Patterns of Prejudice

(The TQCC of Patterns of Prejudice is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The long life of British fascism11
Tales, at last, told everywhere6
The multiculturalist challenge: a rejoinder5
Claret, white and blue4
Culture wars in the middle of Europe3
The colour of the transcendental deduction3
Anti-politics as ‘culture of rejection’: the case of Serbia3
Postcolonial hauntings in riverine London: conviviality and melancholia2
Fly-over (white) country2
Beyond pandemic populism: COVID-related cultures of rejection in digital environments, a case study of two Austrian online spaces2
The kids are alt-right: an introduction to PragerU and its role in radicalization in the United States1
Distributing thickness of skin: of calloused minorities and fragile majorities1
Men and women voters of the populist radical right: are they like apples and oranges?1
Swedish ‘cultures of rejection’ and decreasing trust in authority during the COVID pandemic1
Arguments among socialistsDaniel Randall, Confronting Antisemitism on the Left: Arguments for Socialists . London: No Pasaran Media2021. 21
Epistemic strides: from decolonizing politics and sociology to non-colonial politics and sociology1
Holocaust refugees’ experiences in, out of and nowhere in Africa1
On the wrong side of racial justice1
Welcoming bad times: COVID-19 frames on Norway’s far right1
Cultures of fear in South Africa0
The Other at the border: ‘frontier Orientalism’ in politics and law in Poland0
Enlivening the ‘open city’: from a politics of divisibility to the making of Muslim cityzens in Berlin0
Holocaust refugees in the colonial world: an introduction0
Comme un village méditerranéen : postcolonial North African Jewish de- and re-racialization in Sarcelles0
‘Everything has changed’: right-wing politics and experiences of transformation among German retail workers0
Unmoored: resources for the rise of right-wing populism in everyday experiences of international maritime industry workers from Croatia0
The menace of Jewish anti-Polonism during the 2015 ‘refugee crisis’: antisemitic conspiratorial thinking on the Christian far right in Poland0
‘I feel like Sophie Scholl’: the (mis)appropriation of icons of anti-Nazi resistance in contemporary Germany0
A window on the shameful history of internment in Britain0
Racial warfare in German women’s colonial memoirs0
Dissecting the ‘new antisemitism’ project0
The ‘Scots porridge case’ of 1969: bogus discrimination, the loony state and the white backlash archive0
Imaginary worlds: Karl May and the refugees0
Economic development, attitudes towards migration and the (lack of) willingness to help refugees: insights from the Aurora Humanitarian Index0
Deconstructing conspiracies in Marseilles Deconstructing conspiracies in Marseilles Reza Zia-Ebrahimi, Antisémitisme et Islamophobie: une histoire croisée0
Gender, Islam and nativism in populist radical-right posters: visualizing ‘insiders’ and ‘outsiders’0
Britain and the Holocaust, the Holocaust and Britain0
Beyond politics? German Jewish refugees and racism in South Africa0
Anti-Muslim tribalism: a new framework for analysing Islamophobia in contemporary times0
Hate in the Homeland: an interview with Cynthia Miller-Idriss0
The logic of the fight against antisemitism in Germany in three cultural shifts0
Platforms for hatred0
Bringing the enemy closer to home: ‘conspiracy talk’ and the Norwegian far right0
Heidegger and race0
Australia’s statue wars told ‘from the inside’Bronwyn Carlson and Terri Farrelly, Monumental Disruptions: Aboriginal People and Colonial Commemorations in So-Called Australia 0
Chosenness and its discontents0
A two-way streetNancy Foner, One Quarter of the Nation: Immigration and the Transformation of America . Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press2022. v+223pp. Notes. Bi0
Difficult conversations on campus0
The ‘Braverman incident’: mainstreamings of the Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory0
When antisemitism and philosemitism go hand in hand: attitudes to Jews in contemporary East Asia0
Navigating ambiguous privilege: Jewish refugees in the Belgian Congo during the Holocaust0
Right-wing populist affective governing: a frame analysis of Austrian parliamentary debates on migration0
Western civilizationism and white supremacy: the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation0
France’s ‘unfinished mourning’: the liberation, a historic trial and a controversial literary renaissance0
Viral sticks, virtual stones: addressing anonymous hate speech online0
Canonizing Du Bois0
Giuseppe Bottai, the Racial Laws of 1938 and Italian–German relations0
Challenging cultures of rejection0
Rethinking political secularism: the multiculturalist challenge0
Introducing ‘cultures of rejection’: an investigation of the conditions of acceptability of right-wing politics in Europe0
The elephant in the room called ‘skin type IV’: ‘Südländer’ (Southerner) as a discriminatory category in German police reports0
The British monarchy and regimes of whitenessKimberley Ducey and Joe R. Feagin, Revealing Britain’s Systemic Racism: The Case of Meghan Markle and the Royal Family . New0
How sociology misremembers itself0
Admonitory and utopian: the algorithmic interpretation of Rabbi Meir Kahane’s historical narratives0
‘We thought we would be welcomed with open arms’: Holocaust refugees in Dutch Caribbean internment0
Alain de Benoist, ethnopluralism and the cultural turn in racism0
The Jewish ‘monopoly’ of the slave trade in the early Middle Ages: the origins of an enduring historical motif0
Explaining the illiberal revolt in Central Europe0
‘Breeders for race and nation’: gender, sexuality and fecundity in post-war British fascist discourse0
Distracted by the far right0
Hitler’s favourite ‘degenerates’Christopher Webster (ed), Photography in the Third Reich: Art, Physiognomy and Propaganda . Cambridge: Open Book Publishers2021. xiv+296p0
Introduction: Decolonizing the metropolis0
Cracking and moderating secularist assumptions0
The moneylender as monster: ‘the Jew’ as transformative influence in Bram Stoker’s The Watter’s Mou’0