Development Policy Review

(The TQCC of Development Policy Review is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
COVID‐19’s impacts on global value chains, as seen in the apparel industry41
Can we live within environmental limits and still reduce poverty? Degrowth or decoupling?33
Africa’s “youth employment” crisis is actually a “missing jobs” crisis33
Confronting the scarcity of digital skills among the poor in developing countries24
Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals: The case of Tanzania24
Regulating agricultural intensification: Lessons from West Africa’s rapidly growing pesticide markets23
More evidence on the impact of government social protection in sub‐Saharan Africa: Ghana, Malawi, and Zimbabwe21
Emergency food supplies and food security in Wuhan and Nanjing, China, during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Evidence from a field survey19
The COVID‐19 pandemic and the internationalization of production: A review of the literature16
Kenya’s informal milk markets and the regulation–reality gap15
Community‐led reconstruction, social inclusion and participation in post‐earthquake Nepal14
Embrapa and the construction of scientific heritage in Brazilian agriculture: Sowing memory13
Female participation and financial performance of microfinance institutions: Evidence from transition economies13
Graduation after 10 years of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme: Surviving but still not thriving13
Policy coherence across Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals: Lessons from Finland12
Inequalities in higher education in low‐ and middle‐income countries: A scoping review of the literature11
Disrupted education trajectories: Exploring the effects of Covid‐19 on adolescent learning and priorities for “building back better” education systems in Ethiopia11
Government and civil society organizations: Close but comfortable? Lessons from creating the Dutch “Strategic Partnerships for Lobby and Advocacy”10
Politics of success stories in the path towards Universal Health Coverage: The case of Turkey10
How culture may nurture institutional trust: Insights from Bangladesh and Nepal9
How earmarking has become self‐perpetuating in United Nations development co‐operation9
Quantifying the coherence of development policy priorities9
Tax obsessions: Taxpayer registration and the “informal sector” in sub‐Saharan Africa9
Scaling up sustainable investment through blockchain‐based project bonds9
Industrial policy and structural transformation: Insights from Ethiopian manufacturing8
Partnering capacities for inclusive development in food provisioning8
Addressing educational attainment inequities in rural Ethiopia: Leave no adolescent behind8
Can Agenda 2030 bring about “localization”? Policy limitations of Agenda 2030 in the broader global governance system8
The effects of financial crisis on income inequality8
Is indigenous knowledge serving climate adaptation? Evidence from various African regions7
A green skills framework for climate action, gender empowerment, and climate justice7
Are market‐based solutions a viable strategy for addressing micronutrient deficiency? Lessons from case studies in sub‐Saharan Africa and South Asia7
Urban social assistance: Evidence, challenges and the way forward, with application to Ghana7
User perspectives on digital literacy as a response to misinformation7
Repertoires of citizen action in hybrid settings7
What does resilience imply for development practice? Tools for more coherent programming and evaluation of resilience6
Understanding resilience: Lessons from lived experiences of extreme poverty in Bangladesh6
Growth and convergence in Eastern Partnership and Central Asian countries since the dissolution of the USSR—embarking on different development paths?6
Understanding the multifaceted impact ofCOVID‐19 on migrants in Kerala, India6
The open‐and‐shut case against inequality6
Why are aid projects less effective in the Pacific?6
Offline contexts of online jobs: Platform drivers, decent work, and informality in Lagos, Nigeria6
China–Japan development finance competition and the revival of mercantilism6
What makes “difficult” settings difficult? Contextual challenges for accountability6
Disaggregated determinants of aid: Development aid projects in the Philippines6
State‐oriented service‐delivery partnership with civil society organizations in the context of counter‐terrorism in Nigeria5
Understanding accountability in practice: Obligations, scrutiny, and consequences5
Enabling tax bargaining: Supporting more meaningful tax transparency and taxpayer engagement in Ghana and Sierra Leone5
The contestation of ideas behind Indonesia's rural electrification policies: The influence of global and national institutional dynamics5
Translating climate strategies into action: An analysis of the sustainable, green, and resilient city action plans of the multilateral development banks5
“The SDGs are not God”: Policy‐makers and the queering of the Sustainable Development Goals in Africa5
Evidence from the Productive Safety Net Programme in Ethiopia: Complementarities between social protection and health policies5
Normative coherence for development: What relevance for responsive regionalism?5
Everyday governance in areas of contested power: Insights from Mozambique, Myanmar, and Pakistan5
To make growth reduce poverty, industrialize: Using manufacturing to mediate the effect of growth on poverty5
In the interest of saving: Refugee‐led microfinance in Kampala, Uganda4
Providing social assistance and humanitarian relief: The case for embracing uncertainty4
Agricultural development promises more growth and less poverty in Africa: Modelling the potential impact of implementing the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme in six countries4
Participatory local governance in rural Nepal: The primacy of informality4
Development evaluation in authoritarian states: A case from Kazakhstan4
Putting power and politics central in Nepal’s water governance4
The Samagra anti‐poverty programme in Madhya Pradesh: Integrating household data, overcoming silo‐problems and leaving nobody behind4
EdTechfor Ugandan girls: Affordances of different technologies for girls' secondary education during the Covid‐19 pandemic4
The rise and fall of government support for small‐scale voluntary development organizations—and their remarkable resilience4
A comparative analysis of EU and US trade policies towards least developed countries and the African Growth and Opportunity Act beneficiaries4
The role of social identity in improving access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and health services: Evidence from Nepal4
Global urban development frameworks landing in Latin America: Insights from Ecuador and Bolivia4
How can aid be decolonized and localized in the Pacific? Yielding and wielding power4
Education, anthropogenic environmental change, and sustainable development: A rudimentary framework and reflections on proposed causal pathways for positive change in low‐ and lower‐middle income coun4
Industrial policy: Clarifying options through taxonomy and decision trees4
Do zombie firms crowd out healthy firms and slow their growth? Evidence from China4
Protectors or enablers? Untangling the roles of traditional authorities and local elites in foreign land grabs in Cameroon3
A normative power or fortress Europe? Normative policy coherence between the European Unionʼs development, migration, and foreign policies3
Can civil society organizations and faith‐based organizations in Fiji, Samoa, and Solomon Islands access climate finance?3
Development co‐operation by European regions: Introducing the subnational donor governance dataset3
The governance shock doctrine: Civic space in the pandemic3
FADM: A Feasible Approach to Disaster Management3
Chinese Development Finance and its determinants: Does global governance matter?3
Helping when it matters: Optimal time for supporting women’s self‐employment in India3
Does affirmative action undermine meritocracy? “Meritocratic inclusion” of the marginalized in Nepal’s bureaucracy3
Do conditional cash transfers (CCTs) raise educational attainment? An impact evaluation of Juntos in Peru3
Is the influence of neoliberalism on development norms waning? Evidence from the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development3
The adoption of global water norms in Central America: What separates normative coherence from normative hegemony?3
Enhancing export competitiveness by deeper integration: The case of the East African Community3
Eviction is not a disaster3
Do people displaced by development need more than financial compensation? Evidence from Bangladesh3
Researching governance in difficult times and places: Reflections from Mozambique, Myanmar, Nigeria, and Pakistan3
Can agricultural subsidies reduce gendered productivity gaps? Panel data evidence from Zambia3
Normative coherence through social entrepreneurship: Fostering women’s empowerment in Myanmar3
The Water–Employment–Migration nexus: Buzzword or useful framework?3
The effects of development aid on irregular migration to Europe: Deterrence or attraction?3
Getting the (right) message across: How to encourage citizens to report corruption3
Lessons from reducing bribery in Uganda’s health services3
Datafication, value and power in developing countries: Big data in two Indian public service organizations3
Fires in the Amazon Region: Quick Policy Review3
Linking business strategies with upgrading pathways in global value chains: Insights from the Kenyan solar market3
Risk navigation for Thinking and Working Politically: The work and disappearance of Sombath Somphone3
Aid instability, aid effectiveness and economic growth3
COVID‐19 vaccination: Willingness and practice in Bangladesh3
“Securitized” UK aid projects in Africa: Evidence from Kenya, Nigeria and South Sudan3
Women's political agency in difficult settings: Analysis of evidence from Egypt, Nigeria, Mozambique, and Pakistan3
Promoting Rwanda’s business environment: Impact of reforms and drivers of change3