International Review of Financial Analysis

(The TQCC of International Review of Financial Analysis is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Financial technology, population aging, and corporate innovation357
Climate policy uncertainty and analyst earnings forecasts: Evidence from the Chinese energy sector319
Dynamic spillovers between leading cryptocurrencies and derivatives tokens: Insights from a quantile VAR approach258
Betting on mean reversion in the VIX? Evidence from ETP flows249
Testing rational expectations in a cointegrated VAR with structural change243
The impact of cryptocurrency-related cyberattacks on return, volatility, and trading volume of cryptocurrencies and traditional financial assets228
Quantifying the extreme spillovers on worldwide ESG leaders' equity205
The effects of negative reputational contagion on international airlines: The case of the Boeing 737-MAX disasters191
Information uncertainty, investor sentiment, and analyst reports163
Volatility spillover and investment strategies among sustainability-related financial indexes: Evidence from the DCC-GARCH-based dynamic connectedness and DCC-GARCH t-copula approach157
Climate risk and bank liquidity creation: International evidence156
Subsidiary financing choices: The roles of institutional distances from home countries144
U.S. leveraged loan and debt markets: Implications for optimal portfolio and hedging139
Micro Mechanisms Driving China's Clean Energy Flourish: Business Expansion and Financing135
Audit quality and seasoned equity offerings methods129
Forecasting stock-market tail risk and connectedness in advanced economies over a century: The role of gold-to-silver and gold-to-platinum price ratios129
Herding and market volatility127
The liquidity and trading activity effects of acquisition payment methods: Evidence from the announcements of private firms' acquisitions127
The crisis alpha of managed futures: Myth or reality?125
Do bitcoin shocks truly Cointegrate with financial and commodity markets?122
The UK equity release market: Views from the regulatory authorities, product providers and advisors121
Bank market power and supervisory enforcement actions118
The importance of climate policy uncertainty in forecasting the green, clean and sustainable financial markets volatility112
Predicting equity premium out-of-sample by conditioning on newspaper-based uncertainty measures: A comparative study111
Dynamic connectedness and optimal hedging strategy among commodities and financial indices105
Exploring household financial strain dynamics104
Where is the distribution tail threshold? A tale on tail and copulas in financial risk measurement102
Fat tails in private equity fund returns: The smooth double Pareto distribution101
Information content of sustainability index recomposition: A synthetic portfolio approach98
Semi-strong efficient market of Bitcoin and Twitter: An analysis of semantic vector spaces of extracted keywords and light gradient boosting machine models95
Same same but different – Stylized facts of CTA sub strategies95
Depositor market discipline: New evidence from selling failed banks95
Analysis about the Black-Scholes asset price under the regime-switching framework95
Do cryptocurrencies feel the music?94
The sources of portfolio volatility and mutual fund performance92
Does mandating narrative disclosure of innovation help unveil the curtain of R&D expenditure? Evidence from regulation change in China91
Unconscious thoughts as a spur and halt on good financial decisioning making91
Bank ownership and stock price informativeness. Does politics matter?90
Banking competition and regional carbon emissions: Intensifying or suppressing? – Estimation based on a bilateral random frontier model89
Mutual fund cliques, fund flow-performance sensitivity, and stock price crash risk88
Government GDP targets and corporate capacity expansion – Empirical evidence based on A-share listed companies87
M&A performance commitments and insider trading: ‘Listen to their words’ or ‘watch their actions’?87
The London Whale Scandal under new Scrutiny86
Temperature and trading behaviours82
Trade debts and bank lending in years of crisis82
Timing the volatility risk of beta anomaly: Evidence from hedge fund strategies81
Do we need higher-order comoments to enhance mean-variance portfolios? Evidence from a simplified jump process80
Pandemic-driven financial contagion and investor behavior: Evidence from the COVID-1978
Ambiguity and asset pricing: An empirical investigation for an emerging market75
Editorial Board74
A dynamic analysis of the neglected firm effect74
Critical dynamics related to a recent Bitcoin crash73
Evaluating the performance of futures hedging using factors-driven realized volatility72
Risk-taking and performance of government bond mutual funds70
The impact of different goodwill accounting methods on stock prices: A comparison of amortization and impairment-only methodologies70
Editorial Board68
Gold and CoVid-19: Uncovering the safe haven hypothesis with dynamic MSR modeling68
A non-probabilistic approach to efficient portfolios66
Fund trading divergence and performance contribution66
Market-wide illiquidity and the distribution of non-parametric stochastic discount factors64
Bank affiliation and mutual funds’ trading strategy distinctiveness62
Behavioral asset pricing under expected feedback mode62
Editorial Board62
The impacts of futures trading on volatility and volatility asymmetry of Bitcoin returns62
Editorial Board60
The effects of economic and financial shocks on private investment: A wavelet study of return and volatility spillovers60
Does cybersecurity risk stifle corporate innovation activities?60
Corporate social performance and financial risk: Further empirical evidence using higher frequency data59
Leading indicators for the US housing market: New empirical evidence and thoughts about implications for risk managers and ESG investors59
Risk culture in corporate innovation59
Climate stress testing for mortgage default probability59
Hunting the quicksilver: Using textual news and causality analysis to predict market volatility58
Share repurchase and financialization:Evidence from China58
Risk taking, performance, and resilience to the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from public property-casualty insurers57
Board gender quotas, female directors and corporate tax aggressiveness: A causal approach57
Innovation under debtor-friendly institutional policy: Strategic patenting perspective of Chinese listed firms57
Mixed-ownership structure, non-state-blockholder coalition, and tax avoidance57
VIX and liquidity premium57
Modifier effects of country-level transparency on global underpricing difference: New hierarchical evidence56
Is managerial ability a moderator? The effect of credit risk and liquidity risk on the likelihood of bank default56
Impacts of sovereign risk premium on bank profitability: Evidence from euro area55
The impact of institutional analyst forecast divergence on crude oil market: Evidence from the mixed frequency models54
A volatility model based on adaptive expectations: An improvement on the rational expectations model54
Does the investment horizon of institutional investors matter for stock liquidity?54
Good volatility, bad volatility, and the cross section of cryptocurrency returns54
Understanding mispricing in the travel and leisure industry53
Do capital buffers matter? Evidence from the stocks and flows of nonperforming loans53
Oil price uncertainty, workplace misconduct, and cash holding52
Does Fintech facilitate cross-border M&As? Evidence from Chinese A-share listed firms52
Top managers' environmental experience and corporate environmental violations: Evidence from China51
Energy finance research: What happens beneath the literature?51
Mining the emotional information in the audio of earnings conference calls : A deep learning approach for sentiment analysis of securities analysts' follow-up behavior51
Local environmental organizations and long-term investor value appropriation50
Foundation-controlled firms and CEO compensation48
Should Basel-style liquidity requirements be set countercyclically? Evidence from a numerical analysis47
Real estate depreciation and cash policy for innovative firms47
Heterogeneous impact of economic and political uncertainty on green bond volatility: Evidence from the MRS-GARCH-MIDAS-Skewed T model46
Chaos, overfitting and equilibrium: To what extent can machine learning beat the financial market?46
Management friendship and insider opportunism45
Multinational corporations and share pledging of the controlling shareholder45
Abnormal investment and firm performance45
Administrative monopoly and state-owned enterprise innovation: Evidence from the fair competition review system in China45
Monetary policy and uncertainty spillovers: Evidence from a wavelet and frequency connectedness analysis44
Trade credit provision and innovation: A strategic trade-off44
Corporate strategic aggression and environmental investment decisions: Evidence from A-share listed firms44
What has inflation targeting done for household consumption?44
Firm-level climate risk and accounting conservatism: International evidence44
Editorial Board43
Asset redeployability and firm value amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: A real options perspective43
Crime and covenants43
Can public data availability affect stock price crash risk? Evidence from China42
High-technology development zones and innovation in knowledge-intensive service firms: Evidence from Chinese A-share listed firms42
Assessing resilience to systemic risks across interbank credit networks using linkage-leverage analysis: Evidence from Japan42
The investment behavior of China-connected mutual funds in the pandemic: Information advantage through operational link42
Robots and analyst forecast precision: Evidence from Chinese manufacturing42
Understanding co-movements based on heterogeneous information associations42
Realized normal volatility and maximum outlying jumps in high frequency returns for Korean won–US Dollar42
Credit stimulus and corporate excess employees42
The price discovery in the renminbi/USD market: Two spot, two swap, and three forward FX rates41
Online sales and stock price synchronicity: Evidence from China41
The higher the better? Hedging and investment strategies in cryptocurrency markets: Insights from higher moment spillovers41
Exploring the source of the financial performance in Chinese banks: A risk-adjusted decomposition approach40
Did U.S. and Chinese investors respond differently to the exogenous shocks from COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine?39
Top investment banks, confirmation Bias, and the market pricing of forecast revisions39
Volatility prediction for the energy sector with economic determinants: Evidence from a hybrid model39
Nonlinear impact of climate transition risks on green stock performance: Perspectives from multiscale and lag effects39
Ecological finance theory: New foundations39
The impact of COVID-19 on the relative market efficiency and forecasting ability of credit derivative and equity markets39
Black mouth, investor attention, and stock return39
Energy price uncertainty and the value premium39
The supply of analysts and earnings forecasts39
The impact of shareholder intervention on overinvestment of free cash flow by overconfident CEOs39
Asymmetric volatility in the cryptocurrency market: New evidence from models with structural breaks38
Can energy predict the regional prices of carbon emission allowances in China?38
Detecting signed spillovers in global financial markets: A Markov-switching approach38
Do Chinese firms speculate during high economic policy uncertainty? Evidence from wealth management products38
Can salience theory explain investor behaviour? Real-world evidence from the cryptocurrency market38
The impact of macroeconomic news sentiment on interest rates38
Internal capital markets, corporate investment, and the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Korean business groups38
The effects of overnight events on daytime trading sessions38
A conditional higher-moment CAPM38
The effects of macroprudential policy on banks' profitability37
Are female directors more inclined to avoid risks?37
Corporate social irresponsibility: The relationship between ESG misconduct and the cost of equity37
Signaling effect of cash holdings adjustment before bond issuance37
Dynamic volatility spillovers and investment strategies between the Chinese stock market and commodity markets36
FDI technology spillovers in Chinese supplier-customer networks36
Green spillover effect of human capital growth—Evidence from the PM enrollment expansion36
Digital finance and corporate financial fraud35
Poverty alleviation and firm productivity: Evidence from China's minimum wage system35
Financial market development: A potentiating policy choice for the green transition in G7 economies34
Dynamic spillovers between uncertainties and green bond markets in the US, Europe, and China: Evidence from the quantile VAR framework34
The contagion effect of overconfidence in business group34
Does ESG performance affect audit pricing? Evidence from China34
Can digital financial inclusion promote China's economic growth?34
Heterogeneous impacts of climate change news on China's financial markets34
Government audit supervision, financialization, and executives' excess perks: Evidence from Chinese state-owned enterprises34
A bibliometric analysis of cultural finance34
Retracted: Towards sustainable development: How does ESG performance promotes corporate green transformation34
Environmental subsidy disruption, skill premiums and ESG performance34
Institutional environment and qualified foreign institutional investors' trust in auditing33
Personal bankruptcy and consumer credit delinquency: The case of personal finance education33
A bibliometric review of financial market integration literature33
Information connectedness of international crude oil futures: Evidence from SC, WTI, and Brent33
ESG disclosure and financial performance: Moderating role of ESG investors32
Can parental financial literacy enhance children's higher education opportunities?32
YouTube view count, investor attention and stock returns32
Digitalization, competition strategy and corporate innovation: Evidence from Chinese manufacturing listed companies31
Systemic risk from overlapping portfolios: A multi-objective optimization framework31
Internal information quality and financial policy peer effects31
Towards an era of multi-source uncertainty: A systematic and bibliometric analysis31
Population aging and regional innovation levels: Based on the mediating effect of research and development inputs31
Product market competition and the value of corporate cash: An agency theory explanation31
The impact of ESG profile on Firm's valuation in emerging markets31
Tax authority monitoring and corporate information disclosure quality in China30
SME internationalisation: Do the types of innovation matter?30
What drives financial market growth in Africa?30
Investor propensity to speculate and price delay in emerging markets29
When acquirers are short on cash flow in M&A deals29
Stock market entry timing and retail investors' disposition effect29
Assessing the safe haven property of the gold market during COVID-19 pandemic29
Policy uncertainty and peer effects: Evidence from corporate investment in China29
Left-tail momentum and tail properties of return distributions: A case of Korea29
Good growth, bad growth: Market reaction to capital raising for REIT expansion29
How female directors help firms to attain optimal cash holdings28
Uncertainty and cryptocurrency returns: A lesson from turbulent times28
When the Japanese stock market meets COVID-19: Impact of ownership, China and US exposure, and ESG channels28
NFTs, DeFi, and other assets efficiency and volatility dynamics: An asymmetric multifractality analysis28
Top management abnormal turnover and stock price crash risk: Evidence from China28
Information interaction among institutional investors and stock price crash risk based on multiplex networks28
Female insiders' ethics and trading profitability28
A comprehensive investigation on the predictive power of economic policy uncertainty from non-U.S. countries for U.S. stock market returns28
The Bitcoin volume-volatility relationship: A high frequency analysis of futures and spot exchanges28
The dilemma of hometown identity: Evidence from Chinese corporate cost behavior28
CEO overconfidence: Towards a new measure27
Rating manipulation and creditworthiness for platform economy: Evidence from peer-to-peer lending27
Why do small businesses have difficulty in accessing bank financing?27
Co-jumps in the U.S. interest rates and precious metals markets and their implications for investors27
Openness, financial structure, and bank risk: International evidence27
Does the mandatory disclosure of audit information affect analysts' information acquisition?27
Does geopolitical risk affect firms' idiosyncratic volatility? Evidence from China27
Political connections, environmental violations and punishment: Evidence from heavily polluting firms26
Investor attention in cryptocurrency markets26
Can digital innovation improve firm performance: Evidence from digital patents of Chinese listed firms26
Which is more important in stock market forecasting: Attention or sentiment?26
Investing in wine, precious metals and G-7 stock markets – A co-occurrence analysis for price bubbles26
Existence of multiple equilibria in a short-term market with persistent liquidity trading26
Customer concentration and digital transformation26
Does Bitcoin affect decomposed oil shocks differently? Evidence from a quantile-based framework26
Examining the volatility of soybean market in the MIDAS framework: The importance of bagging-based weather information26
Cash flow uncertainty, financial constraints and R&D investment26
Unintended consequences: How does digital inclusive finance affect migrants' urban settlement intentions?26
Economic policy uncertainty and cross-border mergers and acquisitions25
Systemic risk of commodity markets: A dynamic factor copula approach25
Institutional investor networks and firm innovation: Evidence from China25
Research on stock volatility risk and investor sentiment contagion from the perspective of multi-layer dynamic network25
Does the connectedness among fossil energy returns matter for renewable energy stock returns? Fresh insights from the Cross-Quantilogram analysis25
Corporate social responsibility and the choice of payment method in mergers and acquisitions24
Capital generates green: Evidence from China's national innovation system policy24
Carbon-intensive industries in Socially Responsible mutual funds' portfolios24
Measuring the G20 stock market return transmission mechanism: Evidence from the 24
Banking competition, credit financing and the efficiency of corporate technology innovation24
Predicting stock returns: A risk measurement perspective24
Chinese corporate distress prediction using LASSO: The role of earnings management24
Revisiting the economic policy uncertainty and resource rents nexus: Moderating impact of financial sector development in BRICS24
Supply chain financing, digital financial inclusion and enterprise innovation: Evidence from China24
Returns and volatilities of energy futures markets: Roles of speculative and hedging sentiments24
The path of green finance to promote the realization of low-carbon economic transformation under the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals: Theoretical model and empirical analysis24
Competitive imitation and corporate innovation in private enterprises23
Can digital economy mitigate vertical fiscal imbalances in Chinese local government? The role of fiscal transparency23
How Fintech mitigates credit mismatches to promote green innovation: Evidence from Chinese listed enterprises23
Does corporate culture impact tax shelter? A machine learning approach23
Equilibrium reinsurance strategies for catastrophe and secondary claims under α23
FX resilience around the world: Fighting volatile cross-border capital flows23
Investor attention and anomalies: Evidence from the Chinese stock market23
The power of religion: Islamic investing in the lab22
Transforming banking: Examining the role of AI technology innovation in boosting banks financial performance22
Corporate culture and investment inefficiency22
Social security, relative deprivation, digital capacity, and household financial investment behavior22
Editorial Board22
Do error-tolerance and correction mechanisms enhance the performance of state-owned enterprises in China?22
Textual analysis of corporate sustainability reporting and corporate ESG scores22
Executive power discrepancy and corporate ESG greenwashing22
Green finance policy and green economic transformation22
Is Bitcoin a hedge or safe-haven asset during the period of turmoil? Evidence from the currency, bond and stock markets22
Financial flexibility, firm performance, and financial distress: A comparative study of China and the U.S. during pandemics22
Climate transition risk, environmental news coverage, and stock price crash risk22
The backfire of mutual funds balancing financial objectives in ESG investments: Evidence from China22
Retail investor attention and corporate innovation in the big data era21
Strategic tone management in ESG reports and ESG risk21