Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation

(The TQCC of Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Camera trap distance sampling for terrestrial mammal population monitoring: lessons learnt from aUKcase study64
Countrywide classification of permanent grassland habitats at high spatial resolution51
A satellite perspective on the movement decisions of African elephants in relation to nomadic pastoralists47
Real‐time insect tracking and monitoring with computer vision and deep learning41
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Camera traps enable the estimation of herbaceous aboveground net primary production (ANPP) in an African savanna at high temporal resolution34
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Fine‐scale landscape phenology revealed through time‐lapse imagery: implications for conservation and management of an endangered migratory herbivore25
Camera traps with white flash are a minimally invasive method for long‐term bat monitoring25
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Long‐term analysis of persistence and size of swallow and martin roosts in the US Great Lakes21
Structure‐from‐motion photogrammetry demonstrates that fine‐scale seascape heterogeneity is essential in shaping mesophotic fish assemblages21
Assessing the accuracy of georeferenced landcover data derived from oblique imagery using machine learning20
Coherence of recurring fires and land use change in South America19
Time‐series remote sensing of rice paddy expansion in the Yellow River Delta: Towards sustainable ecological conservation in the context of water scarcity18
High‐intensity bird migration along Alpine valleys calls for protective measures against anthropogenically induced avian mortality17
Using water‐landing, fixed‐wing UAVs and computer vision to assess seabird nutrient subsidy effects on sharks and rays17
Using satellite data to assess spatial drivers of bird diversity17
How can Sentinel‐2 contribute to seagrass mapping in shallow, turbid Baltic Sea waters?16
Passive acoustic surveys reveal interactions between frugivorous birds and fruiting trees on a large forest dynamics plot16
Earth observation for ecosystem accounting: spatially explicit national seagrass extent and carbon stock in Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique and Madagascar16
Efficacy of machine learning image classification for automated occupancy‐based monitoring15
Deep learning‐based training data augmentation combined with post‐classification improves the classification accuracy for dominant and scattered invasive forest tree species15
Approaching a population‐level assessment of body size in pinnipeds using drones, an early warning of environmental degradation15
BatNet: a deep learning‐based tool for automated bat species identification from camera trap images15
Mapping tree cover expansion in Montana, U.S.A. rangelands using high‐resolution historical aerial imagery14
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Treegraph: tree architecture from terrestrial laser scanning point clouds13
LiDAR and multispectral imagery predict the occurrence of tree cavities suitable for a cavity‐nesting duck13
Using multiplatform LiDAR to identify relationships between vegetation structure and the abundance and diversity of woodland reptiles and amphibians12
Interpolating missing land cover data using stochastic spatial random forests for improved change detection12
Detecting overmature forests with airborne laser scanning (ALS)12
Effects of different management measures on soil conservation and the influence of environmental conditions: a case study involving UAV remote sensing on the Loess Plateau12
Assessing experimental silvicultural treatments enhancing structural complexity in a central European forest – BEAST time‐series analysis based on Sentinel‐1 and Sentinel‐211
Remote sensing of wildlife connectivity networks and priority locations for conservation in the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor (SAGCOT) in Tanzania11
Automated visitor and wildlife monitoring with camera traps and machine learning10
Invasion in the Niger Delta: remote sensing of mangrove conversion to invasive Nypa fruticans from 2015 to 202010
Mapping the long‐term influence of river discharge on coastal ocean chlorophyll‐a10
Monitoring shallow coral reef exposure to environmental stressors using satellite earth observation: the reef environmental stress exposure toolbox (RESET)10
Early spectral dynamics are indicative of distinct growth patterns in post‐wildfire forests10
Remote sensing liana infestation in an aseasonal tropical forest: addressing mismatch in spatial units of analyses10
Using drones to reduce human disturbance while monitoring breeding status of an endangered raptor9
Wildfire severity and vegetation recovery drive post‐fire evapotranspiration in a southwestern pine‐oak forest, Arizona, USA9
Recurring bleaching events disrupt the spatial properties of coral reef benthic communities across scales9
Capturing hedgerow structure and flowering abundance with UAV remote sensing9
The development of a convolutional neural network for the automatic detection of Northern Bobwhite Colinus virginianus covey calls9
The development of an unsupervised hierarchical clustering analysis of dual‐polarization weather surveillance radar observations to assess nocturnal insect abundance and diversity9
Forest edge structure from terrestrial laser scanning to explain bird biophony characteristics from acoustic indices8
The secret acoustic world of leopards: A paired camera trap and bioacoustics survey facilitates the individual identification of leopards via their roars8
Random encounter model is a reliable method for estimating population density of multiple species using camera traps8
Illuminating the Arctic: Unveiling seabird responses to artificial light during polar darkness through citizen science and remote sensing8
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Remote monitoring of short‐term body mass variation in savanna ungulates8
Long‐duration remote underwater videos reveal that grazing by fishes is highly variable through time and dominated by non‐indigenous species8
Combining satellite and field data reveals Congo's forest types structure, functioning and composition8
Improving the efficiency and accuracy of evaluating aridland riparian habitat restoration using unmanned aerial vehicles8
Global monitoring of soil multifunctionality in drylands using satellite imagery and field data7
Widespread drought‐induced leaf shedding and legacy effects on productivity in European deciduous forests7
Detecting selective logging in tropical forests with optical satellite data: an experiment in Peru shows texture at 3 m gives the best results7
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A systematic framework for continuous monitoring of land use and vegetation dynamics in multiple heterogeneous mine sites7