Labor History

(The TQCC of Labor History is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Financing women’s entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa: bank, microfinance and mobile money25
The impact of digital economy on employment polarization: an analysis based on Chinese provincial panel data12
‘The factory of the future’ Historical continuity and labor rights at Tesla7
COVID-19 and remote work inequality: Evidence from South Korea7
Subcontracting and low pay kill: lessons from the health and safety consequences of sweated labour in the garment industry, 1880–19207
Agency workers and their equivocal roles – wandering employees?6
Labor migration programs within the socialist bloc. cuban guestworkers in late socialist Czechoslovakia and Hungary5
Global internationalism: An introduction5
The early British Communist leaders, 1920–1923: a prosopographical exploration4
The OECD and technical education in post-war Mediterranean Europe4
China’s employment policy since 1949: retrospect, present, and future directions4
From empowerment to encapsulation: Sanitation workers’ struggles and sources of power in South China4
The inequality of opportunity and youth employment in Sub-Saharan Africa3
‘Encroaching upon trade union preserves’: the 1950s fight over global labor norms between the international confederation of free trade unions and moral re-armament3
‘White slaves’: labor, whiteness, and settler colonialism in Italian East Africa (1935-1941)3
A journey beyond colonial history: coolies in the making of an ‘adivasi identity’ in Assam3
Effects of labor market and business regulations on unemployment: evidence from EU transition economies3
Contextualizing precarious work: labor dispatch, boundary-drawing, and the politics of labor regulation in post-socialist China3
Challenging the trade union agenda: migrants’ interest representation and German trade unions in Hamburg in the 1970s and 1980s3
The leadership of British Communism, 1923–1928: pages from a prosopographical project3
Making part-time work a fully-fledged alternative: How the Dutch social partners responded to a dual labour market, 1966–19933
The ‘core’ leaders of the Communist Party of Great Britain, 1923–1928: their past, present and future3
The pre-First World War British women’s suffrage revolt and labour unrest: never the twain shall meet?3
Manganese mining in Corral Quemado: extractivism Processes that resulted in manganese madness among miners (Coquimbo region, Chile, 1941–1969)2
Transnational labour solidarity and the question of agency: A social dialectical approach to the field2
The development of Swedish employment protection legislation2
The question of trade union unity in CCOO: antinomies and paradoxes2
A new left teachers’ union: participatory democracy and the 1970s New Haven federation of teachers2
Theory and process of socialist migration: local enmities and international friendships in the Vietnam-Bulgaria relations (1975-1985)2
Repressing worker dissent: lethal violence against strikers in the early American labor movement2
Collective agreements against labor market risks in Sweden: the case of the PTK-SAF employment secu rity agreement2
‘For the workers but without the workers’: industrial accident management under the Franco dictatorship (1939-1966)2
Do Colombian students who work get lower scores in the Saber 11 Test?2
The struggle of young widows in the tea estates of Bangladesh: a qualitative inquiry2
Part-time employment versus underemployment of mothers and women in Spain2
Dodgy labour market dichotomy: the repercussions of sneaky labour intermediaries on employees’ constitutional rights2
Deindustrialization of Detroit: the push of organized labor2
The Development of Employment Protection Legislation in the United Kingdom (1963-2013)2
Culture lag in Chinese labour relations: managers’ perceptions and behaviour towards workplace trade unions (2009 - 2014)2
The ‘iron law of oligarchy’ and North-South relations in global union organisations: a case study of the International Dockworkers Council’s expansion in the Global South2
Gender disparities in Ugandan urban labor market: an analysis of the gender wage gap2
Sex, sahibs and bodies: women workers in the tea plantations of colonial Assam2
Rethinking the Robe River dispute 1986-7 – de-unionisation in Australia’s Pilbara iron ore industry in the early neoliberal period1
Development phases of U.S. employment anti-discrimination law and reflections on its dilemmas from the perspective of China1
The live animal export industry: a case study of the role played by an Australian blue-collar union in the animal welfare and rights movement1
A fruitless exercise? The political struggle to compel corporations to justify factory closures in Canada1
Labour inspection after the civil war in Spain. Regulatory interventionism and abstentionist labour inspection performance1
Intellectuals at the factory gates: Early Italianoperaismofrom Raniero Panzieri to Mario Tronti1
The formation of Ezker Sindikalaren Konbergentzia: radical unitary unionism in the Basque Country and Navarre1
‘Shameful forms of oppression’: Anglo-American activism and the slow decline of Chinese indentured labour in British North Borneo, 1920s–1940s1
‘Class Against Class’: The leadership of the Communist Party of Great Britain during the Comintern’s Third Period, 1928–19341
Migration as class struggle: refugee youth, work rights, and solidarity1
Emancipation as an illusion: a review of factory management policies in the Soviet Union and China1
Skilled labour in colonial economies. Recruitment, education and employment in construction companies in German colonial West Africa, c. 1902–19121
Janissaries in the making: coerced labor and chivalric masculinity in the early modern Ottoman Empire1
No dreams, no gain: aspiration failure, poverty traps and the tea workers’ children in Bangladesh1
A defining battle: the fight for $15 campaign and labor advocacy in the U.S1
International trade-unionism and migration: European integration and the post-war ‘Free’ movement of labour1
The making of labour precarity: three explanatory approaches and their relationship1
Globalisation, internationalism and the Great War1
Post-colonial structure of the Indian garment industry and its role in maintaining the precarity of women workers1
The transformation of labor force dualism in South Korea’s Shipyards, 1974 to the present1
Unitarians and revolutionaries. The trade unionism of the MC and the LCR in CCOO1
Were slaves cheap laborers? A comparative study of labor costs in the antebellum U.S. South1
Contract labor migration as an agent of revolutionary change in the Danish West Indies1
Rising wage theft in tea industry: consequences of ineffective labor market institutions1
South Australia’s employment relief program for assisted immigrants: promises and reality, 1838-18431
Macroeconomic indicators of regular workers in postwar Japan1
From traditional remedies to mental hospital: the evolution of mental illness treatment among women labourers in the straits settlements, 1900-19301
‘Revolution in the coalfields’: industrial relations in wartime south Wales, 1939-451
Conflict and conciliation: industrial relations in an industrialising Hong Kong, ca. 1946-19601
Regulation and resistance: defactorisation in the beedi industry of colonial Malabar, 1937–19411