Total Quality Management & Business Excellence

(The TQCC of Total Quality Management & Business Excellence is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Multiplicative versus additive models in measuring service quality67
Making digitalization work: unveiling digitalization's implications on psycho-social risks at work61
The mediating effect of affective commitment to change in the readiness for change – TQM relationship57
Green credit policy and corporate green innovation: do banker directors matter?43
Dual quality of products in Europe: a serious problem or a marketing opportunity?40
A readiness assessment of Quality 4.0 in packaging companies: an empirical investigation25
Topic analysis of studies on total quality management and business excellence: an update on research from 2010 to 201925
Multiple intelligences and job performance: the moderating role of learning goal oriented training25
Investigating the strategic interaction between QMS, organisational agility and innovative performance23
The impact of government policies on place branding performance: evidence from China21
A maturity model for assessing Digital Green Lean leadership and culture implementation in manufacturing companies20
Decoding task uncertainty: moderating effects on participative budgeting and budgetary slack dynamics20
A GPT-Aided literature review process for total quality management and business excellence (2020-2023)20
Understanding the formation process of negative customer engagement behaviours: a quantitative and qualitative interpretation18
Application of Taguchi design of experiments in the food industry: a systematic literature review18
Choosing a crowdfunding model considering strategic customer behaviour16
Assessing transactive memory system and team performance: the moderating role of leadership efficacy16
A bibliometric study of lean supply chain management research: 1996–202016
The role of organisational culture in total quality management adoption and cost of quality16
A comprehensive quality improvement model: integrating internal and external information15
Corporate social responsibility performance index model from stakeholder's perspective: case of an industrial company15
How service quality in hospitals varies based on hospital ownership and demographics: a study on Turkish patients living urban areas14
TQM through the integration of blockchain with ISO 9001:2015 standard based quality management system14
Reviewing the global economic impacts and mitigating measures of COVID-1914
The relationship between internalisation of a quality standard and customer results via employee and social results in the hotel industry14
The mediating role of organizational excellence between quality management practices and sustainable performance13
The business excellence models and business strategy13
A review of quality 4.0: definitions, features, technologies, applications, and challenges13
Mediating effect of organisational learning and moderating role of organisational culture on the relationship between total quality management and innovation among manufacturing companies in Nigeria13
Livestreaming commerce service quality measurement and its effect on swift guanxi , trust, and repurchase intention13
Does EFQM enhance learning and innovation?13
Assessment of six alternative models of service quality13
Leadership for quality: a systematic review and future directions13
Do diverse board structures affect intellectual capital? Transitional economic evidence12
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Interpretive model of enablers of Data-Driven Sustainable Quality Management practice in manufacturing industries: ISM approach12
Sharing economy platforms as mainstream: balancing pro-social and economic tensions12
The impact of quality management systems on financial performance under crisis conditions: evidence from SMEs12
TQM practices and their impact on organisational performance: the case of India’s deming-award industries11
Adopting quality management practices in the industry 4.0 era: an investigation into the challenges11
Management systems standards and shareholder wealth: unveiling the role of multiple certifications11
A comprehensive analysis of service quality: a systematic literature review10
The microfoundations of lean leadership: Monozukuri, Hitozukuri, Kotozukuri10
A psychometric data science approach to study latent variables: a case of class quality and student satisfaction9
Unveiling the status of TQM-performance link in the private, public, and third sectors: a systematic review9
Quality 4.0 social and strategic readiness factors: sufficient and Necessary Condition Analysis9
Relating the strategic role of technology orientation in organizational TQM performance9
The application of operational excellence methodologies in logistics: a systematic review and directions for future research9
Strategic conceptualization and operationalization of digital orientation to support organizational TQM performance9
The recruit requirements of recent graduates: approaching the existing mismatch8
Integrated management systems and sustainability – a review on their relationships8
Corporate sustainability practices: a new perspective of linking board with firm performance8
Development of Sustainable Lean Patient Value in Healthcare: A Long-Term Condition Context8
Operational excellence methodologies in the energy sector: A systematic literature review8
Green Karma – promoting environmental initiatives by adapting and using QFD as a proactive tool8
Exploring emotional regulation and team politics in teams: team learning and educational practices7
The EFQM 2020 model. A theoretical and critical review7
Manufacturing quality assessment in the industry 4.0 era: a review7
Sources of information on sustainable innovation: a citation-based systematic literature review and content analysis7
Quality assurance in supply chains during the COVID-19 pandemic: empirical evidence on organisational resilience of conformity assessment bodies7
Development of a conceptual model integrating management systems and the Shingo Model towards operational excellence7
The integration of Industry 4.0 and Lean Management: a systematic review and constituting elements perspective7
Unleashing the potential of internal audits: a review and research agenda7
How do formalization, centralization and integration impact dynamic knowledge-based capability?7
Total quality management and lean six sigma impact on supply chain research field: systematic analysis7
Optimal remanufacturing strategies for original equipment manufacturers: partner and mode selection7
Regression approaches for Kano classification: an empirical analysis of the classification of quality attributes according to Kano7
Extreme institutional complexity and corporate combative strategy7