Narrative Inquiry

(The TQCC of Narrative Inquiry is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Remembrance practices in the 21st century9
Review of Lambrou (2021): Narrative Retellings: Narrative Approaches8
Narratives of stressful and traumatic personal experience disclosed by students with mental health conditions in medical consultations6
Modus narrandi sceleris: Temporal shift in the crafting style of crime narratives4
Storytalk and complex constructions of nonhuman agency4
Assessing coherence and fidelity4
“By whom was I left behind?”3
Review of Vine & Richards (2022): Stories, Storytellers, and Storytelling3
Positioning with master and counter-narratives2
Difficulties with telling the truth in non-fictive narratives and the issue of fictionalization2
Storying selves and others at work2
Applied Narratology2
Memory and Narrative2
Applying the approach of narrative agency2
A different perspective on epistemics and deontics2
Forgiveness through Writing1
Shifting discourses of togetherness and heroism in retold earthquake stories1
Review of Ladegaard (2023): Migrant Workers’ Narratives of Return: Alienation and Identity Transformations1
Implicit narratives and narrative agency1
Computational recognition of narratives1
Narrating the sociotechnical mess1
How Turkish citizens perceive Syrian refugees in Turkey1
A quantitative analysis of semantic characteristics and success of personal narratives on social media1
Abstraction in storytelling1
Migrant doctors’ narratives about patients1
Narratology, applied1
Narrating organisational identity1
Review of Fodor (2020): Ethnic subjectivity in intergenerational memory narratives: The politics of the untold1
“Beloved monster”1