Review of Managerial Science

(The TQCC of Review of Managerial Science is 12. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Literature reviews as independent studies: guidelines for academic practice380
Qualitative research: extending the range with flexible pattern matching98
Entrepreneurial ecosystems in an interconnected world: emergence, governance and digitalization82
Entrepreneurial ecosystems and networks: a literature review and research agenda77
Digital business model innovation: toward construct clarity and future research directions75
How to conduct systematic literature reviews in management research: a guide in 6 steps and 14 decisions75
Entrepreneurial orientation and new venture performance in emerging markets: the mediating role of opportunity recognition69
Value creation and value capture for AI business model innovation: a three-phase process framework69
Linking environment specific servant leadership with organizational environmental citizenship behavior: the roles of CSR and attachment anxiety62
Digital innovation management for entrepreneurial ecosystems: services and functionalities as drivers of innovation management software adoption56
Competitive advantage and dynamic capability in small and medium-sized enterprises: a systematic literature review and future research directions53
Personality trait differences across types of entrepreneurs: a systematic literature review53
Necessary condition analysis (NCA): review of research topics and guidelines for good practice53
Do sustainable institutional investors contribute to firms’ environmental performance? Empirical evidence from Europe51
The GenAI is out of the bottle: generative artificial intelligence from a business model innovation perspective50
The digital transformation of a traditional market into an entrepreneurial ecosystem50
The pricing of green bonds: external reviews and the shades of green49
Innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems: fintech in the financial services industry48
The impact of dynamic capabilities on SME performance during COVID-1947
Crowdsourcing and open innovation: a systematic literature review, an integrated framework and a research agenda43
Barriers to entrepreneurship: opportunity recognition vs. opportunity pursuit41
The role of digitalization in business and management: a systematic literature review41
Towards a network-based view of effective entrepreneurial ecosystems40
Regional entrepreneurial ecosystems: how family firm embeddedness triggers ecosystem development39
The Effect of Corporate — Start-Up Collaborations on Corporate Entrepreneurship38
Delineating the Path of Family Firm Innovation: Mapping the Scientific Structure38
Can I show my skills? Affective responses to artificial intelligence in the recruitment process38
Digital innovation in entrepreneurial firms: a systematic literature review37
Species in the wild: a typology of innovation ecosystems37
Entrepreneurial propensity for market analysis in the time of COVID-19: benefits from individual entrepreneurial orientation and opportunity confidence36
Voluntary CSR disclosure and CEO narcissism: the moderating role of CEO duality and board gender diversity35
Sustainable business model innovation literature: a bibliometrics analysis34
Facilitating innovation in FinTech: a review and research agenda33
Driving innovation management to create shared value and sustainable growth33
Family business succession and innovation: a systematic literature review32
Management in times of crises: reflections on characteristics, avoiding pitfalls, and pathways out31
Soft skills, do we know what we are talking about?30
How to design bibliometric research: an overview and a framework proposal29
Financial literacy in SMEs: a bibliometric analysis and a systematic literature review of an emerging research field29
Competencies for the artificial intelligence age: visualisation of the state of the art and future perspectives27
A matter of motivation: the impact of enterprise digital transformation on green innovation26
Organizational change for environmental, social, and financial sustainability: A systematic literature review26
Human-related capabilities in big data analytics: a taxonomy of human factors with impact on firm performance26
Above and beyond meat: the role of consumers’ dietary behavior for the purchase of plant-based food substitutes25
Environmental responsibility, CEO power and financial performance in the energy sector25
Agency theory utility and social entrepreneurship: issues of identity and role conflict25
Hatching start-ups for sustainable growth: a bibliometric review on business incubators24
Capacity of open innovation activities in fostering product and process innovation in manufacturing SMEs24
Value configurations in sharing economy business models23
Fintech: from budding to explosion - an overview of the current state of research23
The effect of internal corporate social responsibility practices on firm performance: the mediating role of employee intrapreneurial behaviour23
Leveraging IT-enabled dynamic capabilities to shape business process agility and firm innovative capability: moderating role of turbulent environment23
Managerial overconfidence: promoter of or obstacle to organizational resilience?22
Open innovation: status quo and quo vadis - an analysis of a research field21
Bank regulation, ownership and risk taking behavior in the MENA region: policy implications for banks in emerging economies21
The burgeoning role of literature review articles in management research: an introduction and outlook21
Gaming innovation ecosystem: actors, roles and co-innovation processes21
Measuring open innovation in SMEs: an overview of current research21
Inter-organizational social capital of firms in developing economies and industry 4.0 readiness: the role of innovative capability and absorptive capacity20
Why one strategy does not fit all: a systematic review on exploration–exploitation in different organizational archetypes20
Translating the environmental orientation of firms into sustainable outcomes: the role of sustainable dynamic capability20
Social networks in coworking spaces and individual coworker’s creativity20
Towards a process-oriented understanding of HR analytics: implementation and application20
Work from Home Success: Agile work characteristics and the Mediating Effect of supportive HRM19
Antecedents, processes and outcomes of collaboration between corporates and start-ups19
Empirical and theoretical perspectives in sales and operations planning18
Functional diversity of top management teams and firm performance in SMEs: a social network perspective18
Antecedents to cognitive business model evaluation: a dynamic managerial capabilities perspective18
Technological Innovation and the expansion of Entrepreneurship Ecosystems17
The effect of target’s CSR performance on M&A deal premiums: a case for service firms17
What makes innovation ambidexterity manageable: a systematic review, multi-level model and future challenges17
Local preferences and the allocation of attention in equity-based crowdfunding17
Big data analytics management capability and firm performance: the mediating role of data-driven culture17
It takes two to tango: the interplay between decision logics, communication strategies and social media engagement in start-ups17
The influence of family firm image on access to financial resources in family SMEs: a signaling theory perspective16
Dynamic capabilities in tourism businesses: antecedents and outcomes16
Does it pay more to be green in family firms than in non-family firms?16
Innovation intermediaries revised: a systematic literature review on innovation intermediaries’ role for knowledge sharing16
Family firm ownership and its impact on performance: evidence from an emerging market16
Facing crisis periods: a proposal for an integrative model of environmental scanning and strategic issue diagnosis16
On the shoulders of giants: uncovering key themes of organizational unlearning research in mainstream management journals16
Not all stakeholders are created equal: executive vertical pay disparity and firms’ choice of internal and external CSR15
How can family businesses survive disruptive industry changes? Insights from the traditional mail order industry15
Board gender diversity and performance in family firms: exploring the faultline of family ties15
Strategic agility, openness and performance: a mixed method comparative analysis of firms operating in developed and emerging markets15
Affective commitment through further training: the roles of firm provision and employee participation15
Zombie firms and corporate governance: What room for maneuver do companies have to avoid becoming zombies?14
Corporate social responsibility, intellectual capital and financial performance: evidence from developed and developing Asian economies14
Crowdlending: mapping the core literature and research frontiers14
When and why employees take charge in the Workplace: the roles of learning goal orientation, role-breadth self-efficacy and co-worker support13
The influence of CEO compensation on employee engagement13
The role of management control and integrated information systems for the resilience of SMEs13
Driving coopetition strategy to service innovation: the moderating role of coopetition recognition13
When fear about health hurts performance: COVID-19 and its impact on employee’s work12
Corporate social responsibility as a signaling technology12
Understanding crowdsourcing in science12
Uncovering the organizational, environmental, and socio-economic sustainability of digitization: evidence from existing research12
E-commerce channel management on the manufacturers’ side: ongoing debates and future research pathways12
Establishment of a typology for startups 4.012
Chief Executive Officers’ monitoring, board effectiveness, managerial ownership, and cash holdings: evidence from ASEAN12