Journal of Organizational Behavior

(The TQCC of Journal of Organizational Behavior is 12. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Social support at work: An integrative review185
A meta‐analysis integrating 20 years of workplace incivility research: Antecedents, consequences, and boundary conditions78
An integrative multilevel review of thriving at work: Assessing progress and promise65
A cross‐level model of shared leadership, meaning, and individual creativity62
Humble leadership: A review and synthesis of leader expressed humility58
Challenging or hindering? The roles of goal orientation and cognitive appraisal in stressor‐performance relationships54
Job crafting towards strengths and job crafting towards interests in overqualified employees: Different outcomes and boundary effects52
How do leaders foster morally courageous behavior in employees? Leader role modeling, moral ownership, and felt obligation43
My knowledge: The negative impact of territorial feelings on employee's own innovation through knowledge hiding42
Showing one's true colors: Leader Machiavellianism, rules and instrumental climate, and abusive supervision42
How does an emotional culture of joy cultivate team resilience? A sociocognitive perspective41
A multilevel review of artificial intelligence in organizations: Implications for organizational behavior research and practice40
International differences in employee silence motives: Scale validation, prevalence, and relationships with culture characteristics across 33 countries39
How prevalent is workplace mistreatment? A meta‐analytic investigation39
Motivational climates, work passion, and behavioral consequences38
Workplace gossip: An integrative review of its antecedents, functions, and consequences37
Relationships between psychological contract breach and employee well‐being and career‐related behavior: The role of occupational future time perspective37
Feeling shame in the workplace: Examining negative feedback as an antecedent and performance and well‐being as consequences36
What if my coworker builds a better LMX? The roles of envy and coworker pride for the relationships of LMX social comparison with learning and undermining35
To speak up effectively or often? The effects of voice quality and voice frequency on peers' and managers' evaluations35
Good intentions, bad behavior: A review and synthesis of the literature on unethical prosocial behavior (UPB) at work34
Employee thriving at work: The long reach of family incivility and family support33
Blessing or curse: The moderating role of political skill in the relationship between servant leadership, voice, and voice endorsement32
Does a stick work? A meta‐analytic examination of curvilinear relationships between job insecurity and employee workplace behaviors32
Self‐compassion in organizations: A review and future research agenda32
Understanding the career and job outcomes of contemporary career attitudes within the context of career environments: An integrative meta‐analysis32
How COVID‐19 can promote workplace cheating behavior via employee anxiety and self‐interest – And how prosocial messages may overcome this effect31
Does work passion influence prosocial behaviors at work and home? Examining the underlying work–family mechanisms30
Employee performance and abusive supervision: The role of supervisor over‐attributions30
A systematic review of temporal person‐environment fit research: Trends, developments, obstacles, and opportunities for future research29
Being ignored by loved ones: Understanding when and why family ostracism inhibits creativity at work29
Appreciating social science research on gratitude: An integrative review for organizational scholarship on gratitude in the workplace28
Work and suicide: An interdisciplinary systematic literature review28
Unlocking and closing the gender gap in creative performance: A multilevel model28
Shared leadership and relationship conflict in teams: The moderating role of team power base diversity27
The impact of work hours on work‐to‐family enrichment and conflict through energy processes: A meta‐analysis27
The positive potential of presenteeism: An exploration of how presenteeism leads to good performance evaluation27
Laughing with me or laughing at me? The differential effects of leader humor expressions on follower status and influence at work26
A review and future agenda for behavioral research on leader–follower interactions at different temporal scopes26
A meta‐analysis of sleep and work performance: An examination of moderators and mediators25
More than idle talk: Examining the effects of positive and negative team gossip23
A meta‐analytic investigation of the personal and work‐related antecedents of work–family balance23
Continuity in transition: Combining recovery and day‐of‐week perspectives to understand changes in employee energy across the 7‐day week23
Entering an upward spiral: Investigating how and when supervisors' talking about abuse leads to subsequent abusive supervision22
[Re]thinking outside the box: A meta‐analysis of constraints and creative performance22
Employee voice and coworker support: The roles of employee job demands and coworker voice expectation21
Leader humility and team innovation: The role of team reflexivity and team proactive personality21
The differential implications of employee narcissism for radical versus incremental creativity: A self‐affirmation perspective21
The effects of idea rejection on creative self‐efficacy and idea generation: Intention to remain and perceived innovation importance as moderators20
Competition and cheating: Investigating the role of moral awareness, moral identity, and moral elevation20
Too little and too much authority sharing: Differential relationships with psychological empowerment and in‐role and extra‐role performance20
Crossover of daily job stressors among dual‐career couples: A dyadic examination19
Leading the team, but feeling dissatisfied: Investigating informal leaders' energetic activation and work satisfaction and the supporting role of formal leadership19
Team job‐related anxiety and creativity: Investigating team‐level and cross‐level moderated curvilinear relationships19
More depleted, speak up more? A daily examination of the benefit and cost of depletion for voice behavior and voice endorsement19
Beyond emotion valence and arousal: A new focus on the target of leader emotion expression within leader–member dyads19
Feeling anxious and abusing low performers: A multilevel model of high performance work systems and abusive supervision19
Questionable research practices among researchers in the most research‐productive management programs18
Enhancing employees' duty orientation and moral potency: Dual mechanisms linking ethical psychological climate to ethically focused proactive behaviors18
Thinking of you thinking of me: An integrative review of meta‐perception in the workplace18
Evaluations of abusive supervisors: The moderating role of the abuser's gender18
What is that I hear? An interdisciplinary review and research agenda for non‐native accents in the workplace18
A self‐verification perspective on customer mistreatment and customer‐directed organizational citizenship behaviors17
The emotional leader: Implicit theories of leadership emotions and leadership perceptions17
Human capital development practices and career success: The moderating role of country development and income inequality17
Awe‐inspiring advancements in AI: The impact of ChatGPT on the field of Organizational Behavior17
Role strain and role accumulation across multiple teams: The moderating role of employees' polychronic orientation16
Host country nationals' interaction adjustment as a social exchange: A theoretical model15
Activated at home but deactivated at work: How daily mobile work leads to next‐day psychological withdrawal behavior15
It matters how old we feel in organizations: Testing a multilevel model of organizational subjective‐age diversity on employee outcomes15
Multilevel outcomes of creativity in organizations: An integrative review and agenda for future research15
The balance between positive and negative affect in employee well‐being15
Thought experiments: Review and recommendations14
Appreciation that inspires: The impact of leader trait gratitude on team innovation14
Leader status behaviors and team creativity: The role of collective interactions and status conflict among members14
Bias in the background? The role of background information in asynchronous video interviews14
My boss' passion matters as much as my own: The interpersonal dynamics of passion are a critical driver of performance evaluations14
Rethinking the role of team mindfulness in team relationship conflict: A conflict management perspective13
Feeling differently, creating together: Affect heterogeneity and creativity in project teams13
A review of the LGBTQ+ work–family interface: What do we know and where do we go from here?13
All set in stone? How essentialist beliefs about aging affect older workers' motivation to continue working beyond retirement age13
Passion for work passion research: Taming breadth and promoting depth13
Profiles of attribution for work–family conflict episodes and their relation to negative emotions13
COVID‐19 and individual performance in global virtual teams: The role of self‐regulation and individual cultural value orientations13
Improving the performance of the unmeasured latent method construct technique in common method variance detection and correction13
Start with why: The transfer of work meaningfulness from leaders to followers and the role of dyadic tenure13
Managing your feelings at work, for a reason: The role of individual motives in affect regulation for performance‐related outcomes at work13
Stronger together: Understanding when and why group ethical voice inhibits group abusive supervision13
Job embeddedness and voluntary turnover in the face of job insecurity12
Do you value or worry about feedback? Tradeoffs between cost and value perceptions and dual feedback‐seeking strategies toward creativity12
Leader–member exchange differentiation and employee performance: A political perspective12
The multiple ways of behaving creatively in the workplace: A typology and model12
Why people engage in supplemental work: The role of technology, response expectations, and communication persistence12
Experimentation in the face of ambiguity: How mindful leaders develop emotional capabilities for change in teams12
When do service employees smile? Response‐dependent emotion regulation in emotional labor12
Should you pursue your passion as a career? Cultural differences in the emphasis on passion in career decisions12
Daily deep acting toward coworkers: An examination of day‐specific antecedents and consequences12
Leader interpersonal emotion regulation motives, group leader–member exchange, and leader effectiveness in work groups12