Urban Policy and Research

(The TQCC of Urban Policy and Research is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Planning Innovation or City Branding? Exploring How Cities Operationalise the 20-Minute Neighbourhood Concept33
Compact City Reset: Towards Alternatives to Market-driven Density15
Temporary and Tactical Urbanism in Australia: Perspectives from Practice13
Understanding the Share Housing Sector: A Geography of Group Housing Supply in Metropolitan Sydney13
Planning Ecologically Just Cities: A Framework to Assess Ecological Injustice Hotspots for Targeted Urban Design and Planning of Nature-Based Solutions11
Housing Vulnerability and COVID-19 Outbreaks: When Crises Collide11
Residential Intensification at the Interface of Market-Driven Development and Planning: Uneven Residential Intensification Outcomes in Toronto11
We Zoned for Density and Got Higher House Prices: Supply and Price Effects of Upzoning over 20 Years10
City Leaders Go Abroad: A Survey of City Diplomacy in 47 Cities9
The Distribution of People and Employment in Metropolitan Commutersheds: The Impact on Rural Housing Markets8
Infrastructures of Care for Public Housing Residents During COVID-19 Detention: Failures, Glitches and Possibilities to Care With7
Development Contributions for Regional and State Infrastructure – A Case Study of Melbourne, Australia7
Infrastructure Governance in Times of Crises: A Research Agenda for Australian Cities7
Understanding the Lived Experiences of Housing and Transport Stress in the “Affordable” Outer Ring: A Case Study of Melbourne, Australia6
Intersections Between Housing and Health Vulnerabilities: Share Housing in Sydney and the Health Risks of COVID-196
Loneliness within the Home among International Students in the Private Rental Sector in Sydney and Melbourne6
Green or Grey Pandemic Recovery? Revealing the Blue–Green Infrastructure Influences in Aotearoa-New Zealand’s “Shovel Ready” Covid-19 Response5
The Feasibility of Transitioning Low-density Suburbs into Healthy Walkable Neighbourhoods: The Case of Adelaide, South Australia5
Cities in COVID-19: Reconsidering Urban Form, Mobility, Housing and Planning in Australasia4
Rules for the Governance of Transport and Land use Integration in High-speed Railway Station Areas in China: The Case of Lanzhou4
Urban Social Housing Pathways: A Linked Administrative Data Analysis4
Policy-Relevant Spatial Indicators of Urban Liveability And Sustainability: Scaling From Local to Global4
Retirement in Residential Parks in Australia: A Smart Move or Move Smart?4
What is a Mixed-tenure Community? Views from New Zealand Practitioners and Implications for Researchers4
Urban “Blandscapes”: How the Practical Implementation of Planning Policy Reduces Land Use Diversity4
Local Living and Travel Time based Urbanism4
The Post-Pandemic Central Business District (CBD): Re-Imagining the Creative City?4
“Density Done Well” in the Pursuit of 20-Minute Neighbourhoods: Navigating Fluid Discourses in Melbourne3
Sustainable Family Transport: A Research Agenda3
The Pandemic Boom of Urban Agriculture: Challenging the Role of Resiliency in Transforming our Future Urban (Food) Systems3
Counting the Costs of Public Housing Estate Redevelopment in Melbourne: A comparison of delivery options3
Determinants of Commute Distance in South East Queensland, Australia: Implications for Usage-based Pricing in Lower-density Urban Settings3
Density in the Suburbs: Families with Children Adapting to Living in a Medium Density Social Housing Development3
Housing Provision for Women Experiencing Domestic and Family Violence in NSW during COVID-193
AI at Home: An Urgent Urban Policy and Research Agenda3
Community Governance of Green Urban Infrastructure: Lessons from the Australian Context3
Healthy Streets: Adopting International Benchmarks in Medium Density Cities3
A Developer’s Translation of Social Sustainability: Communities that “Take Care of Themselves”3
Community Engagement and Diverse River Values: A Case Study of Dyarubbin2
Cohesive Diverse Suburbs in Australia: A Case Study of Policy Processes and Social Media in Footscray2
Sydney Post-war Metropolitan Planning: The Rise and Fall of the Satellite Town as a Spatial Imaginary2
Best Practice Design and Planning Guidelines for Family-Friendly Apartments2
National Urban Policy – ALP Statement2
National Urban Policy – Careful What You Wish For2
Power Relationships in Housing Production: A Sociotechnical Systems Perspective on the Expanding Suburbs2