Land Economics

(The TQCC of Land Economics is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Best Management Practices and Nutrient Reduction: An Integrated Economic-Hydrologic Model of the Western Lake Erie Basin20
The Willingness to Pay for Flood Insurance19
Escapees in Salmon Aquaculture: A Multi-output Approach17
An Integrated Assessment Model for Valuing Water Quality Changes in the United States13
Residential Mobility, Brownfield Remediation, and Environmental Gentrification in Chicago13
Overlooked Benefits of Nutrient Reductions in the Mississippi River Basin12
Environmental Disasters and Property Values: Evidence from Nepal’s Forest Fires12
Agricultural Displacement and Deforestation Leakage in the Brazilian Legal Amazon12
Property Values, Water Quality, and Benefit Transfer: A Nationwide Meta-analysis10
Water Quality Trading in the Presence of Conservation Subsidies10
Additionality in Payment for Ecosystem Services Programs: Agricultural Conservation Subsidies in Maryland9
Understanding the Performance of Biodiversity Offset Markets: Evidence from an Integrated Ecological-Economic Model9
Convergent Validity of Satellite and Secchi Disk Measures of Water Clarity in Hedonic Models8
The Demand for Global and Local Environmental Protection: Experimental Evidence from Climate Change Mitigation in Beijing8
Measuring Motivations for Choosing Ecolabeled Seafood: Environmental Concerns and Warm Glow8
Linking Agricultural Nutrient Pollution to the Value of Freshwater Ecosystem Services8
Heterogeneity in Preferences for Nonfinancial Incentives to Engage Landholders in Native Vegetation Management7
Environmental Centralizing and Firm Productivity: Evidence from China’s Vertical Environmental Reforms7
WTA-WTP Disparity: The Role of Perceived Realism of the Valuation Setting7
Crop Allocation and Increasing Returns to Fertilizer Use in China6
Payment and Policy Consequentiality in Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation: Experimental Design Effects on Self-Reported Perceptions6
Revenue and Distributional Consequences of Alternative Outdoor Recreation Pricing Mechanisms: Evidence from a Micropanel Data Set6
Using Auxiliary Population Samples for Sample-Selection Correction in Models Based on Crowd-Sourced Volunteered Geographic Information6
Climate, Adaptation, and the Value of Forestland: A National Ricardian Analysis of the United States6
Including Additional Pollutants into an Integrated Assessment Model for Estimating Nonmarket Benefits from Water Quality6
Potential Supply of Midwest Cropland for Conversion to In-Field Prairie Strips6
Landowner Acceptance of Wind Turbines on Their Land: Insights from a Factorial Survey Experiment5
Does Providing Improved Biomass Cooking Stoves Free-of-Charge Reduce Regular Usage? Do Use Incentives Promote Habits?5
Using Choice Framing to Improve the Design of Agricultural Subsidy Schemes5
Biodiversity and Economic Land Use5
A Flood of Construction: The Role of Levees in Urban Floodplain Development5
Homeowner Willingness to Pay for a Pre-flood Agreement for a Post-flood Buyout5
Consequentiality, Elicitation Formats, and the Willingness to Pay for Green Electricity: Evidence from Germany5
Household Sorting as Adaptation to Hurricane Risk in the United States4
Incorporating Uncertainty in the Economic Evaluation of Capital Investments for Water-Use Efficiency Improvements4
Protecting the Breadbasket with Trees? The Effect of the Great Plains Shelterbelt Project on Agriculture4
Urban Land Use Fragmentation and Human Well-Being4
Distributional Effects of Entry Fees and Taxation for Financing Public Beaches4
Photovoltaics and the Solar Rebound4
Environmental Regulation, Compliance Strategies, and Productivity: Evidence from China4
Farmland Rental Rates: Does Organic Certification Matter?4
Adaptation to Natural Disasters through the Agricultural Land Rental Market: Evidence from Bangladesh4
More in Good Condition or Less in Bad Condition? Valence-Based Framing Effects in Environmental Valuation3
Revenue Sharing and Social Capital in Community-Based Resource Management: Empirical Evidence from Japanese Surf-Clam Fisheries3
Data Practices for Studying the Impacts of Environmental Amenities and Hazards with Nationwide Property Data3
Do We Choose Differently after a Discussion? Results from a Deliberative Valuation Study in Ireland3
Nudging Away from Plastic Bags with Charitable Donations3
Honey Bees, Almonds, and Colony Mortality: An Economic Simulation of the U.S. Pollination Market3
Polarization in Environmental Donations: Application to Deforestation-Prevention Donation3
Valuation of Noise Pollution and Abatement Policy: Evidence from the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport3
Wetland Investment Support Schemes: Adoption and Spatial Interactions3
Certainty of Punishment versus Severity of Punishment3
Introduction to the Special Issue: Integrated Assessment Models and the Social Cost of Water Pollution Workshop3
Escapees in Salmon Aquaculture: A Multi-output Approach3