Housing Theory & Society

(The TQCC of Housing Theory & Society is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Stigma, Cladding, and Modular Housing: Resident Experiences of Dublin’s “Rapid Build” Scheme22
Homeownership Habitus and Residential Practice of Highly-Skilled Chinese Migrants in the Netherlands21
Local Housing Policies and Corporate Social Financial Logics: Insights from the Financialization of Housing in Barcelona16
Olympic Villages as Heterotopias: Contradictions between Megaevents and Quotidian Urban Life13
When Smart Technologies Enter Household Practices: The Gendered Implications of Digital Housekeeping12
“You’re Always in Transit, but the House Stays”: Remitting, Restoring and Remaking Home in a Migrant Family House in Cuenca, Ecuador10
The Transformative Potential of Everyday Life: Shared Space, Togetherness, and Everyday Degrowth in Housing10
Housing Vulnerability, Shared Housing, Informality, and Crowding: The Housing Strategies of China’s Recent College Graduates9
The Housing Vulnerability Deadlock: A View from Canada9
Obtrusive Intimacy in Multi-Owned Housing: Exploring the Impacts on Residents’ Health and Wellbeing8
Behavioural Aspects of Price Expectations and the Anchoring Effect on the Housing Market – Polish Case Study8
Justice and Democracy: A Progressive Agenda for the Twenty-First Century6
Pragmatic Socioeconomics: A Way Towards New Findings on Sources of (Housing) Market Instability5
The Growing Intergenerational Housing Wealth Divide: Drivers And Interactions In Australia5
Acquaintances or Familiar Strangers? How Similarity and Spatial Proximity Shape Neighbour Relations within Residential Buildings5
Housing Violence in the Post-welfare Context4
Homeism: Naming the Stigmatization and Discrimination of Persons Experiencing Homelessness4
Struggling for Housing Justice – New Theoretical and Methodological Approaches4
Applying for Social Housing in Australia – The Centrality of Cultural, Social and Emotional Capital4
On the Land Value Capture: Politics of Land Use in the Global North and South4
Competing Logics in the Affordable Housing Industry: A Comparative Analysis of How Various Types of Professionals in the For-Profit and Non-Profit Sectors Conceptualize Their Work and that of Their Co4
Insecure Housing and the Ongoing Search for Ontological Security: How Low-Income Older Women Cope4
Intergenerational Support and the Financial Strategies of Young Homebuyers in Shanghai4
Discipline and Inclusively Repress: The Hybrid Governance of Housing First Tenants3
The Geography of Dispossession: Race, Bankruptcy, and Foreclosure in a Deep South US County3
Are Landlords so Different? Comments on Residential Accumulation: A Political Economy Framework3
Residential Alienation and Generational Activism in Hong Kong3
Homelessness Prevention through One-To-One Coaching: The Relationship between Coaching, Class Stigma, and Self-Esteem3
Intergenerational Assistance with Home Ownership: Understanding the Relational Development of Financialized Subjectivities3
Hauntology: The Emotional Costs of Social Policy for Mothers Experiencing Homelessness3
Introducing Rhythmanalysis through the Work of Dawn Lyon3
On the Injustices of Gentrification3
Finding home online? The Digitalization of share housing and the making of home through absence3
Exploring Cultural Determinants of Tenure Decisions: Evidence from an Owning-Centric Context3
“The House with the Red Roof:” A Migrant-Owned Apartment in Japan and the Surrounding Relations of a “Society with Houses”3
Bridging Economics and Sociology in Housing Research2
Just Housing: The Moral Foundations of American Housing Policy2
Seven propositions about ‘generation rent’2
Intersectionalizing Housing Discrimination Under Rentier Capitalism in an Asset-Based Society2
State-Led Actions Reigniting the Financialization of Housing in Spain2
Time, Care, and Sustainability: Temporal Conflicts and Housing Renovation2
Making Better Lives: Hope, Freedom and Home-Making among People Sleeping Rough in Paris2
Pricing or Prizing? The Valuation of Need in a Crisis of Housing Affordability2
From Cave to Cage? The Evolution of Housing Complexity and the Contemporary Dead End for the Human Brain2
Accumulating Financial Vulnerability, Not Financial Security: Social Reproduction and Older Women’s Homelessness2
Assembling Imperceptibility: The Material, Financial and Policy Dimensions of Combustible Cladding in Residential High-Rise2
The Discourse-cognition-society Triangle of Homelessness: A Critical Discourse Study2
“I Think It’s a Shame They are Calling Us a Ghetto, I Don’t Think This a Ghetto.” – Ambivalent Enactments of Living in Underprivileged Neighbourhoods2
Longing for a Forever Home: Ontological insecurity is collectively produced in fixed-term supportive housing for families2
Addressing the Continuing Quandary of Theory in Housing Research: A Systematic Review of Contemporary Literature2
Allocating Housing Assistance After the Decentring of Social Housing: From Rationing to Social Sorting2