Games and Culture

(The TQCC of Games and Culture is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Playing Video Games During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Effects on Players’ Well-Being132
Designing for Disability: Evaluating the State of Accessibility Design in Video Games26
Behind the Streams: The Off-Camera Labour of Game Live Streaming25
Heritage Sites and Video Games: Questions of Authenticity and Immersion24
Game Workers and the Empire: Unionisation in the UK Video Game Industry23
“I Can be Who I Am When I Play Tekken 7”: E-sports Women Participants from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan19
Families Playing Animal Crossing Together: Coping With Video Games During the COVID-19 Pandemic18
Gaming When Things Get Tough? Examining How Emotion Regulation and Coping Self-Efficacy Influence Gaming During Difficult Life Situations16
Designing the Future? The Metaverse, NFTs, & the Future as Defined by Unity Users15
Engagement With the Gurus of Gaming Culture: Parasocial Relationships to Let’s Players15
“After All, They Don’t Know Me” Exploring the Psychological Mechanisms of Toxic Behavior in Online Games13
Gamification in Education: Why, Where, When, and How?—A Systematic Review13
Masculine Pleasures as Normalized Practices: Character Design in the Video Game Industry12
Apps of Empire: Global Capitalism and the App Economy12
The Industry of Landlords: Exploring the Assetization of the Triple-A Game10
Disability and Video Games Journalism: A Discourse Analysis of Accessibility and Gaming Culture10
Online Gaming and Racism: Impact on Psychological Distress Among Black, Asian, and Latinx Emerging Adults10
A Swiftly Changing Tide: Fantasy Sport, Gambling, and Alternative Forms of Participation9
White Masculinity, Creative Desires, and Production Ideology in Video Game Development9
Postscript: Gaming While Empire Burns8
Becoming a Gamer: Performative Construction of Gendered Gamer Identities8
Ludic Ethics: The Ethical Negotiations of Players in Online Multiplayer Games8
Using Case Studies to Explore Need Satisfaction and Frustration in Puzzle Video Games8
Gamifying Contentious Politics: Gaming Capital and Playful Resistance8
Politics of Production: Videogames 10 years afterGames of Empire8
Archeology of Abandoned Human Settlements inNo Man’s Sky: A New Approach to Recording and Preserving User-Generated Content in Digital Games8
Returning to Azeroth: Nostalgia, Sense of Place, and Social Presence in World of Warcraft Classic8
Translation Solutions in Professional Video Game Localization in Iran7
History, Heritage, and Memory in Video Games: Approaching the Past in Svoboda 1945: Liberation and Train to Sachsenhausen7
The Economy of Time, the Rationalisation of Resources: Discipline, Desire and Deferred Value in the Playing of Gacha Games7
Are Video Games Still a Boys’ Club? How German Public Television Covers Video Games7
Developing an Empathy Spectrum for Games7
Balancing Ethics, Art and Economics: A Qualitative Analysis of Game Designer Perspectives on Monetisation7
Play, History and Politics: Conceiving Futures Beyond Empire6
Pivotal Play: Rethinking Meaningful Play in Games Through Death inDungeons & Dragons6
‘Thank you for your compliance’: Overwatch as a Disciplinary System6
Exploring Player Understandings of Historical Accuracy and Historical Authenticity in Video Games6
Growing Pains in Esports Associationalism: Four Modes of National Esports Associational Development6
Studying Game Development Cultures6
Professional Gaming and Pro-Gamers: What Do We Know So Far? A Systematic Review6
Animating a Plausible Past: Perceived Realism and Sense of Place Influence Entertainment of and Tourism Intentions From Historical Video Games5
Mashing Up History and Heritage in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey5
“She's Built Like a Tank”: Player Reaction to Abby Anderson in The Last of Us: Part II5
Developer Credit: Para-Industrial Hierarchies of In-Game Credit Attribution in the Video Game Industry5
A Virtual Reality Educational Game for the Ethics of Cultural Heritage Repatriation5
Newsgames: The Use of Digital Games by Mass-Media Outlets to Convey Journalistic Messages5
Undertale’s Loveable Monsters: Investigating Parasocial Relationships with Non-Player Characters5
Assembling Auras: Towards a Methodology for the Preservation and Study of Video Games as Cultural Heritage Artefacts5
How Accessible is This Video Game? An Analysis Tool in Two Steps5
Last Man Standing: Battle Royale Games Through the Lens of Self-Determination Theory5
Exploring the Feminization of Backseat Gaming ThroughGirlfriend ReviewsYouTube Channel4
The COVID Season: U.S. Collegiate Esports Programs’ Material Challenges and Opportunities During the 2020–21 Pandemic4
‘You Game Like a Girl’: Perceptions of Gender and Competence in Gaming4
Towards Sovereign Games4
Enjoying My Time in the Animus: A Quantitative Survey on Perceived Realism and Enjoyment of Historical Video Games4
Uncovering the Meaning: Exploring Semantic Differences in US Perceptions of “Gamer” and Game Players4
Video Game Development in India: A Cultural and Creative Industry Embracing Regional Cultural Heritage(s)4
Feminist and Furious: Diversity Work(ers) Against Game Studies of Empire!4
Chinese Gold-Farming in the 2000s: Worker Empowerment and Local Development Through Video Games-Based Digital Labor4
(Re)Playing (with) Video game History: Moving beyond Retrogaming4
Heroes and Hooligans: The Heterogeneity of Video Game Modders4
Reconstructing History and Culture in Game Discourse: A Linguistic Analysis of Heroic Stories in Honor of Kings4
Share the Experience, Don’t Take it: Toward Attunement With Neurodiversity in Videogames3
What Does it Mean to be a Female Character in “Indie” Game Storytelling? Narrative Framing and Humanization in Independently Developed Video Games3
Setting the Game Agenda: Reviewing the Emerging Literature on Video Gaming and Psychological Well-Being of Sexual and Gender Diverse Youth3
The Significance and Complexities of Anti-Corporate Gamer Activism: Struggles Against the Exploitation and Control of Game-Worlds in 2000s China3
Hypermodern Video Games as Emblems of Empire or How the Gaming Multitude Adapts to Hypermodernity3
Virtual Heterotopias and the Contested Histories of Kowloon Walled City3
Why do We Play? Towards a Comprehensive Player Typology3
White-Collar Criminality Within the Video Game Industry3
Geek Cuisine: Extending the Narrative of a Junk Food Gamer3
An “Alternative to the Pen”? Perspectives for the Design of Historiographical Videogames3
Morality Meters and Their Impacts on Moral Choices in Videogames: A Qualitative Study3
Torres Strait Virtual Reality: A Reflection on the Intersection between Culture, Game Design and Research3
Gameplay Bricks Model, a Theoretical Framework to Match Game Mechanics and Cognitive Functions3
“What are you Bringing to the Table?”: The Something Awful Let’s Play Community as a Serious Leisure Subculture3
“Protecting our female gaze rights”: Chinese Female Gamers’ and Game Producers’ Negotiations with Government Restrictions on Erotic Material3
Background Checks: Disentangling Class, Race, and Gender in CRPG Character Creators3