European Journal of Operational Research

(The TQCC of European Journal of Operational Research is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Editorial Board653
Levelling crane workload in multi-yard rail-road container terminals346
Minimizing earliness-tardiness costs in supplier networks—A just-in-time truck routing problem315
Resilience of long chain under disruption275
A general property for time aggregation221
Constant Depth Decision Rules for multistage optimization under uncertainty209
Navigational guidance – A deep learning approach201
Editorial Board199
Nonatomic aggregative games with infinitely many types195
Editorial Board177
On enhancing the explainability and fairness of tree ensembles172
Biform game consensus analysis of group decision making with unconnected social network165
Resilient transportation network design with disruption uncertainty and lead times128
Formulations and Branch-and-cut algorithms for the Period Travelling Salesman Problem128
Editorial Board126
Seriation using tree-penalized path length126
Block sourcing plus125
Improving uplift model evaluation on randomized controlled trial data120
Bilinear branch and check for unspecified parallel machine scheduling with shift consideration117
Editorial Board114
Optimizing two-dimensional vehicle loading and dispatching decisions in freight logistics107
Dynamic pooled capacity deployment for urban parcel logistics107
The Deck-of-cards-based Ordinal Regression method and its application for the development of an ecovillage105
Strategic flood impact mitigation in developing countries’ urban road networks: Application to Hanoi102
Neural network assisted branch and bound algorithm for dynamic berth allocation problems98
Bidding for an optimal portfolio of keywords in sponsored search advertising: From generic to branded keywords95
Robust international portfolio optimization with worst‐case mean‐CVaR94
Deep Q-learning for same-day delivery with vehicles and drones94
Integrated day-ahead and intraday self-schedule bidding for energy storage systems using approximate dynamic programming93
Planning and control of autonomous mobile robots for intralogistics: Literature review and research agenda92
An almost robust model for minimizing disruption exposures in supply systems89
Prelim p. 2; First issue - Editorial Board88
Dual productivity analysis: A Konüs/Shephard approach86
Benders’ decomposition for the balancing of assembly lines with stochastic demand84
2021 editors’ awards for excellence in reviewing83
Tabu search for dedicated resource-constrained multiproject scheduling to minimise the maximal cash flow gap under uncertainty83
A hybrid genetic search and dynamic programming-based split algorithm for the multi-trip time-dependent vehicle routing problem83
The impact of capacity information on lexicographical capacity allocation81
Optimal energy collection with rotational movement constraints in concentrated solar power plants79
Prelim p. 2; First issue - Editorial Board77
Asymptotically tight conic approximations for chance-constrained AC optimal power flow76
Modeling project interactions in multiattribute portfolio decision analysis: Axiomatic foundations and practical implications75
Nash equilibrium solutions in multi-agent project scheduling with milestones75
Coordinating scheduling and rejection decisions in a two-machine flow shop scheduling problem74
Game of banks - biform game theoretical framework for ATM network cost sharing74
Precedence-Constrained arborescences74
Directed fixed charge multicommodity network design: A cutting plane approach using polar duality74
Optimal location of remote dental units74
Optimizing the interaction between residents and attending physicians72
Simplified stochastic calculus with applications in Economics and Finance72
Prelim p. 2; First issue - Editorial Board72
Prelim p. 2; First issue - Editorial Board69
A non-cooperative approach to the folk rule in minimum cost spanning tree problems69
Editorial Board69
The min-Knapsack problem with compactness constraints and applications in statistics69
Editorial Board69
Aiding airlines for the benefit of whom? An applied game-theoretic approach69
Preemptible queues with advance reservations: Strategic behavior and revenue management67
Parametrized Inexact-ADMM based coordination games: A normalized Nash equilibrium approach67
Second order of stochastic dominance efficiency vs mean variance efficiency67
Managing appointment-based services with electronic visits67
Balanced routing with partial information in a distributed parallel many-server queueing system66
An operational test for the existence of a consistent increasing quasi-concave value function66
A risk-constrained time-dependent cash-in-transit routing problem in multigraph under uncertainty65
CDS pricing with fractional Hawkes processes65
The capacitated directed cycle hub location and routing problem under congestion64
Modeling risk contagion in the Italian zonal electricity market64
Performance measures of nonstationary inventory models for perishable products under the EWA policy62
Two-stage stochastic standard quadratic optimization62
A dynamic model for venture capitalists’ entry–exit investment decisions62
Complexity analysis of integrated dynamic lot sizing and maintenance planning problems61
Pricing and Capacity Allocation in Opaque Selling61
A generalized Benders decomposition approach for the optimal design of a local multi-energy system61
Constructing decision rules for multiproduct newsvendors: An integrated estimation-and-optimization framework60
Manufacturer encroachment and channel conflicts: A systematic review of the literature59
Discriminant analysis of distributional data via fractional programming59
A polynomial algorithm for balanced clustering via graph partitioning59
Prelim p. 2; First issue - Editorial Board59
Dual sourcing models with stock-out dependent substitution58
Non-additive network pricing with non-cooperative mobility service providers58
Portfolio optimization with irreversible long-term investments in renewable energy under policy risk: A mixed-integer multistage stochastic model and a moving-horizon approach57
On the utility maximization of the discrepancy between a perceived and market implied risk neutral distribution57
Optimizing carpool formation along high-occupancy vehicle lanes57
A cutting plane method and a parallel algorithm for packing rectangles in a circular container57
Simultaneous operation of next-generation and traditional quay cranes at container terminals57
Coordinated seru scheduling and distribution operation problems with DeJong’s learning effects56
Effects of corporate social responsibility activities in a two-stage assembly production system with multiple components and imperfect processes55
Introduction of an underground waste container system–model and solution approaches54
On sparse optimal regression trees54
An M/M/53
A new decision making model based on Rank Centrality for GDM with fuzzy preference relations53
Target-initiated takeover with search frictions52
A multi-objective mixed integer linear programming model for thesis defence scheduling52
Clustering retail stores for inventory transshipment52
Conic programming models for production planning with clearing functions: Formulations and duality52
Drone location and vehicle fleet planning with trucks and aerial drones50
Combining multiple criteria analysis, mathematical programming and Monte Carlo simulation to tackle uncertainty in Research and Development project portfolio selection: A case study from Greece50
A regularized interior point method for sparse optimal transport on graphs50
Mathematical programming formulations for the Collapsed k-Core Problem50
Applying “Peeling Onion” approach for competitive analysis in online scheduling with rejection50
Current and future trends in vertical transportation50
Due-window assignment scheduling problem with stochastic processing times50
An effective subgradient algorithm via Mifflin’s line search for nonsmooth nonconvex multiobjective optimization50
Consignment and turnkey sourcing and outsourcing analysis for a three-player supply chain in various power dynamics49
The board packing problem49
Navigating supplier encroachment: Game-theoretic insights for outsourcing strategies49
Improving defensive air battle management by solving a stochastic dynamic assignment problem via approximate dynamic programming49
Do you want to know a secret? Strategic alliances and competition in product markets49
Natural disasters and their impact on cooperation against a common enemy49
Instance generation tool for on-demand transportation problems48
Hub location with congestion and time-sensitive demand48
The hub location and pricing problem48
Submodularity and local search approaches for maximum capture problems under generalized extreme value models48
Robust balancing of transfer lines with blocks of uncertain parallel tasks under fixed cycle time and space restrictions48
A decision variable classification strategy based on the degree of environmental change for dynamic multiobjective optimization47
Some robust approaches based on copula for monitoring bivariate processes and component-wise assessment47
A model of investment under uncertainty with time to build, market incompleteness and risk aversion46
Negotiation mechanisms for the multi-agent multi-mode resource investment problem46
Performance evaluation of a two-echelon inventory system with network lost sales46
Dual structures for the additive DEA model46
A hybrid evolutionary search for the generalized quadratic multiple knapsack problem46
Editorial Board45
Industry-sensitive language modeling for business45
Set-weighted games and their application to the cover problem45
Editorial Board45
A first Fit type algorithm for the coupled task scheduling problem with unit execution time and two exact delays45
A novel dynamic programming heuristic for the quadratic knapsack problem44
A genetic algorithm with resource buffers for the resource-constrained multi-project scheduling problem44
Single machine adversarial bilevel scheduling problems44
Matheuristics for scheduling of maintenance service with linear operation cost and step function maintenance cost44
Optimizing pit stop strategies in Formula 1 with dynamic programming and game theory44
Portfolio selection: A target-distribution approach44
360 Degrees rumor detection: When explanations got some explaining to do43
A cascading model of stakeholder engagement for large-scale regional development using structured dialogical design43
Blockchain adoption in retail operations: Stablecoins and traceability43
Risk pooling under demand and price uncertainty43
Adaptive robust online portfolio selection42
Explainable profit-driven hotel booking cancellation prediction based on heterogeneous stacking-based ensemble classification42
Partially adaptive multistage stochastic programming42
Measures of stochastic non-dominance in portfolio optimization42
Optimal reinsurance with multivariate risks and dependence uncertainty42
Prelim p. 2; First issue - Editorial Board42
The cost of decoupling trade and transport in the European entry-exit gas market with linear physics modeling41
Explainable real-time predictive analytics on employee workload in digital railway control rooms41
A survey of dynamic models of product quality41
Maximal-Sum submatrix search using a hybrid contraint programming/linear programming approach41
The parallel drone scheduling problem with multiple drones and vehicles41
Individualized second stage corrections in data envelopment analysis41
Benders decomposition for a stochastic three-level lot sizing and replenishment problem with a distribution structure41
Data-driven remanufacturing planning with parameter uncertainty41
Information sharing in an MTO supply chain with upstream adjustments41
Computing equilibria for integer programming games41
Editorial Board41
Dynamic optimization with side information40
Augmented Lagrangian algorithms for solving the continuous nonlinear resource allocation problem40
Logistics sourcing of e-commerce firms considering promised delivery time and environmental sustainability40
Piracy as an entry deterrence strategy in software market40
On the stationary stochastic response of an order-constrained inventory system40
A specialized interior-point algorithm for huge minimum convex cost flows in bipartite networks40
‘Buy online and pick up in-store’: Implications for the store inventory40
Model risk in the over-the-counter market40
A two-stage hybrid heuristic solution for the container drayage problem with trailer reposition40
An exact cutting plane algorithm to solve the selective graph coloring problem in perfect graphs39
A generalised approach for efficient computation of look ahead security constrained optimal power flow39
Bayesian Value-at-Risk backtesting: The case of annuity pricing39
Dynamic lot sizing with stochastic demand timing39
Supporting platelet inventory management decisions: What is the effect of extending platelets’ shelf life?39
Unrestricted maximum likelihood estimation of multivariate realized volatility models39
Time-consistency of optimal investment under smooth ambiguity39
New benchmark instances for the inventory routing problem39
The Generalized Reserve Set Covering Problem with Connectivity and Buffer Requirements39
The role of completely joint liability in financing multiple capital-constrained firms: Risk sharing, inventory and financial strategies38
Editorial Board38
Instance space analysis for 2D bin packing mathematical models38
Some comments on improving discriminating power in data envelopment models based on deviation variables framework38
Exact and heuristic algorithms for minimizing the makespan on a single machine scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times and release dates38
Option valuation under no-arbitrage constraints with neural networks38
Orthant-based variance decomposition in investment portfolios38
Discrete-time strategic job arrivals to a single machine with waiting and lateness penalties38
Limited-trust equilibria37
Locomotive fuel management with inline refueling37
Distribution-free control charts for monitoring scale in finite horizon productions37
A Barzilai-Borwein descent method for multiobjective optimization problems37
Multi-product supply networks: Implications of intermediaries37
A comparative analysis of two matheuristics by means of merged local optima networks37
Eliminating transplant waiting time inequities – With an application to kidney allocation in the USA37
Channel design and OEM growth in a multi-market setup37
Two-stage optimization of airport ferry service delay considering flight uncertainty37
A simulation-based decomposition approach for two-stage staffing optimization in call centers under arrival rate uncertainty36
Perspectives on how to conduct responsible anti-human trafficking research in operations and analytics36
On the impact of resource relocation in facing health emergencies36
A complementarity model for electric power transmission-distribution coordination under uncertainty36
Modeling soft unloading constraints in the multi-drop container loading problem36
A personalized walking bus service requiring optimized route decisions: A real case35
Resource allocation for contingency planning: An inexact proximal bundle method for stochastic optimization35
A simulation and optimisation package for emergency medical services35
Self-design fun: Should 3D printing be employed in mass customization operations?35
Integer programming models for round robin tournaments35
Building viable stockpiles of personnel protective equipment35
Multi-shuttle crane scheduling in automated storage and retrieval systems35
A large neighborhood search algorithm and lower bounds for the variable-Sized bin packing problem with conflicts35
Prelim p. 2; First issue - Editorial Board35
Robust assortment optimization under sequential product unavailability35
A faster path-based algorithm with Barzilai-Borwein step size for solving stochastic traffic equilibrium models35
Hedging with automatic liquidation and leverage selection on bitcoin futures35
Exact lexicographic scheduling and approximate rescheduling35
A parallelised large neighbourhood search heuristic for the asymmetric two-echelon vehicle routing problem with swap containers for cargo-bicycles34
A data-driven framework for consistent financial valuation and risk measurement34
Bifactor approximation for location routing with vehicle and facility capacities34
Optimizing bus bridging services with mode choice in response to urban rail transit emergencies34
Decisions and coordination of retailer-led low-carbon supply chain under altruistic preference34
A two-phase kernel search variant for the multidimensional multiple-choice knapsack problem34
Reducing the time required to find the Kemeny ranking by exploiting a necessary condition for being a winner34
Optimal investment under ambiguous technology shocks34
Integrated differentiated time slot pricing and order dispatching with uncertain customer demand in on-demand food delivery34
A simulation-based approximate dynamic programming approach to dynamic and stochastic resource-constrained multi-project scheduling problem34
A hierarchical interval outranking approach with interacting criteria34
A deep learning approach for the selection of an order picking system34
Distributed solution of the day-ahead pump and valve scheduling problem for dynamically adaptive water distribution networks with storage34
Credit offering strategy and dynamic pricing in the presence of consumer strategic behavior34
A hybrid pricing and cutting approach for the multi-shift full truckload vehicle routing problem33
The reversibility property in a job-insertion tiebreaker for the permutational flow shop scheduling problem33
Contractual flexibility, firm effort, and subsidy design: A comparison of PPP project contracts33
Iterative beam search algorithms for the permutation flowshop33
Newsvendor problems: An integrated method for estimation and optimisation33
How auctioneers set reserve prices in procurement auctions33
Impact of loss aversion on financing mechanism preference under consignment: Direct vs. Guarantee33
Reliable dynamic wireless charging infrastructure deployment problem for public transport services33
Open shop scheduling games33
Inventory allocation with full downward substitution and monotone cost differences33
Fairness in credit scoring: Assessment, implementation and profit implications33
Decentralized payment clearing using blockchain and optimal bidding33
SALSA: Combining branch-and-bound with dynamic programming to smoothen workloads in simple assembly line balancing33
Multi-warehouse package consolidation for split orders in online retailing32
Approximating a linear multiplicative objective in watershed management optimization32
Constrained multi-objective optimization of compact microwave circuits by design triangulation and pareto front interpolation32
Evolutionary behaviors regarding pricing and payment-convenience strategies with uncertain risk32
A matheuristic for a 2-echelon vehicle routing problem with capacitated satellites and reverse flows32
Long-run optimal pricing in electricity markets with non-convex costs32
Manufacturer encroachment with capital-constrained competitive retailers32
Exact algorithms based on a constrained shortest path model for robust serial-batch and parallel-batch scheduling problems32
The minimal covering location and sizing problem in the presence of gradual cooperative coverage32
Risk-aversion versus risk-loving preferences in nonparametric frontier-based fund ratings: A buy-and-hold backtesting strategy32
Bilevel optimization for feature selection in the data-driven newsvendor problem32
A copula-based approach to modelling the failure process of items under two-dimensional warranty and applications32
A joint demand and supply management approach to large scale urban evacuation planning: Evacuate or shelter-in-place, staging and dynamic resource allocation32
Enhanced instance space analysis for the maximum flow problem31
Combining bootstrap data envelopment analysis with social networks for rank discrimination and suitable potential benchmarks31
Omega ratio optimization with actuarial and financial applications31
Who should introduce the third-party platform channel under different pricing strategies?31