Imago Mundi-The International Journal for the History of Cartography
Journal Metrics
(Based on the publications from the last 4 years)
(from 2021-03-01 to roughly 2025-03-01)
(from 2021-03-01 to roughly 2025-03-01)
Number of papers | 198 |
H4-Index | 2 |
TQCC | 0 |
Average citations | 0.091 |
Median citations | 0 |
Impact Factor | 0.300 (based on Web of Science 2023) |
@imagomundiijhc (ca. 1156 followers) |
Categories & Ranks
(Based on the publications from the last 4 years)
- # 80 / 85 (Q4) in Geography
- # 31 / 220 (Q1) in History
- # 58 / 72 (Q4) in History & Philosophy of Science
- # 20 / 31 (Q3) in History of Social Sciences
Impactful Papers
(Based on publications since 2023; last updated 2023-08-31)