Journal of Policy Modeling

(The TQCC of Journal of Policy Modeling is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Renewable energy, CO2 emissions and economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa: Does institutional quality matter?115
Supply chain performance and economic growth: The impact of COVID-19 disruptions113
The US–China trade war and Phase One agreement67
The cross-impact between financial markets, Covid-19 pandemic, and economic sanctions: The case of Iran48
Do economic growth and institutional quality reduce poverty and inequality in West Africa?43
Remittances, financial development and poverty reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for post-COVID-19 macroeconomic policies39
Macroprudential policy and the probability of a banking crisis38
Response to the COVID-19: Understanding implications of government lockdown policies35
Modeling U.S. monetary policy during the global financial crisis and lessons for Covid-1933
The impact of the Russian Aggression against Ukraine on the Russia-EU Trade32
COVID-19 vaccine rollout—scale and speed carry different implications for corruption32
Mind the Covid-19 crisis: An evidence-based implementation of Next Generation EU31
The impact of globalization and financial development on India’s income inequality31
Governance, credit access and clean cooking technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for energy transition31
The impact of financial sanctions: The case of Iran28
ICT-trade and pollution in Africa: Do governance and regulation matter?28
Can the EU funds promote regional resilience at time of Covid-19? Insights from the Great Recession28
Has the Targeted Poverty Alleviation program improved household welfare in rural China?24
Effectiveness of policy interventions during financial crises in China and Russia: Lessons for the COVID-19 pandemic23
The impact of informality on inclusive growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Does financial inclusion matter?23
Social stability challenged by Covid-19: Pandemics, inequality and policy responses23
Clean cooking energy transition in Nigeria: Policy implications for Developing countries21
Determinants of deglobalization: A hierarchical model to explore their interrelations as a conduit to policy21
Lessons learned from three Southeast Asian countries during the COVID-19 pandemic19
The impact of trade liberalisation on poverty and inequality: Evidence from CGE models19
Fighting the COVID pandemic: National policy choices in non-pharmaceutical interventions19
Macroeconomic performance of inflation targeting in European and Asian emerging economies18
Strategic evaluation criteria to assess competitiveness of the service industry in Taiwan18
Does economic policy uncertainty affect bank earnings opacity? Evidence from China18
Public investment and growth: Lessons learned from 60-years experience in Southern Italy18
Fiscal transparency and tax ethics: does better information lead to greater compliance?17
Regional Computable General Equilibrium models: A review17
Zero Lower Bound and negative interest rates: Choices for monetary policy in the UK17
Unemployment and education mismatch in the EU before and after the financial crisis16
The cost of war: Impact of sanctions on Russia following the invasion of Ukraine16
The U.S. and the world economy after Covid-1916
Tax collection efficiency in OECD countries improves via decentralization, simplification, digitalization and education16
Financial development, institutional improvement, poverty reduction: The multiple challenges in West Africa16
Climate change and credit risk: The effect of carbon tax on Italian banks' business loan default rates15
A climate stress test on the financial vulnerability of Italian households and firms15
Drafting “better regulation”: The economic cost of regulatory complexity15
The asymmetric impact of the pandemic crisis on interest rates on public debt in the Eurozone14
Do greater amounts of FDI cause higher pollution levels? Evidence from OECD countries14
Inflation, oil prices and exchange rates. The Euro’s dampening effect14
Can unemployment forecasts based on Google Trends help government design better policies? An investigation based on Spain and Portugal14
Agricultural economic reforms, gender inequality and poverty in Senegal13
Trade and innovation policies: Coexistence and spillovers13
Reform policy to increase the judicial efficiency in Italy: The opportunity offered by EU post-Covid funds13
Globalization in the aftermath of the pandemic and Trump12
Does subsidized crop insurance affect farm industry structure? Lessons from the U.S.12
Fighting terrorism in Africa: Complementarity between inclusive development, military expenditure and political stability12
Overcoming the loan-to-deposit ratio by a financial intermediation measure — A perspective instrument of financial stability policy12
Policy responses to COVID-19 pandemic waves: Cross-region and cross-sector economic impact12
Poverty eradication programs in Indonesia: Progress, challenges and reforms12
Ukraine war-induced sanctions against Russia: Consequences on transition economies12
Global loss of production capacity caused by the COVID-19 pandemic11
Efficiency measurement of Indian high courts using DEA: A policy perspective11
Why was the ECB’s reaction to Covid-19 crisis faster than after the 2008 financial crash?11
Energy justice and economic growth: Does democracy matter?11
Convergence of ecological footprint and sustainable policy options11
Impact of outward foreign direct investment: Evidence from Asia10
Covid-19 pandemic and food security in India: Can authorities alleviate the disproportionate burden on the disadvantaged?10
Public spending on agriculture in Southern Africa: Sectoral and intra-sectoral impact and policy implications10
Pollutant emissions, energy use and real output in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries10
Covid-19 and the euthanasia of interest rates: A critical assessment of central bank policy in our times9
Implicit public debt thresholds: An operational proposal9
Improving educational resilience in the OECD countries: Two convergent paths9
Fiscal sustainability in the aftermath of the great pause9
Cultural policy and investment in China: Do they realize the government’s cultural objectives?9
The impact of euro Area monetary policy on Central and Eastern Europe9
Beyond Piketty: A new perspective on poverty and inequality in India9
Reforming public debt governance in Turkey to reach debt sustainability8
Has Germany’s temporary VAT rates cut as part of the COVID-19 fiscal stimulus boosted growth?8
Impact of de-globalization on development: Comparative analysis of an emerging market (India) and a developed country (USA)8
Collective bargaining levels, employment and wage inequality in Spain8
The role of funding on research and science: The impact of glyphosate herbicides on health and the environment8
An assessment of the performance of Italian public historical archives: Preservation vs utilisation8
India’s Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme – How does it influence seasonal rural out-migration decisions?8
Does geographical proximity matter in determining the profitability of banks?7
The asymmetric impact of real exchange rate misalignment on growth dynamics in Turkey7
The impact of infectious diseases on remittances inflows to India7
Inflation targeting and its spillover effects on financial stability in emerging market economies7
Containment measures during the COVID pandemic: The role of non-pharmaceutical health policies7
How do countries choose their monetary policy frameworks?6
Impact of rural-urban energy equality on environmental sustainability and the role of governance6
Enterprise R&D, manufacturing innovation and macroeconomic impact: An evaluation of China’s Policy6
The impacts of environmental and climate targets on agriculture: Policy options in Italy6
Commodities and monetary policy: Implications for inflation and price level targeting6
The impact of the coronavirus on economic policy and the economy6
Stimulating effects of intelligent policy on the performance of listed manufacturing companies in China6
The North-South divide: Sources of divergence, policies for convergence6
Trends and determinants of innovation in Asia and the Pacific vs. Latin America and the Caribbean6
Regime-specific impact of financial reforms on economic growth in Pakistan6
Monetary transmission: Are emerging market and low-income countries different?6
Hidden obstacles to trade: The case of the EU’s Ban on beef hormones6
Corrupt thy neighbor? New evidence of corruption contagion from bordering nations6
Sectarian terrorism in Pakistan: Causes, impact and remedies6
Growth impact of climate change and response policies: The advanced climate change long-term (ACCL) model6
Banking in the MENA region: The pro-active role of financial and economic freedom6
Reform priorities for prosperity of nations: The Legatum Index6
Crime, correction, education and welfare in the U.S. – What role does the government play?6
The relevance of educational poverty in Europe: Determinants and remedies6