Journal of Arid Environments

(The TQCC of Journal of Arid Environments is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Ants of Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park in arid Australia: Diversity, faunistic composition and habitat associations119
Ethnobotany of Moringa stenopetala: A case study from Derashe and Konso ethnic groups in southern Ethiopia51
First record of dermal fluorescence in the desert-adapted Stenodactylus and Trigonodactylus geckos38
The role of shade in influencing dung deposition and nutrient transfer by kangaroos (Macropus spp.) in an arid landscape37
Temporal beta diversity and plant metacommunity structure dynamics over a 43-year period in an inter-tropical mexican arid region35
Pinyon jay (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus) nest site selection in central New Mexico34
Drought area, intensity and frequency changes in China under climate warming, 1961–201431
Long-term impact of conventional management on soil carbon and nitrogen stocks in the semi-arid region of Brazil: A meta-analysis30
Diversity and density of the desert seed bank: Interplays between cacti and nurse shrub species30
Estimating bird densities in montane deserts: A methodological comparison in South Sinai, Egypt29
Editorial Board28
Direct and indirect plant-soil interactions in a semi-arid Mediterranean shrubland (NE Spain)28
Tell me where you live and I'll tell you who you are: Spatial segregation of southern species of Eligmodontia Cuvier in Patagonia, Argentina28
Land, water and energy: The crossing of governance27
Modeling biodiversity changes and conservation issues in a desert sky island26
Black-legged seriema (Chunga burmeisteri): A new unsuspected tree disperser in the Dry Chaco25
Trade-off dynamics in a rare cactus: What are the demographic consequences of temporal variation in fitness?24
Shrubs facilitate perennial bunchgrass recruitment in drylands under experimental precipitation change23
Coyotes in the Great Basin desert do not exhibit a spatial response following the removal of anthropogenic water sources23
Grazing behavior of Mongolian sheep under different climatic conditions23
Contribution of Tamarix aphylla to soil organic matter evolution in a natural semi-desert area in Tunisia22
Mating systems in a natural hybrid of Cephalocereus (Cactaceae) and comparative seed germination22
Does water availability shift dietary preferences of coyotes in the west desert of Utah?22
Editorial Board21
Silvopastoral and peasant management effects on vegetation and soil quality in the arid chaco of central Argentina20
Simulations of spatial patterns and species distributions in sandy land using unmanned aerial vehicle images20
The possible role of Ziziphus lotus as an ecosystem engineer in semiarid landscapes20
Leaf morphophysiological changes induced by long-term drought in Jatropha curcas plants explain the resilience to extreme drought20
Exotic forage grasses in the Brazilian semi-arid region: Forage mass, competitiveness, and botanical similarities of non-native pastures19
Patterns of partial migration of the Dead Sea Sparrow (Passer moabiticus) along the Great Rift Valley in Israel19
Editorial Board18
Evaluation of fine-scale environmental heterogeneity and its effect on terrestrial mammal diversity in a grassland in the Chihuahuan Desert18
Editorial Board18
Hydrologic restoration of anthropoentically altered springs in the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge in the Great Basin, USA17
Fragment size and isolation is associated with the presence of two forest owls in a fragmented environment in Central Argentina17
Editorial Board17
Effect of multi sourced compost on a rainfed olive tree grove in an arid land: Management practices to adapt to global climate change17
Biochar application on mine tailings from arid zones: Prospects for mine reclamation17
Proactive policy options for drought resilience in the Sahel region17
Why indigenous water systems are declining and how to revive them: A rough set analysis16
The long-term impact of multi-season droughts on livestock holdings and Pastoralist decision-making in Marsabit, Kenya16
Contrasting hydrological regimes in two adjoining semi-arid areas, with low rain intensities16
Lessons from patch dynamics for ecology and restoration: The succulent Karoo, Sandveld example16
Close association between flowering time and aridity gradient for Sarcopoterium spinosum in Israel15
Rapid increase of potential evapotranspiration weakens the effect of precipitation on aridity in global drylands15
Allelopathic effects of the invasive species (Prosopis juliflora) on seedlings of two common arid plants: Does free proline play roles?15
Determining the response of riparian vegetation and river morphology to drought using Google Earth Engine and machine learning15
Interactions between facilitator species and Lophophora williamsii (Lem. ex Salm-Dyck) J.M.Coult. (Cactaceae) in a rosetophyllus desert scrub in México15
Traditional puesteros’ perceptions of biodiversity in semi-arid Southern Mendoza, Argentina15
Habitat use and feeding behavior of domestic free-ranging goats in a seasonal tropical dry forest14
Shrinking and upward shifting of siberian Jerboa's suitable habitat in China under climate change impacts14
Poplar trees in Israel's desert regions: Relicts of Roman and Byzantine settlement14
How plant production in the Mongolian grasslands is affected by wind-eroded coarse-textured topsoil14
Persistent invasion by non-native species and transition to an upland community after removal of invasive Tamarix in a Californian cienega14
A novel vegetation index-based workflow for semi-arid, sparse woody cover mapping14
Reproductive phenology of the non-woody community in a seasonally dry tropical forest and woodland in northeastern Brazil14
Mating system of a Mammillaria magnimamma (Cactaceae) population of the semi-arid central Mexican region14
The rain deluge and flash floods of summer 2022 in the United Arab Emirates: Causes, analysis and perspectives on flood-risk reduction13
The rolling dung master: An ecosystem engineer beetle mobilizing soil nutrients to enhance plant growth across a grassland management intensity gradient in drylands13
Devices to measure the impacts on groundwater salinity from irrigating halophytic crops with brackish waters in a hyper-arid environment13
Prediction of desert locust breeding areas using machine learning methods and SMOS (MIR_SMNRT2) Near Real Time product13
Spatial patterns in the adaptive capacity of dryland agricultural households in South Punjab, Pakistan13
Soil texture modulates the intensity of fertile islands through affecting the distribution of shrub fine roots13
Projectiles from Yemen? A unique discovery of geometric microliths in a mortuary site of the mid-first millennium BCE in the Negev Highlands, Israel13
Hydrologic similarity: Dimensionless runoff indices across scales in a semi-arid catchment12
Balance of water supply and consumption during ecological restoration in arid regions of Inner Mongolia, China12
Movement, activity, and landscape use patterns of heritage and commercial beef cows grazing Chihuahuan Desert rangeland12
Constraints and incidence of camel calf morbidity and mortality in Borana rangeland, Southern Ethiopia12
Diet selected by goats on xerophytic shrubland with different milk yield potential12
Fertility islands, keys to the establishment of plant and microbial diversity in a highly alkaline hot desert12
Analysis of rapid snow and ice cover loss in mountain glaciers of arid and semi-arid regions using remote sensing data12
Climatic variations along an aridity gradient drive significant trait intraspecific variability in Mediterranean plant species12
Land-use differences modify predator-prey interactions and Acacia vegetation in a hyperarid ecosystem12
Impact of soil degradation on plant communities in an overgrazed Tibetan alpine meadow12
The relationship between species diversity and functional diversity along aridity gradients in semi-arid rangeland11
Climate vulnerability and risks to an indigenous community in the arid zone of South Africa11
Exploring water use and production dynamics of an indigenous African dry forest in south-western Zimbabwe11
Desertification and development: Some broader contexts10
Actual precipitation, predicted precipitation, and large herbivore condition in arid and semi-arid southern New Mexico10
‘Clayton Rings’: A link between eastern Sahara and the southern Levant in the Early Bronze Age?10
Phenology of high- and low-density wood deciduous species responds differently to water supply in tropical semiarid regions10
Collaborative foundations of herding: The formation of cooperative groups among Tibetan pastoralists10
Assessment of soil CO2 and NO fluxes in a semi-arid region using machine learning approaches10
Corrigendum to “Shrub canopy effects on moss biocrust, soil properties, and microbiomes in a semi-arid ecosystem: Implications for ecosystem function and sustainability” [J. Arid Environ. 223 (2024) 110
The way forward10
An integrated approach of machine learning methods coupled with cellular automation for monitoring and forecasting of land use and land cover10
Potential of superabsorbent hydrogels to improve agriculture under abiotic stresses10
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improve nutrient status of Commiphora myrrha seedlings under drought10
Matching beef cattle breeds to the environment for desired outcomes in a changing climate: A systematic review10
Soil erosion-reducing efficiency of litter cover varies with litter shape and coverage in a desert ecosystem10
Grain size characteristics of the reticulate dunes of the Hobq Desert10
El Niño Southern Oscillation and enhanced arid land vegetation productivity in NW South America10
Assessment of wind erosion and physical and mechanical properties of bentonite clay mulch in an arid region10
Spatio-temporal assessment of Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) in The Thar Desert India, to combat desertification under UNCCD framework10
Pastoralists’ indigenous knowledge and perceptions of rangeland degradation in three communal rangelands of central northern Namibia9
On opportunities and challenges to conserve the African baobab under present and future climates in Benin (West Africa)9
Blanford's fox (Vulpes cana) habitat suitability in Saudi Arabia: Insights from camera trapping and ensemble species distribution modelling9
Rainfed agriculture and firewood extraction have contrasting changes on biocrust functional groups and soil N dynamics in a tropical dryland9
Geospatial distribution of qanats in middle eastern countries: Potential for sustainable groundwater system9
Perception on climate change, access to extension service and energy sources determining adoption of climate-smart practices: A multivariate approach9
Impact of water scarcity on dryland sheep meat production and quality: Key recovery and resilience strategies9
Seed germination responses to salinity for three rare wetland plants of spring-fed arid systems9
Measuring the stability of soil organic carbon in Arenosols in the Senegalese Groundnut Basin9
Shrub encroachment, landscape restoration, and intraguild predation9
Determination of ecological networks for vegetation connectivity using GIS & AHP technique in the Mediterranean degraded karst ecosystems9
A data-driven approach for assessing the wind-induced erodible fractions of soil9
Characterizing fungal communities on Mojave desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) in Arizona to uncover potential pathogens9
Estimating the sand saltation thresholds from Sentinel-1 SAR data in the Gobi Desert, Mongolia9
Lehmann lovegrass (Eragrostis lehmanniana) removal and black grama (Bouteloua eriopoda) restoration in the Chihuahuan desert9
Phenophases, morphophysiological indices and cutting time in clones of the forage cacti under controlled water regimes in a semiarid environment9
Groundwater abstraction and woodland mortality: Lessons from Namibia9
Understanding resource use of an invasive species: Diet of the common warthog in Eastern Cape succulent thicket9
Long-term monitoring of the columnar cactus Cipocereus minensis reveals unforeseeable reproductive phenology8
Effect of water stress on locomotor performance in Pleurodema nebulosum (Anura: Leptodactylidae) a native frog from the Argentina Monte desert8
Seed hydration memory in the invasive alien species Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit (Fabaceae) in the Caatinga8
Soil organic carbon sequestration potential of conservation agriculture in arid and semi-arid regions: A review8
Impacts of selective bush control on herbaceous diversity in wildlife and cattle land use areas in a semi-arid Kalahari savanna8
Prediction of CO2 emission from arid soil after addition of exogenous organic matter8
Effect of hydrocarbons on the germination of Larrea divaricata and Pappostipa speciosa in the Monte Desert of Argentina8
Mistletoe-infected trees facilitate invasion of the alien shrub Lantana camara in a semi-arid African savanna8
Fog as unconventional water resource: Mapping fog occurrence and fog collection potential for food security in Southern Bolivia8
Soil carbon release enhanced by increased litter input in a degraded semi-arid forest soil8
Long-term growing season aridity and grazing seasonality effects on perennial grass biomass in a Chihuahuan Desert rangeland8
Differential colonization of ephemeral resources by sarcosaprophagous Diptera in the Brazilian Caatinga and its implications for forensic entomology in arid environments8
Subterranean termite nests in residential and open crop fields in central Ethiopia: Knowledge and perception of farmers on causes and effects8
The elevation gradient of small mammals richness and abundance in the dry Andes of northwestern Argentina8
Economics of Raramuri Criollo and British crossbred cattle production in the Chihuahuan desert: Effects of foraging distribution and finishing strategy8
Multiple perspectives on a biocultural environment: Landscape ethnoecology in the Brazilian dry forest8
Editorial Board8
Editorial Board7
Diversity of rhizobia isolated from Tunisian arid soils capable of forming nitrogen-fixing symbiosis with Anthyllis henoniana7
The human hunter as predator: A new role under a food web restoration scenario7
Analysis of current and future habitat distribution models for the African Spurred Tortoise, Centrochelys sulcata7
Catastrophic collapses of sensitive species, including the quiver tree (Aloidendron dichotomum), following fire in the arid Nama-Karoo, South Africa7
Home range and habitat use of roan antelope Hippotragus equinus in Northern Botswana7
Unravelling the vertebrate scavenger assemblage in the Gobi Desert, Mongolia7
Progress towards an updated checklist of the Farasan Archipelago flora7
Soils and seasonality influence the richness of gall-inducing insects and their host plants in a tropical dry forest7
Do fires affects growth, seed production and germination of the globose cactus Gymnocalycium monvillei?7
The reproductive performance of goats in a South African semi-arid savanna7
Editorial Board7
Hydrothermal modulation of NDVI in the high-altitude semiarid Andes of Chile (30–34°S)7
Visiting and feeding behavior of sap beetles (Carpophilus lugubris) in the flowers of a chiropterophilic columnar cactus (Pilosocereus leucocephalus)7
Variation in leaf xeromorphism in the desert palm genus Washingtonia (Arecaceae)7
Fire as a novel disturbance and driver of vegetation change in Nama-Karoo rangelands, South Africa7
Unburnt patches maintain bird abundance and species richness following large wildfires in an Australian semiarid woodland ecosystem7
Dryland river restoration via carnivore reintroduction: Nonnative fauna dominate diets of river otters reintroduced to the Upper Rio Grande7
Neo-taphonomy of striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena) in Israel6
Editorial Board6
Termite mound impacts on hydrology vary with herbaceous vegetation and topsoil texture6
Resource dependence analysis of home range quality for pronghorn in south-central New Mexico, USA6
Are fungus-growing termites super sediment-sorting insects of subtropical environments?6
Editorial Board6
Climatological trends of mean and extreme daily precipitation in Arizona (USA)6
Estimation of bark water storage capacity of broad- and needle-leaved trees planted in a semi-arid climate zone6
Editorial Board6
Climate factors rather than human activities controlled NDVI trends across wet meadow areas in the Andes Centrales of Argentina6
Differential Morphological Profile on remote sensing images for vegetation mapping in a semi-arid region of the Algerian Saharan Atlas6
Very high extinction risk for Welwitschia mirabilis in the northern Namib Desert6
Microhabitat use of two sympatric geckos, Turner's thick-toed gecko (Chondrodactylus turneri) and the Common Namib Day Gecko (Rhoptropus afer)6
A seven-year study of large mammal populations in the Sahel, West Africa6
Prescribed fires cause minimal damage to a threatened cactus (Tobusch fishhook cactus, Sclerocactus brevihamatus ssp. tobuschii, Texas, USA)6
Road impacts to sheetflow-dependent ecosystems in the Sonoran Desert6
Exploring the cultural ecosystem services of arid watersheds: A social media analysis6
The brown locust refocussed - Knowns, unknowns and the relevance of Locustana pardalina (Walker) to Karoo ecosystems and rangeland management6
A novel method for adjusting cropping patterns to climate change6
Azorella compacta's long-term growth rate, longevity, and potential for dating geomorphological and archaeological features in the arid southern Peruvian Andes6
Variation in sage-grouse habitat quality metrics across a gradient of feral horse use6
Estimating the effects of land abandonment on mammal communities in the Karoo region of South Africa6
How far surface water fluxes determine restoration success in Mediterranean degraded areas? Implications for dryland precision restoration6
Rocks are safe sites for establishment of Bursera seedlings in a seasonally dry tropical forest of Mexico6
Where birds are rare or fill the air: Documenting Karoo complexity: Richard Dean (10 August 1940—3 August 2022)6
The V-shaped desert kites and their contribution to the Timnian economy6
Cenostigma microphyllum seedlings in semiarid region grow faster under arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis, regardless of water availability6
Ecology and social behavior of the Brandt's vole: A generalized review6