International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

(The TQCC of International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Does digitalising the supply chain contribute to its resilience?164
AI technologies and their impact on supply chain resilience during COVID-19105
Blockchain as supply chain technology: considering transparency and security78
Consumer preferences for innovative and traditional last-mile parcel delivery58
Supply chain resilience and its interplay with digital technologies: making innovations work in emergency situations57
Supply chain risk mitigation strategies during COVID-19: exploratory cases of “make-to-order” handloom saree apparel industries55
How to advance theory through literature reviews in logistics and supply chain management51
Understanding the implications of pandemic outbreaks on supply chains: an exploratory study of the effects caused by the COVID-19 across four South Asian countries and steps taken by firms to address 45
The effect of supply chain quality management on supply chain performance: the indirect roles of supply chain agility and innovation42
Parcel lockers vs. home delivery: a model to compare last-mile delivery cost in urban and rural areas37
Exploring the role of external pressure, environmental sustainability commitment, engagement, alliance and circular supply chain capability in circular economy performance33
Startups in the supply chain ecosystem: an organizing framework and research opportunities33
Supply chain resilience for managing the ripple effect in Industry 4.0 for green product diffusion30
Embracing supply chain digitalization and unphysicalization to enhance supply chain performance: a conceptual framework29
Enabling integrated business planning through big data analytics: a case study on sales and operations planning29
The role of digitalized information sharing for flexibility capability utilization: lessons from Germany and Japan27
Last-mile logistics in the sharing economy: sustainability paradoxes27
Exploring blockchain adoption intentions in the supply chain: perspectives from innovation diffusion and institutional theory26
On relating big data analytics to supply chain planning: towards a research agenda25
Unravelling collaboration mechanisms for green logistics: the perspectives of shippers and logistics service providers25
A resource-based perspective of the interplay between organizational learning and supply chain resilience23
Hedging the bet on digital transformation in strategic supply chain management: a theoretical integration and an empirical test22
Understanding SME suppliers' response to supply chain finance: a transaction cost economics perspective22
Customers' perceptions of returning items purchased online: planned versus unplanned product returners22
The impact of optimal parcel locker locations on costs and the environment21
Opening the black box of big data sustainable value creation: the mediating role of supply chain management capabilities and circular economy practices21
The resurgence of nationalism and its implications for supply chain risk management21
The challenge of remanufactured products: the role of returns policy and channel structure to reduce consumers' perceived risk20
Towards a taxonomy of crowdsourced delivery business models19
Resilience in healthcare supply chains: a review of the UK’s response to the COVID19 pandemic19
Toward SME digital transformation in the supply chain context: the role of structural social and human capital18
Characterizing third-party logistics setups in the context of construction18
Customer experience dimensions in last-mile delivery: an empirical study on unattended home delivery18
Crowd-shipping for urban food rescue logistics18
Dynamic capabilities for digital procurement transformation: a systematic literature review17
Communicating supply chain sustainability: transparency and framing effects17
Emerging partnerships between non-profit organizations and companies in reverse supply chains: enabling valorization of post-use textile16
Is digital transformation equally attractive to all manufacturers? Contextualizing the operational and customer benefits of smart manufacturing16
The power of nudging: how adaptations in reverse logistics systems can improve end-consumer recycling behavior16
Gamification in freight transportation: extant corpus and future agenda16
Overcoming the collaborative challenge: commitment as a super-ordinate enabler of value co-creation16
Drones to the rescue? Exploring rescue workers' behavioral intention to adopt drones in mountain rescue missions16
Progress in partial least squares structural equation modeling use in logistics and supply chain management in the last decade: a structured literature review16
Guest editorial15
Robotic process automation in Maersk procurement–applicability of action principles and research opportunities15
Guest editorial: Predictive modeling in logistics and supply chain management research using partial least squares structural equation modeling14
The interplay between relationships, technologies and organizational structures in enhancing supply chain resilience: empirical evidence from a Delphi study13
Disentangling the multifaceted effects of supply base complexity on supply chain agility and resilience13
How did supply chain networks handle the COVID-19 pandemic? Empirical evidence from an automotive case study13
The impact of power and relationship commitment on customer integration: a replication and extension13
Leveraging supply chain disruption orientation for resilience: the roles of supply chain risk management practices and analytics capability13
Developing and implementing contextualised S&OP designs – an enterprise architecture management approach13
Supply chain risk management strategies in normal and abnormal times: policymakers' role in reducing generic medicine shortages13