Safety Science

(The TQCC of Safety Science is 14. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Changing driver behavior during floods: Testing a novel e-health intervention using implementation imagery151
Capsizing accident scenario model for small fishing trawler103
Linking construction noise to worker safety behavior: The role of negative emotion and regulatory focus97
Standing balance recovery strategies of young adults in a densely populated environment following external perturbations91
Learning from crisis: The 2015 and 2017 avalanches in Longyearbyen90
Assessment of virtual reality based safety training simulator for electric overhead crane operations87
Robot application and occupational injuries: Are robots necessarily safer?82
Identification of human errors and influencing factors: A machine learning approach76
Work drains them, family heals them: How and when interpersonal conflicts at work drive unsafe behavior in the high-risk industry?74
Delivering hot food on motorcycles: A mixed method study of the impact of business model on rider behaviour and safety73
Occupational Health & Safety and other worker wellbeing areas: Results from labour inspections in the Bangladesh textile industry72
A pattern-oriented approach to safety climate: An empirical example66
Effectiveness of OHSAS 18001 in reducing accidents at work. A follow-up study of 13,102 workplaces65
Factors influencing fatigue of construction workers in hypoxic environments: A survey study65
Biogas plants accidents: Analyzing occurrence, severity, and associations between 1990 and 202361
Exploring the quantity and quality of occupational health and safety disclosure among listed manufacturing companies: Evidence from Pakistan, a lower-middle income country60
Taking connectedness seriously. A research agenda for holistic safety and security risk governance60
Sustainability reporting pathway – Is it a true reflection of organisational safety culture: Insights from oil and gas and process sector of India60
Ranking of occupational health and safety risks by a multi-criteria perspective: Inclusion of human factors and application of VIKOR59
Performance evaluation of occupational health and safety in relation to the COVID-19 fighting practices established by WHO: Survey in multinational industries59
A case study on the Industrial Risk Management (IRM) post-master academic education program of MINES Paris PSL University58
An integrated safety and security analysis for cyber-physical harm scenarios57
Non-safety costs: A novel methodology for an ex-ante evaluation56
Can occupational safety and health problems be prevented or not? Exploring the perception of informal automobile artisans in Nigeria55
Improving competitive evacuations with a vestibule structure designed from panel-like obstacles in the framework of the Social Force Model54
Injuries and risk factors associated with bicycle and electric bike use in China: A systematic review and meta-analysis54
Supervisor strategies and resources needed for managing employee stress: A qualitative analysis54
Wearable EEG-based construction hazard identification in virtual and real environments: A comparative study53
A machine vision-based method for crowd density estimation and evacuation simulation53
Enhancing the environmental programmes of secondary education by using web-tools concerning precaution measures in civil protection: The case of Western Attica (Greece)52
Digital technology enhanced situation awareness for construction safety: Systematic review and future research directions52
Police location pages and groups on Facebook: Does knowing where the police are influence perceptions of certainty and drug driving behaviour?52
Experimental study on the movement characteristics of adversarial people in the corridor52
The ‘new view’ of human error. Origins, ambiguities, successes and critiques51
Human behaviour in informal settlement fires in Costa Rica50
Integrating geospatial wildfire models to delineate landscape management zones and inform decision-making in Mediterranean areas50
Topics model of overwork-related deaths in Korea and the implications of SDGs’ decent work perspective49
A systematic review on workplace health and safety of ageing construction workers49
Facilitators and barriers to implementing occupational safety interventions in the fishing industry: A scoping review49
Psychosocial influences on psychological distress and turnover intentions in the workplace49
Group cognitive characteristics of construction Workers’ unsafe behaviors from personalized management49
Strategies to exiting the COVID-19 lockdown for workplace and school: A scoping review48
Work ability of informal caregivers of patients treated by the public home care service of Brazil: A cross-sectional study48
Cognitive technology development and end-user involvement in the Norwegian petroleum industry – Human factors missing or not?48
Emotional contagion as a trigger for moral disengagement: Their effects on workplace injuries47
Safety philosophy and risk analysis methodology for LNG bunkering simultaneous operations (SIMOPs): A literature review47
Situation awareness in outage work – A study of events occurring in U.S. nuclear power plants between 2016 and 202047
Methodology for testing and evaluation of safety analytics approaches45
Prevention services for occupational safety and health in the European Union: Anachronisms or supports for better practice?45
Risk or Efficacy? How risk perception and efficacy beliefs predicted using hearing protection devices among different groups of Chinese workers44
A comparative study of management safety justice in Sub-Sahara Africa44
Facing the “During” phase in crisis management: An incremental adaptive launching process44
Business performance and occupational injuries trajectories in the construction sector in Sweden43
The development of a safety assessment model for using Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in construction43
Editorial Board42
Editorial Board42
Implementing the theoretical domains framework in occupational safety: Development of the safety behaviour change questionnaire42
Editorial Board42
Safety and health among undeclared workers: A mixed methods study investigating social partner experiences and strategies42
Carry along or not? Decision-making on carrying standard avalanche safety gear among ski tourers in a German touring region41
Understanding vaccine hesitancy in US and UK frontline workers – The role of economic risk41
Effects of flight crew role assignment on aviation accidents and incidents: Evidence of a systemic safety issue41
Comparing crowding perception and sensor counts at the Ghent festivities40
The application of the Resilience Assessment Grid in outpatient clinics: A validation study40
Modelling a major maritime disaster scenario using the universal modelling framework for sequential decisions40
A systems model of procedures in high-risk work environments: Empirical evidence for the Safety Model 2 approach using the Interactive Behavior Triad40
The danger in the dark: Safety and teamwork in Australian dark territory railway operations39
Daily variation in sleepiness among firefighters while working the 24/48 and 48/96 shift schedules39
A Nordic approach to fire safety engineering - Will standardization of probabilistic methods to verify fire safety designs of novel buildings improve engineering practices?39
Violation with concerns of safety: A study on non-compliant behavior and the antecedent and consequent effects in power grid construction39
Deep learning approaches for vulnerable road users safety38
Guest Editorial: Special Issue of ESREL2020 PSAM1538
An alternative method for analyzing the slip potential of workers on sloped surfaces38
A complexity thinking account of the COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for systems-oriented safety management38
Safety performance functions for Two-Lane urban arterial segments38
Predicting urban rail transit safety via artificial neural networks38
Editorial Board37
Drugs analysis and citizens safety. Workflows for chemical analysis and structural elucidation of new psychoactive substances in the EU37
Practices and needs of machinery designers and manufacturers in safety of machinery: An exploratory study in the province of Quebec, Canada37
Paradoxes of power: Dialogue as a regulatory strategy in the Norwegian oil and gas industry37
A complex system of learning to drive: The instructor’s perspective37
A framework for synthesis of safety-related control design to avoid critical faults and pathogenic accidents in the process industries37
Macroscopic and microscopic dynamics of a pedestrian cross-flow: Part II, modelling36
The risk of risk assessments: Investigating dangerous workshop biases through a socio-technical systems model36
Safety science: A bibliographic synopsis of publications in 202036
Study of motivation and engagement for chemical laboratory safety training with VR serious game35
Radiography as a sociotechnical system – Improving patient identification with a multi-level human factors approach35
Understanding passenger exit choices during airplane emergencies: Insights from hybrid choice modeling34
Research on simulation of risk control strategy for air traffic controllers’ unsafe acts33
Crowd dynamics research in the era of Covid-19 pandemic: Challenges and opportunities33
Monitor, anticipate, respond, and learn: Developing and interpreting a multilayer social network of resilience abilities33
Emergency response for tackling major accidental toxic gas releases: What should be done and when?33
Government policies, national culture and social distancing during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: International evidence33
Exploring positive psychological factor on safety behavior of Chinese aircraft maintenance technicians: The interplay of workplace well-being, work engagement, and leadership33
Integrated management of safety and security (IMSS) in the nuclear industry – Organizational culture perspective33
Safety through engaged workers: The link between Safety-II and work engagement32
Health, safety, and wellbeing interventions in the workplace, and how they may assist ageing heavy vehicle drivers: A meta review32
A quantitative effectiveness analysis to improve the safety management system (SMS) implementation on-board ship32
Using expert perspectives to explore factors affecting choice of methods in safety analysis32
Safety in marine and maritime operations: Uniting systems and practice32
Sleep disorders and risk of traffic crashes: A naturalistic driving study analysis32
Tracking the right path: Safety performance indicators as boundary objects in air ambulance services32
Review and comparison of existing risk analysis models applied within shipping in ice-covered waters32
Visualized analysis of safety climate research: A bibliometric data mining approach31
Bi-objective rescue path selection optimization for mine fires based on quantitative risk assessment31
Health risk management cost items imposed by Occupational Health and Safety Regulations: A South African perspective31
Individual and combined effects of working conditions, physical and mental conditions, and risky driving behaviors on taxi crashes in China31
Diagnostic model for the society safety under COVID-19 pandemic conditions31
Safety in the Quebec construction industry: An overview of and possible improvements in hazardous energy control using lockout on construction sites by electricians, pipefitters, refrigeration mechani31
How team safety stressors affect proactive and prosocial safety behaviors: Felt safety responsibility and affective commitment as mediators31
Are we learning from disasters? Examining investigation reports from National government bodies30
Understanding the research on air traffic controller workload and its implications for safety: A science mapping-based analysis30
Exploring the impact of taboo and stigma on rail suicide prevention in Australasia: A grounded theory and systems analysis approach30
The influence of learning-oriented leadership for promoting future-directed workplace safety in the mining industry30
Fatigue in construction workers: A systematic review of causes, evaluation methods, and interventions30
Time is money: Effects of time-sensitive incentive on risky driving among on-demand food-delivery motorcyclists in Taiwan30
Risk controls for preventing work-related musculoskeletal and mental health disorders: A STAMP analysis of the Victorian heavy vehicle transport sector30
Doctors’ working conditions, wellbeing and hospital quality of care: A multilevel analysis30
Risk-based performance assessment from fully manual to human-robot teaming in pressurized tank inspection operations30
Comparing the effectiveness of AR training and slide-based training: The case study of metro construction safety30
The integrated migrant worker safety training evaluation model: IMSTEM30
Towards a procedure to manage safety on construction sites of rockfall protective measures29
Biomathematical modeling for the prediction of sleep behavior and comparison against cognitive performance in firefighters29
Perceived security: An experimental study of security doors29
An interactive agent-based modelling framework for assessing COVID-19 transmission risk on construction site29
Safety culture maturity in a civil engineering academic laboratory29
Sectoral patterns of accident process for occupational safety using narrative texts of OSHA database29
Developing resilience for safety management systems in building repair and maintenance: A conceptual model29
Support and control of psychosocial OSH demands in psychiatric care29
Leader safety storytelling: A qualitative analysis of the attributes of effective safety storytelling and its outcomes28
Geological and hydrometeorological hazards and related disasters amid COVID-19 pandemic in Greece: Post-disaster trends and factors affecting the COVID-19 evolution in affected areas28
Management and use of filter masks in the “none-medical” population during the Covid-19 period28
A framework for the safe use of bamboo scaffolding in the Nigerian construction industry28
Large eddy simulation for the rapid phase transition of LNG28
Impact assessment of COVID-19 non-pharmaceutical interventions in long term care facilities in Cyprus: Safety improvement strategy28
Maritime safety: Prevention versus mitigation?28
Where drills differ from evacuations: A case study on Canadian buildings28
Promoting higher social distancing and stay-at-home decisions during COVID-19: The underlying conflict between public health and the economy28
A predictive decision-aid device to warn firefighters of catastrophic temperature increases using an AI-based time-series algorithm28
Determining prominent factors across system hierarchies to improve road safety in LMICs: A case study of Bangladesh27
An investigation of the influence of economic cycles on safety performance in Western Australia27
Learn from the past and act for the future: A holistic and participative approach for improving occupational health and safety in industry27
Workplace accidents and the probabilities of injuries occurring in the civil construction industry in Brazilian Amazon: A descriptive and inferential analysis27
Homeowner vulnerability in residential buildings with flammable cladding27
Safety climate strength: The negative effects of cliques and negative relationships in teams27
Systems-theoretic interdependence analysis in robot-assisted warehouse management27
Mind your own Business: Ownership and its influence on sustainability27
An analysis of the crucial indicators impacting the risk of terrorist attacks: A predictive perspective27
Protecting oneself while supporting the organisation: A longitudinal exploratory study of healthcare workers’ coping strategies and organisational resilience processes in the first year of the COVID-126
Development of a virtual reality pedestrian street-crossing task: The examination of hazard perception and gap acceptance26
If others drive intoxicated, so may I: Determinants for young drivers in Bulgaria26
Small-displacement motorcycle crashes and risky ridership in Vietnam: Findings from a focus group and in-depth interview study26
Work stressors and aggressive driving: The mediating roles of stress appraisals26
A systematic review on roundabout safety incorporating the safety assessment methodologies, data collection techniques, and driver behavior26
Is drug driving more common among those who know where the police are? An investigation into the use and non-use of Facebook police location communities26
How behavioural changes in social groups affect evacuation efficiency of crowds26
Optimal allocation of safety resources in small and medium construction enterprises26
Heatwaves and occupational injuries and illnesses risk varied at localised spatial scale: A national study in Australia26
Research on improving the safety of new energy vehicles exploits vehicle operating data26
Design of a safety training package for migrant workers in the construction industry26
Thermal resistance of framed windows: Experimental study on the influence of frame shading width25
Interviews with rail industry leaders about systems thinking in the management of organisational change and risk management25
Who and what is trusted in fire incidents? The role of trust in guidance and guidance creators in resident response to fire incidents in high-rise residential buildings25
Safety at work in the process industry as a group Accomplishment: Shadowing safety-as-done25
Community's evacuation planning and response for the 2021–2022 fire seasons in Greece25
Enhanced safety in complex socio-technical systems via safety-in-cohesion25
Using videos in floods and bushfires to educate, signal risk, and promote protective action in the community25
Decision-making during urgent phase of a nuclear accident under extreme conditions25
Factors affecting safety behaviors of aircraft maintenance technicians: A study on Civil Aviation Industry in Turkey25
Work stressors, coping strategies, and poor mental health in the Chinese construction industry25
Editorial Board25
Factors influencing the time required to don thermal protective immersion suits correctly25
Pre-disaster location and storage model for emergency commodities considering both randomness and uncertainty25
Causal inference of construction safety management measures towards workers’ safety behaviors: A multidimensional perspective25
A day when (Almost) nothing happened24
A review of the foundations of systems, infrastructure and governance24
Occupational health and safety issues in human-robot collaboration: State of the art and open challenges24
Hybrid visual information analysis for on-site occupational hazards identification: A case study on stairway safety24
Exploring the impact of truck traffic on road segment-based severe crash proportion using extensive weigh-in-motion data24
An extended FRAM method to check the adequacy of safety barriers and to assess the safety of a socio-technical system24
On-site safety inspection of tower cranes: A blockchain-enabled conceptual framework23
Passive avoidant leadership and safety non-compliance: A 30 days diary study among naval cadets23
Critical success factors for epidemic emergency management in colleges and universities during COVID-19: A study based on DEMATEL method23
A general method to combine environmental and life-safety consequences of Arctic ship accidents23
“The culture of fear” of inhabitants of EU countries in their reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic – A study based on the reports of the Eurobarometer23
Explaining unsafe pedestrian road crossing behaviours using a Psychophysics-based gap acceptance model23
Occupational accident analysis according to professionals of different construction phases using association rules23
What influences gig economy delivery rider behaviour and safety? a systems analysis23
Identifying effective risk management frameworks for complex socio-technical systems22
Analyzing the factors determining the effectiveness of the international safety management code applied on ships through the fuzzy DEMATEL method22
Influence of social networks and opportunities for social support on evacuation destination decision-making22
Estimating the probability of accidents on building scaffoldings22
VR and MR technology for safety management education: An authentic learning approach22
Chemical safety and security after Beirut Port explosion: Part1 - State of the art of legal framework and authorization policy22
The state of wildfire and bushfire science: Temporal trends, research divisions and knowledge gaps22
A combined approach to incident cause analysis: Squeeze every drop of info from undesirable events22
Face masks and respirators in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic: An overview of the standards and testing methods22
The reciprocal relationship between safety behaviour and person-job fit: A self-regulation perspective22
Hybrid segmentation approach to identify crash susceptible locations in large road networks22
Determining the likelihood of asset destruction during wildfires: Modelling house destruction with fire simulator outputs and local-scale landscape properties22
Modeling evacuation decisions in the 2019 Kincade fire in California22
Ageing assets at major hazard chemical sites – The Dutch experience22
Systems theoretic accident model and process (STAMP): A literature review22
Controlling safety and health challenges intrinsic in exoskeleton use in construction22
The impact of training sessions on physical security awareness: Measuring employees’ knowledge, attitude and self-reported behaviour21
A roadmap for the future of crowd safety research and practice: Introducing the Swiss Cheese Model of Crowd Safety and the imperative of a Vision Zero target21
FRAM and LEAN as tools for describing and improving the referral process between outpatient clinics in a Danish Hospital: Complementary or conflicting?21
Revealing the mechanism of stress generation for construction frontline professionals through development of structural stressors–coping–stress models21
Dynamic identification of crane load fall zone: A computer vision approach21
Applying evidential reasoning extended SPAR-H modelling to analyse human reliability on crude oil tanker cargo operation21
A machine learning approach for monitoring ship safety in extreme weather events21
How do middle managers really make decisions within the oil and gas industry?21
Generating textual emergency plans for unconventional emergencies — A natural language processing approach21
How stair configurations in buildings affect pedestrian dynamics on stairs? A simulation study via an extended three-dimensional force-based model21
Predicting fatal fall from heights accidents using random forest classification machine learning model21
Safety evaluation of human–robot collaboration for industrial exoskeleton21
Visual attention framework for identifying semantic information from construction monitoring video21
Characteristics of early shared E-Scooter fatalities in the United States 2018–202021
Working conditions and health in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic: Minding the gap21
Model-based assessment of the risks of viral transmission in non-confined crowds21
The influence of psychosocial safety climate on miners’ safety behavior: A cross-level research21
A study of situational circumstances related to Spain’s occupational accident rates in the metal sector from 2009 to 201920
The effects of national culture on safety: Insights from a multi-case study20
Working hour patterns and risk of occupational accidents. An optimal matching analysis in a hospital employee cohort20
Evacuation behaviors and emergency communications: An analysis of real-world incident videos20
Corrigendum to “How occupants respond to building emergencies: A systematic review of behavioral characteristics and behavioral theories” [Saf. Sci. 122 (2020) 104540]20
Validation of system safety hazard analysis in safety-critical industries: An interview study with industry practitioners20
Self-organisation phenomena in pedestrian counter flows and its modelling20
Arctic shipping risk management: A bibliometric analysis and a systematic review of risk influencing factors of navigational accidents20
Hazardous chemical leakage accidents and emergency evacuation response from 2009 to 2018 in China: A review20
Safety performance & evaluation framework in Indian construction industry19
Causal and contributing factors of accidents in the Ghanaian mining industry19
Effects of age and flight exposure on flight safety performance: Evidence from a large cross-sectional pilot sample19
Alcohol-impaired driving and road safety: Examining the impact of alcohol on driving errors of Indian drivers19
A novel decision support system for managing predictive maintenance strategies based on machine learning approaches19
Non-compliance behaviour of pedestrians and the associated conflicts at signalized intersections in India19
Skeleton-based automatic assessment and prediction of intrusion risk in construction hazardous areas19
Exploring the acceptance of PPE by construction workers: An extension of the technology acceptance model with safety management practices and safety consciousness19
Mineworkers’ perspective of fatigue: A study of the Ghanaian mining industry19
Assessing evacuation performance of pedestrians within narrow seated spaces19
Road safety research in the context of low- and middle-income countries: Macro-scale literature analyses, trends, knowledge gaps and challenges19
A holistic view and evaluation of health and safety at work: Enabling the assessment of the overall burden19
Fundamental diagrams for straight movement of pedestrians in water19
Enhancing safety training engagement through immersive storytelling: A case study in the residential construction19
Human reliability assessment on building construction work at height: The case of scaffolding work19
Occupational noise-related perception and personal protection behavior among Chinese construction workers18
Experience gained from 15 years of fire protection plans for Nordic wooden towns in Norway18
Flow-down of safety from general contractors to subcontractors working on commercial construction projects18
Deadly meals: The influence of personal and job factors on burnout and risky riding behaviours of food delivery motorcyclists18
Limiting reasons for use of personal protective equipment among construction workers: Case studies in Sri Lanka18