Organizational Dynamics

(The TQCC of Organizational Dynamics is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
What Henri Fayol couldn’t know: Managing gig workers in the new economy87
Editorial Board67
The challenge and necessity of talking about weight at work65
Will the use of AI in human resources create a digital Frankenstein?48
Evidence-based change management20
Engaging employees who care about the world: From what I need to who I am19
Learning from a lifetime of provocative thinking about organizational dynamics15
Lessons from a Crisis15
Artificial stupidity and coping strategies14
Implementing corporate digital responsibility (CDR): Tackling wicked problems for the digital era: Pilot study insights14
Editorial board12
Editorial Board12
Totally (Savannah) Bananas: The benefits of a mission-driven culture11
Should employees be required to return to the office?10
Management attention and cyber risk position10
Business in the swamp9
The storm outside and in9
Character in crisis9
Women and great places to work: Gender diversity in leadership and how to get there8
Recognizing new complementarities before they become common sense – The role of similarity recognition8
Five routines that help leaders learn8
Paradox of artificial intelligence as teammate7
Collaborating for change: The importance of multi-sector partnerships in addressing poverty and inequality through decent work7
Cultivating place identity at work7
Avoiding conflict during transition to AI7
Editorial Board7
Onboarding during COVID-196
Supporting the productivity and wellbeing of remote workers6
Work-life Inclusion for Women’s Career Equality6
“With great power comes great responsibility”: Exploring the role of Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) for Artificial Intelligence Responsibility in Retail Service Automation (AIRRSA)5
Will artificial intelligence radically change human resource management processes?5
Resilience as thriving5
Fostering hybrid team performance through inclusive leadership strategies5
Can a leader of moral character survive and do good in a corrupt organization?4
Pursuing eternal youth4
“Thinking about the people who make the products”: Conversations for Sustainable Futures4
Psychological capital and mental health: Twenty-five years of progress4
Impact of machine learning on personnel selection4
Enhancing human resource management in process improvement projects4
Architecting human resource management systems with positive psychological capital4
Practices for effective onboarding in dynamic Global Virtual Teams4
Chief diversity officers measure diversity4
Principles of responsible digital implementation: Developing operational business resilience to reduce resistance to digital innovations4
From startup to success: The power of PsyCap for new venture growth4
Ethical compass: The need for Corporate Digital Responsibility in the use of Artificial Intelligence in financial services3
You Take the High Road…I’ll Take the Low Road3
People management in work organizations3
Editorial Board3
Pursuing your leader development3
The fallacy of giving advice3
From good citizens to bad politicians3
Ambidexterity in the boardroom: A core capability to improve effectiveness3
Beyond direct stakeholders: The extensive scope of Societal Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR)3
The Next Best Safety Dollar3
The three Cs for cultivating organizational culture in a hybrid world3
Safely navigating global virtual teams amid the threat of cyberbullying3
Celebrate the legacy of traditional firms3
Gracious growth3
Exploring frugal innovation in social entrepreneurship:3