
The Migration Response to Food Insecurity and Household Shocks in Southwestern Ethiopia, 2005–20082
Food Insecurity and International Migration Flows2
Spatial Incorporation of Multiple Immigrant Groups in Gateway Cities: Comparative Analysis of Sydney, Barcelona, and Prague2
The Realization of Short-Term Fertility Intentions Among Immigrants and Children of Immigrants in Norway and Sweden2
Understanding Adverse Outcomes in Gulf Migration: Evidence from Administrative Data from Sri Lanka2
Badante or Bride? Patterns of Female Migration in Italy, Japan, Korea, and Spain2
Importance of Personality Traits for Destination-Language Acquisition: Evidence for Refugees in Germany2
IMR Country Report – Nigerian Migration to Russia: Accommodation and Discrimination in a Post-Soviet Society2
Does Self-Employment Contribute to Immigrants’ Economic Integration? Examining Patterns of Self-Employment Exit in Belgium2
Fitting in at the Top? Stigma and the Negotiation of Belonging Among the New Immigrant Elite in France2
Are Healthcare Systems Failing Immigrants? Transnational Migration and Social Exclusion in the Workers’ Compensation Process in Québec2
Safety, Shame, and Ambiguity — the Case of Ukrainian Male Refugees2
Unraveling Migration Policy-Making in the Land of “No Immigrants”: Japanese Bureaucracy and the Discursive Gap2