International Migration

(The TQCC of International Migration is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
“We are part of this place, but I do not think I belong.” Temporariness, Social Inclusion and Belonging among Migrant Farmworkers in Southwestern Ontario27
Integration and the struggle to turn space into “our” place: Homemaking as a way beyond the stalemate of assimilationism vs transnationalism22
Onward migration and intra‐European mobilities: A critical and theoretical overview21
Vulnerability of refugees: Some reflections on definitions and measurement practices20
The Cartagena Refugee Definition and Venezuelan Displacement in Latin America119
Does the global migration matter? The impact of top ten cities migration on native nationals income and employment levels19
Introduction: Latin American Political and Policy Responses to Venezuelan Displacement19
Access to and exclusion from housing over time: Refugees' experiences in rural areas19
"It is not O.K to think that you are good just because you have graduated from overseas": Agency and contextual factors affecting Vietnamese returning graduates15
Colombia's open‐door policy: An innovative approach to displacement?14
Measuring residential segregation in multi‐ethnic and unequal European cities14
The EU's ‘return rate’ with third countries: Why EU readmission agreements do not make much difference13
South‐South Migration: Remittances of Labour Migrants and Household Expenditures in Uzbekistan13
Measuring the Cultural Dimension of Migrant Integration and Integration Policy in the European Context: Dilemmas and Discussions113
All Welcome Here? Attitudes towards Muslim Migrants in Europe13
Contextualizing and conceptualizing reintegration processes in the context of return13
Introduction “Labour market integration of highly skilled refugees in Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands”13
The phrase ‘refugees and migrants’ undermines analysis, policy and protection11
Immigrant–non‐immigrant wage differentials in Canada: A comparison between standard and non‐standard jobs11
Progressive legislation but lukewarm policies: The Brazilian response to Venezuelan displacement11
Recognition of foreign qualifications in Germany: Selectivity and power in re‐making professionals11
What do immigrants make of immigration policies? Insights from interviews with Venezuelans in Chile11
Migrant organisations, belonging and social protection. The role of migrant organisations in migrants' social risk‐averting strategies10
Social identity change as an integration strategy of international students in China10
Integration policy and refugees’ economic performance: Evidence from Sweden’s 2010 reform of the introduction programme10
Mandatory mobility? The case of immigrant posted workers sent from Italy to Belgium in the construction sector10
An intersectional pathway penalty: Filipina immigrant women inside and outside Canada’s Live‐In Caregiver Program10
English skills and early labour market integration: Evidence from humanitarian migrants in Australia10
On war in Ukraine, double standards and the epistemological ignoring of the global east10
Onward Migration Aspirations and Transnational Practices of Migrant Construction Workers Amidst Economic Crisis: Exploring New Opportunities and Facing Barriers10
Onward migration: An introduction9
Placing the future: Onward migration, education and citizenship among Portuguese‐Bangladeshi in London9
Counter moves. Destabilizing the grand narrative of onward migration and secondary movements in Europe9
Interplay of poverty, remittances and human capital development: Panel evidence from selected Sub‐Saharan African countries9
Temporary labour migration in Asia: The transnationality‐precarity nexus9
The Ukrainian refugee crisis: Unpacking the politics of pet exceptionalism9
Non‐linear relationship between remittances and financial development in Jamaica9
COVID‐19 and threats to irregular migrants in Kuwait and the Gulf8
Comparing pre‐war and forced Ukrainian migrants in Poland: Challenges for the labour market and prospects for integration8
Employment for women with refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds in Australia: An overview of workforce participation and available support programmes8
The Cartagena refugee definition and nationality‐based discrimination in Mexican refugee status determination8
Belonging in the land down under: Black Africans in Australia8
Shaping the Balkan corridor: Development and changes in the migration route 2015–168
Between liberal legislation and preventive political practice: Ecuador’s political reactions to Venezuelan forced migration8
COVID‐19, economic recession, and the Refugee situation8
Australia’s superior skilled migration outcomes compared with Canada’s8
Embodying legal precarity: Living with ongoing short‐term protection in Germany8
Precarity for the global talent: The impact of visa policies on high‐skilled immigrants’ work in the United States8
The global governance of migration: Towards a ‘messy’ approach8
Even worse than the undocumented? Assessing the refugees’ integration in the labour market of Lombardy (Italy) in 2001–20148
A critique of gender‐blind migration theories and data sources7
From Independence to dependence: Experiences of Syrian refugees7
Asylum seekers’ experiences on the migration journey to Italy (and beyond): Risk factors and future planning within a shifting political landscape7
Internal migration patterns of foreign citizens in Italy7
Mapping the diversity and structuring of migration patterns: One‐off, repeat and multiple migrants in the European Union7
A level playing field for migrant entrepreneurs? The legal and policy landscape across EU and OECD countries7
Emancipation really matters: Why family firms might be a preferable choice for Syrian refugees in Egypt? An exploratory study7
Cartographers of their Futures: The Formation of Occupational Aspirations of Highly Educated Refugees in Malmö and Munich6
Intelligent careers of a resilient mobile workforce: Edu‐immigrants6
Kindergarten teachers promote the participation experience of African Asylum‐Seeker families6
Health status and fertility intentions among migrants6
The economically rich refugees: A case study of the business operations of Istanbul‐based Syrian refugee businesspeople6
Balancing inclusion and exclusion among Somali migrants in Germany6
A future agenda for research on climate change and human mobility6
Labour market profiles of Albanian migrants in Italy: Evidence from Lombardy 2001–20156
Swedish migration policy liberalization and new immigrant entrepreneurs6
Origin and transit migration of Afghans and Syrians to Germany: The influential actors and factors behind the destination choice6
Who are Canada’s temporary foreign workers? Policy evolution and a pandemic reality6
A hole in the wall of fortress Europe: The trans‐European posting of third‐country labour migrants6
Conceptual contours of migration studies in and from Asia6
The Re(production) of Restless Bodies: Freedom of Movement and Social Reproduction6
The making and the portrayal of Scottish distinctiveness: How does the narrative create its audience?6
US and them: Job quality differences between natives and immigrants in Europe6
Excluded by crisis management? Legislative hyperactivity in post‐2015 Germany6
Re‐spatialising migration governance: From ‘multi‐level’ to ‘entangled’6
The regulatory environment for migrant and women entrepreneurs6
The neglected colonial legacy of the 1951 refugee convention6
Regulation of migrant entrepreneurship: The strained conjunction of laws, policies and practices6
Value Differences between Refugees and German Citizens: Insights from a Representative Survey6
A study of Italian young adults’ transnational mobility to Australia: The reproduction of unequal trajectories in the host society5
Much ado about very little: The dubious connection between ethnic minority business policy and ethnic minority entrepreneurship5
Multiple routes to immigration scepticism: The association between individual grievances and anti‐immigrant attitudes in Canada, Germany and the USA5
Strengthening the science–policy interface in the climate migration field5
Making it “Easy to Help”: The Evolution of Norwegian Volunteer Initiatives for Refugees5
Violence, life aspirations and displacement trajectories in civil war5
Undocumented migrants in Saudi Arabia: COVID‐19 and amnesty reforms5
Supporting the agency of cities as climate migration destinations5
Cities’ migration policies in a country with a deficit of migration policy. The case of Poland5
Welfare chauvinism among co‐ethnics: Evidence from a conjoint experiment in South Korea5
Poland: What does it take for a public opinion coup to be reversed?5
Exploring the co‐movements between COVID‐19 pandemic and international air traffic: A global perspective based on wavelet analysis5
Fitful circulations: Unauthorized movements in the Sicilian transit zone5
Exit regime for international students: The case of Georgia5
Mobility and legal infrastructure for Ukrainian refugees5
Staying the course on global governance of migration through the COVID‐19 and economic crises4
Regulation through responsibilisation: Gendered exit policies and precarious migration from India and Sri Lanka4
When what you have is not enough—Acquiring Australian qualifications to overcome non‐recognition of overseas skills4
Migration aspirations and the perceptions of the political, economic and social environment in Africa4
The right and role of critiquing the contemporary patchwork of protection4
Mobility at the margins: The facilitating and risk‐reducing role of clustered migration in migration for begging between Romania and Norway4
Transnational social protection infrastructures: African migrants in Mexico4
Understanding surveillance capitalism from the viewpoint of migration4
Family Separation and Remigration Intentions to the USA among Mexican Deportees4
Discrimination meets interculturalism in theory, policy and practice4
Labour market integration of FRY refugees in Sweden vs. Denmark4
After the transnational turn: Looking across borders to see the hard face of the nation‐state4
The Functions and Legitimization of Suffering in Calais, France4
Critical migration policy narratives from West Africa4
The going gets rougher: Exploring the labour market outcomes of international graduates in Australia4
Life satisfaction and desire to emigrate: What does the cross‐national analysis show?4
The Syrian refugee crisis through the lenses of Turkish political discourses: An analysis of deliberations in the Turkish Parliament4
Relative education of recent refugees in Germany and the Middle East: Is selectivity reflected in migration and destination decisions?4
The Philippines and seafaring labour export: State, non‐state and international actors in the assembly and employability of Filipino seafarers4
Entrepreneurship and ethnic economy employment among Chinese and Vietnamese residents of Warsaw4
Digital border technologies, techno‐racism and logics of exclusion4
Can big data deliver its promises in migration research?4
Mediator role of intergroup anxiety in relationship between the social contact, intercultural sensitivity and attitudes towards Syrians among Turkish local society4
“I am making good money, but …”: The precarious situation of Polish nurses in Norway4
A Lifeline in troubled waters: A support intervention for migrant farm workers4
Constructing children's psychological well‐being: Sources of resilience for children left behind in Northeast China4
Using the innovative to improve the established: The employment of social networking sites as recruitment tools in migrant surveys4
Migrant trailing spouses: Career adaptability and occupational downshifting4
Introduction: Assimilation, integration or transnationalism? An overview of theories of migrant incorporation4
Food security, equitable development and South–South migration: Towards a research agenda3
The well‐being and voice of migrant workers in participatory organizational interventions3
“We have nothing to hide”: Legitimacy narratives, researcher positionality and the ethics of accessing the Dutch deportation apparatus3
Human trafficking, information campaigns and public awareness in Moldova: Why do anti‐trafficking organizations operate under inaccurate assumptions?3
Mediterranean thinking in migration studies: A methodological regionalism approach3
The multi‐scalar embeddedness of support policies for migrant entrepreneurship in Japan3
The pains and gains of reception centres: How length of stay in reception centres is associated with Syrian refugees' mental health during early resettlement3
Intersectional migration research: Re‐centring governance structures3
Dynamics of immobility: Capability conversion among aspiring migrants in Pakistan3
Learning in migration management? Persistent side effects of the EUTF3
Assuming Reintegration, Experiencing Dislocation – Returns from Europe to Afghanistan3
Household gender dynamics and remitting behaviour in sub‐Saharan Africa3
Reflections on return migration: Understanding how African immigrants in Canada contemplate return3
What is in a number? Some reflections on disaster displacement modelling3
Private companies' engagement in the labour market integration of refugees: An exploratory study of the city of Stuttgart, Germany3
Innovation as a cause of highly skilled migration: Evidence from Greece3
Reconsidering humanitarian advocacy through pressure points of the European ‘migration crisis’3
Borders have always been artificial: Migration, data and AI3
How does outmigration behaviour cascade within the community of origin? A socio‐historical approach to migrant network analysis using the Philippines case3
Illuminating the shadows of skilled migration: Highly qualified immigrants from Latin America in Spain3
Beyond street‐level bureaucracy: the organisational culture of migration policy‐making and administrative elites3
How far can we compare? Migration studies, comparative urbanism and the potential of a trans‐Mediterranean perspective3
Building cultural intelligence through supervisor support: Social exchange and subjective career success as mediators and organisational support as a moderator3
A near‐real‐time analysis of societal responses to Ukrainian refugee migration in Europe3
The effects of negative and positive information on attitudes towards immigration3
Rural out‐migration as a coping strategy in the drought‐prone areas of Rarh region of Eastern India3
Towards a definition for returnees' reintegration processes in the context of rural Ethiopia3
Managing the rising tide of Nigerian migrants to the West—A policy vacuum or a structural challenge?3