South African Journal of Economics

(The TQCC of South African Journal of Economics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Labour Market Dynamics in South Africa at the Onset of the COVID‐19 Pandemic56
A Tale of Three Countries: What is the Relationship Between COVID‐19, Lockdown and Happiness?42
Economic and Distributional Impact of COVID‐19: Evidence from Macro‐Micro Modelling of the South African Economy31
Social Assistance Amidst the COVID‐19 Epidemic in South Africa: A Policy Assessment29
Exclusive Growth? Rapidly Increasing Top Incomes Amid Low National Growth in South Africa12
Export margins and survival: A firm‐level analysis using Kenyan data11
The Possible Effects of the Extended Lockdown Period on the South African Economy: A CGE Analysis11
Effects of terrorism and economic policy uncertainty on economic complexity in Africa: A study of the moderating role of governance institutions10
Potential Impact of Climate Change and Armed Conflict on Inequality in Sub‐Saharan Africa9
Snakes and ladders and loaded dice: Poverty dynamics and inequality in South Africa between 2008 and 20178
An analysis of the impact of technological innovation on productivity in South African manufacturing firms using direct measures of innovation8
Ethnic Diversity and Local Economies6
Electricity outages and residential fires: Evidence from Cape Town, South Africa6
On the aggregate effects of global uncertainty: Evidence from an emerging economy6
Do International Sanctions Reduce Household and Government Consumption in Developing Countries?5
South African student retention during 2020: Evidence from system‐wide higher education institutional data4
The South African–United States sovereign bond spread and its association with macroeconomic fundamentals4
Equivalence scales in a developing country with extensive inequality4
A Spatial Analysis of Property Crime Rates in South Africa4
The impact of foreign ownership on the performance of Johannesburg Stock Exchange‐listed firms: A blessing or a curse?3
Evaluating the economic well‐being in the context of Africa3
Resource mobilisation, institution and inclusive growth in Africa: Evidence from spatial analysis3
A Tale of Two Countries and Two Stages: South Africa, China and the Lewis Model3
South Africa's titanium industrial policy: A product space perspective3
Revisiting the accuracy of inflation forecasts in Nigeria: The oil price–exchange rate–asymmetry perspectives13
Conflict heterogeneity in Africa3
Willingness to pay for COVID‐19 test and vaccine in South Africa and Ghana: A contingent valuation study3
Fiscal policy and dimensions of inequality in South Africa: A time‐varying coefficient approach3
Do tax administration reforms improve tax revenue performance in Togo? Empirical insights from experimental approaches3
Foreign direct investment determinants in Mano River Union countries: Micro and macro evidence3
Identifying steady‐state growth and inflation in the South African economy, 1960–20202
Determinants of attrition between Waves 1 and 2 of South Africa's National Income Dynamics Study – Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey (NIDS‐CRAM)2
Climate change‐related shocks, assets and welfare outcomes in South Africa2
Social institutions, gender attitudes and female labour force participation in sub‐Saharan Africa2
A computable general equilibrium model as a banking sector regulatory tool in South Africa2
Time, health service utilisation and health status in Africa: Evidence from six countries2
Interdependence between climate change and migration: Does agriculture, geography, and development level matter in sub‐Saharan Africa?2
Reweighting the OHS and GHS to improve data quality: Representativeness, household counts, and small households2