Journal of Law Economics & Organization

(The TQCC of Journal of Law Economics & Organization is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
The Behavioral Effects of (Unenforceable) Contracts†26
Organized Crime, Captured Politicians, and the Allocation of Public Resources19
Is a Corruption Crackdown Really Good for the Economy? Firm-Level Evidence from China16
Low-Quality Patents in the Eye of the Beholder: Evidence from Multiple Examiners14
Collective Bargaining Rights and Police Misconduct: Evidence from Florida11
An Absolute Test of Racial Prejudice9
Who Watches the Watchmen: Evidence of the Effect of Body-Worn Cameras on New York City Policing9
Does Information About AI Regulation Change Manager Evaluation of Ethical Concerns and Intent to Adopt AI?7
De-politicization and Corporate Transformation: Evidence from China7
Immigration, Fear of Crime, and Public Spending on Security6
Unintended Consequences of Products Liability: Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Market*6
Voter Turnout and City Performance: Evidence from Italian Municipalities6
Overcoming contractual incompleteness: the role of guiding principles6
The Ownership of Data6
How Representation Reduces Minority Criminal Victimization: Evidence from Scheduled Castes in India5
Measuring Supreme Court Case Complexity5
Influence by Intimidation: Business Lobbying in the Regulatory Process5
The Effects of Private Damage Claims on Cartel Activity: Experimental Evidence4
Favoritism towards High-Status Clubs: Evidence from German Soccer4
Violent Crime and the Overmilitarization of US Policing4
Organization of the State: Home Assignment and Bureaucrat Performance4
Gender and Bureaucratic Corruption: Evidence from Two Countries4
The Value of Confidential Policy Information: Persuasion, Transparency, and Influence4
Organizational dynamics: culture, design, and performance4
Electoral Systems, Selection, and Re-election: Evidence from Italian Municipalities4
Signaling in the “Before” Model of Final Offer Arbitration4
The Dynamics of the Debate About Gay Rights: Evidence from US Newspapers3
Evaluating Mergers and Divestitures: A Casino Case Study3
Emotional Cues and Violent Behavior: Unexpected Basketball Losses Increase Incidents of Family Violence3
A Theory of Claim Resolution3
Fighting Organized Crime by Targeting their Revenue: Screening, Mafias, and Public Funds3
Public Procurement and Supplier Job Creation: Insights from Auctions3
Social Ties and the Influence of Public Policies on Individual Opinions: The Case of Same-Sex Marriage Laws3
On the Cyclicality of Real Wages and Employment: New Evidence and Stylized Facts from Performance Pay and Fixed Wage Jobs3
Crisis-Induced Innovation: Quality Upgrading in Chinese Industrial Clusters3
The Survival of Mediocre Superstars in the Labor Market3