Urban Ecosystems

(The TQCC of Urban Ecosystems is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The importance of paleodunes as nesting habitat for Northern Pine Snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus melanoleucus): risk from off-road vehicles in the New Jersey Pine Barrens80
Importance of urban green areas’ connectivity for the conservation of pollinators28
Fecal glucocorticoid metabolites are correlated with urbanization but not body condition in eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus)28
Monument protection as a limiting factor for large scale vertical greening system implementation to counteract indoor heat stress – a GIS-based analysis for Berlin, Germany24
How many bees fit in the city? A spatial ecological case study to conserve urban wild bees23
Backyard buzz: human population density modifies the value of vegetation cover for insect pollinators in a subtropical city23
Western Cattle Egrets’ (Bubulcus ibis) roosting colony size estimates in urban landscape mosaics of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, with notes on habitat threats and features near roosts22
How the landscape pattern and landscape elements affect the source-based soundscape diversity21
The urban in ecology: a quantitative textual analysis of the scientific literature over a century18
Environmental equity and urban afforestation in the extreme northeastern Brazilian Amazon17
Towards a conceptual design framework for bee botanic gardens: integrating perceptions on urban biodiversity into landscape design processes17
Urban scavenging: vertebrates display greater sensitivity to land-cover and garden vegetation cover than invertebrates17
An urban rivers renaissance? Stream restoration and green–blue infrastructure in Latin America – Insights from urban planning in Colombia17
Wildlife resilience in an urban landscape: understanding land-use impacts in Cape Town17
Artemisia pollen dispersal pattern and feasible intervention measures in Hohhot, China16
Beyond the front yard: investigating environmental drivers of residential snake removals across two spatial scales in a desert city16
Tree canopy macrostructure controls heating of asphalt pavement in a moist-temperate urban forest15
Modeling the spatial distribution of multiple ecosystem services in Ilam dam watershed, Western Iran: identification of areas for spatial planning15
Dynamics of nest availability occurrence of Blue and Yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna) nests in the urban area of ​​Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul15
Checking in at bee hotels: trap-nesting occupancy and fitness of cavity-nesting bees in an urbanised biodiversity hotspot15
Ecology of the synanthropic mediterranean house gecko (Hemidactylus turcicus) at their northern invasion front15
Urban biotope classification incorporates urban forest and green infrastructure for improved environmental land-use planning in Mexico City15
Effect of exotic species management on the recovery of relict forests through citizen participation14
Water quality, vegetation, and management of stormwater ponds draining three distinct urban land uses in central Florida14
Study on the ecosystem services of urban forests: implications for climate change mitigation in the case of Adama City of Oromiya Regional Sate, Ethiopia14
Use of wildlife-friendly structures in residential gardens by animal wildlife: evidence from citizen scientists in a global biodiversity hotspot14
Free-roaming dogs in Ushuaia City, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. How many and why14
Common camas (Camassia quamash) response across an urban–rural gradient in coastal oak meadows in Greater Victoria, Canada13
Discovering urban nature: citizen science and biodiversity on a university campus13
What factors are influencing peri-urban forest carbon storage in different land use types based on permanent plots from 2009–201813
Effects of urbanization-related disturbances on macroinvertebrate communities in a Patagonian river system: insights from a functional approach13
Integrating biocultural diversity into urban school grounds through transdisciplinary curriculum design12
How butterfly communities are structured and have changed in urbanized areas of Marseille: a 12-year monitoring survey11
To the rescue—Evaluating the social-ecological patterns for bird intakes11
Urbanisation and land-cover change affect functional, but not compositional turnover of bird communities11
Coyotes access diverse anthropogenic attractants at the ecotone between natural and residential urban areas11
Species diversity and microhabitat characteristics of bryophytes on different types of walls in a karst city Guiyang (SW China)10
An assessment of the condition of flowing waters in predominantly urban areas of the conterminous U.S. and its relationship to measures of environmental justice10
Perceptions of cultural ecosystem services provision by small public urban green spaces: perspectives from different cultural backgrounds10
Street-level green spaces support a key urban population of the threatened Hispaniolan parakeet Psittacara chloropterus10
From green to grey: Unravelling the role of urbanization on diversity of dung beetles in an Amazonian landscape10
Quantifying potential contributions of green facades to environmental justice: a case study of a quarter in Berlin9
Urbanites’ perception of vegetation in landscape-based stormwater management elements (LSM)9
Functional urban ground-cover plants: identifying traits that promote rainwater retention and dissipation9
Diversity of greenspace design and management impacts pollinator communities in a densely urbanized landscape: the city of Paris, France9
Differences in sex ratio, tail autotomy, body size and body condition between suburban and forest populations of the cuban endemic lizard Anolis homolechis9
College squirrels gone wild? Using Sciurus carolinensis behavior to assess the ecosystem value of urban green spaces9
From metropolis to wilderness: Uncovering pollen collecting behavior in urban and wild sweat bees (Halictus ligatus)8
Variation in functional connectivity between metapopulations in urbanized and forested areas in an endangered salamander8
Influences of landscape structure on butterfly diversity in urban private gardens using a citizen science approach8
Parasitism of urban bumble bees influenced by pollinator taxonomic richness, local garden management, and surrounding impervious cover8
Habitat loss reduces abundance and body size of forest-dwelling dung beetles in an Amazonian urban landscape8
Resilient plant species selection for urban green infrastructure development in arid regions: a case of Qom, Iran8
Busy on campus: activity budget, feeding habit and habitat use by the Gambian sun squirrel Heliosciurus gambianus on the University of Ghana, Legon campus8
Song amplitude variation in Masked Gnatcatcher (Polioptila dumicola) as response to traffic noise8
Avian species richness in cities: A review of the Spanish-language literature from the Southern Cone of South America8
Carabid specialists respond differently to nonnative plant invasion in urban forests8
Morphological divergence, tail loss, and predation risk in urban lizards8
Urbanization and bird diversity: does the relationship change in deserts and subtropical forests?8
Mass-flowering native species are key in the structure of an urban plant-hummingbird network8
Unveiling urban ecological integrity: spatially explicit assessment in contrasting environments8
Stratifying the urban matrix using zoning laws: a protocol for bats and their pathogens8
Does urbanization affect behavioral responses to novel objects in marine birds? The Olrog’s Gull as a case of study7
Spread of the invasive Javan myna along an urban–suburban gradient in Peninsular Malaysia7
The contribution of informal green space to urban biodiversity: a city-scale assessment using crowdsourced survey data7
Large, concealed islands in the urban sea: Scattered surrounding green space enhances the quality of grassland habitats in urban parks, Tokyo7
The use of geotechnologies for the identification of the urban flora in the city of Teresina, Brazil7
Seasonal activity patterns of sympatric eastern gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) and fox squirrels (Sciurus niger) in a Midwestern metropolitan region7
Estimates of energy partitioning, evapotranspiration, and net ecosystem exchange of CO2 for an urban lawn and a tallgrass prairie in the Denver metropolitan area under contrasting conditions7
Improving citizen science through collaborative research partnerships between social scientists and environmental practitioners7
Complexity and spatial structuring of fish communities across urbanized watersheds and waterfronts7
Running a successful ecology and environmental justice summer program: a recipe for collaboration among high-schools, local non-profit organizations and ecologists7
Develop a public response model of soundscape for urban landscape garden parks7
Urban–rural gradients in soil nutrients beneath Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.) are affected by land-use7
Wooded areas promote species richness in urban parks7
Intraspecific diversity of multiple plant species shows no change across an urbanization gradient6
Hurricane driven changes in vegetation structure and ecosystem services in tropical urban yards: a study case in San Juan, Puerto Rico6
Effects of urban land-use types on avifauna assemblage in a rapidly developing urban settlement in Ghana6
Correction to: Reptile responses to outdoor recreation in urban habitat fragments6
Effects of urban, peri-urban and rural land covers on plant functional traits around Bogotá, Colombia6
Evaluation of thermal performance in green roofs using recycled construction waste sand as substrate6
How to plan urban green space in cold regions of China to achieve the best cooling efficiency6
Correction to: The effect of urban green roof design on beetle biodiversity6
Soil microbial community changes in response to the environmental gradients of urbanization in Guangzhou City6
A method of linking functional and structural connectivity analysis in urban green infrastructure network construction6
Effect of replacing surface with underground rubbish containers on urban House Sparrows Passer domesticus6
Use of compost to improve Technosol properties and spontaneous plant-soil relationships of Mediterranean species potentially suitable for urban greening6
Water in the city: visitation of animal wildlife to garden water sources and urban lakes6
Patterns in tree squirrel co-occurrence vary with responses to local land cover in US cities5
Monitoring of mammal and bird species in an urban ecological park using environmental DNA metabarcoding5
The abundance of yellow-legged gulls Larus michahellis breeding in the historic centre of Venice, Italy and the initial effects of the new waste collection policy on the population5
Sedum as host plants for caterpillars? Introducing gut content metabarcoding to green roof research5
Species composition, distribution patterns, and conservation needs of large old trees in Baisha, southern China5
Faunal homogenization in tropical cities: lessons from anuran assemblages of two small Amazonian municipalities5
The interplay between urban greenspace, cats and the occurrence of rats and mice in private gardens in the Netherlands5
Correction to: Detecting nestedness in city parks for urban biodiversity conservation5
The use of cellular telecommunication towers as nesting sites by pied crows (Corvus albus) in an urban mosaic landscape5
Fern spores: neglected airborne bioparticles threatening human health in urban environments5
The impact of impervious surface and neighborhood wealth on arthropod biodiversity and ecosystem services in community gardens5
Effect of urbanization on individual condition of a threatened seabird: the Olrog’s Gull Larus atlanticus5
Diversity of raptors and nest sites characteristics in an urban area in Southern Chile5
Dynamic occupancy analyses of native birds in an urban ecological reserve reveal seasonal changes in site occupancy and preference for adjacent urbanized areas5
Correction to: Examining the paradox of urban disease ecology by linking the perspectives of Urban One Health and Ecology with Cities5
A deep dive into the waterbird community of an urban oasis: implications for park management5
Tree insect pests and pathogens: a global systematic review of their impacts in urban areas5
Using citizen science data to investigate annual survival rates of resident birds in relation to noise and light pollution5
Field-testing effectiveness of window markers in reducing bird-window collisions5
Anthropogenic light pollution is associated with diel patterns of fledging in an urban adapted songbird5
Home ranges of box turtles in a rural woodland and an urban park in Saint Louis, MO; implications for turtle conservation5
Soil unsealing in Mediterranean schoolyards: what factors drive ant communities?5
The distribution and abundance of woody invasive alien plants in small towns in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa4
Patterns and correlates in the distribution, design and management of garden ponds along an urban–rural gradient4
Trees as a solar control measure for southern-oriented street frontages. Analysis of a selected street model for a humid continental climate4
Human-wildlife interactions: presence of the ground-nesting Spotted Thick-knee across a South African mosaic urban landscape4
Seasonal patterns of native plant cover and leaf trait variation on New York City green roofs4
Urban landscapes affect wild bee maternal investment and body size4
Siblicide in the city: the urban heat island accelerates sibling cannibalism in the black widow spider (Latrodectus hesperus)4
Mammalian functional diversity and trait responses to anthropogenic and environmental factors across the contiguous USA4
Atta cephalotes (Hymenoptera: Myrmicinae) is colonizing urban areas in Cali, Colombia4
City biodiversity index and the cities-biodiversity relationship: a case study for Sorocaba, SP, Brazil4
Urban ecology of Drosophila suzukii4
Response to commentary on “cues to care: future directions for ecological landscapes”4
Caterpillar survival in the city: attack rates on model lepidopteran larvae along an urban-rural gradient show no increase in predation with increasing urban intensity4
High diversity of diurnal Lepidoptera associated with landscape heterogeneity in semi-urban areas of Loja City, southern Ecuador4
Estimating the pollination supply of urban green spaces to determine suitable areas for urban agriculture in the city of Tehran4
Exploring the ability of urban householders to correctly identify nocturnal mammals4
Molluscs community as a keystone group for assessing the impact of urban sprawl at intertidal ecosystems4
Azadirachta indica A. Juss. a multi-purpose tree as a leading species in carbon stocking in two Sahelian cities of Niger4
Data synthesis and dynamic visualization converge into a comprehensive biotic interaction network: a case study of the urban and rural areas of Bogotá D.C.4
Differential response of migratory guilds of birds to park area and urbanization4
Urban nature-based solutions planning for biodiversity outcomes: human, ecological, and artificial intelligence perspectives4
A matter of connection: the importance of habitat networks for endangered butterflies in anthropogenic landscapes4
Green infrastructure in cities for the achievement of the un sustainable development goals: a systematic review4
Genotoxic analysis of Blue-and-Yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna) nestlings in an urban environment in the Central-West region of Brazil4
Tick infestation of birds across a gradient of urbanization intensity in the United States Great Plains4
Linking activity of common pipistrelles, Pipistrellus pipistrellus, in an urbanised area with a nearby mass swarming site4
Evaluation of the diet of Didelphis virginiana in an urban area using stable isotopes4
Detecting the tipping point between heat source and sink landscapes to mitigate urban heat island effects4
Confluences and land cover as agents of change: habitat change modifies the movement and assemblage stability of headwater fishes4
Urban patches of dry forest as refuges for ants and carabid beetles in a neotropical overcrowded city4
A core on the Atlantic margin of Europe: an urban bird assemblage in Cork City, Ireland4
The retrieval of food hoarded by red squirrels inhabiting an urban park3
A review on the work of German urban biodiversity networks – from national to international activities3
Higher rat abundance in greener urban areas3
Soil microbial community of urban green infrastructures in a polar city3
Scale-dependent effects of urbanization on avian diversity in a Neotropical region3
Rescue data as an alternative for assessing trends and phenological changes in two invasive parakeet species3
Land sharing between cultivated and wild plants: urban gardens as hotspots for plant diversity in cities3
A multivariate approach for discriminating homegardens in different agro-ecological regions3
The advantage of living in the city: effects of urbanization on body size and mass of native and alien squirrels3
Insect pollinator and natural enemy communities in green roof and ground-level urban habitats3
Understanding collaborative governance of biodiversity-inclusive urban planning: Methodological approach and benchmarking results for urban nature plans in 10 European cities3
Grasslands provide diverse opportunities for bird species along an urban-rural gradient3
Temporal variation in ant community assemblages along a rural–urban gradient in the Yaoundé metropolis, Cameroon3
Initiating, innovating and accelerating edible cities. A case study based on two transition experiments in the city of Dresden (Germany)3
Designing “Tiny Forests” as a lesson for transdisciplinary urban ecology learning3
Aquatic biodiversity loss in Andean urban streams3
Exploring the relationship between frugivorous birds and fruit trees in urban parks using citizen science data3
Living in the concrete jungle: a review and socio-ecological perspective of urban raptor habitat quality in Europe3
Relationships between population characteristics and nonresponse in urban forest inventories3
Ecology with Cities3
The noisy neighbor conundrum: what influences the value of urban sites for forest birds?3
Assessing the state of urban forests in Dédougou, a Sahel city in Burkina Faso3
Green in times of COVID-19: urban green space relevance during the COVID-19 pandemic in Buenos Aires City3
Urbanization influences spatiotemporal patterns of roost site selection by black vultures and turkey vultures3
Management is more important than urban landscape parameters in shaping orthopteran assemblages across green infrastructure in a metropole3
Parrots and the city: modeling potential corridors in an urban environment3
Dog demography and husbandry practices facilitate dog-wildlife conflict in a suburban-forest interface3
Reclaiming urban vacant land to manage stormwater and support insect habitat3
Is it only the hood, or also the neighbour? Bat occupancy and community drivers in heterogeneous urban landscapes3
Reproductive differences between urban and forest birds across the years: importance of environmental and weather parameters3
Food availability and population parameters for squirrels differ even in neighbouring urban parks3
Urban space awakening – identification and potential uses of urban pockets3
Suburban forest patches have high functional and phylogenetic diversity in bird communities3
Arsenic speciation in soil from urban recreational parks and human health risk assessment3
Urbanization related changes in lepidopteran community3