Spatial Economic Analysis

(The TQCC of Spatial Economic Analysis is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Regional economic resilience in the European Union: a numerical general equilibrium analysis40
Structural propagation of pandemic shocks: an input–output analysis of the economic costs of COVID-1931
A multi-regional generalized RAS updating technique17
Insights for a sustainable environment: analysing the persistence of policy shocks to ecological footprints of Mediterranean countries15
Sharing the burden: quantifying climate change spillovers in the European Union under the Paris Agreement15
Machine-learning models for bankruptcy prediction: do industrial variables matter?14
Covid-19 impact on US housing markets: evidence from spatial regression models13
A spatial multinomial logit model for analysing urban expansion11
A simultaneous spatial autoregressive model for compositional data8
The role of interregional and inter-sectoral knowledge spillovers on regional knowledge creation across US metropolitan counties8
Non-spatial and spatial econometric analysis of tourism demand in a panel of countries around the world8
A calibrated gravity model of interregional trade8
Agglomeration of low-productive entrepreneurs to large regions: a simple model8
Business cycle synchronization among the US states: spatial effects and regional determinants7
A Bayesian approach for the estimation of weight matrices in spatial autoregressive models7
Store sales evaluation and prediction using spatial panel data models of sales components7
Climate change in Brazil: dealing with uncertainty in agricultural productivity models and the implications for economy-wide impacts6
Construction of multiregion–multisector input–output tables: a spatial econometric approach for Poland6
The effect of agglomeration economies and geography on the survival of accommodation businesses in Sicily6
Integrating digital and global transformations in forecasting regional growth: the MASST5 model6
A spatial stochastic frontier model including both frontier and error-based spatial cross-sectional dependence6
The local costs of global climate change: spatial GDP downscaling under different climate scenarios6
The digital layer: alternative data for regional and innovation studies6
Climate-related natural disasters and forced migration: a spatial regression analysis5
Herd behaviour and the emergence of clusters5
Akaike information criterion in choosing the optimal k -nearest neighbours of the spatial weight matrix5
Technological congruence and Smart Specialisation: evidence from European regions5
Unveiling spatial and temporal patterns of second home dynamics: a Bayesian spatiotemporal analysis for a Mediterranean island5
Rethinking regional wage determinants: regional market potential versus trade partners’ potential5
Intra-industry agglomeration and the external economies of scale model: empirical evidence from Colombia5
Women’s political empowerment and welfare policy decisions: a spatial analysis of European countries5
Do public libraries impact local labour markets? Evidence from Appalachia5
Estimating a spatial autoregressive model with autoregressive disturbances based on the indirect inference principle5
To use, or not to use the spatial Durbin model? – that is the question5
Application of machine-learning models to estimate regional input coefficients and multipliers5