Policy Sciences

(The TQCC of Policy Sciences is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Low-fidelity policy design, within-design feedback, and the Universal Credit case47
Note from the Editor: Lasswell Prize Announcement for Policy Sciences Volume 56 (2023)47
Advancing scholarship on policy conflict through perspectives from oil and gas policy actors44
Note from the Editor: Lasswell Prize Announcement for Volume 53 (2020)30
Rethinking disproportionate policy making by introducing proportionate politics26
Measuring the impact of consultative citizen participation: reviewing the congruency approaches for assessing the uptake of citizen ideas25
The pursuit of welfare efficiency: when institutional structures turn ‘less’ into ‘more’19
Seeking policy solutions in a complex system: experimentalist governance in China’s healthcare reform18
Public contestation over agricultural pollution: a discourse network analysis on narrative strategies in the policy process18
Policy’s role in democratic conflict management17
Evidencing the benefits of cluster policies: towards a generalised framework of effects17
Policy inaction meets policy learning: four moments of non-implementation16
(Un)usual advocacy coalitions in a multi-system setting: the case of hydrogen in Germany16
Policy integration as a political process16
Pioneer advantage or late-mover advantage? An examination of the interplay between policy diffusion sequence and policy outcomes16
Engines of learning? Policy instruments, cities and climate governance13
Grandpa Joe’s hunting rifle: morality policy framing in Canadian Parliament12
Institutional coordination arrangements as elements of policy design spaces: insights from climate policy11
PPP performance evaluation: the social welfare goal, principal–agent theory and political economy11
The promises and perils of populism for democratic policymaking: the case of Mexico10
Navigating the role of emotions in expertise: public framing of expertise in the Czech public controversy on birth care10
A semi-automated approach to policy-relevant evidence synthesis: combining natural language processing, causal mapping, and graph analytics for public policy10
The future as developmental construct in the work of Harold Lasswell9
Environmental identity and perceived salience of policy issues in coastal communities: a moderated-mediation analysis9
Political ideology and vaccination willingness: implications for policy design9
Climate fatalism, partisan cues, and support for the Inflation Reduction Act8
Environmental policy integration in a newly established natural resource-based sector: the role of advocacy coalitions and contrasting conceptions of sustainability8
Understanding policy transfer through social network analysis: expanding methodologies with an intensive case study approach8
Climbing the 'ladder of intrusiveness': the Italian government's strategy to push the Covid-19 vaccination coverage further8
Empirical research on policy integration: a review and new directions8
Inaction, under-reaction action and incapacity: communication breakdown in Italy’s vaccination governance7
Approaches to policy framing: deepening a conversation across perspectives7
Against the odds: How policy capacity can compensate for weak instruments in promoting sustainable food6
Consultancy firms’ roles in policy diffusion: a systematic review from the environmental governance field6
International actors and national policies: the introduction of the national care system in Uruguay6
Media actors as policy entrepreneurs: a case study of “No Jab, No Play” and “No Jab, No Pay” mandatory vaccination policies in Australia6
Exploring the eternal struggle: The Narrative Policy Framework and status quo versus policy change6
Beyond evidence-based policymaking? Exploring knowledge formation and source effects in US migration policymaking5
Advice that resonates: explaining the variability in consultants’ policy influence5
The European 2030 climate and energy package: do domestic strategy adaptations precede EU policy change?5
From hierarchy to continuum: classifying the technical dimension of policy goals5
Chameleonic knowledge: a study of ex ante analysis in large infrastructure policy processes5
Devil in the details? Policy settings and calibrations of national excellence-centers5
Barriers to the digital transformation of infrastructure sectors5
From institutional tipping points to affective and direct tips: mythical institutions, policy ineffectiveness, and nonlinear political dynamics in East Germany, 1989–19905
Space for stories: legislative narratives and the establishment of the US Space Force5