Environment and Behavior

(The TQCC of Environment and Behavior is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
The Effects of Environmental Sustainability Labels on Selection, Purchase, and Consumption of Food and Drink Products: A Systematic Review81
How are Neighborhood and Street-Level Walkability Factors Associated with Walking Behaviors? A Big Data Approach Using Street View Images70
Policy and Environmental Predictors of Park Visits During the First Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Getting Out While Staying in34
Relationships Among Environmental Attitudes, Environmental Efficacy, and Pro-Environmental Behaviors Across and Within 11 Countries23
Top-Down Processing and Nature Connectedness Predict Psychological and Physiological Effects of Nature17
Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic Nationwide Lockdown on Mental Health, Environmental Concern, and Prejudice Against Other Social Groups16
Evacuation Behavior in a Subway Train Emergency: A Video-based Analysis16
Reducing Plastic Waste by Visualizing Marine Consequences15
Pathways from Built Environment to Health Care Costs: Linking Objectively Measured Built Environment with Physical Activity and Health Care Expenditures15
Nature Contact in the Carceral Workplace: Greenspace and Staff Sickness Absence in Prisons in England and Wales12
Communicating the Scientific Consensus on Climate Change: Diverse Audiences and Effects Over Time12
Understanding the Mechanisms of Activity-based Workspaces: A Case Study11
Weather, Values, Capacity and Concern: Toward a Social-Cognitive Model of Specialty Crop Farmers’ Perceptions of Climate Change Risk11
Multilevel Evidence for the Parent-Adolescent Dyadic Effect of Familiarity With Climate Change on Pro-Environmental Behaviors in 14 Societies: Moderating Effects of Societal Power Distance and Individ10
Perceived Fit and User Behavior in Activity-Based Work Environments10
Nature Sounds for Stress Recovery and Healthy Eating: A Lab Experiment Differentiating Water and Bird Sound9
Once Good, Always Good? Testing Nudge’s Spillovers on Pro Environmental Behavior9