International Journal of Project Management

(The TQCC of International Journal of Project Management is 16. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Agile practices and performance: Examining the role of psychological empowerment102
Shared leadership and project success: The roles of knowledge sharing, cohesion and trust in the team101
Publishing quantitative papers with rigor and transparency86
The “re-meaning” of project success: Updating and recalibrating for a modern project management73
Collaboration and opportunism in megaproject alliance contracts: The interplay between governance, trust and culture59
The organisational architecture of megaprojects54
Project team resilience: The effect of group potency and interpersonal trust52
Configurations of project management practices to enhance the performance of open innovation R&D projects50
Coping with uncertainty: Knowledge sharing in new product development projects50
Trust in megaprojects: A comprehensive literature review of research trends47
Exploring the enabling effects of project management for SMEs in adopting open innovation – A framework for partner search and selection in open innovation projects47
Designing case study research45
Cross-learning between project management and international development: Analysis and research agenda43
What about the people? Micro-foundations of open innovation in megaprojects43
Benefits management in university-industry collaboration programs42
Towards a ‘New Project Management’ movement? An international development perspective41
The integration of social capital and knowledge management – The key challenge for international development and cooperation projects of nonprofit organizations40
Issues and challenges impacting the successful management of agile-hybrid projects: A grounded theory approach39
Exploring the critical nexus between authoritarian leadership, project team member's silence and multi-dimensional success in a state-owned mega construction project37
Studying Projects Processually37
Resilience and creative problem-solving capacities in project teams: A relational view37
Prior and governed stakeholder relationships: The key to resilience of inter-organizational projects36
The institutional shaping of global megaprojects: The case of the Lyon-Turin high-speed railway35
Governing behavioral integration of top management team in megaprojects: A social capital perspective35
The institutional drivers of social procurement implementation in Australian construction projects34
Crowdsourcing as a service – from pilot projects to sustainable innovation routines33
Very important, yet very neglected: Where do local communities stand when examining social sustainability in major construction projects?33
Similar but different? The influence of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and person-job fit on individual performance in the continuum between permanent and temporary organizations32
Tackling grand challenges with projects: Five insights and a research agenda for project management theory and practice32
Relationship quality in construction projects: A subcontractor perspective of principal contractor relationships32
Organizational practices that enable and disable knowledge transfer: The case of a public sector project-based organization31
Rethinking project governance: Incorporating contextual and practice-based views30
Does project management matter? The relationship between project management effort, complexity, and profitability30
Making sense of a governance framework for megaprojects: The challenge of finding equilibrium29
‘Filling the mattress’: Trust development in the governance of infrastructure megaprojects29
Project manager's emotional intelligence and project performance: The mediating role of project commitment28
The effect of commitment differentiation on integrated project delivery team dynamics: The critical roles of goal alignment, communication behaviors, and decision quality28
Organisational capabilities and project organising research28
Cracking the megaproject puzzle: A stakeholder perspective?27
A psychological contract perspective of vertical and distributed leadership in project-based organizations27
Balancing knowledge sharing with protecting: The efficacy of formal control in open innovation projects27
The mediating effects of cognitive conflict and affective conflict on the relationship between new product development task uncertainty and performance27
Psychological distress and project success: The moderating role of employees’ resilience and mindfulness26
The role of task conflict in cooperative innovation projects: An organizational learning theory perspective26
Organising for infrastructure development programmes: Governing internal logic multiplicity across organisational spaces25
Trajectories towards balancing value creation and capture: Resolution paths and tension loops in open innovation projects25
Labyrinth of labels: Narrative constructions of promoters and protesters in megaprojects25
The grand challenge: Effective anti-corruption measures in projects24
Tensions in governing megaprojects: How different types of ties shape project relationship quality?24
Multi-project management in inter-organizational contexts23
Unveiling complex relational behavior in megaprojects: A qualitative-quantitative network approach23
Meeting challenges with resilience – How innovation projects deal with adversity23
Success Management – From theory to practice23
The multiplicity of value in the front-end of projects: The case of London transportation infrastructure23
The recursive interaction of institutional fields and managerial legitimation in large-scale projects23
Public project success? Measuring the nuances of success through ex post evaluation23
Benefits realisation in an agile environment22
Managing project sustainability in the extractive industries: Towards a reciprocity framework for community engagement22
The impact of a challenging work environment: Do job stressors benefit citizenship behavior of project managers?22
A person-environment-fit-model for temporary organizations - Antecedents for temporary working settings21
The Megaproject-based Firm: Building programme management capability to deliver megaprojects21
Asymmetric legitimacy perception across megaproject stakeholders: The case of the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link21
Mitigating the negative performance effect of project complexity through an informal mechanism: The conditional mediating role of knowledge hiding21
Reporting case studies for making an impact21
Organizing for knowledge creation in a strategic interorganizational innovation project21
Mechanisms for protecting returns on private investments in public infrastructure projects20
A Meta-theoretical framework for theory building in project management20
Examining the transition to agile practices with information technology projects: Agile teams and their experience of accountability19
Playing chess or playing poker? Assessment of uncertainty propagation in open innovation projects19
Technological competence leveraging projects via intermediaries: Viable means to outbound open innovation and mediated capability building?18
Temporal structuring in project organizing: A narrative perspective18
Coming to terms with project success: Current perspectives and future challenges18
How performance measurement can support achieving success in project-based operations17
Strategic change towards cost-efficient public construction projects17
Projects as interventions17
The effects of shared vision on value co-creation in megaprojects: A multigroup analysis between clients and main contractors17
The impact of multiple project team membership on individual and team learning: A micro-meso multi-level empirical study17
Reconceptualization of absorptive capacity as potential and realized absorptive capacity for project-based organizations16
Using nudges to realize project performance management16
Temporal leadership, team processes, and project team task performance16
What does it take to kill a megaproject? The reverse escalation of commitment16
A process–oriented framework to measure development performance and success of megaprojects16
A socio-cognitive approach to leading a learning project team: A proposed model and scale development16