Journal of Services Marketing

(The TQCC of Journal of Services Marketing is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Who do you choose? Comparing perceptions of human vs robo-advisor in the context of financial services72
Financial services experience and consumption in Nigeria70
Exploring how internet services can enhance elderly well-being47
Going with the flow: smart shopping malls and omnichannel retailing44
The role of customer experience in the perceived value–word-of-mouth relationship34
Mobile payment adoption in Latin America33
Improving service brand personality with augmented reality marketing32
WOW, the make-up AR app is impressive: a comparative study between China and South Korea30
Mapping of Journal of Services Marketing themes: a retrospective overview using bibliometric analysis30
Can Alexa serve customers better? AI-driven voice assistant service interactions30
Service authenticity and its effect on positive emotions26
The impact of value co-creation in sustainable services: understanding generational differences26
Customer ecosystems: exploring how ecosystem actors shape customer experience26
Industry 4.0 in services: challenges and opportunities for value co-creation25
Consumers experiencing vulnerability: a state of play in the literature24
Customer incivility and employee outcomes in the new service marketplace24
Transformation of the hospitality services marketing structure: a chaos theory perspective24
The robot-to-robot service encounter: an examination of the impact of inter-robot warmth23
Editorial: Research priorities in the new service marketplace23
Videogames-as-a-service: converting freemium- to paying-users through pop-up advertisement value21
Viewpoint: shaping resilient service ecosystems in times of crises – a trans-Tasman perspective19
Customer engagement in online service brand communities19
Consumers’ perceptions of food ethics in luxury dining19
Editorial: When service technologies and human experiences intersect18
Customer captivity, negative word of mouth and well-being: a mixed-methods study18
Resistance of facial recognition payment service: a mixed method approach18
Can both entrepreneurial and ethical leadership shape employees’ service innovative behavior?18
Consumer responses to environmental corporate social responsibility and luxury17
Understanding consumer perceptions and attitudes toward smart retail services17
Utilitarian motivations to engage with travel websites: an interactive technology adoption model17
“Is it all just lip service?”: on Instagram and the normalisation of the cosmetic servicescape17
Value co-creation activities in retail ecosystems: well-being consequences17
Authenticity, rapport and interactional justice in frontline service: the moderating role of need for uniqueness16
Understanding consumers’ live-streaming shopping from a benefit–risk perspective15
Introducing relational dialectics on actor engagement in the social media ecosystem15
Balancing service inclusion for primary and secondary customers experiencing vulnerabilities14
The well-being outcomes of multi-actor inter-organisational value co-creation and co-destruction within a service ecosystem14
Servicing through digital interactions andwell-being in virtual communities13
Marketing inclusive banking services to financially vulnerable consumers: a service design approach13
Right to health and access to health-care services for refugees in Turkey13
Neurophysiological responses to robot–human interactions in retail stores13
The impact of eudaimonic well-being on experience and loyalty: a tourism context13
Understanding sources of financial well-being in Romania: a prerequisite for transformative financial services13
Service inclusion: the role of disability identity in retail13
Collaborative space: framework for collaborative consumption and the sharing economy12
Guest editorial: Solving problems for service consumers experiencing vulnerabilities: a marketplace challenge12
Antecedents and consequences of consumer hope for digital payment apps services12
Necessary evil: a strategy to manage dysfunctional customer behavior12
A transformative service research perspective on caste-based discrimination in microcredit lending in India12
Business types matter: new insights into the effects of anthropomorphic cues in AI chatbots12
Understanding self-service technology adoption by “older” consumers12
The emperor’s new clothes: self-explorative engagement in virtual try-on service experiences positively impacts brand outcomes11
Seeking the resilience of service firms: a strategic learning process based on digital platform capability11
Improving base-of-the-pyramid consumer welfare through mobile technology services11
A conceptual framework for transformative gamification services11
Shaping service delivery through faith-based service inclusion: the case of the Salvation Army in Zambia11
Patients’ experience sharing with online social media communities: a bottom-of-the-pyramid perspective11
Co-creating value in post-communists contexts: capability perspective11
Exploring interactions between commuters with disabilities and transport service providers11
Editorial: Opportunities in the new service marketplace10
Viewpoint: Service products, development of service knowledge and our community’s target audience10
Transforming human trafficking rescue services in Nigeria: towards context-specific intersectionality and trauma-informed perspectives10
“There is no place like my mall”: consumer reactions to the absence of mall experiences10
How do actors coordinate for value creation? A signaling and screening perspective on resource integration10
Addressing customer misbehavior contagion in access-based services10
Why switch? The role of customer variety-seeking and engagement in driving service switching intention10
Professionals’ interpersonal communications style: does it matter in building client psychological comfort?10
A phenomenological exploration into sustainability in the foodservice industry in the MEA region10
Human enhancement technologies and the future of consumer well-being10
Relational cohesion between users and smart voice assistants10
Promoting customer engagement in service settings through identification10
Reducing deviant consumer behaviour with service robot guardians9
Network well-being from a balanced centricity perspective9
Drivers of the experience value of mobile money transfer service: Senegaleseuser perspectives9
The effect of carers’ healthcare practices on the categorization of elderly patients as vulnerable9
An empirical analysis of self-service technologies: mediating role ofcustomer powerlessness9
A typology of conspicuous donation on Facebook9
Guest editorial: age is a construct, not a characteristic9
The role of information for the customer journey in mobile food ordering apps9
SDG editorial: improving life on planet earth – a call to action for service research to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs)9