Political Geography

(The TQCC of Political Geography is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Cabling and un-cabling Palestine/Israel: Toward a theory of cumulative infrastructural injustice318
Uneven development and the anti-politics machine: Algorithmic violence and market-based neighborhood rankings116
What we Don't see: Uncovering intercommunal violence through remote sensing65
Corporate contentious politics: Palm oil companies and land conflicts in Indonesia52
Editorial Board52
Geopolitics of explaining Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the challenge of small states50
Editorial Board49
Volumising territorial sovereignty: Atmospheric sciences, climate, and the vertical dimension in 20th century China47
Grabbing the commons: Forest rights, capital and legal struggle in the Carpathian Mountains43
Ripe for better post-war governance? The impact of the 2016 peace agreement on the reestablishment of health services in Colombia43
From conflict to coexistence: Reaffirming belonging and property rights through the ‘sons of village’ discourse in post-conflict Kenya37
The blatant phenomenon of 'election-driven legalization of informality'36
Temporal geographies of premature death: Caste, law, and infrastructure in Swachh Bharat34
Troubling the spatial politics of Green New Deals: Towards a Youngian approach to global justice33
State making through conservation: The case of post-conflict Nepal33
The right to repairable energy: A political ecology of off-grid solar repair in Zambia30
The politics of just transition: Authoritarian environmentalism and implementation flexibility in forest conservation28
Gatekeeping beyond the state: The mombasa port development program and the emergence of the gatekeeper city28
‘Where #freedom and #patriotism live:’ Linking digital media to far-right geographies28
People in PowerPoint Pixels: Competing justice claims and scalar politics in water development planning28
The Game: Or, ‘the making of migration’ along the Balkan Route28
From bad to worse? How protest can foster armed conflict in autocracies27
Beyond the contours of Zionist sovereignty: Decolonisation in Palestine's Unity Intifada27
Local voting at local elections revisited: ‘Friends and neighbors voting’ at mayoral elections in rural Poland26
Violent or non-violent action? Wartime civilian resistance in Colombia and Mozambique26
Resilience, responsibility and state abandon: The changing role of the government in emergencies26
Subjects supposed to know, believe, and enjoy: The geopolitics of ideological transference in the Swedish begging question21
Discrete geometry for electoral geography21
Revolutionary resistance against full autocratization. Actors and strategies of resistance after the 2021 military coup in Myanmar20
The Mediterranean as a carceral seascape20
Geopolitical assemblages and disasters-in-the-making in Kalimpong, India20
Water shutoffs, social reproduction, and the carceral state: Policing life's work through the weaponization of water20
Grateful reckonings with the political geographies of resistance; a response20
Finding home in a paper – Revisiting “The construction of national identity through the production of ritual and spectacle: An analysis of National Day parades in Singapore”20
The desert, the border, and the city: Staging a spectacle on the Chile-Peru border20
African Union defense demand and spatial spillovers19
Troubling the politics of island relation: The Comoros in between, on the edge, and as microcosm19
Unpacking land-associated assemblages ‘from below’: Smallholders' land access strategies at the commercial tree-crop frontier19
Review essay18
Conjuncture and repair: A response to ‘relational repair: Black life beyond injury’ by Jovan Scott Lewis18
Public-making in a pandemic: The role of street art in East African countries18
A place for pastoral power: From the “government of souls” to “global struggles for souls”18
Unpacking climate services: Knowledge politics, beneficent humanitarianism and the realpolitik of risk management in China18
Party affiliation and the legacy of HOLC redlining maps18
The sociospatial ecology of deaths during police interactions in the United States, 2016–202017
Unsettling time(s): Reconstituting the when of urban radical politics17
A geography of repoliticisation: Popularising alternative housing models in Oslo17
Informal sovereignties and multiple Muslim feminisms: Feminist geo-legality in Sri Lanka17
Challenging the ‘absent state’: Neoliberal extractivist governance and state effects in the northwest Peruvian Amazon16
Resistances in the “Resilient City”: Rise and fall of a disputed concept in New Orleans and Medellin16
Editorial Board16
The war in Ukraine, open source investigation and the potential for “digital fieldwork” in geopolitics16
Questioning rural populism16
Urbicide, neo-colonial subjugation and the Gaza Strip15
Theorizing the subterranean mode of production15
Spatializing the political ecologies of the future15
Borderlands of the local state15
The limits of control: Technological agency, urban terrain, strategy and the state in the 2014 Gaza War15
The deeping rural-urban divide in U.S. Presidential politics: Presidential votes in Iowa, 2008–202015
Editorial Board15
Contested subterranean territory: Gold mining and competing claims to Indonesia’s underground15
Babelic organisations and the interpreters of geopolitical knowledge production15
Editorial Board15
The case for socialist modernism15
Placing the city in Lynn Staeheli's scholarship14
Going back to school: Engaging veterans’ memories of the Malvinas war in secondary schools in Santa Fe, Argentina14
Safe spaces in the city: Security, scale and masculinity during the Geneva Summit14
‘Pandemopolitics’ in Serbia: The resurgence of nationalism?13
Youth citizenship after Lynn Staeheli13
The Battle of the Camel: Revolution, transition and tourism in Cairo13
Editorial Board13
Labor, energy, and ecosocialist futures12
Critically reflecting on the PolGRG Book Prize12
De-centering the urban waterscape via patterns, relations and traces of drinking water quality in Kaolack, Senegal12
Toward a (co)relational border? Order, care, and chaos at Nordic borders12
Virtual Forum Introduction: The Geographies of Political Geography: Celebrating the Journal's 40-Year Anniversary12
Extra-territorial quarantine in pandemic times12
Resisting climate coloniality in the academy12
Corrupting climate change institutions from the inside Systemic Collusion in the Peruvian Forest Governance12
In the Shadow of the Tower: Spatial proximity to mosques, visible diversity, and support for the radical right11
‘Waging word wars’: The ‘emotionscape’ of the United Nations Security Council and the Russian war in Ukraine11
Mapping the spatial politics of Australian settler colonialism11
Housing movements: From solidaristic discourse to solidaristic fields11
Are cities ever more cosmopolitan? Studying trends in urban-rural divergence of cultural attitudes11
The Geo-imaginaries of potential in Mexico's Burgos Basin11
Infrastructural clashes: Induced scarcity and governing refugees through depletion11
A harbour in the country, a city in the sea: Infrastructural conduits, territorial inversions and the slippages of sovereignty in Sino-Sri Lankan development narratives11
‘Individual sovereignty’ in pandemic times – A contradiction in terms?11
Gas extraction governmentality: The depoliticization of Groningen's extractive territorialization11
Green resilience: Securing life through vegetal being11
Climate change imaginaries: Representing and contesting sea level rise in Fairbourne, North Wales11
The politics of mourning in conservation conflicts: The (un)grievability of life and less-than-human geographies11
Environmentalism and Chinese urban order: The ecological control line policy in Shenzhen, China10
Relations outside of injury: Black ecologies, Indigenous geographies, and repair10
Place, candidate roots, and voter preferences in an age of partisan polarization: Observational and experimental evidence10
Interpellating ‘the people’ against environmentalists: The authoritarian populist response to environmental mobilizations in Turkey10
Regulating the global illicit economy: Singapore's role in United States' spatial financial surveillance10
Regionmaking and conceptual development in South China: Perceiving islands, the Pearl River Delta, and the Greater Bay Area10
Emotional healing as part of environmental and climate justice processes: Frameworks and community-based experiences in times of environmental suffering10
An urban political ecology of populism10
Environmental attitudes, environmental problems and party choice. A large-N comparative study9
Containing the intertidal island: Negotiating island onto-epistemological visibility and plurality9
The enduring coloniality of ecological modernization: Wind energy development in occupied Western Sahara and the occupied Syrian Golan Heights9
Transmission and territory: Urban bordering during COVID-199
When climate justice goes wrong: Maladaptation and deep co-production in transformative environmental science and policy9
Chinese environmental activism and the environmental politics of rumors9
Unpacking administrative rank: Intercity competition and the remaking of local state space in China9
Floods, communal conflict and the role of local state institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa9
The civic legacies of disaster for youth political agency9
Decolonizing cartography and ontological conflict: Counter-mapping in Colombia and “cartographies otherwise”9
The green, green grass of the nation. A new far-right ecology in Spain9
Caviar matter(s): The material politics of the European caviar grey market9
Geography, pluriverse and ‘Southern Thought’: Engaging with decoloniality from the Mediterranean9
Territory and lithium extraction: The Great Land of Lipez and the Uyuni Salt Flat in Bolivia9
Bordering dynamics and the geopolitics of cross-border tourism between China and Myanmar9
A multi-level discourse analysis of Swedish wind power resistance, 2009–20229
A Green New Deal for all: The centrality of a worker and community-led just transition in the US9
The geopolitics of fear: Pro-refugee resistance to Europe's racial security9
Drifting further apart? Europe's trends of urban-rural political polarisation should not be overstated8
Editorial Board8
Beyond anti-urban sentiment: Rural consciousness and affect toward undocumented immigrants8
The nature conservation-geopolitics complex: Bridging between conservation geopolitics and peace park discourses8
Frontiers’ violence: The interplay of state of exception, frontier habitus, and organized violence8
A proxy geopolitics of poppies, peasants, and national sovereignty: Turkey’s rhetorical resistance to America’s war on drugs8
The circulatory panopticon: Real names, rail infrastructure and Foucault's realist turn8
Rain, rain, voter go away? New evidence on rainfall and voter turnout from the universe of North Carolina voters during the 2012–2020 presidential elections8
Borderscape Antarctica: The uncanny geographical imaginaries of Terra Australis Incognita8
Scaling just transitions: Legitimation strategies in coal phase-out commissions in Canada and Germany8
Inner Mongolian poetry and song as a form of resistance8
Sudden weather disasters as triggers for ethnic protest in autocracies?8
National Museum Wales and the scalar bureaucracies of institutional memory work8
Belonging to the nation: Negotiating narratives of national identity in Aotearoa New Zealand8
Conclusion: The precession of geopolitical hyperrealities8
Abject lives: An introduction8
Far-right translocalism: Towards a new research agenda8
Disciplinary geopolitics and the rise of international development studies in China8
Explaining strategic disinterment: Forensics and the reconstruction of the missing in Cyprus8
The surge of the small donorate in U.S. elections: A view from Texas statewide campaigns8
Limits to the Washington Consensus: Boundary struggles and China's transition economy8
Ecological militarization: Engineering territory in the South China Sea8
The environmentality of digital acoustic monitoring: Emerging formations of spatial power in forests8
Region work – Institutional activism and the implementation of regional reform7
Staking claims: Hybrid governance and state-making on the North Kosovo frontier7
Rural cocaine elites and resilient clandestine connections in Peru's high Amazonia7
Knowledge infrastructures, conflictual coproduction, and the politics of planning: A post-foundational approach to political capability in Nepal and Thailand7
Mourners who can not mourn: Argentina's Parque de la Memoria as a spatial threshold of memory7
Geographical analysis of political epidemiology: Spatial quantification of simultaneity between politics and pandemics7
Editorial Board7
Editorial Board7
Concerning community, with Lynn Staeheli7
Governmentality and comic propaganda: Mighty Man, the black superhero of apartheid7
To forty more years of Political Geography7
Making space for citizenship7
Assessing disability rights in four Asian countries: The perspectives of disabled people on physical, attitudinal and cultural barriers7
Jaffa's contested heritage trails: Using city walking tours to study, affirm, and protest the politics of space and memory7
Mineral commons: Collective claims to territory in the goldfields of Madagascar7
Contested worldmaking from ‘above’ and ‘below’: Bordered spaces and bordered subjects in search of asylum7
Editorial Board7
What exactly do REDD+ projects produce? A materialist analysis of carbon offset production from a REDD+ project in Cambodia7
Between recognition and inclusion: Lynn Staeheli's intellectual leadership as feminist and political geographer7
Editorial Board7
Review forum7
Parched and impatient: Political engagement after drought7
Where is the North? Southern ruptures in decolonizing theory7
Revisiting “For ethnography in political geography”7
Differentiating the local impact of global drugs and weapons trafficking: How do gangs mediate ‘residual violence’ to sustain Trinidad's homicide boom?7
Revisiting ‘Rosewood democracy in the political forests of Madagascar’7
Red outposts in a hostile landscape: People's houses, People's parks and the reconstruction of rural southern Sweden's political geography, 1889–19097
Editorial Board7
The more things change, the more they remain the same7
“The government is confused”: The political utility of institutional ambiguity in Jordan's humanitarian arena6
Rights to the rescue? The promotion of Indigenous women's political-electoral rights and the rise of the Mexican security state6
Review forum6
The politics of discretion: Authority and influence in asylum dispersal6
Minority gentrification: Re-evaluation of class and ethno-nationalism intersectionality6
Population pressure, political institutions, and protests: A multilevel analysis of protest events in African cities6
Editorial Board6
Scientific nationalism and museums of the future in Germany and the UAE6
A new electoral map? Brexit, realignment and the changing geography of party support in England6
Reckoning climate apartheid6
Putting the crisis to work: The real estate sector and London's housing crisis6
Do women commemorate women? How gender and ideology affect decisions on naming female streets6
Can direct democracy deliver an alternative to extractivism? An essay on popular consultations6
Commoning in the Anthropocene: Exploring the political possibility of caring with in Skouries of Halkidiki, Greece6
Regional immunity complexes: A plurospherical and autoimmunological reimagining of regional security6
Review forum6
Virtual Forum Introduction: Electoral geographies of the 2020 U.S. presidential race6
Divergent desires for the just transition in South Africa: An assemblage analysis6
Blueing business as usual in the ocean: Blue economies, oil, and climate justice6
A Geography of Blood Meridian: Primitive accumulation on the frontier of space6
Towards relational geometries of public participation and hydropower governance in the Lower Mekong River Basin6
Toxic displacements: An environmental justice perspective on a chemical waste site in Denmark6
Virtual Forum introduction: Environmental limits, scarcity and degrowth6
Debating diaspora: Securitization framework and the Turkish state's making of dissent abroad6
Mean Streets: Power, ideology and the politics of memory6
Neoliberalising the divided city6
Can civic nationalism reduce corruption? Transnational and translocal insights from Solomon Islands6
Geopolitics of decolonisation: The subaltern diplomacies of Lusophone Africa (1961–1974)6
The production of political liminality in Macao6
Urban atmospheres of terror6
Rural drinking water governance politics in China: Governmentality schemes and negotiations from below6
The road (not) taken: The contingencies of infrastructure and sovereignty in the Horn of Africa6