
(The TQCC of Technovation is 18. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Developing a unified definition of digital transformation321
Extreme weather events risk to crop-production and the adaptation of innovative management strategies to mitigate the risk: A retrospective survey of rural Punjab, Pakistan299
Internet of Things and Big Data as enablers for business digitalization strategies285
Understanding managers’ attitudes and behavioral intentions towards using artificial intelligence for organizational decision-making182
Unearthing antecedents to financial inclusion through FinTech innovations170
Performance effects of digital technology adoption and product & service innovation – A process-industry perspective167
Exploring the boundaries of open innovation: Evidence from social media mining152
Digital transformation of industrial businesses: A dynamic capability approach148
Open innovation in the manufacturing industry: A review and research agenda147
A relational natural-resource-based view on product innovation: The influence of green product innovation and green suppliers on differentiation advantage in small manufacturing firms132
Business model innovation and firm performance: Exploring causal mechanisms in SMEs130
Co-evolution of platform architecture, platform services, and platform governance: Expanding the platform value of industrial digital platforms129
Building digitally-enabled process innovation in the process industries: A dynamic capabilities approach114
The impacts of democracy on innovation: Revisited evidence102
Artificial intelligence in innovation research: A systematic review, conceptual framework, and future research directions96
Prerequisites for the adoption of AI technologies in manufacturing – Evidence from a worldwide sample of manufacturing companies84
Blockchain’s coming to hospital to digitalize healthcare services: Designing a distributed electronic health record ecosystem84
Digital innovation and performance of manufacturing firms: An affordance perspective83
Ecosystem-as-structure and ecosystem-as-coevolution: A constructive examination80
Entrepreneurial orientation and new product development performance in SMEs: The mediating role of business model innovation80
To explore or exploit: The influence of inter-firm R&D network diversity and structural holes on innovation outcomes74
“Baby, you can drive my car”: Psychological antecedents that drive consumers’ adoption of AI-powered autonomous vehicles73
Open innovation within high-tech SMEs: A study of the entrepreneurial founder's influence on open innovation practices70
Digital transformation in the healthcare sector through blockchain technology. Insights from academic research and business developments68
The limits to open innovation and its impact on innovation performance67
Managing intrapreneurial capabilities: An overview67
Healthcare apps’ purchase intention: A consumption values perspective66
Technology, entrepreneurship, innovation and social change in digital economics62
Building universities’ intrapreneurial capabilities in the digital era: The role and impacts of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)61
Platform-based servitization and business model adaptation by established manufacturers61
Configuring ecosystem strategies for digitally enabled process innovation: A framework for equipment suppliers in the process industries60
Managing the risks and motivations of technology managers in open innovation: Bringing stakeholder-centric corporate governance into focus57
Healthcare system: Moving forward with artificial intelligence57
How companies configure digital innovation attributes for business model innovation? A configurational view57
Integrated blockchain and internet of things in the food supply chain: Adoption barriers57
A balancing strategy for ambidextrous learning, dynamic capabilities, and business model design, the opposite moderating effects of environmental dynamism55
Navigating the New Normal: Which firms have adapted better to the COVID-19 disruption?53
How digital technology promotes entrepreneurship in ecosystems51
Worker and workplace Artificial Intelligence (AI) coexistence: Emerging themes and research agenda51
Government digital initiatives and firm digital innovation: Evidence from China50
A framework for AI-powered service innovation capability: Review and agenda for future research50
Psychological factors influencing technology adoption: A case study from the oil and gas industry50
Measuring open innovation practices through topic modelling: Revisiting their impact on firm financial performance49
How can organizations leverage big data to innovate their business models? A systematic literature review49
The challenges of digital transformation in healthcare: An interdisciplinary literature review, framework, and future research agenda48
Resilience in healthcare systems: Cyber security and digital transformation48
Exploring the interplay between Smart Manufacturing and KIBS firms in configuring product-service innovation performance46
Innovation and climate change: A review and introduction to the special issue45
Joining forces to create value: The emergence of an innovation ecosystem45
Individual and contextual determinants of innovation performance: A micro-foundations perspective45
Becoming a smart solution provider: Reconfiguring a product manufacturer's strategic capabilities and processes to facilitate business model innovation44
Business intelligence in the healthcare industry: The utilization of a data-driven approach to support clinical decision making44
Contributions of Healthcare 4.0 digital applications to the resilience of healthcare organizations during the COVID-19 outbreak44
Moving beyond intermediation: How intermediary organizations shape collaboration dynamics in entrepreneurial ecosystems43
The impact of industry 4.0 on innovation performance: Insights from German manufacturing and service firms43
Smart city governance from an innovation management perspective: Theoretical framing, review of current practices, and future research agenda43
Policy mix or policy mess? Effects of cross-instrumental policy mix on eco-innovation in German firms41
FDI spillover effects on innovation activities of knowledge using and knowledge creating firms: Evidence from an emerging economy41
Exploring the telemedicine implementation challenges through the process innovation approach: A case study research in the French healthcare sector41
Towards designing society 5.0 solutions: The new Quintuple Helix - Design Thinking approach to technology40
The effect of technology infrastructure investment on technological innovation ——A study based on spatial durbin model40
Do or do not. Cognitive configurations affecting open innovation adoption in SMEs40
University entrepreneurial ecosystems and spinoff companies: Configurations, developments and outcomes40
Coopetition and innovation: A review and research agenda39
How does open innovation contribute to the firm's dynamic capabilities?39
The three pointers of research and development (R&D) for growth-boosting sustainable innovation system39
Intrapreneurship and absorptive capacities: The dynamic effect of labor mobility38
Exploring benefits and ethical challenges in the rise of mHealth (mobile healthcare) technology for the common good: An analysis of mobile applications for health specialists38
On external knowledge sources and innovation performance: Family versus non-family firms38
How to promote managers’ innovative behavior at work: Individual factors and perceptions36
Influence of blockchain technology in SME internationalization: Evidence from high-tech SMEs in India36
Stakeholder ties, organizational learning, and business model innovation: A business ecosystem perspective36
When is interorganizational learning beneficial for inbound open innovation of ventures? A contingent role of entrepreneurial orientation36
Role of supply chain integration in the product innovation capability of servitized manufacturing companies35
R&D tax incentives and innovation: Examining the role of programme design in China35
Digital transformation of healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic: Patients’ teleconsultation acceptance and trusting beliefs35
Crossing the valley of death: Five underlying innovation processes35
The negative effects of the US-China trade war on innovation: Evidence from the Chinese ICT industry35
The inverted U relationship between green innovative activities and firms’ market-based performance: The impact of firm age34
Knowledge spillovers, R&D partnerships and innovation performance34
Transformation in a mature industry: The role of business and innovation strategies33
Social and private outcomes of green innovation incentives in European advancing economies33
Of leaders and laggards - Towards digitalization of the process industries33
Business Model Innovation and exaptation: A new way of innovating in SMEs33
Processes of ecosystem emergence33
The development of CE business models in firms: The role of circular economy capabilities33
Technological innovation-enabling industry 4.0 paradigm: A systematic literature review32
Social media mining for ideation: Identification of sustainable solutions and opinions32
Orchestrating for lead user involvement in innovation networks31
The productivity of national innovation systems in Europe: Catching up or falling behind?31
Industry 4.0 and production recovery in the covid era31
Limiting factors of open innovation organizations: A case of social product development and research agenda31
E-health for the future. Managerial perspectives using a multiple case study approach31
Scale quickly or fail fast: An inductive study of acceleration30
Enterprises’ decisions on adopting low-carbon technology by considering consumer perception disparity30
What's driving the diffusion of next-generation digital technologies?30
A meta-analysis of the relationship between collaborative innovation and innovation performance: The role of formal and informal institutions30
Quantum computing led innovation for achieving a more sustainable Covid-19 healthcare industry30
Digital transformation in healthcare organisations: The role of innovation labs29
Addressing societal challenges through the simultaneous generation of social and business values: A conceptual framework for science-based co-creation29
The journey towards sustainable product development: why are some manufacturing companies better than others at product innovation?29
Identifying potential technological spin-offs using hierarchical information in international patent classification29
Business planning by intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs under environmental uncertainty and institutional pressure29
Choosing crowdfunding: Why do entrepreneurs choose to engage in crowdfunding?28
Enabling technologies mitigating climate change: The role of dominant designs in environmental innovation ecosystems28
A platform ecosystem view of servitization in manufacturing28
Exploring a new incubation model for FinTechs: Regulatory sandboxes27
40 years of excellence: An overview of Technovation and a roadmap for future research27
Experimental networks for business model innovation: A way for incumbents to navigate sustainability transitions?27
Blockchain for value creation in the healthcare sector27
When does AI pay off? AI-adoption intensity, complementary investments, and R&D strategy27
The drivers of the digital transformation in the healthcare industry: An empirical analysis in Italian hospitals27
Sustainability orientation, the adoption of 3D printing technologies, and new product performance: A cross-institutional study of American and Indian firms26
The synergetic impact of environmental and innovation information disclosure on corporate financial performance: An empirical study based on China coal listed companies26
The impact of privatization of state-owned enterprises on innovation in China: A tale of privatization degree26
Government R&D support and firms’ access to external financing: funding effects, certification effects, or both?26
Mission-oriented innovation policy and the challenge of urgency: Lessons from Covid-19 and beyond25
Transforming healthcare ecosystems through blockchain: Opportunities and capabilities for business process innovation25
Environmental innovation across SMEs in Europe25
Money Don't matter? How incubation experience affects start-up entrepreneurs' resource valuation25
Determinants of innovation outcomes: The role of institutional quality24
TTO's staff and technology transfer: Examining the effect of employees' individual capabilities24
The role of complexity in the Valley of Death and radical innovation performance24
The effectual process of business model innovation for seizing opportunities in frontier markets24
Innovation labs as organisational catalysts for innovation capacity development: A systematic literature review24
Does the development of digital technology contribute to the innovation performance of China's high-tech industry?24
Diving into the uncertainties of open innovation: A systematic review of risks to uncover pertinent typologies and unexplored horizons24
Vertical vs horizontal coopetition and the market performance of product innovation: An empirical study of the video game industry23
Are living labs effective? Exploring the evidence23
Ambidexterity in the age of asset sharing: Development of dynamic capabilities in open source ecosystems23
Platform-based business model and entrepreneurs from Base of the Pyramid22
Incentivizing green technology innovation to confront sustainable development22
The effects of performance shortfalls on firms’ exploitation and exploration R&D internationalization decisions: Does industry environmental matter?22
Servitization innovation: A systematic review, integrative framework, and future research directions22
Stakeholder engagement strategy of technology firms: A review and applied view of stakeholder theory22
Technology opportunity discovery based on constructing, evaluating, and searching knowledge networks22
The relative effectiveness of R&D tax credits and R&D subsidies: A comparative meta-regression analysis22
Discovering IoT implications in business and management: A computational thematic analysis22
The impact of technology transfer and knowledge spillover from Big Science: a literature review22
Entrepreneurial universities’ metamorphosis: Encountering technological and emotional disruptions in the COVID-19 ERA22
Mechanisms in open innovation: A review and synthesis of the literature21
Enhancing external knowledge search: The influence of performance measurement system design on the absorptive capacity of top management teams21
On the effectiveness of supplier development programs: The role of supply-side moderators21
University alliances and firm exploratory innovation: Evidence from therapeutic product development21
Innovation in the sharing economy: A systematic literature review and research framework.21
Technology opportunity analysis using hierarchical semantic networks and dual link prediction21
Digital affordances and entrepreneurial dynamics: New evidence from European regions21
From stones to jewellery: Investigating technology opportunities from expired patents20
A systematic approach to prioritizing R&D projects based on customer-perceived value using opinion mining20
Technological diversification and R&D productivity: The moderating effects of knowledge spillovers and core-technology competence20
Determinants of new product development speed in China: A strategy tripod perspective20
Startup accelerators as an open environment: The impact on startups’ innovative performance20
Managing innovation ecosystems around Big Science Organizations20
Building digital servitization ecosystems: An analysis of inter-firm collaboration types and social exchange mechanisms among actors20
Business models in process industries: Emerging trends and future research20
Resource constrained innovation in a technology intensive sector: Frugal medical devices from manufacturing firms in South Africa20
Do lead users cooperate with manufacturers in innovation? Investigating the missing link between lead userness and cooperation initiation with manufacturers20
The front end in radical process innovation projects: Sources of knowledge problems and coping mechanisms19
Artificial intelligence and productivity: global evidence from AI patent and bibliometric data19
Motivating individuals to contribute to firms’ non-pecuniary open innovation goals19
Competition from informal firms and product innovation in EU candidate countries: A bounded rationality approach19
“Influential knowledge and financial performance: The role of time and rivals’ absorptive capacity”19
Balancing food waste and sustainability goals in online food delivery: Towards a comprehensive conceptual framework19
University-industry innovation community dynamics and knowledge transfer: Evidence from China19
Investigating the relationship of high-tech entrepreneurship and innovation efficacy: The moderating role of absorptive capacity19
How can university technology holding companies bridge the Valley of Death? Evidence from Korea18
Towards a new model of EU-China innovation cooperation: Bridging missing links between international university collaboration and international industry collaboration18
Tangible−Intangible resource composition and firm success18
Digital disruption of optimal co-innovation configurations18
Is more always better? On the relevance of decreasing returns to scale on innovation18
Technological innovation, industrial structural change and carbon emission transferring via trade-------An agent-based modeling approach18
Screening ideas in the early stages of technology development: A word2vec and convolutional neural network approach18
Overcoming the challenges of smart solution development: Co-alignment of processes, routines, and practices to manage product, service, and software integration18
Connecting emerging industry and regional innovation system: Linkages, effect and paradigm in China18
Keeping together: Which factors characterise persistent university–industry collaboration on innovation?18
Boundary objects, knowledge integration, and innovation management: A systematic review of the literature18
Applying digital technologies in technology roadmapping to overcome individual biased assessments18
The evolving nature of open innovation governance: A study of a digital platform development in collaboration with a big science centre18
Effect of internet of things on manufacturing performance: A hybrid multi-criteria decision-making and neuro-fuzzy approach18
Direct demand-pull and indirect certification effects of public procurement for innovation18
Search strategy, innovation and financial performance of firms in process industries18
A conceptual model and case study of blockchain-enabled social media platform18