Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics

(The TQCC of Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Heterogeneous impacts of information technology adoption on pesticide and fertiliser expenditures: Evidence from wheat farmers in China*51
Adoption of organic soil amendments and its impact on farm performance: evidence from wheat farmers in China*35
Estimating the economic impacts of the 2017–2019 drought and 2019–2020 bushfires on regional NSW and the rest of Australia31
Curse or blessing: how does natural resource dependence affect city‐level economic development in China?30
Contract farming, contract design and smallholder livelihoods*25
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine increased the synchronisation of global commodity prices22
What’s next for the Renewable Energy Target – resolving Australia’s integration of energy and climate change policy?*19
Risk, ambiguity and willingness to participate in crop insurance programs: Evidence from a field experiment*18
Debunking Murray‐Darling Basin water trade myths16
An economic lens to understanding antimicrobial resistance: disruptive cases to livestock and wastewater management in Australia14
Agriculture’s carbon neutral challenge: The case of Western Australia*13
COVID‐19’s impact on Australian wine markets and regions*13
Analysing the impact of COVID‐19 on urban transitions and urban‐regional dynamics in Australia*12
Novel methods for an interesting time: Exploring U.S. local food systems’ impacts and initiatives to respond to COVID*11
Improved maize adoption and impacts on farm household welfare: Evidence from rural Ethiopia11
Effects of rooftop solar on housing prices in Australia10
Can satellite‐based weather index insurance improve the hedging of yield risk of perennial non‐irrigated olive trees in Spain?*10
Contract farming problems and games under yield uncertainty10
Inducing the adoption of emerging technologies for sustainable intensification of food and renewable energy production: insights from applied economics*10
Should Australia be concerned by Beijing’s trade threats: modelling the economic costs of a restriction on imports of Australian coal10
How (un)informative are experiments with students for other social groups? A study of agricultural students and farmers9
Is small beautiful? An empirical analysis of land characteristics and rural household income in Vietnam9
The economic and social benefit of coal mining: the case of regional Queensland8
How crop insurance influences agrochemical input use: Evidence from cotton farmers in China8
Drivers of farm business capital structure and its speed of adjustment: evidence from Western Australia’s Wheatbelt8
High price premiums as barriers to organic meat demand? A hedonic analysis considering species, cut and retail outlet*8
The impacts of price insulation on world wheat markets during the 2022 food price crisis8
Poverty analysis in the lowlands of Papua New Guinea underscores climate vulnerability and need for income flexibility*8
Measuring pesticide overuse and its determinants: Evidence from Vietnamese rice and fruit farms7
The effect of social and personal norms on stated preferences for multiple soil functions: evidence from Australia and Italy7
Agricultural productivity growth in Latin America and the Caribbean: an analysis of climatic effects, catch‐up and convergence*6
Consumers' preferences and willingness to pay for improved environmental standards: insights from cane sugar in the Great Barrier Reef region*6
Financial comparisons of under‐vine management systems in four South Australian vineyard districts*6
The economics of drought: A review of impacts and costs6
Solar PV and energy poverty in Australia's residential sector5
Tail price risk spillovers along the US beef and pork supply chains5
Markets, mis‐direction and motives: A factual analysis of hoarding and speculation in southern Murray–Darling Basin water markets5
The role of temperature for seasonal market integration: a case study of poultry in Iran*5
Price recovery after the flood: risk to residential property values from climate change‐related flooding*5
Coping with seasonality in a quarterly CGE model: COVID‐19 and U.S. agriculture*5
Resource dependence and the causes of local economic growth: An empirical investigation*5
Has Chinese Certified Emission Reduction trading reduced rural poverty in China?5
The Great Chinese Famine (1959–1961) and farm households’ adoption of technology: evidence from China*5
Agricultural commercialisation, asset growth and poverty in rural Vietnam5
Climate‐resilient practices and welfare impacts on rice‐cultivating households in Vietnam: Does joint adoption of multiple practices matter?5
Less‐favoured‐area payments, farmland abandonment and farm size: evidence from hilly and mountainous areas in Japan*5
Global commodity market disruption and the fallout4
An overview of hydrogen prospects: Economic, technical and policy considerations4
Agricultural value chains: towards a marriage of development economics and industrial organisation?*4
Cooperative membership and adoption of green pest control practices: Insights from rice farmers4
Global agricultural trade impact of the 2011 triple disaster in Japan: A gravity approach*4
Detecting origin fraud with trade data: the case of U.S. honey imports*4
Valuing ecosystem services of urban forests and open spaces: application of the SEEA framework in Australia*4
A Bayesian econometrics and risk programming approach for analysing the impact of decoupled payments in the European Union*4
Total factor productivity change in China's grain production sector: 1980–20184
Economic and environmental effects of replacing bottom trawling with fishing with creels4
Explaining permanent and temporary water market trade patterns within local areas in the southern Murray–Darling Basin4