Nature Ecology & Evolution

(The TQCC of Nature Ecology & Evolution is 14. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
On our (children’s) bookshelf244
Some, but not all, eponyms should be disallowed233
Life through the lens of metabolism185
Correcting the record181
Native Mexican adaptation149
Dan Salah Tawfik (1955–2021)143
Farming adaptations134
An ocean of benefits132
Beyond the paper124
Colourful females123
Metabolic models predict evolutionary dynamics122
Rainforest origins122
Fossilized ethics115
Long tail of land use112
The rise of mammals111
Excess plant growth worsens droughts111
Falcon flyways107
Reply to: Recognizing and marshalling the pre-publication error correction potential of open data for more reproducible science104
Viral priorities from genomic signatures104
African savannah elephants call one another by ‘name’101
Best practices for genetic and genomic data archiving99
Gene duplication contributes to liver evolution97
Quantifying research waste in ecology95
Coexistence holes characterize the assembly and disassembly of multispecies systems92
Make global biodiversity information useful to national decision-makers91
Bridged knowledge89
Between ice and ocean89
Pollinator interaction flexibility across scales affects patch colonization and occupancy87
‘Nature positive’ must incorporate, not undermine, the mitigation hierarchy86
Estimating comparable distances to tipping points across mutualistic systems by scaled recovery rates84
Rapid evolution of body plans83
Medieval DNA from Soqotra points to Eurasian origins of an isolated population at the crossroads of Africa and Arabia80
Plasmid evolution in the clinic79
Awakening innovations in biology and culture76
Interpreting intertidal invasions75
Reply to: Conclusions of low extinction risk for most species of reef-building corals are premature74
Animal power73
Implementation of the COP26 declaration to halt forest loss must safeguard and include Indigenous people73
Salt-stressed frogs73
The social dimension of microbial niches71
Memory pays off71
Agriculture isn’t all rocket science70
Futureproofing Europe’s forests69
Andrew S. Brierley (1967–2024)68
Ethical considerations for human sequences in environmental DNA66
Parachute research is another ethical problem for Myanmar amber66
Environmental influences on human innovation and behavioural diversity in southern Africa 92–80 thousand years ago64
No evidence that mandatory open data policies increase error correction64
Useful plants have deep evolutionary roots62
Chase-away evolution maintains imperfect mimicry in a brood parasite–host system despite rapid evolution of mimics61
Limits to the accurate and generalizable use of soundscapes to monitor biodiversity61
Mammal masses60
Reply to: Existing methods are effective at measuring natural selection on gene expression59
Protection for migratory species59
Neanderthal assimilation?59
Kathy MacKinnon (1948–2023)59
Human altriciality is driven by postnatal brain growth59
Mitigating a mine57
Charles Kimberlin (Bob) Brain (1931–2023)56
Transitions and trade-offs in regeneration55
Anti-racist interventions to transform ecology, evolution and conservation biology departments54
Ignoring species hybrids in the IUCN Red List assessments for African elephants may bias conservation policy54
Ecological research ‘in a good way’ means ethical and equitable relationships with Indigenous Peoples and Lands54
Bird vulnerability to forest loss54
Empirical pressure-response relations can benefit assessment of safe operating spaces54
Fish community structure and dynamics are insufficient to mediate coral resilience54
No evidence for long-range male sex pheromones in two malaria mosquitoes53
Eukaryotes were shaped by Oxygen53
Isotopic evidence that aestivation allows malaria mosquitoes to persist through the dry season in the Sahel53
Mating increases Drosophila melanogaster females’ choosiness by reducing olfactory sensitivity to a male pheromone53
Time delays modulate the stability of complex ecosystems53
Spatial sorting creates winners and losers52
Horizontal gene transfer facilitates the molecular reverse-evolution of antibiotic sensitivity in experimental populations of H. pylori52
Lower lignin for wood efficiency52
The sex of scents51
Human pressures modulate climate-warming-induced changes in size spectra of stream fish communities50
ACE2 receptor usage reveals variation in susceptibility to SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 infection among bat species49
Spatial match–mismatch between predators and prey under climate change49
Evolutionary history of an immune protein conserved across all domains of life49
Transitions between colour mechanisms affect speciation dynamics and range distributions of birds49
Environmental selection and epistasis in an empirical phenotype–environment–fitness landscape48
Predicting 3D protein structures in light of evolution48
Comparative single-cell transcriptomic analysis of primate brains highlights human-specific regulatory evolution48
Robert L. Pressey (1953–2023)48
Sustained high rates of morphological evolution during the rise of tetrapods47
Plasmids do not consistently stabilize cooperation across bacteria but may promote broad pathogen host-range47
Aquatic deoxygenation as a planetary boundary and key regulator of Earth system stability46
Eoraptor lunensis46
A new type of non-Mendelian segregation46
Microbes as marine habitat formers and ecosystem engineers45
A genome sequence from a modern human skull over 45,000 years old from Zlatý kůň in Czechia43
Capturing stochasticity properly is key to understanding the nuances of the Living Planet Index43
Priority list of biodiversity metrics to observe from space43
A global-scale expert assessment of drivers and risks associated with pollinator decline42
Limited protection and ongoing loss of tropical cloud forest biodiversity and ecosystems worldwide42
Canalized gene expression during development mediates caste differentiation in ants42
A Late Devonian actinopterygian suggests high lineage survivorship across the end-Devonian mass extinction41
Population size mediates the contribution of high-rate and large-benefit mutations to parallel evolution41
Dynamics of species-rich predator–prey networks and seasonal alternations of core species41
Better incentives are needed to reward academic software development41
Increasing climatic decoupling of bird abundances and distributions41
A panoply of pangenomes41
Viperin immunity evolved across the tree of life through serial innovations on a conserved scaffold40
Abrupt expansion of climate change risks for species globally40
Meta-analysis reveals less sensitivity of non-native animals than natives to extreme weather worldwide40
Estimates of the number of undescribed species should account for sampling effort40
Climate-driven variation in dispersal ability predicts responses to forest fragmentation in birds40
Inadvertent human genomic bycatch and intentional capture raise beneficial applications and ethical concerns with environmental DNA40
Statistically learning the functional landscape of microbial communities40
Industrial energy development decouples ungulate migration from the green wave39
Policy responses to the Ukraine crisis threaten European biodiversity39
A Middle Ordovician Burgess Shale-type fauna from Castle Bank, Wales (UK)38
Supergene origin and maintenance in Atlantic cod38
Warming amplifies urbanization effects on mammals38
Convergent resistance to GABA receptor neurotoxins through plant–insect coevolution38
Domestication reprogrammed the budding yeast life cycle37
Emergence and intensification of dairying in the Caucasus and Eurasian steppes37
Isotopic evidence of high reliance on plant food among Later Stone Age hunter-gatherers at Taforalt, Morocco37
Advances in breeding phenology outpace latitudinal and elevational shifts for North American birds tracking temperature36
Dosage sensitivity and exon shuffling shape the landscape of polymorphic duplicates in Drosophila and humans36
Tripartite origin of the chordate brain35
Biodiversity in times of conflict35
Improving quantitative synthesis to achieve generality in ecology35
Single-cell dissection of aggression in honeybee colonies35
Extremely acidic proteomes and metabolic flexibility in bacteria and highly diversified archaea thriving in geothermal chaotropic brines34
Evidence for hunter-gatherer impacts on raven diet and ecology in the Gravettian of Southern Moravia34
The Global Biodiversity Framework’s ecosystem restoration target requires more clarity and careful legal interpretation34
Plasmid-encoded insertion sequences promote rapid adaptation in clinical enterobacteria33
Meta-analysis shows that plant mixtures increase soil phosphorus availability and plant productivity in diverse ecosystems33
Better plans are needed for mitigating the ecological impacts of Cambodia's Funan Techo Canal33
Water availability creates global thresholds in multidimensional soil biodiversity and functions33
Spring comes earlier but not equally among species33
Invasive species drive cross-ecosystem effects worldwide33
Competition and coevolution drive the evolution and the diversification of CRISPR immunity32
The coral pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus kills non-pathogenic holobiont competitors by triggering prophage induction32
Biodiversity time series are biased towards increasing species richness in changing environments32
Co-evolution of interacting proteins through non-contacting and non-specific mutations32
Shortfalls and opportunities in terrestrial vertebrate species discovery32
Why the geosciences are becoming increasingly vital to the interpretation of the human evolutionary record32
Socio-economic and environmental trade-offs in Amazonian protected areas and Indigenous territories revealed by assessing competing land uses31
Extended embryo retention and viviparity in the first amniotes31
The island rule explains consistent patterns of body size evolution in terrestrial vertebrates31
Bridging landscape ecology and urban science to respond to the rising threat of mosquito-borne diseases31
A call to develop carbon credits for second-growth forests31
Include biodiversity representation indicators in area-based conservation targets31
Convergence of dominance and neglect in flying insect diversity31
Adaptation to climate change through dispersal and inherited timing in an avian migrant31
The evolution of oxygen-utilizing enzymes suggests early biosphere oxygenation30
National climate and biodiversity strategies are hamstrung by a lack of maps30
Dual ancestries and ecologies of the Late Glacial Palaeolithic in Britain30
Meta-analysis reveals that vertebrates enhance plant litter decomposition at the global scale30
Mycorrhizal dominance reduces local tree species diversity across US forests30
Phylogenomics reveals the origin of mammal lice out of Afrotheria29
The supply of multiple ecosystem services requires biodiversity across spatial scales29
Five essentials for area-based biodiversity protection29
Evidence for widespread thermal optimality of ecosystem respiration29
Within-patient evolution of plasmid-mediated antimicrobial resistance29
Species richness is more important for ecosystem functioning than species turnover along an elevational gradient29
Genome-wide analyses of introgression between two sympatric Asian oak species29
A metric for spatially explicit contributions to science-based species targets29
Glacier retreat reorganizes river habitats leaving refugia for Alpine invertebrate biodiversity poorly protected29
Ocean science and advocacy work better when decolonized29
Decadal changes in fire frequencies shift tree communities and functional traits28
Using ecological coexistence theory to understand antibiotic resistance and microbial competition28
North African fox genomes show signatures of repeated introgression and adaptation to life in deserts28
A crown-group cnidarian from the Ediacaran of Charnwood Forest, UK28
Multiple invasion routes have led to the pervasive introduction of earthworms in North America27
African savanna raptors show evidence of widespread population collapse and a growing dependence on protected areas27
Publisher Correction: Talk the talk and walk the walk27
Natural capital investments in China undermined by reclamation for cropland27
Author Correction: Colonial history and global economics distort our understanding of deep-time biodiversity27
Author Correction: Extant and extinct bilby genomes combined with Indigenous knowledge improve conservation of a unique Australian marsupial27
Publisher Correction: Healing the land and the academy27
Author Correction: Identifying species likely threatened by international trade on the IUCN Red List can inform CITES trade measures26
Coordinated surveillance is essential to monitor and mitigate the evolutionary impacts of SARS-CoV-2 spillover and circulation in animal hosts26
Author Correction: Drivers of seedling establishment success in dryland restoration efforts26
Author Correction: Species traits and reduced habitat suitability limit efficacy of climate change refugia in streams26
Publisher Correction: Heavy reliance on private finance alone will not deliver conservation goals26
Author Correction: On the causes of geographically heterogeneous parallel evolution in sticklebacks26
Author Correction: The population sizes and global extinction risk of reef-building coral species at biogeographic scales26
Author Correction: Biodiversity targets will not be met without debt and tax justice26
Identifying species likely threatened by international trade on the IUCN Red List can inform CITES trade measures26
Author Correction: Reliability of vegetation resilience estimates depends on biomass density25
Ecological network complexity scales with area25
Genomics of a sexually selected sperm ornament and female preference in Drosophila25
Global decoupling of functional and phylogenetic diversity in plant communities25
Natural selection for imprecise vertical transmission in host–microbiota systems25
Prolonged morphological expansion of spiny-rayed fishes following the end-Cretaceous25
Environmental filtering, not dispersal history, explains global patterns of phylogenetic turnover in seed plants at deep evolutionary timescales25
Publisher Correction: Soil health is associated with higher primary productivity across Europe24
Migratory lifestyle carries no added overall energy cost in a partial migratory songbird24
Author Correction: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi equalize differences in plant fitness and facilitate plant species coexistence through niche differentiation24
A 51,000-year-old engraved bone reveals Neanderthals’ capacity for symbolic behaviour24
Field experiments underestimate aboveground biomass response to drought24
Fluctuating climate and dietary innovation drove ratcheted evolution of proboscidean dental traits24
The global distribution and drivers of wood density and their impact on forest carbon stocks24
Evolution alters ecological resilience24
Extant and extinct bilby genomes combined with Indigenous knowledge improve conservation of a unique Australian marsupial24
Co-evolutionary dynamics of mammalian brain and body size24
Power laws in species’ biotic interaction networks can be inferred from co-occurrence data24
Grassland communities rapidly respond to climate change to settle climatic debts24
Genome sequences of 36,000- to 37,000-year-old modern humans at Buran-Kaya III in Crimea24
Genomic evidence that a sexually selected trait captures genome-wide variation and facilitates the purging of genetic load23
Limits to the ability of carbon farming projects to deliver benefits for threatened species23
Gradual exacerbation of obstetric constraints during hominoid evolution implied by re-evaluation of cephalopelvic fit in chimpanzees23
Adapting to vaccination23
Homoploid hybrids in Heliconius23
Plasticity and environment-specific relationships between gene expression and fitness in Saccharomyces cerevisiae23
Loss of pollinator diversity consistently reduces reproductive success for wild and cultivated plants23
Reply to: An Initial Upper Palaeolithic attribution is not empirically supported at Shiyu, northern China23
Neonatal antipredator tactics shape female movement patterns in large herbivores22
Inferring DNA methylation in non-skeletal tissues of ancient specimens22
Ecological modelling approaches for predicting emergent properties in microbial communities22
Establishing bio-logging data collections as dynamic archives of animal life on Earth22
Anthropogenic land consolidation intensifies zoonotic host diversity loss and disease transmission in human habitats22
Nitrogen-fixing organelle22
A threshold precipitation function determines when ecosystem respiration depends on water22
Integrative taxonomy clarifies the evolution of a cryptic primate clade22
Insights from a century of data reveal global trends in ex situ living plant collections22
Atolls are globally important sites for tropical seabirds22
An ancestral Wnt–Brachyury feedback loop in axial patterning and recruitment of mesoderm-determining target genes21
Pathogen evasion of social immunity21
Tropical dry forests under threat21
A draft bill imperils Brazilian non-forest vegetation amid climate catastrophes21
Parallel loss of sexual reproduction in field populations of a brown alga sheds light on the mechanisms underlying the emergence of asexuality21
John Alcock (1943–2023)21
An older Oldowan21
Larger colony sizes favoured the evolution of more worker castes in ants21
Reply to: Identification of old coding regions disproves the hominoid de novo status of genes21
Blue carbon for climate and co-benefits21
Islands of diversity21
Mycorrhizae mediate diversity effects20
Spatial models of giant pandas under current and future conditions reveal extinction risks20
New Asian hominin20
No pervasive relationship between species size and local abundance trends20
Disentangling biology from mathematical necessity in twentieth-century gymnosperm resilience trends20
Rare and declining bird species benefit most from designating protected areas for conservation in the UK20
Eleanor Jane Sterling (1960–2023)20
Deeply tangled evolution20
Reforming social genetics20
A complicated character19
Alerts protect forests19
Richard S. Gomulkiewicz (1962–2023)19
Neuropeptides at the origin of neurons19
Beyond English language19
Life finds a way19
The wilderness myth19
Predation drives diversity19
Ecological recipes for selecting community function18
Footprint beds record Holocene decline in large mammal diversity on the Irish Sea coast of Britain18