Telecommunications Policy

(The TQCC of Telecommunications Policy is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
The impact of ICT on economic growth-Comparing rich and poor countries164
ICT for sustainable development: Global comparative evidence of globalisation thresholds117
Revisiting Wireless Internet Connectivity: 5G vs Wi-Fi 6104
Assessment of mobile technology use in the emerging market: Analyzing intention to use m-payment services in India96
Broadband infrastructure and export growth91
Factors influencing TikTok engagement behaviors in China: An examination of gratifications sought, narcissism, and the Big Five personality traits89
Internet access and poverty reduction: Evidence from rural and urban Mexico88
From digital divide to digital inclusion: Challenges for wide-ranging digitalization in Pakistan72
Reaping digital dividends: Digital inclusive finance and high-quality development of enterprises in China68
Environmental sustainability in the OECD: The power of digitalization, green innovation, renewable energy and financial development67
Digital technologies and financial inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa67
Could information and communication technology (ICT) reduce carbon emissions? The role of trade openness and financial development65
Digital infrastructure and employment in services: Evidence from Sub-Saharan African countries63
5G: A new future for Mobile Network Operators, or not?62
Resistance to facial recognition payment in China: The influence of privacy-related factors60
The impact of literacy on intention to use digital technology for learning: A comparative study of Korea and Finland52
The non-linear relationship between ICT diffusion and financial development50
Effects of the internet, mobile, and land phones on income inequality and The Kuznets curve: Cross country analysis49
An analysis of the impacts of telecommunications technology and innovation on economic growth49
ICT and socio-economic development: Evidence from a spatial panel data analysis in China45
Is ICT an enduring driver of economic growth? Evidence from South Asian economies45
Mobile payment and rural household consumption: Evidence from China45
Can digitization mitigate the economic damage of a pandemic? Evidence from SARS44
Information technology, income inequality and economic growth in sub-Saharan African countries44
Harnessing digital technologies for poverty reduction. Evidence for low-income and lower-middle income countries43
ICT, governance and inequality in Africa42
Inclusive growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploring the interaction between ICT diffusion, and financial development42
Digital dividend or digital divide? Digital economy and urban-rural income inequality in China39
Regulating smart contracts: Legal revolution or simply evolution?38
ICT dynamics for gender inclusive intermediary education: Minimum poverty and inequality thresholds in developing countries38
Determinants of digitalization and digital divide in Sub-Saharan African economies: A spatial Durbin analysis37
Digital divide and financial development in Africa37
Urbanization and sustainable development for inclusiveness using ICTs36
Does ICT create a new driving force for manufacturing?—Evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms35
China's emerging role in the global semiconductor value chain35
Broadband adoption and availability: Impacts on rural employment during COVID-1935
ICT adoption, innovation, and SMEs’ access to finance34
Do ICTs drive wealth inequality? Evidence from a dynamic panel analysis34
The non-linear impact of digitization on remittances inflow: Evidence from the BRICS33
ICT investment and GDP growth: Causality analysis for the case of Korea33
Platform configurations for local and private 5G networks in complex industrial multi-stakeholder ecosystems32
Importance of Internet Exchange Point (IXP) infrastructure for 5G: Estimating the impact of 5G use cases32
Regulation and innovation in 5G markets32
How does broadband infrastructure promote entrepreneurship in China: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment31
Total factor productivity enablers in the ICT industry: A cross-country firm-level analysis31
Democratic legitimacy in global platform governance30
Drivers of and barriers to e-commerce adoption in Indonesia: Individuals’ perspectives and the implications30
Exploring the structural effects of the ICT sector in the Greek economy: A quantitative approach based on input-output and network analysis30
Convergence patterns in global ICT: Fresh insights from a club clustering algorithm29
Internet access and its role on educational inequality during the COVID-19 pandemic28
ICT and economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Transmission channels and effects28
Female participation in African labor markets: The role of information and communication technologies28
Connecting the other half: Exploring options for the 50% of the population unconnected to the internet28
State broadband policy: Impacts on availability27
Factors affecting users' satisfaction and dissatisfaction of OTT services in South Korea27
The impact of ICT patents on economic growth: An international evidence27
The multidimensional effect of financial development on trade in Africa: The role of the digital economy26
E-commerce in Spain: Determining factors and the importance of the e-trust25
The rise of 5G technologies and systems: A quantitative analysis of knowledge production25
Prediction of Wheat Production Using Machine Learning Algorithms in northern areas of Pakistan24
Increasing low-income broadband adoption through private incentives24
The impact of the General Data Protection Regulation on internet interconnection24
Does digitalization promote net job creation? Empirical evidence from WAEMU countries23
Blockchain as a cutting-edge technology impacting business: A systematic literature review perspective23
Who uses paid over-the-top services and why? Cross-national comparisons of consumer demographics and values23
Why is South Korea at the forefront of 5G? Insights from technology systems theory23
Leveraging digital technology for development: Does ICT contribute to poverty reduction?23
Determinants of internet use by school-age children: The challenges for Mexico during the COVID-19 pandemic23
Demonetization and digitalization: The Indian government's hidden agenda22
Economic growth and broadband access: The European urban-rural digital divide21
Demand-side broadband policy in the context of digital transformation: An examination of SME digital advisory policies in Wales21
Does the digital economy generate a gender dividend for female employment? Evidence from China21
Elections, institutions, and the regulatory politics of platform governance: The case of the German NetzDG21
Advertising in streaming video: An integrative literature review and research agenda21
A new measure of digital economic activity and its impact on local opportunity21
Privacy in AI and the IoT: The privacy concerns of smart speaker users and the Personal Information Protection Law in China20
The technology we choose to create: Human rights advocacy in the Internet Engineering Task Force20
Can digital policy improve corporate sustainability? Empirical evidence from China's national comprehensive big data pilot zones20
Friends or Foes? Mobile money interaction with formal and informal finance20
5G and the notion of network ideology, or: The limitations of sociotechnical imaginaries19
How do industrial robots applications affect the quality upgrade of Chinese export trade?19
Effects of data localization on digital trade: An agent-based modeling approach19
Does ICTs decrease the spread of informal economy in Africa?19
A ‘biased’ emerging governance regime for artificial intelligence? How AI ethics get skewed moving from principles to practices19
European Union policy on 5G: Context, scope and limits18
Toward the adoption of digital assistive technology: Factors affecting older people's initial trust formation18
Leveraging university research within the context of open innovation: The case of Huawei18
Factors influencing K-pop artists' success on V live online video platform18
Measuring ICT externalities and their contribution to productivity: A bilateral trade based approach18
Employment and the gender digital divide in Latin America: A decomposition analysis18
Ubiquitous technologies and 5G development. Who is leading the race?18
Harmonizing regulatory regimes for the governance of patient-generated health data18
Participation of developing countries in global value chains: What role for information and communication technologies?18
The effect of the digital economy on total factor productivity in European regions18
“The Netflix effect” in Thailand: Industry and regulatory implications18
The social process of internet appropriation: Living in a digitally advanced country benefits less well-educated Europeans17
Internet of things and the economics of 5G-based local industrial networks17
Impact of high-speed broadband access on local establishment dynamics17
Digital divides across consumers of internet services in Spain using panel data 2007–2019. Narrowing or not?17
Digital platforms in Africa: A case-study of Jumia Egypt's digital platform16
Fibre to the countryside: A comparison of public and community initiatives tackling the rural digital divide in the UK16
Digitalization and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic16
The evolution paths of neutral host businesses: Antecedents, strategies, and business models15
Mobile phones, mobile Internet, and employment in Uganda15
Population grid-based assessment of the impact of broadband expansion on population development in rural areas15
Information and communications technology infrastructure and firm growth: An empirical study of China's cities15
Assessment of E-government inclusion policies toward seniors: A framework and case study15
OTT and live streaming services: Past, present, and future15
An in-depth analysis of the entrepreneurship of rural Chinese mothers and the digital inclusive finance15
Normfare: Norm entrepreneurship in internet governance15
Who is left behind? Exploring the characteristics of China's broadband non-adopting families14
Small rural operators techno-economic analysis to bring mobile services to isolated communities: The case of Peru Amazon rainforest14
The ‘China’ question in mobile Internet standard-making: Insights from expert interviews14
Development of 5G – Identifying organizations active in publishing, patenting, and standardization14
Standard essential patents and global ICT value chains with a focus on the catching-up of China13
ICT for healthy and active aging: The elderly as first and last movers13
Evaluating the impact of broadband access and internet use in a small underserved rural community13
Reforming funding of universal access to telecommunications and broadband services: Approaches for the new decade13