Transport Policy

(The TQCC of Transport Policy is 14. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Editorial Board260
Editorial Board252
Selection of papers from the 19th ATRS World Conference, Singapore, 2015190
Not all fees are created equal: Equity implications of ride-hail fee structures and revenues182
Editorial Board162
The role of meta-governance in public transport systems: A comparison of major urban regions in Denmark and England161
Analysis of ride-sourcing drivers' working Pattern(s) via spatiotemporal work slices: A case study in Hangzhou143
Editorial Board136
Turbulent skies ahead? Pandemic related workforce issues in air transportation129
Damage or no damage from traffic: Re-examining marginal cost pricing for rail signalling maintenance125
School accessibility evaluation under mixed-load school bus routing problem strategies122
Strategies to mitigate safety and associated problems at gated rail road grade crossing: A structural equation modelling approach117
Intersection based innovations and cyclists’ route choice decisions in urban areas112
An empirical investigation of the distribution of travellers’ willingness-to-pay: A comparison between a parametric and nonparametric approach106
Strategic use of fare-reward schemes in a ride-sourcing market: An equilibrium analysis105
Improving transportation project evaluation by recognizing the role of spatial scale and context in measuring non-user economic benefits95
Exploring the impact of working capital in the U.S. aviation industry for profitability and shareholder value86
The impact of civil airspace policies on the viability of adopting autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles in last-mile applications83
Opportunity equity in strategic urban land use transport planning: Directions in London and Vancouver76
Perspectives on fatigue in short-haul flight operations from US pilots: A focus group study74
Econometric analysis of the determinants of air cargo services supply in Latin America and the Caribbean73
The income elasticity of the value of travel time savings: A meta-analysis72
Cooperative, Connected and automated mobility (CCAM) services provisioning in cross-border settings: Techno-economic analysis in the light of technical challenges70
A composite indicator of liveability based on sociodemographic and Uber quality service dimensions: A data-driven approach68
Investigating occasional travel patterns based on smartcard transactions64
Assessing airport ground access interventions: An integrated approach combining mode choice modeling and microscopic traffic simulation62
Rest station's value-added amenities for biking tourism and leisure: Perspectives of seasoned bicyclists and infrequent bicyclists60
Psychometric components of the social acceptance toward end-of-life vehicles policy: A case study of Indonesia60
Editorial Board60
Editorial Board59
Modelling urban freight generation using linear regression and proportional odds logit models58
Examining the varying influences of built environment on bike-sharing commuting: Empirical evidence from Shanghai58
Environmental sustainability via green transportation: A case of the top 10 energy transition nations57
Use of public transport as a means to reach national climate objectives - On the importance of accounting for spatial differences and costs57
Vehicle pricing considering EVs promotion and public transportation investment under governmental policies on sustainable transportation development: The case of Norway56
Public transport mode choice behavior of different-income passengers during large-scale public health incidents56
Integrative climate leadership in multi-level policy packages for urban mobility - A study of governance systems in two Nordic urban regions56
What do we know about pedal assist E-bikes? A scoping review to inform future directions56
Conceptualising trust and collaboration among stakeholders in MaaS ecosystems54
Exploring variation of length of haul and associated freight transport emission of Indian establishments: A survival analysis approach54
Parking violations as an economic gamble for public space53
Freight modal shift: A means or an objective in achieving lower emission targets? The case of Sweden53
Exploring the changes in travel behavior between the first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in Dhaka53
Equity concerns in transportation infrastructure protection against sea level rise53
Exploring impacts of COVID-19 on city-wide taxi and ride-sourcing markets: Evidence from Ningbo, China52
Unintended environmental gains: The impact of China–Europe Railway Express on carbon dioxide emissions in China52
Trends and policy analysis: A case for sustainable transport systems in India52
Bankrupt PPPs: Is it really so bad? Case study of R-3 and R-5 toll motorways in Spain52
The effect of cooperative infrastructure fees on high-speed rail and airline competition52
Airport use agreements and cost efficiency of U.S. airports51
Barriers to better bicycle parking for promoting intermodal journeys: An inter-organisational collaboration perspective50
Road pricing acceptability and persuasive communication effectiveness49
Do public-private partnerships help improve road safety? Finding empirical evidence using panel data models48
Spatial analysis of geographical disparities in pedestrian safety47
A case for race and space in auto ownership modeling: A Los Angeles County study47
Transit to parks initiatives in the U.S. and Canada: Practitioners’ perspectives47
Global evidence on productivity effects of road infrastructure incorporating spatial spillover effects45
Vaccination and transportation intervention strategies for effective pandemic control45
An analysis of intermodal competition and multiproduct Incumbent's strategies in the French market: What drive high-speed trains' prices and frequencies?45
Modeling vehicle-miles of travel accounting for latent heterogeneity44
Attitudes towards public transport under extended disruptions and massive-scale transit dysfunction: A Hong Kong case study43
The transport problem: The need for consistent policies on pricing and investment43
Disability-specific factors in paratransit system continuance: Implications for transportation policy and practice in low-income developing countries43
Modeling indoor-level non-pharmaceutical interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic: A pedestrian dynamics-based microscopic simulation approach43
Factors influencing the residential location choice of individuals working at an integrated township42
Limited impact of roadway construction and traffic congestion on nearby housing prices41
Relative improvements between roads and railways and economic performance: A panel data analysis41
Free parking for free people: German road laws and rights as constraints on local car parking management41
Bus priority lane in Bengaluru: A study on its effectiveness and driver stress40
An international time equivalency of the pure transfer penalty in urban transit trips: Closing the gap40
Editorial Board40
Editorial Board39
A data-driven conceptual framework for understanding the nature of hazards in railway accidents39
Examining risky driving behaviours: A comparative analysis of SUVs and other car types39
The impact of perceived cyber-risks on automated vehicle acceptance: Insights from a survey of participants from the United States, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Australia39
Locating charging infrastructure for freight transport using multiday travel data38
Critical success factors for the adoption of AVs in sustainable urban transportation37
Controversial policies: growing support after implementation. A discussion paper37
Dynamic subsidies for synergistic development of charging infrastructure and electric vehicle adoption37
Editorial Board36
Comparing community mobility reduction between first and second COVID-19 waves36
Modeling commuters’ preference towards sharing paratransit services36
Second-hand renovated trams as a novel decision strategy for public transport investment36
A city-level transport vision for 2050: Reimagined since COVID-1936
Editorial Board36
Editorial Introduction to Transport Policy's Special Issue: “High-speed rail, inter-city transportation and regional economies”35
Profit margins in U.S. domestic airline routes34
Editorial Board34
Transport accessibility and affordability as the determinant of non-motorized commuting in rural India34
The use of E-moped increases commute satisfaction and subjective well-being: Evidence from Shanghai, China33
Determining the level of service measures to evaluate service quality of fixed-route shared motorized para-transit services33
Improving productivity measures of producing transportation infrastructure using quality-adjusted price indices33
Make friends, not money: How Chinese enterprises select transport infrastructure investment locations along the Belt and Road32
Transport inequities through the lens of environmental racism: Rural-urban migrants under Covid-1932
Sustainable shipping management: Definitions, critical success factors, drivers and performance32
Pricing of parcel locker service in urban logistics by a TSP model of last-mile delivery32
Analyzing the service quality priorities in cargo transportation before and during the Covid-19 outbreak32
Exploring the evolution trends of port integration policy in China by a text mining approach31
Experimenting with scenario-building narratives to integrate land use and transport31
Sustainable pathways for mitigating externalities in long-distance terrestrial transport31
Public transit use in the United States in the era of COVID-19: Transit riders’ travel behavior in the COVID-19 impact and recovery period31
Evolving term “accessibility” in spatial systems: Contextual evaluation of indicators31
Measuring acceptance of tradable credit scheme and its effect on behavioral intention through theory of planned behavior31
Is customized bus service for commuter segments the need of the hour? An integrated IPA-machine learning framework to redefine commuter segments based on quality expectations31
Physical mobility and virtual communication in Italy: Trends, analytical relationships and policies for the post COVID-1930
High-speed rail services for elderly passengers: Ticket-booking patterns and policy implications30
Public electric vehicle charger access disparities across race and income in California30
Affecting factors of double parking violations on urban trips29
Japanese aviation market performance during the COVID-19 pandemic - Analyzing airline yield and competition in the domestic market29
Risk mitigation in service industries: A research agenda on container shipping29
Aligning users’ and stakeholders’ needs: How incentives can reshape the carsharing market29
Tour-based travel demand forecasting model for a university campus29
Spatial assessment of audience accessibility to historical monuments and museums in Qatar during the 2022 FIFA World Cup29
Policy analysis for high-speed rail in China: Evolution, evaluation, and expectation29
Assessment of environmental and social sustainability performance of the freight transportation industry: An index-based approach29
Analysis of contributing factors in decision to bicycle in developing countries context29
Macrologistics instrumentation: Integrated national freight-flow and logistics cost measurement29
How to improve urban transportation planning in big data era? A practice in the study of traffic analysis zone delineation28
Cybersecurity in ports and maritime industry: Reasons for raising awareness on this issue28
Automated shuttles and ‘negotiation in motion’ – A qualitative meta-synthesis of spatial interactions with human road users28
Editorial Board28
Car users’ attitudes towards an enhanced bus system to mitigate urban congestion in a developing country28
An incentive subsidy mechanism for bus lines based on service level28
Investigating the risk factors of motorcycle crash injury severity in Pakistan: Insights and policy recommendations28
Electric two-wheeler adoption in India – A discrete choice analysis of motivators and barriers affecting the potential electric two-wheeler buyers28
Infrastructure requirements for the safe operation of automated vehicles: Opinions from experts and stakeholders28
Affordable transportation access to treatment for opioid use disorder28
Assessing the wider economic benefits of air transport28
Impact of student backgrounds on the outcomes of maritime postgraduate professional education28
Beyond half-mile circle: Measuring the impact of subway expansion on home-based travels in Beijing, China27
Freight forwarder satisfaction, airport customer loyalty, and competitiveness27
Adoption of Chinese cars and the shift to electric vehicles: Early evidence from Norway27
Public support for a safe system approach to reducing motor vehicle crash deaths in the United States27
Evolution and stability of liner shipping networks in Northeast Asia from 2018 to 202227
Uncovering merchants’ willingness to wait in on-demand food delivery markets27
Evaluating the social acceptance of autonomous ferries: An observation from passengers’ boarding willingness26
A simulation-based approach for improving the largest border crossing between Europe and Turkey26
An integrated behavioral approach to analyze the adoption of electric vehicles in the context of a developing country25
Strategic locations for logistics distribution centers along the Belt and Road: Explorative analysis and research agenda25
IMPReSS: A comprehensive method to classify MaaS systems25
Conditions for effective on-track competition in the European passenger railway market: A yardstick for regulations25
Workability of a multiple-gateway airport system with a high-speed rail network25
Do public transit and agglomeration economies collectively enhance low-skilled job accessibility in Portland, OR?25
Charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in New Zealand25
Determinants of passengers' ticketing channel choice in rail transit systems: New evidence of e-payment behaviors from Xi'an, China25
Durability of decisions explained by actor-strategies in games: A multiple case study analysis25
Shared mobility research: Looking through a paradox lens24
Impact of COVID-19 on domestic air transportation in China24
Mobility change in Delhi due to COVID and its’ immediate and long term impact on demand with intervened non motorized transport friendly infrastructural policies24
Influential factors in customer satisfaction of transit services: Using crowdsourced data to capture the heterogeneity across individuals, space and time24
Will Covid-19 put the public back in public transport? A UK perspective24
Value of dual-credit policy: Evidence from green technology innovation efficiency24
City readiness for connected and autonomous vehicles: A multi-stakeholder and multi-criteria analysis through analytic hierarchy process23
Analysis of airline employees’ perceptions of corporate preparedness for COVID-19 disruptions to airline operations23
On the degree of synchronization between air transport connectivity and COVID-19 cases at worldwide level23
Forecasting container freight rates using the Prophet forecasting method23
The impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on Japanese shipping industry: An event study approach23
Empirical analysis of the depreciation of electric vehicles compared to gasoline vehicles22
Managing ship lock congestion in an inland waterway: A bottleneck model with a service time window22
Pushed back, pulled forward: Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on young adults’ life plans and future mobility22
Unraveling behavioral factors influencing the adoption of urban air mobility from the end user's perspective in Tehran – A developing country outlook22
Analysis and monitoring of post-COVID mobility demand in Rome resulting from the adoption of sustainable mobility measures22
Taxi and urban mobility studies: A bibliometric analysis22
An exploration and importance-performance analysis of bus rapid transit systems’ service quality attributes: Evidence from an emerging economy22
E-bikes and their capability to reduce car CO2 emissions22
“God, whatever you do, don't tell people it's unsafe”: Public transport service providers' perspectives on women's safety from sexual violence on public transport22
Investigating shared e-scooter users’ customer value co-creation behaviors and their antecedents: Perceived service quality and perceived value21
COVID–19 impact on the shipping industry: An event study approach21
The influence of the built environment on online purchases of intangible services: Examining the mediating role of online purchase attitudes21
How much flexibility does rural public transport need? – Implications from a fully flexible DRT system21
The container transport system during Covid-19: An analysis through the prism of complex networks21
Assessing the equity impact of cycling infrastructure allocation: Implications for planning practice21
A cognitive and participative decision-making model for transportation planning under different uncertainty levels21
The impact of metro-based underground logistics system on city logistics performance under COVID-19 epidemic: A case study of Wuhan, China21
Efficiency of railway transport: A comparative analysis for 16 countries21
COVID-19, community response, public policy, and travel patterns: A tale of Hong Kong20
The effects of public transport subsidies for lower-income users on public transport use: A quasi-experimental study20
Affected area and residual period of London Congestion Charging scheme on road safety20
The Global South Air transport Belt: A catalyst for sustainable tourism and economic growth20
Environmental and social welfare effects of aviation liberalization: Evidence from Central Asia and China market20
Impacts of e-bike ownership on travel behavior: Evidence from three northern California rebate programs20
Stretching resilience and adaptive transport systems capacity in South Africa: Imperfect or perfect attempts at closing COVID -19 policy and planning emergent gaps20
Optimal subsidy policies of the Chinese cruise market under the impact of COVID-1920
Investigating contestation around neighbourhood scale active travel infrastructure policy20
Service quality assessment of ride-sourcing services: A distinction between ride-hailing and ride-sharing services20
An explanatory approach to assess resilience: An evaluation of competitive priorities for logistics organizations20
Estimating road transport costs between and within European Union regions20
Engine option in aircraft purchase: Company strategies and policy implications20
Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on crowding aversion in public transport and transport mode choice: The case of Santiago, Chile19
Comparative analysis of carbon emission reduction policies in China's manufacturing and transportation sectors19
Impact of high-speed rail on urban residents’ consumption in China—from a spatial perspective19
Do first responders trust connected and automated vehicles (CAVs)? A national survey19
Is taxation being effectively used to promote public transport in Europe?19
Competition in cargo and passenger between high-speed rail and airlines—considering the vertical structure of transportation19
Corrigendum to “Vehicle miles traveled induced demand, rebound effect, and price and income elasticities: A US spatial econometric analysis” [Trans. Pol. 158 (2024), 224–240]19
Policy implications of electrifying land freight transport towards carbon-neutral in China19
Techno-economic comparison of centralized and distributed power generation to support large-scale transport electrification in Costa Rica19
Did high speed rail accelerate the development of tourism economy? – Empirical analysis from Northeast China19
Are Norwegian car users ready for a transition to vehicle-to-grid technology?19
Multi-level governance and modal thinking: Tensions in electric mobility transitions in European cities19
Airline stock market performance and political relations: A cross-quantilogram analysis of Chinese and US carriers19
Sociopsychological factors associated with the adoption and usage of electric micromobility. A literature review19
Spatial and temporal variance in public perception of electric vehicles: A comparative analysis of adoption pioneers and laggards using twitter data19
Long-term pathways to deep decarbonization of the transport sector in the post-COVID world18
Analysis of activity duration-related charging behavioral responses of electric vehicle travelers to charging services18
Efficiencies of the urban railway lines incorporating financial performance and in-vehicle congestion in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area18
COVid-19 influenced households’ Interrupted Travel Schedules (COVHITS) survey: Lessons from the fall 2020 cycle18
The changing politics of road death in Britain: from policy action to kicking the can down the road18
Older adults’ perceptions and behaviors on driving: A mixed method study18
An approach for the crash safety assessment of smaller and lightweight vehicles18
Accessibility for money? An evaluation of subsidized air transport services in Europe and the United States18
Containing the COVID-19 pandemic with drones - Feasibility of a drone enabled back-up transport system18
Managed residential electric vehicle charging minimizes electricity bills while meeting driver and community preferences18
Simulation of land use changes by capturing the different impacts of rail transit in both mother city and new towns18
Impact of information provision on tsunami evacuation behavior of residents and international tourists in Japan18
Role played by social factors and privacy concerns in autonomous vehicle adoption18
Challenges in credibly estimating the travel demand effects of mobility services18
Research on evolutionary game and stability of port cooperation18
Global South countries: The dark side of city logistics. Dualisation vs Bipolarisation18
A framework for modal split and implications on transport growth and travel time savings18
The effect of carbon quota allocation methods on maritime supply chain emission reduction18
Exploring the role of configurational accessibility of alleyways on facilitating wayfinding transportation within the organic street network systems17
Heterogeneity in passenger satisfaction of bus rapid transit system among age and gender groups: A PLS-SEM Multi-group analysis17
Stability Analysis of Maritime Logistics Alliance based on Blockchain17
Port's Industry Ecosystem Construction: Empirical evidence from China17
Service time variability at manual operated tollbooths under mixed traffic environment: Towards level-of-service thresholds17
Response to COVID-19 lockdowns from urban freight stakeholders: An analysis from three surveys in 2020 in France, and policy implications17
Restricting factors for promoting electric vehicles: Evidence from China17
Convergence and transition paths in transportation: Fresh insights from a club clustering algorithm17
How has COVID-19 impacted customer perceptions and demand for delivery services: An exploratory analysis17
A public transport based crowdshipping concept: Results of a field test in Denmark17
Impact of risk perception and trust in autonomous vehicles on pedestrian crossing decision: Navigating the social-technological intersection with the ICLV model17
Research topics and trends in the maritime transport: A structural topic model17
Toward better equity: Analyzing travel patterns through a neural network approach in mobility-as-a-service17
Differences in perceptions of fuel duties and emissions trading in road transport16
Modelling logistics for freight transport policy analysis16
The adverse impact of headway variability on bus transit ridership: Evidence from Bengaluru, India16
Combinatorial versus sequential auctions to allocate PPP highway projects16
Can driver supply disruption alleviate driver shortages? A systems approach16
Editorial Board16
Towards a better comparison of ex-post and ex-ante BCA's by decomposing potential causes of difference16
Editorial Board16
Editorial Board16
Modelling benefit-to-cost ratio for initial phase electrification using battery electric bus16
Corruption and airport efficiency: A study on Asian airports16
Airport subsidies impact on wellbeing of smaller regions: A systemic examination in New Zealand16
Measuring the impact of long-haul low-cost carriers on lowering fares: A quasi-experimental design to assess the pre-COVID market16
Impact of air connectivity on bilateral service export and import trade: The case of China16
Rural road connectivity and local economic Activity: Evidence from Sri Lanka’s iRoad program16
Business model hybridization but heterogeneous economic performance: Insights from low-cost and legacy carriers in Europe16