Journal of Population Economics

(The TQCC of Journal of Population Economics is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Age and hiring for high school graduate Hispanics in the United States195
Time use and happiness: US evidence across three decades111
Quantity and quality of childcare and children’s educational outcomes103
Health shocks and spousal labor supply: an international perspective63
Banning the purchase of sex increases cases of rape: evidence from Sweden45
The effects of an epidemic on prenatal investments, childhood mortality and health of surviving children43
How the earnings growth of US immigrants was underestimated32
Gendered university major choice: the role of intergenerational transmission30
Revolutionized life: long-term effects of childhood exposure to persecution on human capital and marital sorting29
The Feminisation U, cultural norms, and the plough28
Unwanted daughters: the unintended consequences of a ban on sex-selective abortions on the educational attainment of women27
Born or bred? The roles of nature and nurture for intergenerational persistence in labour market outcomes22
The chips are down: the influence of family on children’s trust formation21
The effects of temperature on mental health: evidence from China20
Long-term barriers to global fertility convergence20
Do elections accelerate the COVID-19 pandemic?20
Women’s right to property and the child quantity-quality trade-off: evidence from India20
Children having children: early motherhood and offspring human capital in India18
Age-based health insurance coverage policies and mental health17
Hukou reform and labor market outcomes of urban natives in China17
Health and aging before and after retirement17
Post-marital residence and female wellbeing16
An Indian Enigma? Labour market impacts of the world’s largest livelihoods program15
The effect of linguistic proximity on the labour market outcomes of the asylum population15
Baby commodity booms? The impact of commodity shocks on fertility decisions and outcomes15
The unintended effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and stay-at-home orders on abortions14
Analysing tax-benefit reforms in the Netherlands using structural models and natural experiments14
Something in the pipe: the Flint water crisis and health at birth14
Confidential and legal access to abortion and contraception in the USA, 1960–202013
Explaining third birth patterns in India: causal effects of sibling sex composition13
Reopening schools in a context of low COVID-19 contagion: consequences for teachers, students and their parents12
The expanded Child Tax Credit and economic wellbeing of low-income families12
The impact of Covid-19 on older workers’ employment and Social Security spillovers12
Who’s afraid of immigration? The effect of economic preferences on tolerance12
The motherhood wage and income traps11
The labor market returns to “first-in-family” university graduates11
Correction to: fertility versus productivity: a model of growth with evolutionary equilibria11
Do not shut up and do dribble: social media and TV consumption10
Changes in children’s time use during periods of financial hardship10
Survival of the literati: Social status and reproduction in Ming–Qing China10
Disruptions to early childhood preschool services during a pandemic: Evidence from India10
Sexual identity, poverty, and utilization of government services10
Middle-run educational impacts of comprehensive early childhood interventions: evidence from a pioneer program in Chile10
Population dynamics of welfare stigma: welfare fraud versus incomplete take-up9
Time use, college attainment, and the working-from-home revolution9
Refugee influx and school enrollment among native youths in Jordan9
The effects of school shootings on risky behavior, health, and human capital9
Can a ban on child labour be self-enforcing, and would it be efficient?9
From the lockdown to the new normal: individual mobility and local labor market characteristics following the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy8
Social identity and labor market outcomes of immigrants8
Domestic violence perception and gender stereotypes8
The immigrant-native gap in risk and time preferences in Germany: levels, socio-economic determinants, and recent changes8
Malthus in preindustrial Northern Italy?7
How family background shapes the relationship between human capital and fertility7
The female happiness paradox7
Can conflict affect individuals’ preferences for income redistribution?7
The impact of 2020 French municipal elections on the spread of COVID-197
The effect of non-pharmaceutical interventions on the demand for health care and on mortality: evidence from COVID-19 in Scandinavia7
Vocational training for unemployed youth in Latvia7
Marriage and divorce: the role of unemployment insurance7
Do all roads lead to the same destination? Proximity to abortion providers, abortions, and their conditions in Portugal6
The health-maximizing level of labor supply: a macroeconomic perspective on the American Health Puzzle6
Child marriage and infant mortality: causal evidence from Ethiopia6
Assimilation of marriage migrants and the role of language: evidence from South Korea6
Cannabis and tobacco: substitutes and complements6
Persistent effects of a conditional cash transfer: a case of empowering women through Kanyashree in India6