Europe-Asia Studies

(The TQCC of Europe-Asia Studies is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Back to Competitive Authoritarianism? Democratic Backsliding in Vučić’s Serbia32
From Revolution to ‘Counter-Revolution’: Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe 30 Years On24
Making Sense of the News in an Authoritarian Regime: Russian Television Viewers’ Reception of the Russia–Ukraine Conflict19
Varieties of Dependency, Varieties of Populism: Neoliberalism and the Populist Countermovements in the Visegrád Four13
A New Look at Region, Language, Ethnicity and Civic National Identity in Ukraine13
Can Russian Research Policy be Called Neoliberal? A Study in the Comparative Sociology of Quantification12
Postsocialist Dialectics or Postindustrial Critique? On Discomfort in a Former Socialist Model City in East Germany12
The Euromaidan Revolution, Reforms and Decommunisation in Ukraine12
Everyday Authoritarianism in North Korea11
Domesticating Neoliberalism: ‘Domification’ and the Contradictions of the Populist Countermovement in Poland11
How Does the Politics of Fear in Russia Work? The Case of Social Mobilisation in Support of Minority Languages11
Welfare Restructuring in Russia since 2012: National Trends and Evidence from the Regions11
Security, Civilisation and Modernisation: Continuity and Change in the Russian Foreign Policy Discourse10
The Rise of the Anti-Gender Movement in Croatia and the 2013 Marriage Referendum10
Russian Cultural Conservatism Critiqued: Translating the Tropes of ‘Gayropa’ and ‘Juvenile Justice’ in Everyday Life10
The EU Accession Process, Chinese Finance and Rising Corruption in Western Balkan Stabilitocracies: Serbia and Montenegro10
Authoritarian Cooptation of Civil Society: The Case of Belarus10
The Internationalisation of Higher Education and Identity Construction in Azerbaijan9
Inclusive Education in Today’s Russia: Room for Manoeuvre9
Charm Offensive or Offensive Charm? An Analysis of Russian and Chinese Cultural Institutes Abroad9
Liberal Democracy and its Current Illiberal Critique: The Emperor’s New Clothes?9
Providing Goods and Votes? Federal Elections and the Quality of Local Governance in Russia9
Fighting Empire, Weaponising Culture: The Conflict with Russia and the Restrictions on Russian Mass Culture in Post-Maidan Ukraine8
Why the Difference? Donbas, Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk After Ukraine’s Euromaidan Revolution8
Authoritarian Diffusion, or the Geopolitics of Self-Interest? Evidence from Russia’s Patron–Client Relations with Eurasia’s De Facto States8
Have They Already Emerged? Mapping the Population of National Interest Organisations in Post-Communist Poland8
Socio-economic Development and the Politics of Expertise in Putin’s Russia: The ‘Hollow Paradigm’ Perspective8
Uzbekistan’s Development Experiment: An Assessment of Karimov’s Economic Legacy8
Small State Status-Seeking: Lithuania’s Foreign Policy Status Aspirations8
The Consolidation of Authoritarian Rule in Rural Hungary: Workfare and the Shift from Punitive Populist to Illiberal Paternalist Poverty Governance7
Accommodating Revisionism through Balancing Regionalism: The Case of Central Asia7
Filling the Demand Gap: The Success of Centrist Entrepreneurial Populism in the Czech Republic7
On Corruption and State Capture: The Struggle of Anti-Corruption Activism in Hungary7
Managed Civil Society and Police Oversight in Russia: Regional Police–Public Councils7
Les enfants terribles de l’Europe? The ‘Sovereigntist’ Role of the Visegrád Group in the Context of the Migration Crisis7
Conflicts and Shifts in the Kremlin’s Political Discourse since the Start of the Putin Presidency (2000–2019)6
Civil Society, Rights and Welfare: Exploring the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Commonwealth of Independent States6
Who are the ‘Don’t Knows’? Missing Data in Surveys of Post-Soviet Conflict-affected Regions6
Evaluating the Evaluators in Russia: When Academic Citizenship Fails5
Policymaking and Policy Framing: Russian Environmental Politics under Putin5
Russian, US and Chinese Revisionism: Bridging Domestic and Great Power Politics5
‘Vigilante Shows’ and Law Enforcement in Russia5
Managing Collective Action: Government-Sponsored Community Initiatives in Russia5
A Home Away from Home: Migration, Identity and ‘Sojourning’ in the Life of Uzbekistanis in Japan5
Digitalising City Governance in Russia: The Case of the ‘Active Citizen’ Platform5
Patriots or World Citizens: The Identity of Post-Soviet People in a Globalised World5
Village Fascists and Progressive Populists: Two Faces of the Countermovement in Slovakia5
Does Abolishing Tariffs in Bilateral Trade Matter for a Country’s Economic Growth? The Impact of the EU–Ukraine DCFTA5
Belarus, Kazakhstan and Alliance Security Dilemmas in the Former Soviet Union: Intra-Alliance Threat and Entrapment After the Ukraine Crisis5
Back to ‘Traditional’ Family Values? Trends in Gender Ideologies in Russia, 1994–20124
Ukraine’s 2019 Elections: Pro-Russian Parties and The Impact of Occupation4
Exceptions and Rules: Success Stories and Bad Governance in Russia4
When Lenin Becomes Lennon: Decommunisation and the Politics of Memory in Ukraine4
Nomadic Hearths of Soviet Culture: ‘Women’s Red Yurt’ Campaigns in Kazakhstan, 1925–19354
The Opposition Bloc in Ukraine: A Clientelistic Party with Diminished Administrative Resources4
Who Reports Crime? Citizen Engagement with the Police in Russia and Georgia4
Selective Equality: Social Democratic Parties and the Referendums on Same-Sex Marriage in Eastern Europe4
An Epistemic Community in Abeyance: The Work of Russian Anti-Violence Organisations in a Restrictive Legal Climate4
Russia's Actually (Non-)Existent Neoliberalism: The Development of the Russian Far East as Discourse and Practice4
Protecting Nation, State and Government: ‘Traditional Islam’ in Azerbaijan4
Technological Solutions for Complex Problems: Emerging Electronic Surveillance Regimes in Eurasian Cities4
The End of Adaptive Authoritarianism in Belarus?4
China's Normative Power in Central and Eastern Europe: ‘16/17 + 1’ Cooperation as a Tale of Unfulfilled Expectations4
Managed Regional Rivalry Between Russia and Turkey After the Annexation of Crimea4
Neo-nomadic Culture as a Territorial Brand for ‘Authentic’ Tourism Development in Kazakhstan4
Social Capital and Subjective Well-Being in Central Asia4
Building the Nation Through Celebrating the Nation: A Comparison of Holidays in Russia’s Regions4
The Politics of Stability in Kazakhstan: Depoliticising Participation Through Consultative Ideology?4
‘Global Russians’: A Case Study of Transnational Actors in World Politics3
Unpacking ‘Traditional Values’ in Russia’s Conservative Turn: Gender, Sexuality and the Soviet Legacy3
Near Abroad: Russia’s Role in Post-Soviet Eurasia3
Taxing the Golden Goose: Reforming Taxation of the Oil Sector in Putin’s Russia3
Managing Dissent in Post-Soviet Authoritarianism. New Censorship of Protest Music in Belarus and Russia, 2000–20183
Assessing the Changing Sino–Russian Relationship: A Longitudinal Analysis of Bilateral Cooperation in the Post-Cold War Period3
There Is No Free Lunch: The Cost of Informal Networking for Entrepreneurs in Southeast Europe3
The Power of Ambiguity: National Symbols, Nation-Building and Political Legitimacy in Kazakhstan3
Building a Multiple ‘Security Shelter’ in the Baltic States after EU and NATO Accession3
‘We Have Conversations’: The Gangster as Actor and Agent in Russian Foreign Policy3
Apathy is not Enough: Changing Modes of Student Management in Post-Mao China3
The Dialectics of Disembedding and Civil Society in Provincial Hungary3
Urban Governance in Russia: The Case of Moscow Territorial Development and Housing Renovation3
Cartographies of Consensus and Grievance: Visualising the Territory of Azerbaijan3
When EU Political Convergence Fails in New Member States: Corporate and Party State Capture in Croatia and the Czech Republic3
Taking the Longer View: A Neoclassical Realist Account of Russia’s Neighbourhood Policy3
Negotiating the Right to Information: Citizen–Government Interactions in the Implementation of the Regulations on Open Government Information in China3
Why Did Russia and the EU Clash Over Ukraine in 2014, But Not Over Armenia?3
Between Human Rights and Transitional Justice: The Dilemma of Constitutional Courts in Post-Communist Central Europe3
Coordinated Voting Against the Autocracy: The Case of the ‘Smart Vote’ Strategy in Russia3
Russia and the Search for a Negotiated Solution in Afghanistan3
Memories on Demand: Narratives about 1917 in Russia’s Online Publics3
Double Standards asModus Operandi: Mixing Business and Politics in Russia3
Propaganda and the Police: The Softer Side of State Control in China3
Countermovements: Rural Social Imaginaries Confronting Neoliberal Economics and Politics in Southern Poland3
State Corporate Governance in Russia3
The Politics of Culture and Identity in Postcommunist States: A New Political Cleavage in Georgia?2
‘Out-Europeanising’ the Competition: Armenian Genocide Recognition in Bulgaria2
The Impact of Russian-led Eurasian Integration on the International Relations of the Post-Soviet Space2
Socialist Yugoslavism and National Minorities in a Contested Borderland: Rijeka 1953–19612
Culture Wars in the Post-Soviet Space2
A Centralist Approach to Regional Development: The Case of the Russian Ministry for the Development of the Far East2
‘Nobody Goes to Another Monastery with their Own Charter’: The EU’s Promotion of ‘European Values’ as Perceived in Central Asia2
The Challenges to De-localising Constituencies through Electoral Reform in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan2
Framing Different Groups of Immigrants in Central Europe Before and During the 2015–2017 EU Refugee Crisis2
Three Revolutions: Mobilization and Change in Contemporary Ukraine II. An Oral History of the Revolution on Granite, Orange Revolution, and Revolution of Dignity2
Becoming a Judge in Russia: An Analysis of Judicial Biographies2
Imagining Crimean Tatar History since 2014: Indigenous Rights, Russian Recolonisation and the New Ukrainian Narrative of Cooperation2
Welfare Reforms in Post-Soviet States: Current Issues and Research Highlights2
A Mashup World. Hybrids, Crossovers and Post-Reality2
Rethinking Transfers of Power and Public Protest in Kazakhstan, 1959–19892
Exploring Varieties of Governance in Russia: In Search of Theoretical Frameworks2
The Role of Repatriate Organisations in the Integration of Kazakhstan’s Oralmandar2
A Public Affair? Vietnam’s State Enterprise Sector: The ‘State Business Interest’ and Policy History2
Contemporary Russian Conservatism. Problems, Paradoxes, and Perspectives2
Deaf Youth in Contemporary Russia: Barriers to Inclusion in Education and the Labour Market2
‘No Time for Quality’: Mechanisms of Local Governance in Russia2
Elite Attitudes Towards the EU in Western and Central Eastern Europe: A Tale of Two Europes?2
Civil War? Interstate War? Hybrid War? Dimensions and Interpretations of the Donbas Conflict in 2014–20202
Building Socialist Legality: Political Order and Institutional Development in the Soviet and Chinese Procuracies2
Transcending Illegality in Kyrgyzstan: The Case of a Squatter Settlement in Bishkek2
Community of Fate? Visegrád Cooperation Viewed from Bratislava and Prague2
Networks as Political Tools in the Western Balkans: From the ‘Brotherhood and Unity’ Highway to the Transport Community2
Russia and its Allies in Three Strategic Environments2
Russia, Eurasia and the Meaning of Crimea2
Legitimacy, Independence and Impartiality: How do Serbian and Croatian Legal Professionals Assess Their Judiciaries?2
Economic Growth and the Feminisation of Political Science in Kazakhstan: A Leaky Pipeline?2
Welfare in Russia and Eurasia in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic2
Novyi balans sil. Rossiya v poiskakh vneshnepoliticheskogo ravnovesiya2
The Emasculation of Trade Unions and Workers’ Drift to Neonationalism in Hungary2
The Transversal Political Logic of Populism: Framing the ‘Refugee Crisis’ in Slovenian Parliamentary Debates2
Capture Me If You Can: The Road to the Political Colonisation of Business in Post-Milošević Serbia2
Russia and the South Caucasus: The China Challenge2
Tourism, Memory Production and Contested Ethnic Hierarchies in Post-Soviet Almaty2
Exploring Populism Through the Politics of Commemoration1
Geopolitics in Glass Cases: Nationalist Narratives on Sino–Russian Relations in Chinese Border Museums1
A History of Eastern Europe 1918 to the Present. Modernisation, Ideology and Nationality1
Russophone or Anglophone? The Politics of Identity in Contemporary Russian Indie Music1
The De Facto State of Nagorno-Karabakh: Historical and Geopolitical Perspectives1
The Regional World Order. Transregionalism, Regional Integration, and Regional Projects across Europe and Asia1
Authoritarianism, Ethnic Management and Non-Securitisation: The Kyrgyz Minority in Uzbekistan1
The Conservative Turn in Post-Soviet Russia1
Securitising HIV/AIDS in Tajikistan: Framings, Policies and Practices1
Dimensions of Social Cohesion in a Transitional Society: The Case of Ukraine1
Ukraine and Russia. From Civilized Divorce to Uncivil War1
Neoliberal Capitalism and Visegrád Countermovements1
Stalin and the Generals: Reconstructing Trust during World War II1
Territorial Belonging and Homeland Disjuncture: Uneven Territorialisations in Kazakhstan1
The Limits of Authoritarian Modernisation: Zero Tolerance Policing in Kazakhstan1
Maly Traścianiec in the Context of Current Narratives on the Holocaust in the Republic of Belarus1
Electoral Campaigns in Times of Lockdown: Post-Soviet Experiences1
Trusting the Untrustworthy: An Exploration of Attitudes Towards the Populist Government in Poland Using Survey Data1
To Comply or Evade? Direct Taxes, Private Entrepreneurship and the Institutionalisation of Informal Practices in Hungary, 1945–19561
Minilateral Cooperation in the EU’s Post-Brexit Common Security and Defence Policy: Germany and the Visegrád Countries1
Nested Nationalism. Making and Unmaking Nations in the Soviet Caucasus1
Beyond the Coffee Cup: The Functions of Cafés in Bishkek1
Unending Capitalism. How Consumerism Negated China’s Communist Revolution1
Identity and Trust in Bosnia & Hercegovina: Redrawing Broader Boundaries Through Meaningful Experiences1
The Diversification of the Russian Gender Contract and the Conservative Turn1
Economic Strategies and Immigration in the Soviet Union’s Western Borderlands: Lithuania, Latvia and Belorussia in the 1950s and 1960s1
Spatial Revolution. Architecture and Planning in the Early Soviet UnionChristina E. Crawford, Spatial Revolution. Architecture and Planning in the Early Soviet Union . I1
Invisible China. How the Urban–Rural Divide Threatens China’s Rise1
Russia’s Architecture of Hegemony: Christian Orthodox Subordination Strategies in Russia’s Peripheral Zone1
‘They Called Us Spekulyanty ’: Shame and Pride in the Biographies of Female Shuttle Traders in Post-Soviet Russia1
The Limits of Tolerance for Intolerance. Young Democracy and Skinhead Violence in Czechia in the 1990s1
Provincial Apparatchiks as Investment Supervisors: The Polish Economic Boom of the Early 1970s1
Beyond the Steppe Frontier. A History of the Sino–Russian Border1
Russia’s War against Ukraine: A Trio of Virtual Special Issues1
Normative Power China: Why Kazakhstan is Ignoring the ‘Re-education’ Camps in Xinjiang1
Sino–Russian Cooperation in Arctic Maritime Development: Expectations and Contradictions1
A Return to Prometheanism: The Space of Opinion on Polish–Russian Relations in Postcommunist Poland1
All Rise for the Leaders? Leader Characteristics and the Personalisation of Electoral Politics in Central and Eastern European Democracies1
Russian Anti-Western Disinformation, Media Consumption and Public Opinion in Georgia1
Extreme Reactions. Radical Right Mobilization in Eastern Europe1
Playing Russia Wisely? The Institutional Leverage of Smaller States in the EAEU1
‘A Defender of Christendom’? The Inner Logic of Hungary’s Humanitarian Aid Policy1
The Fragmented Deinstitutionalisation of Russian Child Welfare1
Conceptualising Culture Wars in the Post-Communist Space: Latvia, the Istanbul Convention and the Struggle for Power1
Beyond the Protest Square. Digital Media and Augmented Dissent1
Communicating the Social Responsibility of Big Business in Russia: Assessing How Large Companies Report Their Engagement in Social Welfare for People with Disabilities1
‘Better to be a Dictator than Gay’: Homophobic Discourses in Belarusian Politics1
Rentierism, ‘Capitalist Breakthroughs’ and Non-Transformative Development in Late Putinism1
Electoral Turnout in Central and Eastern Europe: The Legacies of Communist Socialisation1
Principal–Agent Problems with EU Funds: A Case Study of Patronage in Hungary1
Opportunities Matter: The Evolution of Far-Right Protest in Georgia1
The Sinking of the Armada: Problems for the Three ‘Flagship’ Foreign Investment Agroholdings in Russia and Ukraine1
Explaining Russia’s Inertia in the Azerbaijan–Armenia Dispute: Reward and Punishment in an Asymmetric Alliance1
Russia's Vigilante YouTube Stars. Digital Entrepreneurship and Heroic Masculinity in the Service of Flexible Authoritarianism1
‘Being’, ‘Becoming’ and ‘Challenging’ European: Subject Positions in the European Heritage Label1
From Monopsony to Monopoly: Russia’s Opening to China as a Stabilising Factor in the Eurasian Energy Trade1
Does Integration Rhetoric Help? Eurasian Regionalism and the Rhetorical Dissonance of Russian Elites1
Declining Democracy in East-Central Europe. The Divide in the EU and Emerging Hard Populism1
Where Did All the Wahhabis Go? The Evolution of Threat in Central Asian Scholarship1