Revue d'Economie Politique

(The TQCC of Revue d'Economie Politique is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Wealth in the Quadratic Loss Function of the Ramsey Malinvaud Cass Koopmans Model of Optimal Savings13
Conflits et développement financier en Afrique subsaharienne9
American Protectionism8
Taking expectations seriously: A leitmotif in Stockholm School economics7
Impacts d’une production de biocarburant dans une économie pétro-dépendante et reconversion agricole6
Responsabilité sociale des entreprises et présence d’investisseurs étrangers dans un duopole mixte4
« Je ne tromperai jamais leur confiance » : analyse de l’influence des laboratoires sur la relation médecin-patient en France4
Political Economy of Conflict and Institutions. Foreword4
Un bilan d’activité de la Revue d’économie politique : 2018-20224
De Libra 1.0 à Libra 2.0 (Diem) : entre échec programmé et pertinence renouvelée pour l’économie politique4
Le Mécanisme Troc Carbone Avion (TCA)3
Le fonds de sortie des emprunts toxiques : une alternative au contentieux ?3
Mehrdad Vahabi, Destructive Coordination, Anfal and Islamic Political Capitalism. New Reading of Contemporary Iran , Palgrave-Macmillan, 20233
La proximité du dirigeant et des administrateurs renforce-t-elle la position concurrentielle de la firme ?3
Hommage à Gilbert Abraham-Frois (1934-2024)2
Back to Front: The Role of Seminars, Conferences and Workshops in the History of Economics. Preface to the Second Issue2
Manipulabilité coalitionnelle du vote par note à trois niveaux : quantification et comparaison à trois autres règles de vote2
How to Reconcile Pandemic Business Interruption Risk With Insurance Coverage2
Note on Democracy and Competition: The Role of Ownership Structure in a General Equilibrium Model with Vertical Preferences2
Agriculture Productivity Gains and their Distribution for the Main EU Members2
Shadow Economy in France: What Factors Matter?2
European Economics and the Early Years of the International Seminar on Macroeconomics2
« Partager le revenu ». Pour une nouvelle formule de financement de l’enseignement supérieur qui vient de l’Oregon2
Entre convergence et disparité. Les SIDS face aux défis de la transition énergétique2
A Cooperative Game Approach to Integrated Healthcare2
Economic Layoffs and Mental Health: Evidence from French Register-Survey Data2
Political Decentralization and Subjective Well-Being: Evidence from Propensity Score Matching Estimates2
Co-opting Separatists: Social Welfare for Cross-Border Minorities in Xinjiang2
Employment, unemployment, participation: a regional study1
From the Stagflation to the Great Inflation: Explaining the US economy of the 1970s1
Women’s Political Participation and Energy Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa: Effects and Transmission Channels1
The Cowles Summer Research Conferences on Economics and Statistics 1935-1940: Building a Community for Mathematical Economics and Econometrics1
Back to Front: The Role of Seminars, Conferences and Workshops in the History of Economics1
Fuel Poverty and Health: A Shared Agenda for Policy1
Gratuité des transports en commun et congestion routière : revue de la littérature et implications pour Paris1
Expectations and full employment. Hansen, Samuelson and Lange1
What Link between Legitimacy and Response to Incentives on a Crowdwork Platform? The Foule Factory Case1
Inheritance Taxation with Agents Differing in Altruism1
L’enjeu de l’emploi dans la régulation des jeux de hasard et d’argent en France : une analyse entrée-sortie1
Perceived Benefits of Plant-Based Diets1
Testing for the Imports-Led Growth and the Growth-Led Imports Hypotheses in Panels for the Small Island World1
They Never Walked Alone. Workshop, Seminars, Conferences and the Making of Virginia Political Economy1
Heterogeneity and Cross-Sectional Dependence in Panels: Heterogeneous vs. Homogeneous Estimators1
An Economic Analysis of Violent Crime1
How to Reduce Post-Harvest Losses ? A Theoretical Assessment of a Support Policy versus a Regulation Policy.1
« Cliometrics and the Nobel » : Claudia Goldin, trente ans après1